50 bài tập câu phủ định thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập câu phủ định thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập câu phủ định thì hiện tại đơn và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập câu phủ định thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm phủ định thì hiện tại đơn

1. To Be: (am/ is/ are)

Khẳng định

Phủ định (not)

Nghi vấn?



Am not

Am I …………?

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít


Is not (isn’t)



You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


Are not (aren’t)

Are …………..?

2. Ordinary verbs:

Khẳng định

Phủ định (not)

Nghi vấn?

I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


(nguyên mẫu)

Do not + Vo

(=don’t +Vo)

Do…..+ Vo…?

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít


Does not + Vo

(=doesn’t +Vo)

Does…..+ Vo…?

* Use: Diễn tả một sự thật ở hiên tại, một quy luật, một chân lý hiển nhiên

Diễn tả một thói quen,môt sự việc lập đi lập lại ở hiện tại, một phong tục.

* Note:Trong thời hiện tại thường, các ngôi (thứ nhất số ít/nhiều, thứ 3 số nhiều) được chia như ví dụ tổng quát 1/ trên đây, riêng ngôi thứ 3 (ba) số ít (He, she, it – Tom, John, Hoa …), ta cần lưu ý các quy tắc sau:

– Phải thêm “s” vào sau động từcâu khẳng định. (V+s)

Ví dụ: He likes reading books.

She likes pop music.

– Câu phủ định :……………………………………..

– Câu nghi vấn? :…………………………………….

– Ngoài việc “s” vào sau động từ, ta phải đặc biệt chú ý những trường hợp sau:

+ Những động từ (Verbs) tận cùng bằng những chữ sau đây thì phải thêm “ES”.

S, X, Z, CH, SH, O (do, go) + ES

Ví dụ: miss








Ví dụ: He often kisses his wife before going to work.

Tom brushes his teeth everyday.

+ Những động từ(Verbs) tận cùng bằng “Y” thì phải xét hai (2) trường hợp sau đây.

Nếu trước Y là nguyên âm (vowel)………….. thì giữ nguyên y và chỉ thêm S

We play

She/ he plays

Ví dụ: She plays the piano very well.

Nếu trước Y là phụ âm (consonant) thì sẽ chia như sau: (Y —- IES)

We carry

She/ he carries

They worry

She/ he worries

Ví dụ: He often carries money with him whenever he goes out.

* Các trạng từ dùng trong thời HTĐ:

– Always, usually, often, not often, sometimes, occasionally, never;

– Everyday, every week/ month/ year…, on Mondays, Tuesdays, …. , Sundays.

– Once/twice/ three times… a week/month/y ear …;

– Every two weeks, every three months (a quarter)

– Whenever, every time, every now and then, every now and again, every so often

* Cách phát âm:Với các ngôi thứ ba (3) số ít, đuôi “S” được đọc như sau:

Cách đọc

Các động từ có kết thúc với đuôi


F, K, P, T


S, X, Z, CH, SH, CE, GE + ES


Không thuộc hai loại trên

II. Bài tập phủ định thì hiện tại đơn

Exercise 1: Make negative sentences.

Example: She has a bath every day. => She doesn’t have a bath every day.

1. I watch football match. –

2. They like playing basketball. –

3. It is boring. –

4. She cleans the floor. –

5. You ride your bike every weekend. –

6. Andy takes nice photos. –

7. They turn on the radio. –

8. He buys a new house. –

9. You are late. –

10. She has a cat. –

11. Lara plays the piano very well.-

12. We work very hard.-

13. He does the same thing every day. –

14. They know my phone number.-

15. I read the newspaper every day.-

16. My brother likes the cinema.-

17. Brian wears a wedding ring.-

18. John lives near us. –

19. I drive to university.-

20. I go shopping with my brother.-

Đáp án:

1. I don’t watch football match.

2. They don’t like playing basketball.

3. It is not boring.

4. She doesn’t clean the floor.

5. You don’t ride your bike every weekend.

6. Andy doesn’t take nice photos.

7. They don’t turn on the radio.

8. He doesn’t buy a new house.

9. You are not late.

10. She doesn’t have a cat.

11. Lara doesn’t play the piano very well.

12. We don’t work very hard.

13. He does not the same thing every day.

14. They don’t know my phone number.

15. I don’t read the newspaper every day.

16. My brother doesn’t like the cinema.

17. Brian doesn’t wear a wedding ring.

18. John doesn’t live near us.

19. I don’t drive to university.

20. I don’t go shopping with my brother.

Exercise 2: Write the sentences in negative

1. We sometimes use a dictionary in class.-

2. My friends are friendly.-

3. School finishes at three o’clock.-

4. You live near me.-

5. He likes Pop music.-

6. Jack does his homework before dinner.-

7. I and my sister play tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.-

8. I’m a singer.-

9. My mother teaches art.-

10. He plays tennis after school-

11. It’s nine o’clock.-

12. We have lunch at school.-

13. Now is seven o’clock .

14. We go to bed at nine o´clock.-

Đáp án:

1. We sometimes don’t use a dictionary in class.

2. My friends are not friendly.

3. School doesn’t finish at three o’clock.

4. You don’t live near me.

5. He doesn’t like Pop music.

6. Jack does not his homework before dinner.

7. I and my sister don’t play tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

8. I’m not a singer.

9. My mother doesn’t teach art.

10. He doesn’t play tennis after school

11. It’s not nine o’clock.

12. We don’t have lunch at school.

13. Now is not seven o’clock .

14. We don’t go to bed at nine o’clock.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.

1. They (doesn’t/ don’t) live near us.

2. Jim (doesn’t/ don’t) have a mobile phone.

3. We (doesn’t/ don’t) have any homework tonight.

4. The children (doesn’t/ don’t) go to school on Saturday.

5. Aida (doesn’t/ don’t) speak Chinese.

6. You (doesn’t/ don’t) need a raincoat today.

7. That ball (doesn’t/ don’t) belong to me

8. Do you walk to school? No, I (doesn’t/ don’t).

9. Do I look like my brother? No, you (don’t/ doesn’t)

10. Some birds (don’t/ doesn’t) fly.

11. My sister (doesn’t/ don’t) like tea.

Đáp án:

1. They (doesn’t/ don’t) live near us.

2. Jim (doesn’t/ don’t) have a mobile phone.

3. We (doesn’t/ don’t) have any homework tonight.

4. The children (doesn’t/ don’t) go to school on Saturday.

5. Aida (doesn’t/ don’t) speak Chinese.

6. You (doesn’t/ don’t) need a raincoat today.

7. That ball (doesn’t/ don’t) belong to me.

8. Do you walk to school? No, I (doesn’t/ don’t).

9. Do I look like my brother? No, you (don’t/ doesn’t)

10. Some birds (don’t/ doesn’t) fly.

11. My sister (doesn’t/ don’t) like tea.

Exercise 4. Put “do/ don’t/ does/ doesn’t” in each blank to complete the sentences.

1. My mother likes chocolate, but she ______ like biscuits.

2. ______ the children wear their uniform at your school?

3. Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he ______ watch judo.

4. Where ______ the Masons buy their fruit?

5. _____ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?

6. Dogs love bones, but they ______ love cheese.

7. Where _____ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money?

8. We eat pizza, but we _____ eat hamburgers.

9. ______ Miss Jenny read magazines?

10. ______ the boys play cricket outside?

11. Please _____ play with your food.

12. She ______ the cleaning three times a week.

13. We _____ go out very much because we have a baby.

14. I ______ want to talk about my neighborhood anymore.

15. How much ____ it cost to phone overseas?

Đáp án:

1. My mother likes chocolate, but she ___doesn’t___ like biscuits.

2. ___Do___ the children wear their uniform at your school?

3. Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he ___doesn’t___ watch judo.

4. Where ___do___ the Masons buy their fruit?

5. ___Does___ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?

6. Dogs love bones, but they ___don’t___ love cheese.

7. Where ___do___ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money?

8. We eat pizza, but we ___don’t___ eat hamburgers.

9. ___Does___ Miss Jenny read magazines?

10. ___Do___ the boys play cricket outside?

11. Please ___don’t___ play with your food.

12. She ___does___ the cleaning three times a week.

13. We ___don’t___ go out very much because we have a baby.

14. I ___don’t___ want to talk about my neighborhood anymore.

15. How much ___does___ it cost to phone overseas?

Exercise 5. Make negative present simple sentences

1. I / not / like coffee

2. I / not / live in Paris

3. she / not / come from Spain

4. John / not / work in a bank

5. they / not / get up at eight o’clock

6. we / not / go to the cinema every Friday

7. you / not / read the newspaper every day

8. he / not / go to school in France

9. we / not / watch TV in the evening

10. I / not / have a shower in the morning

Đáp án

1 – I don’t like coffee.

2 – I don’t live in Paris.

3 – She doesn’t come from Spain.

4 – John doesn’t work in a bank.

5 – They don’t get up at eight o’clock.

6 – We don’t go to the cinema every Friday.

7 – You don’t read the newspaper every day.

8 – He doesn’t go to school in France.

9 – We don’t watch TV in the evening.

10 – I don’t have a shower in the morning.

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Bài tập Phân biệt say và tell có đáp án

Bài tập There is – There are có đáp án

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