100 bài tập Thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

Với 100 bài tập Thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Thì hiện tại đơn và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết và Bài tập Thì hiện tại đơn

A. Công thức thì hiện tại đơn

1. To Be: (am/ is/ are)

Khẳng định

Phủ định (not)

Nghi vấn?



Am not

Am I …………?

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít


Is not (isn’t)



You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


Are not (aren’t)

Are …………..?

2. Ordinary verbs:

Khẳng định

Phủ định (not)

Nghi vấn?

I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


(nguyên mẫu)

Do not + Vo

(=don’t +Vo)

Do…..+ Vo…?

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít


Does not + Vo

(=doesn’t +Vo)

Does…..+ Vo…?

* Use: Diễn tả một sự thật ở hiên tại, một quy luật, một chân lý hiển nhiên

Diễn tả một thói quen,môt sự việc lập đi lập lại ở hiện tại, một phong tục.

* Note:Trong thời hiện tại thường, các ngôi (thứ nhất số ít/nhiều, thứ 3 số nhiều) được chia như ví dụ tổng quát 1/ trên đây, riêng ngôi thứ 3 (ba) số ít (He, she, it – Tom, John, Hoa …), ta cần lưu ý các quy tắc sau:

– Phải thêm “s” vào sau động từcâu khẳng định. (V+s)

Ví dụ: He likes reading books.

She likes pop music.

– Câu phủ định :……………………………………..

– Câu nghi vấn? :…………………………………….

– Ngoài việc “s” vào sau động từ, ta phải đặc biệt chú ý những trường hợp sau:

+ Những động từ (Verbs) tận cùng bằng những chữ sau đây thì phải thêm “ES”.

S, X, Z, CH, SH, O (do, go) + ES

Ví dụ: miss








Ví dụ: He often kisses his wife before going to work.

Tom brushes his teeth everyday.

+ Những động từ (Verbs) tận cùng bằng “Y” thì phải xét hai (2) trường hợp sau đây.

Nếu trước Y là nguyên âm (vowel)………….. thì giữ nguyên y và chỉ thêm S

We play

She/ he plays

Ví dụ: She plays the piano very well.

Nếu trước Y là phụ âm (consonant) thì sẽ chia như sau: (Y —- IES)

We carry

She/ he carries

They worry

She/ he worries

Ví dụ: He often carries money with him whenever he goes out.

* Các trạng từ dùng trong thời HTĐ:

– Always, usually, often, not often, sometimes, occasionally, never;

– Everyday, every week/ month/ year…, on Mondays, Tuesdays, …. , Sundays.

– Once/twice/ three times… a week/month/y ear …;

– Every two weeks, every three months (a quarter)

– Whenever, every time, every now and then, every now and again, every so often

* Cách phát âm:Với các ngôi thứ ba (3) số ít, đuôi “S” được đọc như sau:

Cách đọc

Các động từ có kết thúc với đuôi


F, K, P, T


S, X, Z, CH, SH, CE, GE + ES


Không thuộc hai loại trên

II. Bài tập về thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

Exercise 1: Using the verb Tobe in present tense.

1) Tiffany and Uma (be) ____________________my friends.

2) Ricardo, John and I (be) ________________ watching a movie.

3) Hadil (be) ________________ kind.

4) Alisa (be) ____________________ young.

5) The hammer (be) _______________ new.

6) My mother and father (be) _______________ cooking dinner.

7) Rachel (be) ___________________ driving to school.

8) Nikos and Billy (be) _____________________ playing at the park.

9) The students (be) ______________________ studying English.

10) The test (be) ___________________________ hard!

11) My best friend (be) _______________________ coming to my house

Đáp án:

1) Tiffany and Uma (be) ___________are_________my friends.

2) Ricardo, John and I (be) _________are_______ watching a movie.

3) Hadil (be) _______is_________ kind.

4) Alisa (be) ________is____________ young.

5) The hammer (be) _______is________ new.

6) My mother and father (be) ________are_______ cooking dinner.

7) Rachel (be) ___________is________ driving to school.

8) Nikos and Billy (be) _______are______________ playing at the park.

9) The students (be) ____________are__________ studying English.

10) The test (be) _____________is______________ hard!

11) My best friend (be) ___________is____________ coming to my house

Exercise 2: Using the Verb “To be” in present tense.

Example: I (be) am excited.

Jessica and Akbar (be) are happy.

The new car (be) is nice.

1/ The bag (be) ________ blue.

2/ The rocks (be) ________ hard.

3/ The children (be) ________ young.

4/ Thomas (be) ________ nice.

5/ The game (be) ________ difficult.

6/ They (be) ________ tired.

7) I (be) ________ thirty years old.

8) Susan and Juan (be) ________ married.

9) Teddy (be) ________ my friend.

10) We (be) ________ in English class.

Đáp án:

1/ The bag (be) ____is____ blue.

2/ The rocks (be) ___are_____ hard.

3/ The children (be) __are______ young.

4/ Thomas (be) ____is____ nice.

5/ The game (be) _____is___ difficult.

6/ They (be) ____are____ tired.

7) I (be) ____am____ thirty years old.

8) Susan and Juan (be) __are______ married.

9) Teddy (be) __is______ my friend.

10) We (be) ____are____ in English class.

Exercise 3: Write the correct form of the verb “to be” in present tense

1/ The old man (be) ________ wise.

2) The sun (be) ________ hot.

3) The children (be) ________ eating bananas. They (be, not) ____ ____ eating apples.

4) I (be) ________ happy. I (be, not) ____ ____ sad.

5) The bus (be) ________ fast. It (be, not) ____ ____ slow.

6) My friend (be) ________ buying a new car. Her old car broke down.

7) I (be) ________ at the beach with my family. It (be) ________ hot and sunny outside. The ocean water (be) ________ warm.

8) Tom and Jacob (be) ________ very smart. Tom (be) ________ a scientist and Jacob (be) ________ an engineer.

9) The library (be) ________ open until 9:00 p.m.

10) The school (be) ________ small. It (be, not) ____ ____ big.

11) The books (be) ________ new. They (be, not) ____ ____ old.

12) Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (be) ________ acting in the school play.

13) Beatrice (be) ________ at her house.

14) It (be) ________ hot outside. It (be, not) ____ ____ cold outside.

15) You (be) ________ finished with the quiz! 11

16) Judith (be, not) ____ ____ at home. She (be) ________ at school.

Đáp án:

1/ The old man (be) ____is____ wise.

2) The sun (be) ____is____ hot.

3) The children (be) ____are____ eating bananas. They (be, not) __are__ _not___ eating apples.

4) I (be) ______am__ happy. I (be, not) __am__ ___not_ sad.

5) The bus (be) ____is____ fast. It (be, not) __is__ __not__ slow.

6) My friend (be) ____are____ buying a new car. Her old car broke down.

7) I (be) ____am____ at the beach with my family. It (be) __is______ hot and sunny outside. The ocean water (be) ___is_____ warm.

8) Tom and Jacob (be) ____are____ very smart. Tom (be) ___is_____ a scientist and Jacob (be) _____is___ an engineer.

9) The library (be) ____is____ open until 9:00 p.m.

10) The school (be) ___is____ small. It (be, not) _is___ __not__ big.

11) The books (be) ____are____ new. They (be, not) __are__ __not__ old.

12) Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (be) ___are_____ acting in the school play.

13) Beatrice (be) _____is___ at her house.

14) It (be) _____is___ hot outside. It (be, not) __is__ __not__ cold outside.

15) You (be) _____are___ finished with the quiz! 11

16) Judith (be, not) _is___ __not__ at home. She (be) ____is____ at school.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

1) I (study) …………….English on Monday.

2) You (study) ………….English on Tuesday.

3) We (study) ……….English on Wednesday.

4) They (study) ……….English on Thursday.

5) He (study) …………….English on Friday.

6) She (study) ………….English on Saturday.

7) It (study) …………….English on Sunday.

Đáp án:

1) I (study) ……study……….English on Monday.

2) You (study) …study……….English on Tuesday.

3) We (study) …study…….English on Wednesday.

4) They (study) ……study….English on Thursday.

5) He (study) ……studies……….English on Friday.

6) She (study) ……studies…….English on Saturday.

7) It (study) ………studies…….English on Sunday.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

1) They (study) ………… English on Tuesday.

2) He (cook) …………….on Tuesday.

3) I (wash) …………the car on Wednesday.

4) We (cook) ……………on Sunday.

5) You (wash) ……………the car on Friday.

6) She (wash) …………… the car on Saturday.

7) We (study) ………… English on Sunday.

8) It (cook) ………………..on Thursday.

9) He (study) …………….English on Friday.

10) You (wash) ………….the car on Thursday.

11) They (cook) ………….on Wednesday.

12) She (study) ……….English on Thursday.

Đáp án:

1) They (study) …study……… English on Tuesday.

2) He (cook) ………cooks…….on Tuesday.

3) I (wash) ……wash……the car on Wednesday.

4) We (cook) ………cook……on Sunday.

5) You (wash) ……wash………the car on Friday.

6) She (wash) ………washes…… the car on Saturday.

7) We (study) ……study…… English on Sunday.

8) It (cook) ………cooks………..on Thursday.

9) He (study) ……studies……….English on Friday.

10) You (wash) ……wash…….the car on Thursday.

11) They (cook) ……cook…….on Wednesday.

12) She (study) ……studies….English on Thursday.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

1) Tom and Amy (cook) ……………………….on Wednesday.

2) Daniel and I (cook) …………………………..on Tuesday.

3) Herbert (cook) ……………………………………..on Sunday.

4) Carlos and Peter (wash) ………………………………the car on Friday.

5) Jovita (wash) ………………………………..the car on Saturday.

6) Ko, Uri, and I (study) ……………………………….English on Monday.

7) The students (study) ……………………………..English on Thursday.

8) Randy (study) ……………………………..English on Friday.

9) I (wash) ………………………………….the car on Thursday.

10) Mack (wash) …………………………..the car on Monday.

11) Natasha (study) ……………………………….English on Thursday.

12) Rachel: Hi, Nina. Can I help you?

Nina: Yes. You (wash)…………………….. the car, and I will cook dinner

Đáp án:

1) Tom and Amy (cook) …………cook…………….on Wednesday.

2) Daniel and I (cook) …………cook………………..on Tuesday.

3) Herbert (cook) …………………cooks…………………..on Sunday.

4) Carlos and Peter (wash) ………wash………………………the car on Friday.

5) Jovita (wash) ………………washes………………..the car on Saturday.

6) Ko, Uri, and I (study) ……………study……….English on Monday.

7) The students (study) ………study………..English on Thursday.

8) Randy (study) …………studies………..English on Friday.

9) I (wash) ……………wash……….the car on Thursday.

10) Mack (wash) ……washes……..the car on Monday.

11) Natasha (study) ………studies……….English on Thursday.

12) Rachel: Hi, Nina. Can I help you?

Nina: Yes. You (wash)……wash……….. the car, and I will cook dinner

Exercise 7: Put DO or DOES into the following sentences to make questions

1. …………..……the students study hard every day?

2…………….…Mr. Brown go to his office every day?

3. ………………..you want cream and sugar in your coffee??

4. ……………..…the children go to bed very early?

5. …………………that girl come from South Africa?

6. ………………you know that Italian student?

7. …………….. Miss Lan prefer coffee to tea?

8. ………………..your English lessons seem very difficult?

Đáp án:

1. …………Do..……the students study hard every day?

2………Does…….…Mr. Brown go to his office every day?

3. …………Do……..you want cream and sugar in your coffee??

4. ………Do……..…the children go to bed very early?

5. …………Does………that girl come from South Africa?

6. ………Do………you know that Italian student?

7. ………Does…….. Miss Lan prefer coffee to tea?

8. ………Do………..your English lessons seem very difficult?

Exercise 8. Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

1) Monica (eat) ____________________ eggs.

2) Teddy and Monica (eat) _____________________ eggs.

3) Mickie (study) ____________________ English every day.

4) Arthur and Jason (study) _____________________ English on Monday and Tuesday.

5) Angie and I (drink) _______________________ coffee.

6) Eva (like) _______________________ chocolate.

7) Dustin (watch) ______________________ movies.

8) Yoko (play) ______________________ the piano.

9) The students (take) _____________________ tests.

10) It (rain) ______________________ here a lot.

Đáp án:

1) Monica (eat) _______eats______ eggs.

2) Teddy and Monica (eat) ___________eat__________ eggs.

3) Mickie (study) _______studies____ English every day.

4) Arthur and Jason (study) ______study_______ English on Monday and Tuesday.

5) Angie and I (drink) _____drink______ coffee.

6) Eva (like) _______likes_______ chocolate.

7) Dustin (watch) ______watches____ movies.

8) Yoko (play) ______plays______ the piano.

9) The students (take) ______take____ tests.

10) It (rain) ________rains_____ here a lot.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

1) Dennis (cook) ___________________ on Wednesday.

2) Mariella and I (cook) ______________________ on Tuesday.

3) Spencer (wash) _______________________ his car on Sunday.

4) Tammy and I (wash) _____________________ our car on Monday.

5) You (study) _______________________ science on Thursday.

6) Thomas (study) ______________________ math on Friday.

7) Rickie (play) ___________________________ golf and tennis.

8) Justin and I (play) _______________________ basketball and soccer.

9) Kim (read) __________________________ fiction novels.

10) Richard and David (read) _____________________________ the newspaper.

Đáp án:

1) Dennis (cook) ______cooks___ on Wednesday.

2) Mariella and I (cook) _____cook_______ on Tuesday.

3) Spencer (wash) ___________washes____________ his car on Sunday.

4) Tammy and I (wash) _______wash____ our car on Monday.

5) You (study) ________study_______ science on Thursday.

6) Thomas (study) ______studies______ math on Friday.

7) Rickie (play) ________plays______ golf and tennis.

8) Justin and I (play) _______play____ basketball and soccer.

9) Kim (read) _________reads_____ fiction novels.

10) Richard and David (read) _________read______ the newspaper.

Exercise 10: Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Example: I/ You/ We/ They (play) play the guitar.

Example: He/ She/ It (play) plays the guitar.

1) I (bake) …………………………….cakes.

2) You (work) …………………………….in an office.

3) We (take) …………………………….pictures of birds.

4) They (talk) …………………………….about cars.

5) He (think) …………………………….about school.

6) She (play) ……………………………. soccer.

7) It (rain) …………………………….here a lot.

8) I (like) …………………………….chocolate.

9) He (like) …………………………….chocolate.

10) You (watch) …………………………….movies.

11) She (watch) …………………………….movies.

12) The babies (cry) ……………………………. every night.

13) The baby (cry) …………………………….every night.

14) I (fly) …………………………….to Belize every year.

15) My father (fly) …………………………….to Belize every year.

Đáp án:

Example: I/ You/ We/ They (play) play the guitar.

Example: He/ She/ It (play) plays the guitar.

1) I (bake) ………bake…….cakes.

2) You (work) ………work…….in an office.

3) We (take) ………take…….pictures of birds.

4) They (talk) ………talk…….about cars.

5) He (think) …………thinks…….about school.

6) She (play) …………plays…. soccer.

7) It (rain) ………rains…….here a lot.

8) I (like) ………like…….chocolate.

9) He (like) ………likes…….chocolate.

10) You (watch) …………watch…….movies.

11) She (watch) ……watches…….movies.

12) The babies (cry) ………cry………. every night.

13) The baby (cry) ……………cries…….every night.

14) I (fly) ………fly…….to Belize every year.

15) My father (fly) …………flies……….to Belize every year.

Exercise 11: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Example: I (play) play the guitar.

Example: Jessica (play) plays the guitar.

1) I (be) ____________________ sixteen years old.

2) Tommy (live) ___________________ at 107 Pine Lane.

3) Juana (cook) ______________________ dinner for her family.

4) They (eat) ________________________ lunch at 12:00.

5) Nina (take) ________________________ medicine when she is sick.

6) I (like) _________________________ chocolate.

7) He (drive) _______________________ a nice car.

8) We (want) _____________________ to see a movie tonight.

9) Mr. Anderson (teach) _____________________ chemistry at Hill High School.

10) They (study) ______________________ English at school.

11) I (want) ______________________ to go home now.

12) Bill and Calicia (drive) ______________________ to the mountains every year. every year.

13) We (eat) ____________________ pasta once a week.

14) It (snow) _________________ here in December.

15) When Dax (take) ___________ a shower, he (wash) __________ his hair with shampoo.

Đáp án:

Example: I (play) play the guitar.

Example: Jessica (play) plays the guitar.

1) I (be) ____________am________ sixteen years old.

2) Tommy (live) ________lives___________ at 107 Pine Lane.

3) Juana (cook) __________cooks____________ dinner for her family.

4) They (eat) _________eat_______ lunch at 12:00.

5) Nina (take) __________takes________ medicine when she is sick.

6) I (like) ___________like_____ chocolate.

7) He (drive) _____drives_____ a nice car.

8) We (want) ________want______ to see a movie tonight.

9) Mr. Anderson (teach) _________teaches____ chemistry at Hill High School.

10) They (study) ________study_____ English at school.

11) I (want) _________want______ to go home now.

12) Bill and Calicia (drive) _________drive___ to the mountains every year. every year.

13) We (eat) ________eat_____ pasta once a week.

14) It (snow) ________snows____ here in December.

15) When Dax (take) ____takes____ a shower, he (wash) ____washes___ his hair with shampoo.

Exercise 12: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Example: I/You/We/They (play) play the guitar.

Example: He/She/It (play) plays the guitar.

1) Mary (be) ___________________ twenty-nine years old.

2) We (like) __________________ to eat fruit. It (taste) ____________________ good.

3) The football team never (score) __________________ . It (lose) _____________ all the time.

4) Roberta and Betty always (talk) _________________ to each other on the phone.

5) Jose and I (study) ______________________ chemistry together.

6) The car (have) _________________________ a flat tire.

7) You never (make) ________ breakfast for me. I always (have) _______ to make it myself.

8) The mechanic (fix) __________________ my car when it breaks down.

9) Tom rarely (fly) _________________. He usually (drive) ___________________.

10) I usually (watch) ____________ TV, but tonight I (think) __________ I will read a book.

11) Igor (call) ___________________ his mother on the phone every day.

12) When he (be) _____________ alone at night, Beto sometimes (get) ___________ scared.

13) I (be) _______________ tired. I (think) _________________ I am going to take a nap.

14) Cakes (be) _________ hard to make. They (require) _____________ a lot of work.

15) Joel (like) ____________ to play soccer. He (practice) ________________ every day.

Đáp án:

Example: I/You/We/They (play) play the guitar.

Example: He/She/It (play) plays the guitar.

1) Mary (be) ___________is________ twenty-nine years old.

2) We (like) ________like_______ to eat fruit. It (taste) ________tastes____ good.

3) The football team never (score) _____scores____ . It (lose) ______loses_______ all the time.

4) Roberta and Betty always (talk) ____talk_____ to each other on the phone.

5) Jose and I (study) _____study______ chemistry together.

6) The car (have) ___________has____ a flat tire.

7) You never (make) ____make____ breakfast for me. I always (have) ___have____ to make it myself.

8) The mechanic (fix) ___________fixes_______ my car when it breaks down.

9) Tom rarely (fly) ______flies______. He usually (drive) _______drives_____.

10) I usually (watch) _____watch____ TV, but tonight I (think) ___think_______ I will read a book.

11) Igor (call) _______calls_______ his mother on the phone every day.

12) When he (be) _____is_____ alone at night, Beto sometimes (get) _____gets______ scared.

13) I (be) ______am______ tired. I (think) ________think_________ I am going to take a nap.

14) Cakes (be) ____are_____ hard to make. They (require) ______require______ a lot of work.

15) Joel (like) ______likes______ to play soccer. He (practice) _______practies_________ every day.

Exercise 13: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Affirmative (+): Example: He (play) plays the guitar.

Negative (-): He (not, play) does not play the guitar.

1) I rarely (eat) _______ chocolate. I (not, like) _____ _____ _____the way it (taste) ______

2) We (like) ___________ to watch movies. My favorite movie (be) __________ Titanic.

3) The ocean (sound) _______ like an airplane.

4) The flag (blow) _______________ in the wind every day. It is getting old. It (need)_________ to be replaced soon.

5) The janitor at my school (empty) ________________ the trash on Sunday.

6) Angelica always (try) ______________ to make new friends.

7) James (run) _________________ two miles every day.

8) Elizabeth often (march) _________________ with the band.

9) John and I (open) __________________ presents at Christmas.

10) When there is a fire, the firemen (rush) ______ to put it out. After the fire (be)_______________ out, they (go) _______________ home.

11) I (be, not) _______ _______ tired. I (think) _____________ I will read a book.

12) Shelley (not, think) _______ _______ _______ this quiz is hard. But I (do) _______!

Đáp án:

Affirmative (+): Example: He (play) plays the guitar.

Negative (-): He (not, play) does not play the guitar.

1) I rarely (eat) __eat_____ chocolate. I (not, like) __do___ __not___ ___like__the way it (taste) __tastes____

2) We (like) ____like_______ to watch movies. My favorite movie (be) _____is_____ Titanic.

3) The ocean (sound) ____sounds___ like an airplane.

4) The flag (blow) ______blows______ in the wind every day. It is getting old. It (need)___needs______ to be replaced soon.

5) The janitor at my school (empty) _________empties_______ the trash on Sunday.

6) Angelica always (try) _____tries______ to make new friends.

7) James (run) _____runs__ two miles every day.

8) Elizabeth often (march) _______marches______ with the band.

9) John and I (open) ______open____ presents at Christmas.

10) When there is a fire, the firemen (rush) __rush____ to put it out. After the fire (be)______is____ out, they (go) _______go________ home.

11) I (be, not) __am_____ ___not____ tired. I (think) _____think________ I will read a book.

12) Shelley (not, think) ___does____ ____not___ ___think____ this quiz is hard. But I (do) ___do____!

Exercise 14: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Example: I (play) play the guitar.

Example: Jessica (play) plays the guitar.

Example: He (not, play) does not play the guitar.

1) I always (eat) ___________ vegetables. Carrots (be) ____________ my favorite.

2) Randy (like) _______ swimming in the ocean, but he (be) _______ afraid of sharks.

3) It (be) _______ really cold outside, and I (not, have) _______ _______ _______ a jacket!

4) We (think) _________________ it is fun to ride roller coasters.

5) Roberto and Kelly (hunt) ___________________ for eggs every Easter.

6) The simple present tense (be) ___________________ easy!

7) My family (want) __________________ to visit the pyramids in Egypt.

8) Donna (love) _______ the summer. She also (like) _________________ winter.

9) Liz and Tommy (travel) _________________ to the coast every year.

10) The baby (cry) __________________ every time it (want) ________________ to be fed.

11) You (need) _______________ to exercise in order to stay healthy.

12) What time (be) _____________ Rubiela getting here? She (be) ____________ late!

13) Yoko (win) _____________ the science contest every year. She (be) _______so smart!

14) Ken (be) __________ a baker. He (bake) _________ cakes and pastries every morning.

15) Then he (sell) _______ them to his customers. Everybody (love) _______ Ken’s bakery.

Đáp án:

Example: I (play) play the guitar.

Example: Jessica (play) plays the guitar.

Example: He (not, play) does not play the guitar.

1) I always (eat) ____eat_______ vegetables. Carrots (be) _______are_____ my favorite.

2) Randy (like) ___likes____ swimming in the ocean, but he (be) __is_____ afraid of sharks.

3) It (be) ____is___ really cold outside, and I (not, have) ___do____ ___not____ ___have____ a jacket!

4) We (think) _________think________ it is fun to ride roller coasters.

5) Roberto and Kelly (hunt) _______hunt________ for eggs every Easter.

6) The simple present tense (be) ________is_______ easy!

7) My family (want) ______wants_____ to visit the pyramids in Egypt.

8) Donna (love) __loves_____ the summer. She also (like) _____likes_____ winter.

9) Liz and Tommy (travel) ____travel_____ to the coast every year.

10) The baby (cry) ________cries____ every time it (want) _____wants______ to be fed.

11) You (need) ______need____ to exercise in order to stay healthy.

12) What time (be) ___is_____ Rubiela getting here? She (be) _____is_______ late!

13) Yoko (win) ________wins_____ the science contest every year. She (be) ___is____so smart!

14) Ken (be) ____is______ a baker. He (bake) ____bakes_____ cakes and pastries every morning.

15) Then he (sell) ____sells___ them to his customers. Everybody (love) ___loves____ Ken’s bakery.

Exercise 15. Đặt các trạng từ vào đúng vị trí của nó.

1. I go to the cinema. (often)


2. My mother drinks milk. (every morning)


3. My parents go to work at 8.00. (usually)


4. My brother goes swimming. (never)


5. My friend goes to the movie (rarely)


Đáp án:

1. I go to the cinema. (often)

………I often go to the cinema………..

2. My mother drinks milk. (every morning)

…………..My mother drinks milk every morning……….

3. My parents go to work at 8.00. (usually)

………..My parents usually goes to work at 8.00 ……….

4. My brother goes swimming. (never)

………..My brother never goes swimming………

5. My friend goes to the movie (rarely)

……….My friend rarely goes to the movie………..

Exercise 16. Hoàn thành các câu sau:

1) Tom ………………… coins. (not/to collect)

2) You ………………… songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)

3) Julian ………………… in the garden. (not/to work)

4) I ………………… at home. (not/ stay)

5) Tina and Kate ………………… the doors. (not/to open)

6) Adam ………………… French. (not/to speak)

7) His sister ………………… lemonade. (not/to like)

8) We ………………… to music. (not/to listen)

9) My father ………………… the car every Saturday. (not/ to clean)

10) Johnny and Danny ………………… in the lake. (not/ to swim)

Đáp án:

1) Tom ………doesn’t collect………… coins. (not/to collect)

2) You ………don’t sing………… songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)

3) Julian ………doesn’t work………… in the garden. (not/to work)

4) I ………don’t stay………… at home. (not/ stay)

5) Tina and Kate ………don’t open………… the doors. (not/to open)

6) Adam ………doesn’t speak………… French. (not/to speak)

7) His sister ………doesn’t like………… lemonade. (not/to like)

8) We ………don’t listen………… to music. (not/to listen)

9) My father ………doesn’t clean………… the car every Saturday. (not/ to clean)

10) Johnny and Danny ………don’t swim………… in the lake. (not/ to swim)

Exercise 17. Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại đơn.

1. What _____________________ for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few weeks ago. (your Dad do)

2. Where __________________________ from? (new neighbours, come)

3. This cake _____________________ strange. What’s in it? (smell)

4. This medicine _____________________ a new substance (contain)

5. The watch _____________________ to my grandmother. (belong)

6. We _____________________ that the contents of this letter should be changed.(feel)

7. The moon _____________________ round the earth. (go)

8. My father _____________________ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know)

Đáp án:

1. What ____does your Đa do____ for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few weeks ago. (your Dad do)

2. Where _____________do new neighbours come_____________ from? (new neighbours, come)

3. This cake ____________smells_________ strange. What’s in it? (smell)

4. This medicine ___________contains__________ a new substance (contain)

5. The watch ___________belongs__________ to my grandmother. (belong)

6. We ___________feel__________ that the contents of this letter should be changed.(feel)

7. The moon _________goes____________ round the earth. (go)

8. My father __________knows___________ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know)

Exercise 18: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Note: These sentences use verbs and adverbs. An adverb says something more about the action of a verb.

Example: Joseph (always, climb) always climbs trees in his yard.

Example: Ernestine (usually, pick) usually picks flowers on Mondays.

1) Julia (sometimes, sell) ___________ lemonade on hot days.

2) Thomas (often, play) ____________ baseball after school.

3) My neighbor (never, paint) ___________ his house; it looks terrible!

4) The students (eagerly, leave) ______________ their classrooms when the bell rings.

5) Mrs. Gomez (quickly, water) _____________ the plants when she (get) _______home at five o’clock.

6) Each night, Serena (kindly, help) _____________her little sister with geography homework.

7) Stuart (happily, play) ___________video games with his friends on Saturdays.

8) Joan and Nate (patiently, wait) ____________ for the bus to arrive each day.

9) The jazz musicians in our town (frequently, win) ___________ competitions.

10) The merry-go-round (slowly, come) ___________ to a stop every five minutes.

Đáp án:

Note: These sentences use verbs and adverbs. An adverb says something more about the action of a verb.

Example: Joseph (always, climb) always climbs trees in his yard.

Example: Ernestine (usually, pick) usually picks flowers on Mondays.

1) Julia (sometimes, sell) __sometimes sells_________ lemonade on hot days.

2) Thomas (often, play) ____often plays___ baseball after school.

3) My neighbor (never, paint) ____never paints___ his house; it looks terrible!

4) The students (eagerly, leave) ___eagerly leave______ their classrooms when the bell rings.

5) Mrs. Gomez (quickly, water) ______quickly waters___ the plants when she (get) ___gets____home at five o’clock.

6) Each night, Serena (kindly, help) ______kindly helps_______her little sister with geography homework.

7) Stuart (happily, play) ___happily plays_______video games with his friends on Saturdays.

8) Joan and Nate (patiently, wait) ____patiently wait___ for the bus to arrive each day.

9) The jazz musicians in our town (frequently, win) ____frequently win_____ competitions.

10) The merry-go-round (slowly, come) ____slowly comes_______ to a stop every five minutes.

Exercise 19. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use Present Simple.

1. They ______________ (play) football and basketball at school.

2. My father ______________ (read) the newspaper every morning.

3. We ______________ (have) English, Maths and Science on Monday.

4. She never ______________(do) her homework.

5. I ______________ (go) swimming twice a week.

6. Cars ______________ (be) more expensive than motorbikes.

7. Jane always ______________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock.

8 He usually ______________ (watch) TV after dinner.

9. London ______________ (be) a very big country.

10. I ______________ (be) a student and my parents ______________ (be) teachers.

Đáp án:

1. They ______play________ (play) football and basketball at school.

2. My father ______reads_______ (read) the newspaper every morning.

3. We ______have________ (have) English, Maths and Science on Monday.

4. She never ______does________(do) her homework.

5. I _________go_____ (go) swimming twice a week.

6. Cars ________are______ (be) more expensive than motorbikes.

7. Jane always _______has_______ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock.

8 He usually _________watches_____ (watch) TV after dinner.

9. London _____is________ (be) a very big country.

10. I _______am_______ (be) a student and my parents ______are________ (be) teachers.

Exercise 20. Choose a correct answer to complete the following statements

1. Do you play games ? – No, I (do/ don’t)

2. Jack’s brother (watches/ watch) TV everyday.

3. We have geography (on/ at) Wednesday.

4. What time does Lan (finish/ finishes) her classes every Friday?

5. Tuan and Hung (listen/ listens) to music after school.

6. Our children (have/ has) dinner at half past five.

7. He (don’t/ doesn’t) have a big breakfast every morning.

8. She goes (home/ house) at a quarter past four in the afternoon

9. (Do/ does) your father read newspaper before breakfast?

10. What do your students (do/ does) after school?

Đáp án:

1. Do you play games ? – No, I (do/ don’t)

2. Jack’s brother (watches/ watch) TV everyday.

3. We have geography (on/ at) Wednesday.

4. What time does Lan (finish/ finishes) her classes every Friday?

5. Tuan and Hung (listen/ listens) to music after school.

6. Our children (have/ has) dinner at half past five.

7. He (don’t/ doesn’t) have a big breakfast every morning.

8. She goes (home/ house) at a quarter past four in the afternoon

9. (Do/ does) your father read newspaper before breakfast?

10. What do your students (do/ does) after school?

Exercise 21. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I ——————— at a bank.

A. work

B. works

C. working

2. She ——————– with her parents.

A. live

B. lives

C. living

3. Cows ———————– on grass.

A. feed

B. feeds

C. feeding

4. He ———————- a handsome salary.

A. earn

B. earns

C. earning

5. Janet ———————- to be a singer.

A. want

B. wants

C. wanting

6. Emily ———————– delicious cookies.

A. make

B. makes

C. making

7. Arti and her husband ——————- in Singapore.

A. live

B. lives

C. living

8. Rohan and Sania ———————- to play card games.

A. like

B. likes

C. liking

9. Sophia ————————– English very well.

A. speak

B. speaks

C. speaking

10. Martin ———————– for a walk in the morning.

A. go

B. goes

C. going

11. My grandfather ——————– his pet dog.

A. adore

B. adores

C. adoring

12. Plants ———————– water and sunlight for making their food.

A. need

B. needs

C. needing

Đáp án:

1 – A; 2 – B; 3 – A; 4 – B; 5 – B; 6 – B;

7 – A; 8 – A; 9 – B; 10 – B; 11 – B; 12 – A;

Exercise 22. Bài tập Chia Thì hiện tại đơn.

Ở dạng bài tập thì hiện tại đơn này, bạn sẽ phải chia động từ trong ngoặc sao cho ở dạng đúng nhất. Bạn sẽ phải lưu ý chủ ngữ và vị ngữ của câu để đưa ra quyết định sử dụng động từ đó ở dạng phù hợp.

1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.

2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.

3. My students (be not) ________ hard working.

4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.

5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.

6. She (live) ________ in a house?

7. Where (be)____ your children?

8. My sister (work) ________ in a bank.

9. Dog (like) ________ meat.

10. She (live)________ in Florida.

11. It (rain)________ almost every day in Manchester.

12. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.

13. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

14. The bank (close)________ at four o’clock.

15. John (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he’ll pass.

16. Jo is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.

17. My life (be)_____ so boring. I just (watch)________ TV every night.

18. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.

19. You (speak) ________ English?

20. She (not live) ________ in HaiPhong city.

Đáp án:

1. I am at school at the weekend.

2. She doesn’t study on Friday.

3. My students are not/ aren’t hard working.

4. He has a new haircut today.

5. I usually have breakfast at 7.00.

6. Does she live in a house?

7. Where are your children?

8. My sister works in a bank.

9. Dog likes meat.

10. She lives in Florida.

11. It rains almost every day in Manchester.

12. We fly to Spain every summer.

13. My mother fries eggs for breakfast every morning.

14. The bank closes at four o’clock.

15. John tries hard in class, but I do not think/ don’t think he’ll pass.

16. Jo is so smart that she passes every exam without even trying.

17. My life is so boring. I just watch TV every night.

18. My best friend writes to me every week.

19. Do you speak English?

20. She does not live/ doesn’t live in Hai Phong city.

Exercise 23. Chọn đáp án đúng.

Dạng bài tập thì hiện tại đơn này, đề bài cung cấp 2 đáp án có sẵn. Bạn sẽ phải lựa chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho câu.

1. I don’t stay/ doesn’t stay at home.

2. We don’t wash/ doesn’t wash the family car.

3. Doris don’t do/ doesn’t do her homework.

4. They don’t go/ doesn’t go to bed at 8.30 p.m.

5. Kevin don’t open/ doesn’t open his workbook.

6. Our hamster don’t eat/ doesn’t eat apples.

7. You don’t chat/ doesn’t chat with your friends.

8. She don’t use/ doesn’t use a ruler.

9. Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/ doesn’t skate in the yard.

10. The boy don’t throw/ doesn’t throw stones.

Đáp án:

1. I don’t stay/ doesn’t stay at home.

2. We don’t wash/ doesn’t wash the family car.

3. Doris don’t do/ doesn’t do her homework.

4. They don’t go/ doesn’t go to bed at 8.30 p.m.

5. Kevin don’t open/ doesn’t open his workbook.

6. Our hamster don’t eat/ doesn’t eat apples.

7. You don’t chat/ doesn’t chat with your friends.

8. She don’t use/ doesn’t use a ruler.

9. Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/ doesn’t skate in the yard.

10. The boy don’t throw/ doesn’t throw stones.

Exercise 24. Hoàn thành các câu sau: (Chuyển sang câu phủ định)

Dạng bài Hoàn thành các câu cũng là một dạng phổ biến của bài tập thì hiện tại đơn nói riêng và các thì tiếng Anh khác nói chung. Với các câu cho sẵn, bạn sẽ phải chuyển sang dạng phủ định của câu đó.

1. She feeds the animals. – She __________________ the animals.

2. We take photos. – We ______________ photos.

3. Sandy does the housework every Thursday. – Sandy _____________ the housework every Thursday.

4. The boys have two rabbits. – The boys ___________ two rabbits.

5. Simon can read English books. – Simon ___________ read English books.

6. He listens to the radio every evening. – She ___________ to the radio every evening.

7. Annie is the best singer of our school. – Annie __________ the best singer of our school.

8. The children are at home. – The children ___________ at home.

9. The dog runs after the cat. – The dog __________ after the cat.

10. Lessons always finish at 3 o’clock. – Lessons _________________ at 3 o’clock.

Đáp án:

1. She does not feed/ doesn’t feed the animals.

2. We do not take/ don’t take photos.

3. Sandy does not do/ doesn’t do the housework every Thursday.

4. The boys do not have/ don’t have two rabbits.

5. Simon can not read/ can’t read English books.

6. He does not listen/ doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.

7. Annie is not/ isn’t the best singer of our school.

8. The children are not/ aren’t at home.

9. The dog does not run/ doesn’t run after the cat.

10. Lessons don’t/ do not always finish at 3 o’clock.

Exercise 25. Hoàn thành các câu hỏi sau:

Dạng bài tập này, đề bài sẽ đưa ra một số từ cho sẵn. Người làm có nhiệm vụ thêm từ để hoàn thành các câu hỏi trong bài tập thì hiện tại đơn này.

1. How/ you/ go to school/ ?

How do you go to school?

2. what/ you/ do/ ?

___________________________________ ?

3. where/ John/ come from/ ?

___________________________________ ?

4. how long/ it/ take from London to Paris/ ?

___________________________________ ?

5. how often/ she/ go to the cinema/ ?

___________________________________ ?

6. when/ you/ get up/ ?

___________________________________ ?

7. how often/ you/ study English/ ?

___________________________________ ?

8. what time/ the film/ start/ ?

___________________________________ ?

9. where/ you/ play tennis/ ?

___________________________________ ?

10. what sports/ Lucy/ like/ ?

___________________________________ ?

Đáp án:

1. How do you go to school?

2. What do you do?

3. Where does John come from?

4. How long does it take from London to Paris?

5. How often does she go to the cinema?

6. When do you get up?

7. How often do you study English?

8. What time does the film start?

9. Where do you play tennis?

10. What sports does Lucy like?

Exercise 26. Dùng “do not” hoặc “does not” để hoàn thành những câu sau

1. I ……. prefer coffee.

2. She ……. ride a bike to her office.

3.Their friends ……. live in a small house.

4. They ……. do the homework on weekends.

5. Mike ……. play soccer in the afternoons.

6. The bus ……. arrive at 8.30 a.m.

7. We ……. go to bed at midnight.

8. My brother ……. finish work at 8 p.m.

Đáp án:

1. I don’t prefer coffee.

2. She doesn’t ride a bike to her office.

3. Their friends don’t live in a small house.

4. They don’t do the homework on weekends.

5. Mike doesn’t play soccer in the afternoons.

6. The bus doesn’t arrive at 8.30 a.m.

7. We don’t go to bed at midnight.

8. My brother doesn’t finish work at 8 p.m.

Exercise 27. Hoàn thành cách câu sau

1. ……. Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, ……..

2. ……. you get up early on Sundays? => No, ……..

3. ……. the students always work hard for the exam? => No, ……..

4. ……. the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, ……..

5. ……. he often play the guitar? => No, ……..

6. ……. they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, ……..

7. ……. Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, ……..

8. ……. water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, ……..

Đáp án:

1. Does Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, he does.

2. Do you get up early on Sundays? => No, I don’t/ I do not.

3. Do the students always work hard for the exam? => No, they don’t/ they do not.

4. Does the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, it does.

5. Does he often play the guitar? => No, he doesn’t/ he does not.

6. Do they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, they do.

7. Do Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, they don’t/ they do not.

8. Does water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, it does.

Exercise 28. Hoàn thành các câu sau

1. Robin (play)……….football every Sunday.

2. We (have)……….a holiday in December every year.

3. He often (go)……….to work late.

4. The moon (circle)……….around the earth.

5. The flight (start)……….at 6 a.m every Thursday.

6. Peter (not/ study)……….very hard. He never gets high scores.

7. My mother often (teach)……….me English on Saturday evenings.

8. I like Math and she (like)……….Literature.

9. My sister (wash)……….dishes every day.

10. They (not/ have)……….breakfast every morning.

Đáp án:

1. Robin (play) plays football every Sunday.

2. We (have) have a holiday in December every year.

3.He often (go) goes to work late.

4. The moon (circle) circles around the earth.

5.The flight (start) starts at 6 a.m every Thursday.

6. Peter (not/ study) doesn’t study/ does not study very hard. He never gets high scores.

7.My mother often (teach) teaches me English on Saturday evenings.

8.I like Math and she (like) likes Literature.

9.My sister (wash) washes dishes every day.

10. They (not/ have) don’t have/ do not have breakfast every morning.

Exercise 29. Hoàn thành cách câu sau với từ trong ngoặc

1. My brothers (sleep) on the floor. (often)


2. He (stay) up late? (sometimes)


3. I (do) the housework with my brother. (always)


4. Peter and Mary (come) to class on time. (never)


5. Why Johnson (get) good marks? (always)


6. You (go) shopping? (usually)


7. She (cry). (seldom)


8. My father (have) popcorn. (never)


Đáp án:

=> My brothers often sleep on the floor.

=> Does he sometimes stay up late?/ Does he stay up late sometimes?

=> I always do the housework with my brother.

=> Peter and Mary never come to class on time.

=> Why does Johnson always get good marks?

=> Do you usually go shopping?

=> She seldom cries.

=> My father never has popcorn.

Exercise 30.

Mary is a teacher. She teaches English. The children love her and they (1)………a lot from her. Mary (2)………home at 3.00 and (3)………lunch. Then she sleeps for an hour. In the afternoon she (4)………swimming or she cleans her house. Sometimes she (5)………her aunt and (6)………tea with her. Every Sunday she does the shopping with her friends.

Đáp án:

Mary is a teacher. She teaches English. The children love her and they (1) learn a lot from her. Mary (2) comes home at 3.00 and (3) has lunch. Then she sleeps for an hour. In the afternoon she (4) goes swimming or she cleans her house. Sometimes she (5) meets her aunt and (6) drinks tea with her. Every Sunday she does the shopping with her friends.

Exercise 31.

My cousin, Peter (have)………..a dog. It (be)………..an intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name (be)………..Kiki and it (like)………..eating pork. However, it (never/ bite)………..anyone; sometimes it (bark)………..when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be)………..very friendly. It (not/ like)………..eating fruits, but it (often/ play)………..with them. When the weather (become)………..bad, it (just/ sleep)………..in his cage all day. Peter (play)………..with Kiki every day after school. There (be)………..many people on the road, so Peter (not/ let)………..the dog run into the road. He (often/ take)………..Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be)………..naughty, but Peter loves it very much.

Đáp án:

My cousin, Peter (have) has a dog. It (be) is an intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name (be) is Kiki and it (like) likes eating pork. However, it (never/ bite) never bites anyone; sometimes it (bark) barks when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be) is very friendly. It (not/ like) does not like| doesn’t like eating fruits, but it (often/ play) often plays with them. When the weather (become) becomes bad, it (just/ sleep) just sleeps in his cage all day. Peter (play) plays with Kiki every day after school. There (be) are many people on the road, so Peter (not/ let) does not let| doesn’t let the dog run into the road. He (often/ take) often takes Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be) is sometimes naughty, but Peter loves it very much.

Exercise 32. Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc:

1. My father always ………………………….. Sunday dinner. (make)

2. Ruth ………………………….. eggs; they ………………………….. her ill. (not eat; make)

3. “Have you got a light, by any chance?” “Sorry, I …………………………..” (smoke)

4. ………………………….. Mark ………………………….. to school every day? (go)

5. ………………………….. your parents ………………………….. your girlfriend? (like)

6. How often ………………………….. you ………………………….. swimming? (go)

7. Where ………………………….. your sister …………………………..? (work)

8. Ann …………………………… usually ………………………….. lunch. (not have)

9. Who ………………………….. the ironing in your house? (do)

10. We ………………………….. out once a week. (go)

Đáp án:

1. Makes 2. doesn’t eat 3. don’t smoke 4. Does …. go 5. Do …. like

6. Do …. go 7. does… work 8. doesn’t ….. have 9. do 10. go

Exercise 33. Hoàn thành các câu sau. Có thể chọn khẳng định hoặc phủ định

Ví dụ:

· Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.

· We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don’t want (not want) any more.

1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He ………………………….. (speak) French.

2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they ………………………….. (walk) there every day.

3. How often ………………………….. you ………………………….. (look) in a mirror?

4. I’ve got four cats and two dogs. I ………………………….. (love) animals.

5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He ………………………….. (eat) breakfast.

6. What’s the matter? You ………………………….. (look) very happy.

7. Don’t try to ring the bell. It ………………………….. (work).

8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just. ………………………….. (like) talking to them.

9. Matthew is good at badminton. He ………………………….. (win) every game.

10. We always travel by bus. We ………………………….. (own) a car.

Đáp án:

1. Doesn’t speak 2. walk 3. do …. look 4. love 5. doesn’t eat

6. look 7. doesn’t work 8. like 9. wins 10. don’t own

Exercise 34. Bài tập chia thì hiện tại đơn thể phủ định

1. I ………. like tea.

2. He ………. play football in the afternoon.

3. You ………. go to bed at midnight.

4. They……….do the homework on weekends.

5. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m.

6. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p.m.

7. Our friends ………. live in a big house.

8. The cat ………. like me.

Đáp án:

1 – don’t; 2 – doesn’t; 3 – don’t; 4 – don’t;

5 – doesn’t; 6 – doesn’t; 7 – don’t; 8 – doesn’t;

Exercise 35. bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

1. Police catch/ catches robbers.

2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.

3. They never drink/ drinks beer.

4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.

5. She have/ has a pen.

6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out everyday.

7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.

8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.

Đáp án:

1 – catch; 2 – wears; 3 – drink; 4 – goes;

5 – has; 6 – eat out; 7 – watches; 8 – teaches;

Exercise 36. Chia động từ

1. I usually ___________(go) to school.

2. They ___________ (visit) us often.

3. You ___________ (play) basketball once a week.

4. Tom ___________ (work) every day.

5. He always ___________ (tell) us funny stories.

6. She never ___________ (help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin ___________ (swim) twice a week.

8. In this club people usually ___________ (dance) a lot.

9. Linda ___________ (take care) of her sister.

10. John rarely ___________ (leave) the country.

11. We ___________ (live) in the city most of the year.

12. Lorie ___________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.

13. I ___________ (bake) cookies twice a month.

14. You always ___________ (teach) me new things.

15. She ___________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

16. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.

17. Where your children (be) ________?

18. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.

19. She (not study) ________ on Friday.

20. Where _______ your father­­_____? (work)

Đáp án:

1 – go; 2 – visit; 3 – play; 4 – works

5 – tells; 6 – helps; 7 – swim; 8 – dance;

9 – takes care; 10 – leaves; 11 – live; 12 – travels;

13 – bake; 14 – teach; 15 – helps; 16 – fly;

17 – Where are you children?; 18 – has; 19 – does not study; 20 – does… work.

Exercise 37. Hoàn chỉnh các câu dưới đây với các từ gợi ý trong hộp

wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – live – drink

1. Ann _____________ handball very well.

2. I never _____________ coffee.

3. The swimming pool _____________ at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It _____________ at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving _____________ many accidents.

6. My parents _____________ in a very small flat.

7. The Olympic Games _____________ place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always _____________ their homework.

9. My students _____________ a little English.

10. I always _____________ early in the morning.

Đáp án:

1 – Plays; 2 – Drink;3 – Opens; 4 – Closes; 5 – Causes

6 – Live; 7 – Take; 8 – Do; 9 – Speak; 10 – Wake up

Exercise 38. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong mỗi câu sau.

1. My mom always …………………………..delicious meals. (make)

2. Charlie…………………………..eggs. (not eat)

3. Susie………………………….shopping every week. (go)

4. ………………………….. Minh and Hoa ………………………….. to work by bus every day? (go)

5. ………………………….. your parents …………………………..with your decision? (agree)

6. Where……………………..he………………………from? (come)

7. Where ………………………….. your father …………………………..? (work)

8. Jimmy …………………………… usually ………………………….. the trees. (not water)

9. Who …………………………..the washing in your house? (do)

10. They ………………………….. out once a month. (eat)

Đáp án:

1 – makes; 2 – doesn’t eat; 3 – goes; 4 – Do.. go; 5 – Do … agree;

6 – does… come; 7 – does.. work; 8 – doesn’t water; 9 – does; 10 – eat;

Exercise 39 .Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc để tạo thành câu có nghĩa.

1. It (be)………………a fact that smart phone (help)………………..us a lot in our life.

2. I often (travel)………………..to some of my favorite destinations every summer.

3. Our Math lesson usually (finish)…………………….at 4.00 p.m.

4. The reason why Susan (not eat)……………………….meat is that she (be)…………a vegetarian.

5. People in Ho Chi Minh City (be)………..very friendly and they (smile)………………a lot.

6. The flight (start)………………..at 6 a.m every Thursday.

7. Peter (not study)…………………………very hard. He never gets high scores.

8. I like oranges and she (like)……………..apples.

9. My mom and my sister (cook)…………………….lunch everyday.

10. They (have)…………………breakfast together every morning.

Đáp án:

1. is, helps; 2. travel; 3. finishes; 4. doesn’t eat, is; 5. are, smile

6. starts; 7. doesn’t study; 8. likes; 9. cook; 10. have;

Exercise 40. Make the present simple. Choose positive, negative or question.

1) (he / drive to work every day)

2) (I / not / think you’re right)

3) (we / have enough time)?

4) (I / eat cereal in the morning)

5) (they / write e-mails every day)?

6) (you / watch a lot of TV)

7) (he / not / read the newspaper)

8) (she / dance often)?

9) (where / I / come on Mondays)?

10) (what / you / do at the weekend)?

11) (you / not / drink much tea)

12) (how / he / travel to work)?

13) (they / not / like vegetables)

14) (she / catch a cold every winter)

15) (I / go out often)?

16) (you / speak English)?

17) (we / take the bus often)

18) (she / not / walk to school)

19) (what / you / buy in the supermarket)?

20) (how / he / carry such a heavy bag)?

Đáp án:

1 – He drives to work every day.

2 – I don’t think you’re right.

3 – Do we have enough time?

4 – I eat cereal in the morning.

5 – Do they write e-mails every day?

6 – You watch a lot of TV.

7 – He doesn’t read the newspaper.

8 – Does she dance often?

9 – Where do I come on Mondays?

10 – What do you do at the weekend?

11 – You don’t drink much tea.

12 – How does he travel to work?

13 – They don’t like vegetables

14 – She catches a cold every winter.

15 – Do I go out often?

16 – Do you speak English?

17 – We take the bus often.

18 – She doesn’t walk to school.

19 – What do you buy in the supermarket?

20 – How does he carry such a heavy bag?

Bài 21. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Christopher (drive) ______ a car.

2. We (have) ______ some posters.

3. (you watch) ______ movies?

4. They (not work) ______ for us.

5. I (love) ______ to sing.

6. She (have) ______ many foreign friends.

7. Alexis and her husband always (come) ______ for the summer.

8. (he sing) ______ well?

9. Jamie (not remember) ______ me.

10. Laura (be) ______ a beautiful girl.

11. I (not eat) ______ pasta.

12. Cats (like) ______ to sleep.

13. You (be) ______ a smart girl.

14. She (wash) ______ the dishes every evening.

15. (you be) ______ ready?

16. I (be) ______ ready.

Đáp án:

1. Christopher (drive) __drives____ a car.

2. We (have) __have____ some posters.

3. (you watch) ___Do you watch___ movies?

4. They (not work) ____don’t work__ for us.

5. I (love) ___love___ to sing.

6. She (have) ___has___ many foreign friends.

7. Alexis and her husband always (come) __come____ for the summer.

8. (he sing) ___Does he sing___ well?

9. Jamie (not remember) __doesn’t remember____ me.

10. Laura (be) __is____ a beautiful girl.

11. I (not eat) ___don’t eat___ pasta.

12. Cats (like) ___like___ to sleep.

13. You (be) __are____ a smart girl.

14. She (wash) __washes____ the dishes every evening.

15. (you be) ___Are you___ ready?

16. I (be) __am____ ready.

Bài 22. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Examples: We are (be) never late. She likes (like) popcorn.

1. She (be)______ good at university.

2. Giraffes (eat)______ grass.

3. I (like)______ fried chicken and chips.

4. Linda always (meet)______ her friends after school.

5. Tom often (wear)______ a blue shirt and black jeans.

6. We (be)______ never tired in the morning.

7. Tony (like) ______ apples and bananas.

8. The children sometimes (go)______ to the playground and (ride)_____ their bike.

9. Sandra usually (take)______ the bus to school.

10. Nicky always (have) ______ lunch at a Thai restaurant.

11. The boys often (play)______ computer games after finishing their homework.

12. Our cat hardly ever (catch)______ a mouse.

13. Paul (walk)______ his dog every day.

14. Our daughter often (get)______ up too late.

15. My mother (bake)______ a cake every Sunday.

Đáp án:

1. She (be)___is___ good at university.

2. Giraffes (eat)__eat____ grass.

3. I (like)___like___ fried chicken and chips.

4. Linda always (meet)___meets___ her friends after school.

5. Tom often (wear)___wears___ a blue shirt and black jeans.

6. We (be)____are__ never tired in the morning.

7. Tony (like) ___likes___ apples and bananas.

8. The children sometimes (go)____go__ to the playground and (ride)__ride___ their bike.

9. Sandra usually (take)____takes__ the bus to school.

10. Nicky always (have) ____has__ lunch at a Thai restaurant.

11. The boys often (play)__play____ computer games after finishing their homework.

12. Our cat hardly ever (catch)___catches___ a mouse.

13. Paul (walk)____walks__ his dog every day.

14. Our daughter often (get)___gets___ up too late.

15. My mother (bake)__bakes____ a cake every Sunday.

Bài 23. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. They _______ a cold today. (have)

2. She _______ at seven. (get up)

3. We _______ breakfast at eight. (have)

4. Peter _______ to school every morning. (go)

5. Anna _______ home at 6 p.m. (get)

6. He _______ an ice cream. (want)

7. I _______ peppermint. (hate)

8. Kelly _______ TV after finishing her homework. (watch)

9. She _______ her homework every day. (do)

10. Our Math teacher _______ in Oxford Street with her family. (live)

11. Eric and Tom _______ blue shirts on Monday. (wear)

12. My sister always _______ a song. (sing)

13. My mum _______ spaghetti every Sunday evening. (cook)

14. Mr Black _______ in his office from Monday to Friday. (work)

15. The girls often _______ a book in the school library every afternoon. (read)

Đáp án:

1. They __have_____ a cold today. (have)

2. She ___gets up____ at seven. (get up)

3. We ____have___ breakfast at eight. (have)

4. Peter ___goes____ to school every morning. (go)

5. Anna ____gets___ home at 6 p.m. (get)

6. He ____wants___ an ice cream. (want)

7. I ____hate___ peppermint. (hate)

8. Kelly ____watches___ TV after finishing her homework. (watch)

9. She ___does____ her homework every day. (do)

10. Our Math teacher _____lives__ in Oxford Street with her family. (live)

11. Eric and Tom ___wear____ blue shirts on Monday. (wear)

12. My sister always __sings_____ a song. (sing)

13. My mum __cooks_____ spaghetti every Sunday evening. (cook)

14. Mr Black ___works____ in his office from Monday to Friday. (work)

15. The girls often ___read____ a book in the school library every afternoon. (read)

Bài 24. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. (I wake up) _____________ at five in the morning?

2. (you go) _____________ to work by train?

3. (she drink) _____________ coffee every morning?

4. (he smoke) _____________ ?

5. (it hurt) _____________ ?

6. (we dance) _____________ ?

7. (they travel) _____________ ?

8. (Emma cook) _____________ well?

9. (Alexander exercise) _____________ regularly?

10. (I look) _____________ well?

11. (you rest) _____________ enough?

12. (William work) _____________ too hard?

13. (they travel) _____________ often?

14. (Anthony go) _____________ to sleep too late?

15. (you bake) _____________ cakes?

Đáp án:

1. (I wake up) ____Do I wake up_________ at five in the morning?

2. (you go) _____Do you go____ to work by train?

3. (she drink) ______Does she drink_____ coffee every morning?

4. (he smoke) ___Does he smoke_____ ?

5. (it hurt) _____Does it hurt___ ?

6. (we dance) ____Do we dance______ ?

7. (they travel) _____Do they travel____ ?

8. (Emma cook) _____Does Emma cook_____ well?

9. (Alexander exercise) ____Does Alexander exercise____ regularly?

10. (I look) _____Do I look_____ well?

11. (you rest) _____Do you rest___ enough?

12. (William work) ____Does William work____ too hard?

13. (they travel) ____Do they travel___ often?

14. (Anthony go) ____Do Anthony go_____ to sleep too late?

15. (you bake) ___Do you bake____ cakes?

Bài 25. Make the present simple (choose positive, negative or question):

1. (they / wear suits to work?)


2. (he / not / say much)


3. (when / she / study?)


4. (she / know a lot about cooking)


5. (we / make dinner at the weekends)


6. (I / not / leave work on time very often)


7. (she / meet her brother every week?)


8. (they / find London’s weather cold)


9. (we / use the computer every day?)


10. (you / not / smoke)


11. (why / we / always get into trouble?)


12. (what/ they / usually cook?)


13. (what / we / need?)


14. (they / not / win at tennis)


15. (what / they / like to watch on TV?)


Đáp án:

1. Do they wear suits to work?

2. He doesn’t say much.

3. When does she study?

4. She knows a lot about cooking.

5. We make dinner at the weekends.

6. I don’t leave work on time very often.

7. Does she meet her brother every week?

8. They find London’s weather cold.

9. Do we use the computer every day?

10. You don’t smoke.

11. Why do we always get into trouble?

12. What do they usually cook?

13. What do we need?

14. They don’t win at tennis.

15. What do they like to watch on TV?

Bài 26. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Daniel (fly) ______ to Paris once a year.

2. She never (do) ______ her homework.

3. Lisa (try) ______ to help her sister.

4. Mark (go) ______ home at seven.

5. The baby (cry) ______ every night.

6. He (miss) ______ her a lot.

7. Joe (study) ______ really hard.

8. A boy (kiss) ______ a girl.

9. Joana (buy) ______ new stuff all the time.

10. Tim (watch) ______ this show every night.

11. Sara (say) ______ this all the time.

12. The teacher (teach) ______ us new things.

13. He (pay) ______ me well.

14. Barbara (wash) ______ the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.

15. Nick (play) ______ tennis twice a week.

Đáp án:

1. Daniel (fly) ___flies___ to Paris once a year.

2. She never (do) ___does___ her homework.

3. Lisa (try) ___tries___ to help her sister.

4. Mark (go) __goes____ home at seven.

5. The baby (cry) ___cries___ every night.

6. He (miss) ___misses___ her a lot.

7. Joe (study) ___studies___ really hard.

8. A boy (kiss) ___kisses___ a girl.

9. Joana (buy) ___buys___ new stuff all the time.

10. Tim (watch) ___watches___ this show every night.

11. Sara (say) ___says___ this all the time.

12. The teacher (teach) ___teaches___ us new things.

13. He (pay) ___plays___ me well.

14. Barbara (wash) __washes____ the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.

15. Nick (play) ___plays___ tennis twice a week.

Exercise 41. Complete the sentences using the present simple.

1. He usually _______ (go) to school on time.

2. _______ (Ms. Lucy, teach) English in your school?

3. Bella _______ (not remember) her new friends‟ names.

4. My new school _______ (have) a judo club.

5. The students _______ (study) maths every Wednesday.

6. Every day, Susan _______ (take) her sons to school.

7. _______ (you, help) your mother to do the laundry?

8. John _______ (not like) doing homework.

9. Duy and Quang _______ (not join) our football team.

10. The sun _______ (rise) in the east and _______ (set) in the west

Đáp án

1. He usually ___goes____ (go) to school on time.

2. _____Does Ms. Lucy teach__ (Ms. Lucy, teach) English in your school?

3. Bella ____doesn’t remember___ (not remember) her new friends’ names.

4. My new school ____has___ (have) a judo club.

5. The students ___study____ (study) maths every Wednesday.

6. Every day, Susan ___takes____ (take) her sons to school.

7. ____Do you help___ (you, help) your mother to do the laundry?

8. John __doesn’t like_____ (not like) doing homework.

9. Duy and Quang ____don’t join___ (not join) our football team.

10. The sun ___rises____ (rise) in the east and ____sets___ (set) in the west

Exercise 42. Điền do, don’t, does, doesn’t vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau cho phù hợp

1. My mother likes chocolate, but she _________biscuits.

2. ______the children wear your uniform at your school?

3. Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he ______watch judo.

4. Where______ the Masons buy their fruits?

5. ______ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?

6. Dogs love bones, but they ______ love cheese.

7. Where ______ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money?

8. We eat pizza, but we ______ eat hamburgers.

9. ______ Mrs. Miller read magazines?

10. ______ the boys play cricket outside?

11. Please ______ play with my food.

12. She______ the cleaning three times a week

13. We ______ go out very much because we have a baby

14. I ______ want to talk about my neighborhood any more.

15. How much ______ it cost to phone overseas?

Đáp án:

1. My mother likes chocolate, but she ____doesn’t like_____biscuits.

2. __Do____the children wear your uniform at your school?

3. Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he ___doesn’t___watch judo.

4. Where____do__ the Masons buy their fruits?

5. ___Does___ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?

6. Dogs love bones, but they __don’t____ love cheese.

7. Where ___do___ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money?

8. We eat pizza, but we ___don’t___ eat hamburgers.

9. _____Does_ Mrs. Miller read magazines?

10. ___Do___ the boys play cricket outside?

11. Please __don’t____ play with my food.

12. She____does__ the cleaning three times a week

13. We __don’t____ go out very much because we have a baby

14. I ___don’t___ want to talk about my neighborhood any more.

15. How much ___does___ it cost to phone overseas?

Exercise 43. Make sentences or Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences in Present simple tense.

1. every morning/ I / walk/ school/ my friend/ to/ with


2. we/ school/ near/ live/ the


3. my/ is/ school/ an/ place/ interesting


4. Peter/ like/ computer science?/ does

=> ______________________________________

5. do/ how/ you/ go/ school/ every day?/ to


6. you/ do/ play/ with/ often/ football/ your friends?

=> ______________________________________

7. I/ study/ Maths/ English/ History/ Mondays/ on.


8. Nam/ plays/ football/ school team/ for/ the.


Đáp án

1. every morning/ I/ walk/ school/ my friend/ to/ with

=>__________I walk to school with my friend every morning__________

2. we/ school/ near/ live/ the

=>__________We live near the school.__________

3. my/ is/ school/ an/ place/ interesting

=>__________My school is an interesting place.__________

4. Peter/ like/ computer science?/ does

=> __________Does Peter like computer science.__________

5. do/ how/ you/ go/ school/ every day?/ to

=>__________ How do you go to school everyday?__________

6. you/ do/ play/ with/ often/ football/ your friends?

=>__________ Do you often play football with your friends?__________

7. I/ study/ Maths/ English/ History/ Mondays/ on.

=>__________I study Maths, English and History on Monday__________

8. Nam/ plays/ football/ school team/ for/ the.

=>__________Nam plays football for the school team.__________

Exercise 44. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. My sister (go) _________ to school at 7 o’clock every morning.

2. How _________ you (go) _________ to school every day?

3. My sister likes (cook) _________ very much.

4. _________your sister (listen)_________ to music in her free time?

5. Minh usually (do) _________ his homework in the evening.

6. Our school (be) _________ surrounded by mountains.

7. I (like) _________ maths but I (not like) _________ English.

8. Mr Lee (have)________ lunch with his students.

9. Mr Hung (teach)________ physics at my school.

10. The team (play)________ football on Saturdays.

Đáp án

1. My sister (go) _____goes____ to school at 7 o’clock every morning.

2. How _____do____ you (go) ______go___ to school every day?

3. My sister likes (cook) _____cooking____ very much.

4. _____Does____your sister (listen)_____listen____ to music in her free time?

5. Minh usually (do) ____does_____ his homework in the evening.

6. Our school (be) _____is____ surrounded by mountains.

7. I (like) _____like____ maths but I (not like) ___don’t like______ English.

8. Mr Lee (have)____has____ lunch with his students.

9. Mr Hung (teach)____teaches____ physics at my school.

10. The team (play)_____plays___ football on Saturdays.

Exercise 45. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use Present Simple.

1. Cars ______________ (be) more expensive than motorbikes. Bicycles ______ (be) the cheapest.

2. Jane and her family always ______________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock.

3. He usually ______________ (watch) TV or ______ (read) magazines after dinner.

4. London ______________ (be) a very big and famous country.

5. I ______________ (be) a student and my parents ______________ (be) teachers.

Đáp án

1. Cars _______are_______ (be) more expensive than motorbikes. Bicycles ___are___ (be) the cheapest.

2. Jane and her family always ______have________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock.

3. He usually ______watches________ (watch) TV or ___reads___ (read) magazines after dinner.

4. London _________is_____ (be) a very big and famous country.

5. I ________am______ (be) a student and my parents _______are_______ (be) teachers.

Exercise 46. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

1. She (walk) …………………………….. to school every morning.

2. Sometimes I (feel) …………………………….. really lazy to do anything.

3. I often (have) …………………………….. breakfast at 7 a.m at home.

4. She (do) …………………………….. aerobics every morning to keep fit.

5. Nga (like) …………………………….. playing basketball very much.

6. What time you (have) …………………………….. lunch every day?

7. She (not have) …………………………….. any pen, so I lend her one

Đáp án:

1. She (walk) ………walks…………….. to school every morning.

2. Sometimes I (feel) ……………feel……………….. really lazy to do anything.

3. I often (have) ………………have…………….. breakfast at 7 a.m at home.

4. She (do) ……………does……………….. aerobics every morning to keep fit.

5. Nga (like) …………………likes………….. playing basketball very much.

6. What time do you (have) ………………have…………….. lunch every day?

7. She (not have) ……………doesn’t have……………….. any pen, so I lend her one

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