50 bài tập trạng từ có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập trạng từ có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập trạng từ và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập trạng từ có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm trạng từ

Trạng từ là gì?

Trạng từ là một từ được dùng để cung cấp thông tin cho một tính từ khác hoặc cho một trạng từ khác. Thông tin này có thể là các vấn đề liên quan đến hoàn cảnh, nguyên nhân, mức độ, cách thức,….

Phân loại trạng từ

Có các loại trạng từ cơ bản như sau:

– Trạng từ chỉ cách thức: carefully (cẩn thận), well (tốt, hay), slowly (chậm), badly (xấu, dở),…

– Trạng từ chỉ thời gian: yesterday (hôm qua), today (hôm nay), tomorrow (ngày mai), then (lúc ấy),…

– Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn: here (ở đây), upstairs (ở trên lầu), around (xung quanh), everywhere (khắp nơi), …

– Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: often (thường xuyên), sometimes (đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng), never (không bao giờ),…

– Trạng từ chỉ mức độ: too (quá), extremely (vô cùng), very (rất), almost (gần như), enough (đủ),…

– Trạng từ nghi vấn: where (ở đâu), when (khi nào), why (tại sao), how (như thế nào) khi dùng đặt câu hỏi.

– Trạng từ quan hệ: when (mà, khi), where (nơi mà), why (vì sao) khi dùng để nối các mệnh đề quan hệ

Chức năng của trạng từ

– Bổ nghĩa cho động từ

– Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ

– Bổ nghĩa cho trạng từ khác

– Bổ nghĩa cho cụm giới từ

– Bổ nghĩa cho cả câu

Ví trí của trạng từ trong cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh:

– Vị trí đầu câu: thường là các trạng từ nghi vấn hoặc các trạng từ dùng để kết nối.

– Vị trí giữa câu: thường là các trạng từ chỉ tần suất, mức độ, cách thức.

– Vị trí cuối câu: thường là các trạng từ chỉ cách thức, thời gian, nơi trốn.

Cách thành lập trạng từ

Cách tạo ra trạng từ từ tính từ

– Sử dụng công thức: Tính từ + -ly -> Trạng từ.

VD: perfect -> perfectly (một cách hoàn hảo), careful -> carefully (một cách cẩn thận),…

– Nếu tính từ kết thúc bằng -y, khi chuyển sang dạng trạng từ, bạn cần đưa thành đuôi -ily.

VD: happy -> happily (một cách vui vẻ),..

– Nếu tính từ kết thúc bằng -ic, khi chuyển sang trạng từ, bạn cần đưa thành đuôi -ically.

VD: enthusiastic -> enthusiastically (một cách nhiệt tình), drastic -> drastically (một cách quyết liệt),…

– Nếu tính từ có kết thúc bằng -le hoặc -ue

VD: terrible -> terribly (một cách tồi tệ), true -> truly (thật lòng),…

Cách tạo tính từ từ danh từ

– Một số ít trạng từ được cấu thành từ danh từ với hậu tố “-wise”, có nghĩa là bằng cách nào, theo cách nào.

Ví dụ: sideways, clockwise, lengthwise, edgewise, crosswise, ….

He hit the tennis ball sideways. “in a way that sent it off to the side of the court”. ( Anh ấy đánh quá bóng tennis sang một bên.- Bằng cách nào đó anh ấy đã đánh quả bóng sang bên lề của sân tennis).

– Trong một số trường hợp, trạng từ kết thúc là “-wise” bổ nghĩa cho ý kiến của mệnh đề và nó giới hạn quan điểm của người nói về một ý kiến, phạm vi của chủ đề.

Ví dụ: otherwise, timewise, likewise,… .

It can’t be too windy. Otherwise, the officials postpone the match. Likewise, heavy rain can be a reason for postponing this match.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết trạng từ

Để nhận biết từ vựng đó có phải là trạng từ trong tiếng Anh, phần lớn ta nhận biết dựa trên phần lớn trạng từ đều có đuôi “-ly”. Trạng từ thường được tạo ra bằng cách thêm hậu tố “-ly” vào Trạng từ thường có ba loại phổ biến như sau:

      • Trạng từ có hậu tố -ly: carefully, mostly, actually,…
      • Một số trạng từ không có hậu tố -ly như: well, very, often, never,…
      • Một số trạng từ có hình thức như tính từ: early, fast, hard,…

II. Bài tập trạng từ

Ex 1. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb.

– James is careful. He drives____________.

– The girl is slow. She walks____________.

– Her English is perfect. She speaks English____________.

– Our teacher is angry. She shouts____________.

– My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks____________.

– He is a bad writer. He writes____________.

– Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar____________.

– He is a good painter. He paints____________.

– She is a quiet girl. She does her job____________.

– This exercise is easy. You can do it____________.

Đáp án:

– James is careful. He drives carefully.

– The girl is slow. She walks slowly.

– Her English is perfect. She speaks English perfectly.

– Our teacher is angry. She shouts angrily.

– My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks loudly.

– He is a bad writer. He writes badly.

– Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar nicely.

– He is a good painter. He paints well.

– She is a quiet girl. She does her job quietly.

– This exercise is easy. You can do it easily.

Ex 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the box. Write the kind of adverb against each sentence. The same adverb can be used more than once.











1. I …………………….. go to bed at 10 o’clock. (…………………………………)

2. I have …………………. been to the USA. (…………………………………)

3. I have been to Australia just ………………….. (…………………………………)

4. I ………………….. take a bath before I go to bed. (…………………………………)

5. My grandparents live in Kerala. I visit them …………………… (…………………………………)

6. My friends are ………………… non-smokers. (…………………………………)

7. I was …………………… impressed with her performance. (…………………………………)

8. I ………………….. go for a walk in the park. (…………………………………)

9. I watch English films …………………. (…………………………………)

10. They …………………. go out. (…………………………………)

Đáp án:

1. I usually go to bed at 10 o’clock. (adverb of frequency)

2. I have never been to the USA. (frequency adverb)

3. I have been to Australia just once. (frequency)

4. I always take a bath before I go to bed. (frequency)

5. My grandparents live in Kerala. I visit them often. (frequency)

6. My friends are mostly non-smokers. (focusing adverb)

7. I was very impressed with her performance. (degree adverb)

8. I sometimes go for a walk in the park. (frequency adverb)

9. I watch English films occasionally. (frequency adverb)

10. They rarely go out. (frequency adverb)

Ex 3. Complete the following with suitable adverbs. Choose from the given box.











1. I have ………………….. finished.

2. He is ………………… clever.

3. There is …………………. something wrong.

4. ……………….. I think I should take a long break.

5. ………………… her train is late.

6. He is ……………….. late for work.

7. She is ……………….. the right person for the job.

8. Have you ………………. wanted to run away?

9. You can see lots of flowers ……………….

10. They are ………………… beautiful.

Đáp án:

1. I have almost finished.

2. He is very clever.

3. There is clearly something wrong.

4. I sometimes think I should take a long break.

5. Perhaps her train is late.

6. He is seldom late for work.

7. She is certainly the right person for the job.

8. Have you ever wanted to run away?

9. You can see lots of flowers there.

10. They are very beautiful.

Ex 4. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position.

– They go to the movies. (often)

– She listens to classical music. (rarely)

– He reads the newspaper. (sometimes)

– Sara smiles. (never)

– She complains about her husband. (always)

– I drink coffee. (sometimes)

– Frank is ill. (often)

– He feels terrible (usually)

– I go jogging in the morning. (always)

– She helps her daughter with her homework. (never)

– We watch television in the evening. (always)

– I smoke. (never)

– I eat meat. (seldom)

– I eat vegetables and fruits. (always)

Đáp án:

– They often go to the movies. (often)

– She rarely listens to classical music. (rarely)

– He sometimes reads the newspaper. (sometimes)

– Sara neversmiles. (never)

– She always complains about her husband. (always)

– I drink sometimes coffee. (sometimes)

– Frank often is ill. (often)

– He usually feels terrible (usually)

– I always go jogging in the morning. (always)

– She never helps her daughter with her homework. (never)

– We always watch television in the evening. (always)

– I never smoke. (never)

– I seldom eat meat. (seldom)

– I always vegetables and fruits. (always)

Ex 5. Complete the sentences with the best adverb.

slowly carefully beautifully well loudly carelessly easily excitedly finally suddenly quickly quietly

– Come here ____________. You have to see this!

– We knew that she had got the job when we saw her _________ talking on the phone.

– He ______________ put the vase on the table. It fell to the floor.

– Sharon is throwing a party on Saturday. She ___________ finished her PhD.

– Let’s walk ________________. I don’t want to be the first one at the meeting.

– Alex _____________ put up the bookshelves. It was too difficult for me to do on my own.

– Every thing happened so ______________. We had to move to California in less than a month.

– Why does he always have to talk so ____________. You can hear him in the next room!

– Although she speaks five languages, she did not do ___________ on the translation exam.

– I was so surprised. His new apartment was _____________ decorated.

Đáp án:

1. quickly,

2. excitedly,

3. carelessly,

4. finally,

5. slowly,

6. easily,

7. suddenly,

8. loudly,

9. well,

10. Beautifully

Ex 6. Complete the sentence using an adjective or adverb.

– He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so ____________ (quick/quickly).

– I prefer studying in the library. It’s always_______________ (quiet/quietly).

– Michael __________ (happy/happily) took the assistant job. He had been looking for a position all summer.

– Marta dances _____________ (beautiful/beautifully). She’s been taking ballet since she was five years old.

– They speak French very ____________ (good/well). They lived in France for two years.

– My neighbor always plays ___________ (loud/loudly) music on the weekends. It’s so annoying.

– Please be __________ (careful/carefully) in the hallway. The walls have just been painted.

– Dan is very smart, but he is not a very___________ (good/well) student.

– He reacted __________ (angry/angrily) to the news. I have never seen him so upset.

– We didn’t ______________ (complete/completely) understand the teacher’s instructions. Most of us did not finish the assignment.

Đáp án:

1. quickly,

2. quiet,

3. happily,

4. beautifully,

5. well,

6. loud,

7. careful,

8. good,

9. angrily,

10. completely

Ex 7. Chọn đáp án đúng:

1. I wouldn’t have missed my flight if the bus had arrived_________

A. .lately

B. late

C. more early

D. early

2, Although this tea tastes not bad, I don’t like it _________.

A. so

B. many

C. a lot

D. much

3. I think your presentation is ________ good.

A. nice

B pretty

C. quiet

D. beautiful

4. He ran so ________ that no one could catch up him

A. fast

B. fastly

C. slow

D. slowly

5. We recommend that you ________ purchase your home.

A. quickly

B. quick

C. quicken

D. quickness

6. Our production team ________ inspects the quality of our products.

A. through

B. thoroughness

C. thoroughly

D. thorough

7. The population team ________ inspects the quality of our products.

A. slight

B. slightly

C. slightness

D. slighted

8. The hotel is _________ located within easy walking distance of the beach.

A. perfect

B. perfectly

C. perfected

D. perfecting

9. Small-business owners _______ use local newspaper advertisements.

A. frequent

B. frequency

C. frequentness

D. frequently

10. Most interviewers ________ examine applicant’s educational backgrounds.

A. closely

B. closer

C. close

D. closest

11. Replacing the old building with a new one was a _________ impossible task.

A. near

B. nearby

C. nearly

D. nearing

12. The insurance company does not seem to be ________ sound.

A. finance

B. finances

C. financial

D. financially

13. Dress ________ when you go to the interview.

A. nice

B. nicely

C. tidy

D. good

14. She is lying ________ in the new bed.

A. comfortablely

B. comfortably

C. comfortable

D. in a comfortable way

15. You have to pay the phone bill _________.

A. monthly

B. monthlily

C. month

D. in a monthly

16. The cost of petroleum is increasing ________.

A. dramatically

B. dramatic

C. dramaticly

D. dramatical

17. Sue works ________. She never seems to stop.

A. continuously

B. continuous

C. continue

D. continual

18. My brother often goes to bed ________.

A. earlily

B. early

C. earlier

D. in a early way

19. _______, most adults can identify only about five out of a set of 21 colours that are only _______ different.

A. Similarly/slightly

B. Similar/slightless

C. Similar/slight

D. Similarly/slighting

20. The________ decorated purse that David knitted is ________ fraying around the edges.

A. carefully/quickly

B. carefully/quick

C. carefully/quickly

D. careful/quick

Đáp án:

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.A
11.C 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.A

Ex 8: Adjective or adverb? Complete the sentences

I’m Mr. Loc and I’m a ____________ (good) runner. I can run ____________ (good).

I’m normally a ____________ (safe) driver. On the road I always drive my car ____________ (slow) and ____________(careful).

But sometimes I have to drive ____________ (fast) because someone is in danger. I’m a____________ (good) football player and I can sing very ____________(good). I’m a ____________ (brilliant) singer. And I can fly ____________ (fast). I’m an almost ____________ (perfect) person!

Đáp án:

I’m Mr. Loc and I’m a ______good______ (good) runner. I can run _____well_______ (good).

I’m normally a _____safe_______ (safe) driver. On the road I always drive my car ______slowly______ (slow) and ____carefully________(careful).

But sometimes I have to drive ____fast________ (fast) because someone is in danger. I’m a ____good________ (good) football player and I can sing very ______well______(good). I’m a ____brilliant________ (brilliant) singer. And I can fly ______fast______ (fast). I’m an almost ______perfect______ (perfect) person!

Ex 9: Choose the correct choice

1. Everybody at the party was (colorful/ colorfully) dressed.

Everybody was wearing (colorful/ colorfully) clothes.

2. Our team lost the match because we played (bad/ badly)

I feel (bad/ badly) about losing the match

3. Your proposal sounds a bit (selfish/ selfishly)

You behaved (selfish/ selfishly)

4. Don’t stand on the stool. It doesn’t look (safe/ safely)

Fortunately he sheltered (safe/ safely) at home during the storm.

5. We waited (impatient/ impatiently) until they arrived.

She sounded (impatient/ impatiently) on the phone

Đáp án:

1. Everybody at the party was colorfully dressed.

Everybody was wearing colorful clothes.

2. Our team lost the match because we played badly

I feel bad about losing the match

3. Your proposal sounds a bit selfish

You behaved selfishly

4. Don’t stand on the stool. It doesn’t look safe

Fortunately he sheltered safely at home during the storm.

5. We waited impatiently until they arrived.

Ex 10. Chọn dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu.

1. There were …. injured victims coming this morning. (serious/seriously)

2. The driver of the car had …. injuries. (serious/seriously)

3. I think you behaved very …. .(selfish/selfishly)

4. Rose is …. upset about losing her job. (terrible/terribly)

5. There was a …. change in the weather. (sudden/suddenly)

6. Everybody at the party was …. dressed. (colourful/colourfully)

7. Linda likes wearing …. clothes. (colourful/colourfully)

8. Liz fell and hurt herself quite …. . (bad/badly)

9. Joe says he didn’t do well at school because he was …. taught. (bad/badly)

10. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look …. . (safe/safely)

Đáp án

1. seriously

2. serious

3. selfishly

4. terribly

5. sudden

6. colourfully

7. colourful

8. badly

9. badly

10. safe

Ex 11. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong những đáp án sau.

1. It rained … this morning so I couldn’t go home then.

A. heavy

B. heavily

C. more heavily

2 . Today you looks________than usual.

A. more confident

B. more confidently

C. confidently

3. Your house is_______decorated than me.

A. more beautiful

B. more beautifully

C. beautifully.

4. No one in my class runs__________than Peter.

A. more fastly

B. more better

C. faster.

5. This time you did much________!

A. better

B. more better

C. more well

6. You have to work_________If you want to succeed.

A. more hardly

B. hardlier

C. harder

7. Today I came to class_________than usual.

A. more early

B. earlier

C. early

8. You need to work___________, or you will make a lot of mistakes.

A. more careful

B. more carefully

C. carefully

9. She walks__________than other people.

A. slower

B. more slowly

C. more slowlier

10. The blue skirt suits you_______than the black one.

A. better

B. more better

C. more well

Đáp án

1b 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7b 8b 9b 10a

Ex 12. Viết lại câu với trạng từ chỉ tần suất cho sẵn.

1. Tom goes to school so late. (often)

2. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually)

3. Our friends must write tests. (often)

4. They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes)

5. The weather is bad in November. (always)

6. Peggy and Frank are late. (usually)

7. I have met him before. (never)

8. John watches TV. (seldom)

9. I was in contact with my sister. (often)

10. She will love him. (always)

Đáp án

1. Tom often goes to school so late.

2. Peter doesn’t usually get up before seven.

3. Our friends must often write tests.

4. They sometimes go swimming in the lake.

5. The weather is always bad in November.

6. Peggy and Frank are usually late.

7. I have never met him before.

8. John seldom watches TV.

9. I was often in contact with my sister.

10. She will always love him.

Ex 13. Chọn đáp án đúng điền vào ô trống.

1. She played _____.

A. beautiful

B. beautifuly

C. beautifully

2. Maria …. opened her present. (slow)

A. Slow

B. Slowly

3. Don’t speak so …… I can’t understand you. (fast)

A. Fast

B. Fastly

4. Our basketball team played ….. last Friday. (bad)

A. Badly

B. Bad

5. This steak smells …… (good)

A. Good

B. Goodly

6. Jack is …. upset about losing his keys. (terrible)

A. Terribly

B. Terrible

7. Robin looks …. What’s the matter with him? (sad)

A. Sadly

B. Sad

8. Be …. with this glass of milk. It’s hot. (careful)

A. Careful

B. Carefully

9. This hamburger tastes ….. (awful)

A. Awful

B. Awfuly

C. Awfully

10. Kevin is ….. clever. (extreme)

A. Extremely

B. Extreme

Đáp án

1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7b 8a 9c 10a

Ex 14. Chuyển từ tính từ sang trạng từ chỉ cách thức.

1. Ann took a bad test. He did the test so____________.

2. The girl is slow. She walks____________.

3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English____________.

4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts____________.

5. My neighbor is a loudspeaker. He speaks____________.

6. He is a bad writer. He writes____________.

7. Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar____________.

8. He is a good painter. He paints____________.

9. She is a quiet girl. She does her job____________.

10. This exercise is easy. You can do it____________.

Đáp án

1. Ann took a bad test. He did the test so badly.

2. The girl is slow. She walks slowly.

3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English perfectly.

4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts angrily.

5. My neighbor is a loudspeaker. He speaks loudly.

6. He is a bad writer. He writes badly.

7. Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar nicely.

8. He is a good painter. He paints well.

9. She is a quiet girl. She does her job quietly.

10. This exercise is easy. You can do it easily.

Ex 15. Hoàn thành câu với dạng so sánh hơn của trạng từ.

1. Now I speak Chinese (fluent) …………… more than last year.

2. She greeted me (polite) …………… of all.

3. She smiled (happy) …………… than before.

4. This girl dances (graceful) …………… of all.

5. Could you write (clear) …………… ?

6. Planes can fly (high) …………… than birds.

7. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) …………… than before.

8. Jim can run (fast) …………… than John.

9. Our team played (bad) …………… of all.

10. He worked (hard) …………… than ever before.

Đáp án

1. more fluently

2. most politely

3. more happily

4. most gracefully

5. more clearly

6. higher

7. more carefully

8. faster

9. worst

10. harder

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập cách thành lập từ có đáp án

Bài tập động từ bất quy tắc có đáp án

Bài tập Enough có đáp án

Bài tập so sánh với tính từ và trạng từ có đáp án

Bài tập từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa có đáp án

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết tại Giải Bài Tập. Mời các bạn cùng xem các nội dung giải trí học tập và các kiến thức thú vị khác tại đây.

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