50 bài tập trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án

I. Trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh

– Tính từ trong tiếng Anh

1. Định nghĩa:

Tính từ là từ dùng để phẩm định cho danh từ bằng cách miêu tả các dặc tính của sự vật mà danh từ đó đại diện.

2. Phân loại tính từ: Tính từ có thể được phân loại theo vị trí hoặc chức năng:

2.1 Tính từ phân loại theo vị trí:

a. Tính từ đứng trước danh từ

a good pupil (một học sinh giỏi)

a strong man (một cậu bé khỏe mạnh)

Hầu hết tính từ trong tiếng Anh khi được dùng để tính chất cho danh từ đều đứng trước danh từ, ngược lại trong tiếng Việt tính từ đứng sau danh từ mà nó phẩm định. Thông thường, những tính từ đứng trước danh từ cũng có thể đứng một mình, không có danh từ theo sau như nice, good, bad, long, short, hot, happy, beautiful… Tuy nhiên, một số ít tính từ lại chỉ đứng một mình trước danh từ như: former, latter, main…

b. Tính từ đứng một mình, không cần bất kì danh từ nào đứng sau nó:

Ví dụ: The boy is afraid.

The woman is asleep.

The girl is well.

She soldier looks ill.

Các tính từ như trên luôn luôn đứng một mình, do đó chúng ta không thể nói:

Ví dụ: an afraid boy

an asleep woman

a well woman

– Trật tự tính từ trong tiếng Anh

1. Tính từ về màu sắc (color), nguồn gốc (origin), chất liệu (material) và mục đích (purpose) thường theo thứ tự sau:

Màu sắc (color)

Nguồn gốc (origin)

Chất liệu (material)

Mục đích (purpose)

Danh từ (noun)
















2. Các tính từ khác ví dụ như tính từ chỉ kích cỡ (size), chiều dài (length) và chiều cao (height) …thường đặt trước các tính từ chỉ màu sắc, nguồn gốc, chất liệu và mục đích.

Ví dụ:
a round glass table (NOT a glass round table) (Một chiếc bàn tròn bằng kính).
a big modern brick house (NOT a modern, big brick house) (Một ngôi nhà lớn hiện đại được xây bằng gạch).
3. Những tính từ diễn tả sự phê phán (judgements) hay thái độ (attitudes) ví dụ như:lovely, perfect, wonderful, silly…đặt trước các tính từ khác.
Ví dụ:
a lovely small black cat. (Một chú mèo đen, nhỏ, đáng yêu).
beautiful big black eyes. (Một đôi mắt to, đen, đẹp tuyệt vời)
Thay vì nhớ một loạt các qui tắc, các bạn chỉ cần nhớ cụm viết tắt: “OpSACOMP”, trong đó:
Opinion – tính từ chỉ quan điểm, sự đánh giá. Ví dụ: beautiful, wonderful, terrible…

II. Bài tập trật tự tính từ trong Tiếng Anh

Bài 1: Tìm các tính từ trong đoạn văn sau và phân loại chúng và các ô thuộc thể loại tính từ tương ứng

To me, one of my good friends is Phong. Phong is seventeen. He has brown hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and blue eyes. He is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody. We have been friends for a very long time. We are the best pupils in our class. Nam is always at the top. He is good at every subject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder.

Loại tính từ

Tính từ

Opinion (Ý kiến)

Size (Kích thước)

Age (Tuổi thọ)

Shape (Hình dạng)

Color (Màu sắc)

Origin (Nguồn gốc)

Material (Chất liệu)

Purpose (Mục đích)

Đáp án:

To me, one of my good friends is Phong. Phong is seventeen. He has brown hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and blue eyes. He is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody. We have been friends for a very long time. We are the best pupils in our class. Nam is always at the top. He isgood at every subject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder.

Loại tính từ

Tính từ

Opinion (Ý kiến)

Good, good-looking, kind, easy, best

Size (Kích thước)

Broad, long

Age (Tuổi thọ)

Shape (Hình dạng)


Color (Màu sắc)

Brown, blue

Origin (Nguồn gốc)

Material (Chất liệu)

Purpuse (Mục đích)

Bài 2: Phân loại các tính từ sau vào ô đúng thể loại của chúng

interesting, round, great, pink, young, old, long, oval, rectangular, square, thick, Vietnamese, grey, woolen, thin, attractive, black, racing, walking

Loại tính từ

Tính từ

Opinion (Ý kiến)

Size (Kích thước)

Age (Tuổi thọ)

Shape (Hình dạng)

Color (Màu sắc)

Origin (Nguồn gốc)

Material (Chất liệu)

Purpuse (Mục đích)

Đáp án:

Loại tính từ

Tính từ

Opinion (Ý kiến)

Interesting, attractive

Size (Kích thước)

Thin, long, square, thick

Age (Tuổi thọ)

Young, old

Shape (Hình dạng)

Round, oval, rectangular, square

Color (Màu sắc)

Pink, grey, black

Origin (Nguồn gốc)


Material (Chất liệu)


Purpuse (Mục đích)

Racing, walking

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. _____________

A. a pair of sport new French shoes

B. a pair of new sport French shoes

C. a pair of new French sport shoes

D. a pair of French new sport shoes

2. _____________

A. a young tall beautiful lady

B. a tall young beautiful lady

C. a beautiful young tall lady

D. a beautiful tall young lady

3. _____________

A. an old wooden thick table

B. a thick old wooden table

C. a thick wooden old table

D. a wooden thick old table

4. _____________

A. a modern Vietnamese racing car

B. a Vietnamese modern racing car

C. a racing Vietnamese modern car

D. a modern racing Vietnamese car

5. _____________

A. a new interesting English book

B. an English new interesting book

C. an interesting English new book

D. an interesting new English book.

Đáp án:

1. C. a pair of new French sport shoes

2. D. a beautiful tall young lady

3. B. a thick old wooden table

4. A. a modern Vietnamese racing car

5. D. an interesting new English book.

Bài 4: Sắp xếp các câu tiếng anh sau thành câu đúng.

1. wedding/ dress/ she/ long/ wore/ white/ a. -> ………………………………………

2. woman/ English/is/an/ young/ intelligent/ it. -> ……………………………………

3. is/ bag/ this/ sleeping/ black/ a/ new. -> …………………………………………….

4. pink/ he/ house/ bought/ big/beautiful/ a. -> ……………………………………….

5. gave/ wallet/ him/ she/ brown/ small/ leather/ a. -> ………………………………..

Đáp án:

1. wedding/ dress/ she/ long/ wore/ white/ a. -> She wore a long white wedding dress.

2. woman/ English/ is/ an/ young/ intelligent/ it. -> It is an intelligent young English woman.

3. is/ bag/ this/ sleeping/ black/ a/ new. -> This is a new black sleeping bag.

4. pink/ he/ house/ bought/ big/ beautiful/ a. -> He bought a beautiful big pink house.

5. gave/ wallet/ him/ she/ brown/ small/ leather/ a. -> She gave him a small brown leather walleted.

Bài 5. Sắp xếp theo đúng trật tự tính từ

1. My sister lives in a (new/ nice/ wooden/ black) house.

2. We are happy today because today is a (memorable/ training/ long) day.

3. My collogue has a (white/ Korean/ small/ old) car.

4. My friend and I often go home on (shopping/ new/ narrow/ crowed) street.

5. Mrs. Navy likes wearing a (red/ long/ lovely/ cotton) dress on special occasions.

6. The flower girl wore a (silk pretty white) dress at the wedding ceremony last night

7. She has (blue/ big/ glassy) eyes, so she is really different from others.

8. The little boy is wearing a (nice/ old/ blue/ big) pullover.

9. My grandparents live in a (magnificent/ two-storey/ spacious/ old) house during their lifetime.

10. My mother often wears a pair of (small/ comfortable/ black/ leather/ Chinese) gloves when she washes the dishes.

11. She has a (pretty/ happy/ oval) face, so she is quite beautiful.

12. In the kitchen is a (round/ large/ wooden/ beautiful) table.

13. My friend bought a (brown/ nice/ leather/ Channel) belt from a shop on Tran Phu street.

14. Mrs. Annie looks so graceful because she has (black/ long/ beautiful) hair.

15. Her father spent money on (interesting/ Vietnamese/ oil/ old) paintings.

16. We bought some (German/ lovely/ old) glasses.

17. My teacher is a (Japanese/ tall/ kind/ middle-aged) man, so a lot of students love him.

18. We usually throw trash into (plastic/ black/ small/ convenient) bags.

19. My father wore a (cotton/ white/ new/ collarless) shirt to my cousin’s wedding.

Đáp án:

1 – nice new black wooden;

2 – memorable long training;

3 – small old white Korea;

4 – crowded narrow new shopping;

5 – lovely long red cotton;

6 – pretty white silk;

7 – glassy big blue;

8 – nice big old blue;

9 – magnificent spacious old two-storey;

10 – comfortable small black Chinese leather;

11 – pretty happy oval;

12 – beautiful large round wooden;

13 – nice brown Channel leather;

14 – beautiful long black;

15 – interesting old Vietnamese oil;

16 – lovely old German;

17 – kind tall middle – aged Japanese;

18 – convenient small black plastic;

19 – collarless new white cotton;

Bài 6. Choose the correct answer

1. _______________________.

A. an old blue fast racing car

B. a fast old blue racing car

C. an old racing fast blue car

2. _______________________.

A. a red and white spotted tea pot

B. a red and white tea spotted pot

C. a spotted red and white tea pot

3. _______________________.

A. a cute little white lamb

B. a little cute white lamb

C. a white cute little lamb

4. _______________________.

A. an expensive leather brown jacket

B. an expensive brown leather jacket

C. a brown expensive leather jacket

5. _______________________.

A. a modern yellow comfortable sofa

B. a modern comforable yellow sofa

C. a yellow modern comfortable sofa

6. _______________________.

A. a green majestic old oak

B. a majestic old green oak

C. an old majestic green oak

Đáp án:

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B

Bài 7. Reorder these following words

1. grey / long / beard / a

2. flowers / red / small

3. car / black / big / a

4. blonde / hair / long

5. house / a / modern / big / brick

Đáp án

1. a long grey beard

2. small red flowers

3. a big black car

4. a long blonde hair

5. a big modern brick house

Bài 8. Put the adjective in the correct order in the following sentences

1. a long face (thin)

2. big clouds (black)

3. a sunny day (lovely)

4. a wide avenue (long)

5. a metal box (black/ small)

6. a big cat (fat/ black)

7. a /an little village (old/ lovely)

8. long hair (black/ beautiful)

9. an /a old paiting (interesting/ French)

10. an/ a enormous umbrella (red/ yellow)

Đáp án

1. a long thin face

2. big black clouds

3. a lovely sunny day

4. a long wide avenue

5. a small black metal box

6. a big fat black cat

7. a lovely little old village

8. beautiful long black hair

9. an interesting old French paiting

10. an enormous red and yellow umbrella

Bài 9. Put the adjectives in the correct order

1. I wanted to buy a ___________________ table. (round/ blue/ dinning/ big)

2. Does Mirian need that ___________________ chair? (wooden/ small/ square)

3. What is this ___________________ thing? (red/ triangular/ feather)

4. Did you notice the brand of that ___________________ car? (green/ streamlined/ splendid/ sport)

5. William can take care of your ___________________ cat. (Persian/ naughty/ white)

6. This ___________________ scarf belongs to my brother. (wooden/ long/ multicolored)

7. Are you sure this ___________________ sabre is Turkish? (curved/ nice/ steel)

8. Press this ___________________ button never! (plastic/ red/ round)

9. Mike will order a ___________________ breakfast. (English/ light/ nice)

10. This ___________________ wardrobe is my friends’ gift. (elegantly/ shaped/ amazing/ brown/ wooden)

Đáp án

1. I wanted to buy a _____big, round, blue, Italian. dinning______________ table. (round/ blue/ dinning/ big)

2. Does Mirian need that _____small, square, wooden______________ chair? (wooden/ small/ square)

3. What is this ______triangular, red, leather_____________ thing? (red/ triangular/ feather)

4. Did you notice the brand of that ______splendid, streamlined, green, sport_____________ car? (green/ streamlined/ splendid/ sport)

5. William can take care of your _______naughty white Persian____________ cat. (Persian/ naughty/ white)

6. This ______long, multicolored, woolen________ scarf belongs to my brother. (woolen/ long/ multicolored)

7. Are you sure this ______nice curved steel________ sabre is Turkish? (curved/ nice/ steel)

8. Press this _____round red plastic________ button never! (plastic/ red/ round)

9. Mike will order a ______nice, light, English_______ breakfast. (English/ light/ nice)

10. This _____amazing, elegantly – shaped brown wooden______________ wardrobe is my friends’ gift. (elegantly- shaped/ amazing/ brown/ wooden)

Bài 10.Put the adjectives in the correct order before the noun.

1. a/ carpet/ little/ lovely/ round …………………………………………..

2. enormous/ wardrobe/ wooden/ a(n) …………………………………………..

3. oil/ French/ beautiful/ painting/ a(n) …………………………………………..

4. black/ four/ metal/ chairs/ comfortable …………………………………………..

5. curtains/ long/ some/ cotton/ Indian …………………………………………..

6. square/ table/ wooden/ brown/ a/ big …………………………………………..

7. blue/ a/ funny/ woolen/ hat …………………………………………..

8. German/ Gothic/ a/ church/ wonderful …………………………………………..

9. a(n)/ black/ American/ car/ sports …………………………………………..

10. kitchen/ oak/ table/ a(n)/ square …………………………………………..

11. music/ interesting/ Polish/ folk …………………………………………..

12. a 40-year-old / theatre / tall / actor …………………………………………..

13. a brand-new / exercise / green/ book …………………………………………..

14. these / Spanish / boring / old / teacher …………………………………………..

15. a black / new / leather / shoes …………………………………………..

16. a pink / woolen / lovely / sweater …………………………………………..

17. my square / old-fashioned / wooden / table …………………………………………..

18. a huge / concrete / old / building …………………………………………..

19. French / interesting / that / novel …………………………………………..

20. black / Halloween / a / funny / hat …………………………………………..

21. witch / green / my / old / costume …………………………………………..

22. Greek / those / gold / ancient/ coins …………………………………………..

23. old / American / intelligent / archaeologist …………………………………………..

24. French / expensive / big / perfume …………………………………………..

25. can / iron / old / small / opener …………………………………………..

Đáp án

1. a/ carpet/ little/ lovely/ round ……………………A little lovely round carpet …………………..

2. enormous/ wardrobe/ wooden/ a(n) ……………An enormous wardrobe……………..

3. oil/ French/ beautiful/ painting/ a(n) ……………A beautiful oil French painting……………..

4. black/ four/ metal/ chairs/ comfortable …………Four comfortable black metal chair………..

5. curtains/ long/ some/ cotton/ Indian …………Some long Indian cotton curtains………..

6. square/ table/ wooden/ brown/ a/ big ………A big brown square wooden table………..

7. blue/ a/ funny/ woolen/ hat …………A funny blue woolen hat…………..

8. German/ Gothic/ a/ church/ wonderful …………A wonderful German Gothic church ………

9. a(n)/ black/ American/ car/ sports …………A black American sports car………..

10. kitchen/ oak/ table/ a(n)/ square ……………a square oak kitchen table………..

11. music/ interesting/ Polish/ folk …………… Interesting Polish folk music……………..

12. a 40-year-old / theatre / tall / actor ……………A tall 40 years old theatre actor.…………

13. a brand-new / exercise / green/ book ……a brand-new green exercise book….……..

14. these / Spanish / boring / old / teachers ………These boring old Spanish teachers………

15. a black / new / leather / shoes ………A new black leather shoes.…………..

16. a pink / woolen / lovely / sweater …………a lovely pink woolen sweater……………..

17. my square / old-fashioned / wooden / table ……My old-fashioned square wooden table……

18. a huge / concrete / old / building …………A huge old concrete building……………..

19. French / interesting / that / novel ……………That interesting French novel……………..

20. black / Halloween / a / funny / hat ……………A funny black Halloween hat…………..

21. witch / green / my / old / costume ……my old green witch costume……………..

22. Greek / those / gold / ancient/ coins ………… Those ancient Greek gold coins……………

23. old / American / intelligent / archaeologist ……Intelligent old American archaeologist …..

24. French / expensive / big / perfume …………Expensive big French perfume……………..

25. can / iron / old / small / opener ……small old iron can opener………..

Bài 11. Choose the correct answer

1. The boy needs ____________ balls for that activity.

A. white cotton small

B. white small cotton

C. cotton white small

D. small white cotton

2. It’s ______________ town.

A. an old lovely big

B. a lovely old big

C. a lovely big old

D. a big old lovely

3. Mary’s husband gave her a ____________ bag.

A. new black French

B. French black new

C. new French black

D. black French new

4. There are two _____________ dresses in her closet.

A. red beautiful long

B. beautiful red long

C. beautiful long red

D. long beautiful red

5. I bought a __________ car.

A. nice big black

B. black big nice

C. nice black big

D. big black nice

Đáp án

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

Bài 12. Choose the correct answer

1. He was wearing a __________ shirt.

A. dirty old flannel

B. flannel old dirty

C. old dirty flannel

2. Pass me the __________ cups.

A. plastic big blue

B. big blue plastic

C. big plastic blue

3. I used to drive an __________ car.

A. red old German.

B. red German old

C. old red German

4. He recently married a __________ woman.

A. young beautiful Greek

B. beautiful young Greek

C. beautiful Greek young

5. There are two __________ bunnies in the garden.

A. small cute white

B. white small cute

C. cute small white

Đáp án

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C

Bài 13. Use the given words to write sentences

1. This/ be/ American/ old/ hardworking/ man/


2. He/ intelligent/ chubby/ five-month old/ child/


3. She/ have/ lovely/ small/ blue/ paper/ bird/


4. It/ be/ fresh/ boilded/ hard/ rather big/ egg/


5. That/ be/ huge/ black/ frightening/ spider/


Đáp án

1. This is an a hardworking old American man.

2. He is an intelligent chubby five-month old child

3. She has a lovely small blue paper bird.

4. It is a fresh hard boiled rather big egg.

5. That is a frightening huge black spider.

Bài 14. Give the correct order of the adjectives.

1. She went home and sat on (comfortable / her / wooden / old) bed.

2. He bought (woollen / a / British / fabulous) suit.

3. They have (Dutch / black) bicycles.

4. He wants (some / French / delicious / really) cheese.

5. (young / a / pretty) girl walked into the room

Đáp án

1. She went home and sat on her comfortable old wooden bed.

2. He bought a fabulous British woollen suit.

3. They have black Dutch bicycles.

4. He wants some really delicious French cheese.

5. A pretty young girl walked into the room.

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Bài tập Cấu trúc câu so sánh với As… as, The same as và Different from có đáp án

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