50 bài tập từ loại Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập từ loại Tiếng Anh có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập từ loại Tiếng Anh và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập từ loại Tiếng Anh có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm từ loại Tiếng Anh

A. Chức năng của từ loại

I. Danh từ (nouns): danh thường được đặt ở những vị trí sau

1. Chủ ngữ của câu (thường đứng đầu câu,sau trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)

Ex: Maths is the subject I like best.

Yesterday Lan went home at midnight.

2. Sau tính từ: my, your, our, their, his, her, its, good, beautiful….

Ex: She is a good teacher.

Adj N

His father works in hospital.
Adj N

3. Làm tân ngữ, sau động từ

Ex: I like English.
We are students.

4. Sau “enough”

Ex: He didn’t have enough money to buy that car.

5. Sau các mạo từ a, an, the hoặc các từ this, that, these, those, each, every, both, no, some, any, few, a few, little, a little,…..

(Lưu ý cấu trúc a/an/the + adj + noun)

Ex: This book is an interesting book.

6. Sau giới từ: in, on, of, with, under, about, at……

Ex: Thanh is good at literature.

II. Tính từ (adjectives): Tính từ thường đứng ở các vị trí sau

1. Trước danh từ: Adj + N

Ex: My Tam is a famous singer.

2. Sau động từ liên kết: tobe/seem/appear/feel/taste/look/keep/get + adj

Ex: She is beautiful
Tom seems tired now.

Chú ý: cấu trúc keep/make + O + adj

Ex: He makes me happy
O adj

3. Sau “ too”: S + tobe/seem/look….+ too +adj…

Ex: He is too short to play basketball.

4. Trước “enough”: S + tobe + adj + enough…

Ex: She is tall enough to play volleyball.

5. Trong cấu trúc so…that: tobe/seem/look/feel…..+ so + adj + that

Ex: The weather was so bad that we decided to stay at home

6. Tính từ còn được dùng dưới các dạng so sánh( lưu ý tính từ dài hay đứng sau more, the most, less, as….as)

Ex: Meat is more expensive than fish.

Huyen is the most intelligent student in my class.

7. Tính từ trong câu cảm thán:

How +adj + S + V

What + (a/an) + adj + N

III. Trạng từ (adverbs): Trạng từ thường đứng ở các vị trí sau

1. Trước động từ thường(nhất là các trạng từ chỉ tàn suất: often, always, usually, seldom….)

Ex: They often get up at 6am.

2. Giữa trợ động từ và động từ thường

Ex: I have recently finished my homework.

TĐT adv V

3. Sau động từ tobe/seem/look…và trước tính từ: tobe/feel/look… + adv + adj

Ex: She is very nice.
Adv adj

4. Sau “too”: V(thường) + too + adv

Ex: The teacher speaks too quickly.

5. Trước “enough” : V(thường) + adv + enough

Ex: The teacher speaks slowly enough for us to understand.

6. Trong cấu trúc so….that: V(thường) + so + adv + that

Ex: Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.

7. Đứng cuối câu

Ex: The doctor told me to breathe in slowly.

8. Trạng từ cũng thường đứng một mình ở đầu câu,hoặc giữa câu và cách các thành phần khác của câu bằng dấu phẩy(,)

Ex: – Last summer I came back my home country

– My parents had gone to bed when I got home.

– It’s raining hard. Tom, however, goes to school.

IV. Động từ (verbs): Vị trí của động từ trong câu rất dễ nhận biết vì nó thường đứng sau chủ ngữ (Nhớ cẩn thận với câu có nhiều mệnh đề).

Ex: My family has five people.
I believe her because she always tells the truth.

Chú ý: Khi dùng động từ nhớ lưu ý thì của nó để chia cho đúng.

B. Cách nhận biết từ loại trong tiếng Anh

I. Danh từ (nouns): danh từ thường kết thúc bằng: -tion/-ation, -ment, -er, -or, -ant, -ing, -age, -ship, -ism, -ity, -ness

Ex: distribution, information, development, teacher, actor, accountant, teaching, studying, teenage, friendship, relationship, shoolarship, socialism, ability, sadness, happiness………..

II. Tính từ (adjective): Tính từ thường kết thúc bằng: -ful, -less, -ly, -al, -ble, -ive, -ous, -ish, -y, -like, -ic, -ed, -ing

Ex: helful, beautiful, useful, homeless, childless, friendly, yearly, daily, national, international, acceptable, impossible, active, passive, attractive, famous, serious, dangerous, childish, selfish, foolish, rainy, cloudy, snowy, sandy, foggy, healthy, sympathy, childlike, specific, scientific, interested, bored, tired, interesting, boring

III. Trạng từ (adverbs): Trạng từ thường được thành lập bằng cách thêm đuôi “ly” vào tính từ

Ex: beautifully, usefully, carefully, strongly, badly

Lưu ý: Một số trạng từ đặc biệt cần ghi nhớ

Adj Adv
good well
late late/lately
ill ill
fast fast

II. Bài tập từ loại Tiếng Anh

Ex 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.

a. decide

b. decision

c. decisive

d. Decisively

2. She often drives very ________ so she rarely causes accident .

a. carefully

b. careful

c. caring

d. Careless

3. All Sue’s friends and __________ came to her party .

a. relations

b. Relatives

c. relationship

d. Related

4. My father studies about life and structure of plants and animals. He is a ……….

a. biology

b. biologist

c. biological

d. biologically

5. She takes the …….. for running the household.

a. responsibility

b. responsible

c. responsibly

d. responsiveness.

6. We are a very close-nit family and very ….. of one another.

a. supporting

b. supportive

c. support

d. supporter

7. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.

a. responsible

b. responsibility

c. responsibly

d. irresponsible

8. He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.

a. biology

b. biological

c. biologist

d. biologically

9. Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in __.

a. agree

b. agreeable

c. agreement

d. Agreeably

10. The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.

a. confide

b. confident

c. confidently

d. Confidence

11. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.

a. marry

b. married

c. marriageable

d. marriage

12. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.

a. diverse

b. diversity

c. diversify

d. diversification

13. Some people are concerned with physical ______ when choosing a wife or husband.

a. attractive

b. attraction



14. Mrs. Pike was so angry that she made a _______ gesture at the driver.

a. rude

b. rudeness

c. rudely

d. rudest

15. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.

a. polite

b. politely

c. politeness

d. impoliteness

16. He is unhappy because of his ————–.

a. deaf

b. deafen

c. deafness

d. Deafened

17. His country has ————– climate.

a. continent

b. continental

c. continence

d. Continentally

18. She has a ————– for pink.

a. prefer

b. preferential

c. preferentially

d. Preference

19. Computers are ————– used in schools and universities.

a. widely

b. wide

c. widen

d. Width

20. I sometimes do not feel ————– when I am at a party.

a. comfort

b. comfortable

c. comforted

d. Comfortably

21. English is the language of ————–.

a. communicative

b. communication

c. communicate

d. communicatively

22. I have to do this job because I have no ————–.

a. choose

b. choice

c. choosing

d. Chosen

23. English is used by pilots to ask for landing ————– in Cairo.

a. instruct

b. instructors

c. instructions

d. Instructive

24. He did some odd jobs at home ————–.

a. disappointment

b. disappoint

c. disappointed

d. Disappointedly

25. Don’t be afraid. This snake is ————–.

a. harm

b. harmful

c. harmless

d. Unharmed

26. During his ————–, his family lived in the United State.

a. child

b. childhood

c. childish

d. Childlike

27. Jack London wrote several ————– novels on adventure.

a. interest

b. interestedly

c. interesting

d. interested

28. He failed the final exam because he didn’t make any ————– for it.

a. prepare

b. preparation

c. preparing

d. Prepared

29. The custom was said to be a matter of ————–.

a. convenient

b. convenience

c. conveniently

d. Convene

30. She is ————– in her book.

a. absorbed

b. absorbent

c. absorptive

d. Absorb

31. As she is so ————– with her present job, she has decided to leave.

a. satisfy

b. satisfied

c. satisfying

d. unsatisfied

Đáp án:

1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 – a;

6 – b; 7 – b; 8 – a; 9 – c; 10 – b;

11 – d; 12 – c; 13 – b; 14 – a; 15 – a;

16 – c; 17 – b; 18 – d; 19 – a; 20 – b;

21 – b; 22 – b; 23 – c; 24 – d; 25 – c

26 – b; 27 – c; 28 – b; 29 – b; 30 – a; 31 – d

Ex 2. Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống sau đây.

Câu 1: We like their ……

A. friends

B. friendly

C. friendliness

D. a&c

Câu 2: The …. between Vietnam and China is good.

A. friends

B. friendly

C. friendliness

D. friendship

Câu 3: They seem to be ….. We dislike them.

A. friends

B. friendly

C. friendliness

D. friendship

Câu 4: There will be a …. in this street.

A. meet

B. meeting

C. met

D. a&c

Câu 5: We saw …. girls there.

A. beauty

B. beautiful

C. beautifully

D. beautify

Câu 6: The garden is … with trees and flowers.

A. beauty

B. beautiful

C. beautifully

D. beautify

Câu 7: They enjoy the …. atmosphere here.

A. peaceably

B. peace

C. peaceful

D. A & C

Câu 8: The …. unit of currency is the Ringgit.

A. Malaysia

B. Malaysian

C. Malay

D. no answer is correct

Câu 9: In ….., there are other religions.

A. addition

B. additionally

C. add

D. addiction

Câu 10: The _________ of old buildings should be taken into consideration.

A. preserve

B. preservation

C. preservative

D. preserves

Câu 11: You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the _______ of wildlife.

A. extinct

B. extinctive

C. extinctions

D. extinction

Câu 12: The language of …… is Bahasa Malaysia.

A. instruction

B. instruct

C. instructive

D. instructing

Câu 13: The problem of ________ among young people is hard to solve.

A. employment

B. employers

C. employees

D. unemployment

Câu 14: The ________ will judge you on your quality and performance.

A. examining

B. examinees

C. examiners

D. examination

Câu 15: A (An) _________ corporation is a company that operates in more than one country.

A. national

B. international

C. multinational

D. nationwide

Đáp án:

1 – D; 2 – D; 3 – D; 4 – B; 5 – B;

6 – B; 7 – C; 8 – B; 9 – A; 10 – B;

11 – D; 12 – A; 13 – D; 14 – C; 15 – C;

Ex 3. Bài tập biến đổi từ loại trong tiếng Anh

1. …………………….., the barber cut my hair too short. (luck)

2. Nam is very ……………………….., kind and generous. (social)

3. She has short …………………….. hair. (curl)

4. My brother likes acting and outdoor ………………………………. (act)

5. Bell …………………. demonstrated his invention. (success)

6. Thomas Watson was Bell’s …………………., wasn’t he? (assist)

7. “ The lost shoe” is one of the ……………………..stories I like best. (tradition)

8. Marconi was the ……………………. of radio. (invent)

9. Alexander G.B ……………………….. demonstrates his invention. (success)

10. We have two postal …………………… each day. (deliver)

11. She ‘s beautiful with a ……………………….. smile. (love)

12. Each of my friends has a ………………………. character. (differ)

13. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local ………. (orphan).

14. Trung and his brother like ………………………… movies very much. (act)

15. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting…………… over a long distance. (speak)

16. Mr Phong made an …………………. to see us at two o’clock. (arrange)

17. There wasn’t any …………………. in our village two years ago. (electric)

18. Everyone was ……………………….. at the soccer match. (excite)

19. The ……………………… of radio was made by Marconi. (invent)

20. Can I leave the ……………………….. of the table for you? (arrange)

Đáp án:

1 – Unluckily; 2 – Sociable; 3 – Curly; 4 – Activities; 5 – Successfully;

6 – Assistant; 7 – Traditional; 8 – Inventor; 9 – Successfully; 10 – Delivered;

11 – Lovely; 12 – Different; 13 – Orphanage; 14 – Action; 15 – Speech;

16 – arrangement; 17 – Electricity; 18 – Excited; 19 – Invention; 20 – Arrangement

Ex 4. Chia dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc

1. Mina thinks she’d call it a ___________ image. (beauty)

2. My sister wore a ___________ shirt yesterday. (sleeve)

3. Her brother met a ___________ person in Canada. (home)

4. Jacky is the most ____________ boy im my class. (handsomeness)

5. It was so __________ in my daungter’s room. (disgust)

6. They had a __________ trip on holiday last week. (excite)

7. The waves are way too ________. (loft)

8. She is a ___________ little girl. (humor)

9. This film is so _________. (bore)

10. Binh is a _________ opponent to me. (danger)

11. Cuc is a __________ girl. (care)

12. His house seems quite _________ today. (tidily)

Đáp án:

1 – beautiful;

2 – sleeveless;

3 – homeless;

4 – handsome;

5 – disgusting;

6 – exciting;

7 – lofty;

8 – humorous;

9 – boring;

10 – dangerous;

11 – careful;

12 – tidy;

Ex 5. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. The man will go to the match ______.

A. Sometime

B. Anywhere

C. Even if it rains

2. It’s time to eat ____!

A. Tomorrow

B. Now

C. Never

3. Turn off the light before you go _____.

A. Out

B. Seldom

C. Immediately

4. The cake is ______ frozen.

A. Anywhere

B. Completely

C. Inside

5. Dan _____ early on weekdays.

A. Gets always up

B. Always gets up

C. Gets up always

Đáp án:

1. C;

2. B;

3. A;

4. B;

5. B

Ex 6. Give the correct form of the word.

1. My mom enjoys cooking on a gas………………………….. (cook)

2. There is a lot of food and drink on the …………………………. table. (Dine)

3. Her father is a………………………….. (FARM)

4. His ……………….are small and long. (FOOT)

5. Near my house there is a market. It’s very …………………… (NOISE)

6. Her ………………..are in the yard. They are playing soccer. (CHILD)

7. There are many………………………….on the street. (TREE)

8. In the ……………….. , there is a museum, a factory and a stadium. (NEIGHBOR)

9. The photocopy is between the ……………….and the drugstore. (BAKE)

10. Minh is ….. ……………………… at English than I am. (good )

Đáp án:

1 – cooker;

2 – dining;

3 – farmer;

4 – feet;

5 – noisy;

6 – children;

7 – trees;

8 – neighbourhood;

9 – bakery;

10 – better;

Ex 7. Give the correct form of the world in bracket.

1. In India, there are a lot of __________________ in the streets (BEG).

2. When I did the gym I started putting on more __________________ (WEIGH).

3. I had no __________________ in finding the right address. (DIFFICULT)

4. He talked about __________________ and peace in our world (FREE)

5. __________________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

6. The __________________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

7. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their __________________ environment (NATURE)

8. __________________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

9. Thank you for being so __________________ today (HELP)

10. He has been a short- __________________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

Đáp án:

1. In India, there are a lot of _______ BEGGARS___________ in the streets (BEG).

2. When I did the gym I started putting on more _________WEIGHT_________ (WEIGH).

3. I had no ________DIFFICULTY__________ in finding the right address. (DIFFICULT)

4. He talked about ________FREEDOM __________ and peace in our world (FREE)

5. __________LUCKILY________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

6. The __________DESTRUCTION ________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

7. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their ________NATURAL__________ environment (NATURE)

8. __________HAPPINESS________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

9. Thank you for being so _________HELPFUL_________ today (HELP)

10. He has been a short- _________DISTANCE_________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

Ex 8. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits into the space next to it!

1. A ______________________ of foreign languages, especially French and German, is required for the job. (KNOW)

2. Judo requires both skill and ______________________ (STRONG).

3. We decided to buy the house because the price was very ______________________ (REASON)

4. The ______________________ of the mountain is about 2000 metres (HIGH).

5. Tea or coffee? – If I had the ______________________ I’d take tea (CHOOSE).

6. She was very ______________________ and hoped to become a lawyer before she reached the age of 35. (AMBITION)

7. Thank you for everything you’ve done. You’ve been very ______________________ (HELP).

8. The painting looked real, but the ______________________ was obviously a forgery (SIGN).

9. Last year the company made a ______________________ of over $10 million (LOSE).

10.I could never live in Saudi Arabia because of the ______________________ (HOT).

Đáp án:

1. A _____knowledge______ of foreign languages, especially French and German, is required for the job. (KNOW)

2. Judo requires both skill and ____strength__ (STRONG).

3. We decided to buy the house because the price was very _____reasonable____ (REASON)

4. The ____height___ of the mountain is about 2000 metres (HIGH).

5. Tea or coffee? – If I had the _____choice____ I’d take tea (CHOOSE).

6. She was very _____ambitious ___ and hoped to become a lawyer before she reached the age of 35. (AMBITION)

7. Thank you for everything you’ve done. You’ve been very _____helpful____ (HELP).

8. The painting looked real, but the ___signature____ was obviously a forgery (SIGN).

9. Last year the company made a ______loss____ of over $10 million (LOSE).

10.I could never live in Saudi Arabia because of the ______heat____ (HOT).

Ex 9. Put the correct form of the word in brackets into the blank.

1. In the future the public will have a wider __________________ of television programs. (CHOOSE)

2. Looking after the health of 700 children is heavy ______________________ . (RESPONSIBLE)

3. The town spent more money on __________________ and health than ever before (HOUSE)

4. Do you have any particular __________________ where we sit? (PREFER)

5. There’s a __________________ contrast between what he does and what he says. (STRIKE)

6. The party turned out to be a huge ______________________ (DISAPPOINT)

7. He was fined and __________________ for reckless driving (QUALIFY).

8. Is it possible to remove the smell from the books that have been in _______________ for such a long time? (STORE)

9. Many people are interested in job __________________ more than in earning large amount of money (SATISFY).

10. I hadn’t made a __________________ , so I just got on the first flight available. (RESERVE)

Đáp án:

1. In the future the public will have a wider _________choice_________ of television programs. (CHOOSE)

2. Looking after the health of 700 children is heavy _______responsibility_______ . (RESPONSIBLE)

3. The town spent more money on _______housing______ and health than ever before (HOUSE)

4. Do you have any particular _______preference_______ where we sit? (PREFER)

5. There’s a _______striking_____ contrast between what he does and what he says. (STRIKE)

6. The party turned out to be a huge __________ disappointment______ (DISAPPOINT)

7. He was fined and ______disqualified_____ for reckless driving (QUALIFY).

8. Is it possible to remove the smell from the books that have been in _____storage_______ for such a long time? (STORE)

9. Many people are interested in job _______satisfaction______ more than in earning large amount of money (SATISFY).

10. I hadn’t made a ______reservation,_____ , so I just got on the first flight available. (RESERVE)

Ex 10. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. In India, there are a lot of __________________ in the streets (BEG).

2. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more __________________ (WEIGH).

3. I had no __________________ in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT)

4. He talked about __________________ and peace in our world (FREE)

5. __________________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

6. The __________________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

7. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their __________________ environment (NATURE)

8. __________________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

9. Thank you for being so __________________ yesterday (HELP)

10. He has been a long- __________________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

Đáp án

1. In India, there are a lot of ________BEGGARS__________ in the streets (BEG).

2. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more ___________WEIGHT_______ (WEIGH).

3. I had no ________DIFFICULTY__________ in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT)

4. He talked about _________ FREEDOM_________ and peace in our world (FREE)

5. ________LUCKILY__________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

6. The __________DESTRUCTION________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

7. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their ________NATURAL__________ environment (NATURE)

8. _________HAPPINESS_________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

9. Thank you for being so _______ HELPFUL________ yesterday (HELP)

10. He has been a long- __________DISTANCE________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

Ex 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals

1. I need to ______________my knowledge of classical music (BROAD).

2. I love all forms of ______________, including ballet and opera (ENTERTAIN) .

3. Phantom of the Opera is a ______________music show (SENSATION).

4. During her ______________, the girl lived in Australia. (YOUNG)

5. The mid-20th century saw the ______________of pop music. (ARRIVE)

6. Bollywood movies achieved huge ______________in the 1990s (POPULAR)

7. You need to ______________your muscles if you want to become a bodybuilder (STRONG)

8. The money they get from donations will______________ them to buy more equipment (ABLE)

9. Thieves sometimes target people at concerts , so be ______________with your wallets. (CARE)

10. Watching old movies is my mum’s idea of ______________(HAPPY)

Đáp án

1. I need to __________broaden____my knowledge of classical music (BROAD).

2. I love all forms of , including ballet and opera (ENTERTAIN) ______entertainment________.

3. Phantom of the Opera is a _______sensational_______music show (SENSATION).

4. During her _______youth_______, the girl lived in Australia. (YOUNG)

5. The mid-20th century saw the _______arrival_______of pop music. (ARRIVE)

6. Bollywood movies achieved huge ______popularity________in the 1990s (POPULAR)

7. You need to ________strengthen______your muscles if you want to become a bodybuilder (STRONG)

8. The money they get from donations will_____enable_________ them to buy more equipment (ABLE)

9. Thieves sometimes target people at concerts , so be ________careful______with your wallets. (CARE)

10. Watching old movies is my mum’s idea of ______happiness________(HAPPY)

Ex 12. Choose the correct answer.

1. It’s great if we can practice speaking English with _______ speakers.

A. nation B. national C. native D. natively

2. I want to see your ______ to pass the exam.

A. effort B. effortless

C. effortlessly D. effortlessness

3. The little girl laughed ______ when her mother told her a funny story.

A. happy B. happiness C. unhappy D. happily

4. They were ______ that he refused to help them.

A. surprising B. surprised C. surprisingly D. surprise

5. As a leader, you need to be more _______.

A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decided

Đáp án

1 – C;

2 – A;

3 – D;

4 – B;

5 – C;

Ex 13. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. I wear a lot of make-up in order to feel ___________(CONFIDENCE).

2. I am a very _________ person. I can never wait (PATIENT)

3. I always have my cell phone with me. I am completely _________ without it (HELP).

4. Mom hates those shoes. They are so __________(COMFORT)

5. My brother bought an outdoor jacket. It’s so _______when he goes hiking (PRACTICE).

6. It will be a _______ day today. The sun isn’t going to come out. (CLOUD)

7. Eating chips is not very _______ (HEALTH).

8. Most of our possessions are _________. We could live just as well without them (REPLACE)

9. She is really a ________person. She can play three different instruments and sing as well. (MUSIC)

10. The manual is completely________ . All the information is out-of-date (USE)

Đáp án

1. I wear a lot of make-up in order to feel ______confident_____(CONFIDENCE).

2. I am a very ____impatient_____ person. I can never wait (PATIENT)

3. I always have my cell phone with me. I am completely _____helpless____ without it (HELP).

4. Mom hates those shoes. They are so _____uncomfortable_____(COMFORT)

5. My brother bought an outdoor jacket. It’s so ____practical___when he goes hiking (PRACTICE).

6. It will be a ____cloudy___ day today. The sun isn’t going to come out. (CLOUD)

7. Eating chips is not very ____healthy___ (HEALTH).

8. Most of our possessions are ____replaceable_____. We could live just as well without them (REPLACE)

9. She is really a ____musical____ person. She can play three different instruments and sing as well. (MUSIC)

10. The manual is completely____useless____ . All the information is out-of-date (USE)

Ex 14. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. My best friend has a great __________________ . (PERSON).

2. You need a lot of __________________ to write a good story (IMAGINE)

3. The lesson was __________________ . I almost fell asleep. (BORE)

4. Don’t be so __________________ . This is the second vase you have broken this month (CARE).

5. It’s simply __________________ . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE)

6. I have to hold a __________________ at my brother’s wedding (SPEAK)

Đáp án

1. My best friend has a great _______personality_______ . (PERSON).

2. You need a lot of _________imagination_________ to write a good story (IMAGINE)

3. The lesson was _______boring___________ . I almost fell asleep. (BORE)

4. Don’t be so ________careless__________ . This is the second vase you have broken this month (CARE).

5. It’s simply ________unbelievable_________ . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE)

6. I have to hold a _________speech_________ at my brother’s wedding (SPEAK)

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập Too, So, Either và Neither có đáp án

Bài tập Bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu có đáp án

Bài tập cấu trúc To V và Ving thường gặp có đáp án

Bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V có đáp án

Bài tập đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ và đại từ sở hữu có đáp án

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