50 bài tập câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn

Động từ TOBE

Động từ THƯỜNG

Khẳng định

Wh + am/ are/ is + S + …?

Ex: Who is tallest? (Ai là người cao nhất?)

Wh + do/ does + S + V…?

Ex: When does he read a magazine? (Khi nào anh ấy đọc tạp chí?)

Phủ định

Wh + am/ are/ is + not + S + …?

Ex: Where isn’t supermarket? (Ở đâu không phải là siêu thị?)

Wh + do/ does + not + S + V…?

Ex: Why doesn’t Sam go to work? (Tại sao Sam không đi làm?)

Lưu ý, ở thì hiện tại đơn câu hỏi Wh các động từ luôn ở dạng V nguyên không chia.


Cách chuyển từ câu phủ định khẳng định thành WH question

Có nhiều cách để chuyển từ câu phủ định, khẳng định sang dạng câu hỏi Wh, tuy nhiên các bạn cần ghi nhớ các cấu trúc cũng như cách dùng riêng của từng loại để tránh bị nhầm lẫn trong quá trình sử dụng.

Các bước chuyển đổi (nguyên tắc chung)

Một số nguyên tắc chung khi chuyển đổi câu khẳng định, phủ định thành dạng câu hỏi WH question:

– Các từ cần đặt câu hỏi không được phép xuất hiện trong câu hỏi.

– Nếu câu khẳng định là I/ my/ me thì câu hỏi phải chuyển thành you/ your.

Ex: Hana is my english teacher. (Hana là giáo viên Tiếng Anh của tôi.)

→ Who is my english teacher? (Ai là giáo viên Tiếng Anh của tôi?)

Các trường hợp đặc biệt:

Trường hợp Wh question đối với động từ khuyết thiếu (may, might, can, could, must, ought to,…)

Wh + V khuyết thiếu + S + V?

Ex: Where can I find you? (Tôi có thể tìm bạn ở đâu?)

Trường hợp Wh question khi không có trợ động từ

Wh + S + V?

Lưu ý: khi what, who, which, whose là chủ ngữ hay một phần chủ ngữ, ta không dùng trợ động từ.

Ex: What fell off the wall? (Cái gì rớt trên tường xuống vậy?)

Cách đặt câu hỏi WH question với thì hiện tại đơn

Cách đặt câu hỏi với thì hiện tại đơn rất đơn giản. Để đặt câu hỏi có từ để hỏi trong thì hiện tại đơn, ta cần thực hiện ba bước sau:

– Bước 1: Xác định từ gạch chân dùng WH nào

– Bước 2: Đặt WH- đó lên đầu câu

– Bước 3: Đặt do/ does + S + V + O vào sau Wh (V luôn ở dạng nguyên thể)

Ex: He hates physics because he knows nothing about it. (Anh ấy ghét vật lý bởi anh ấy không biết gì về nó.)

→ Why does he hate physics? (Tại sao anh ấy ghét vật lý?)

II. Bài tập câu hỏi Wh-question ở thì hiện tại đơn

Exercise 1. Read and choose the best answer:

1. What/ Which student is singing, Nina or Henry?

2. What/ Which animal do you love?

3. What/ Which animal live here?

4. What/ Which singer do you like best?

5. What/ Which dog you want, blue one or black one?

6. What/ Which song are the singers singing?

Đáp án:

1. What/ Which student is singing, Nina or Henry?

2. What/ Which animal do you love?

3. What/ Which animal live here?

4. What/ Which singer do you like best?

5. What/ Which dog you want, blue one or black one?

6. What/ Which song are the singers singing?

Exercise 2. Hoàn thành câu với what hoặc which.

1. What are the teachers doing? They are teaching.

2. …………..waiter is sleeping? The lazy waiter is sleeping.

3. …………..cats do you like? I like the white one.

4. …………..songs do you like best? I like Europe Skies.

5. ………animal are there in the circus? Elephants, lions, alligators, turtles….

6. …….books do you like best, this one or that one I like this one.

7. ……is the dog eating? The dog is eating fish.

8. ……do you do? I do my homework.

Đáp án:

1. What are the teachers doing? They are teaching.

2. ………Which…..waiter is sleeping? The lazy waiter is sleeping.

3. ………Which…..cats do you like? I like the white one.

4. …What………..songs do you like best? I like Europe Skies.

5. …What……animal are there in the circus? Elephants, lions, alligators, turtles….

6. …Which….books do you like best, this one or that one? I like this one.

7. …What…is the dog eating? The dog is eating fish.

8. …What…do you do? I do my homework.

Exercise 3. Dùng 1 trong 6 WH- để đặt câu hỏi cho các từ VIẾT HOA

1 His grandparents live IN THE SUBURB






4. The new worker works CARELESSLY.


5. The children visit their uncle AT WEEKEND.


6. Soldiers fear THE NEW OFFICER much.


7. David places the refrigerator IN HIS KITCHEN


8. I admire THE EXPLORERS.


9. His new girlfriend looks BEAUTIFUL.


Đáp án:

1 – Where do his grandparents live?

2 – Why does he hate physics?

3 – What does the girl like?

4 – How does the new worker work?

5 – When do the children visit their uncle?

6 – Who do soldiers fear?

7 – Where does David place the refrigator?

8 – Who you you admire?

9 – How does his girlfriend look like?

Exercise 4. Put in What, Where, Why, When into the gaps and form meaningful questions.

1……….do you like best?

a. Where

b. When

c. What

2…………does Bill get up in the morning?

a. Where

b. When

c. What

3…………. don’t you go by bus, Max?

a. Where

b. When

c. What

4………….hobbies does Andrew have?

a. Where

b. When

c. What

3. ________ is Nancy reading? — She is reading a newspaper.

a. What

b. When

c. Who

4. ________ are they speaking with? — They are speaking with their friends.

a. What

b. Where

c. Who(m)

5. ________ are you talking about? — We’re talking about the weather.

a. Who(m)

b. What

c. Where

6. ________ will you be home? — I’ll be home in two hours.

a. Where

b. What

c. When

7. ________ did Mary see at the beach? — Mary saw Thomas at the beach.

a. Who(m)

b. When

c. What

8. ________ did you go last night? — We went to a cafe.

a. Where

b. When

c. What

9.________ did you tell her? — I told her yesterday.

a .Where

b. When

c. What

10. ________ did you tell her? –I told her the truth.

a. When

b. Where

c. What

11._____ is that man’s profession?

a. What

b. Who

c. Which

12._____ can answer this question?

a. Who

b. What

c. Which

13_____ is that boy?

a. Who

b. What

c. Which

14.______ do you want to buy?

a. Who

b. Which

c. What

15.______ came to see you on Sunday?

a. What

b. Which

c. Who

16.______ wants more tea?

a. What

b. Which

c. Who
17______ color is paper?

a. Which

b. Who

c. What

18______ kind of music do you like?

a. What

b. Who

c. Which

19._____ book is yours?

a. Which

b. What

c. Who

20.______ is the best player?

a. Who

b. Which

c. What

21._______ day is it today?

a. What

b. Which

c. Who

22.______ is this book about?

a. What

b. Who

c. Which

23._____ is your cup? This one or that one?

a. What

b. Who

c. Which

24._____ car is better: this one or that one?

a. Which

b. What

c. Who

25.______ is your friend’s name?

a. Which

b. What

c. Who

Đáp án:

1 – How does Pamela speak?

2 – Where is Janet sitting?

3 – When does Pat arrive today?

4 – How do Karen and Simon drive/

5 – What does Sharon do at your jokes?

6 – How does Monique type?

7 – How do you go to school?

8 – Where is Nathalie?

9 – What does he sometimes do at home?

10 – How does my teacher answer?

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with What, When or Where

1._________ is the name of the President of the United States of America?

2. _________ month is the Chinese new year?

3. _________did Neil Armstrong say when he first landed on the moon?

4. _________did he first land?

5. _________ did the Americans drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

6. _________is New York city?

7. _________ is that called in English?

8. _________are the Hawaiian Islands?

9. _________are you doing this afternoon?

Đáp án:

1 – Who;

2 – What;

3 – What;

4 – Where;

5 – When;

6 – Where;

7 – What;

8 – Where;

9 – What;

Exercise 6. Write on the blank: how, when, what or where and make questions.

For example : 1. Derrick runs quickly to his desk. How

How does Derrick run to his desk?

1. Pamela speaks slowly. ……………


2. Janet is sitting in front of André. ……………


3. Pat arrived early today. ……………


4. Karen and Simon drive dangerously. ……………


5. Sharon usually laughs at my jokes. …………


6. Monique types quickly. ……………


7. I often go to school on my bike. ……………

8. Nathalie is beside Peter. ……………


9. He sometimes calls me at home. ……………


10. Your teacher answers honestly. ……………


Đáp án

1 – How – How does Pamela speak?

2 – Where – Where is Janet sitting?

3 – When – When did Pat arrive today?

4 – How – How do Karen and Simon drive?

5 – What – What does Sharon usually do at your joke?

6 – How – How does Monique type?

7 – How – How do you go to school?

8 – Who – Who is beside Nathalie?

9 – How often – How often does he call me at home?

10 – How – How does my teacher answer?

Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer.

1. A: _________ is your favourite cartoon?

B: It is Kung Fu Panda.

A. Who

B. What

C. When

D. Why

2. A: _________is the weathergirl on VTV3 at 8 o’clock tonight?

B: She is Hoai Anh.

A. Who

B. What

C. When

D. Why

3. A: _________ is the film “Harry Potter”?

B: It is very mysterious and thrilling.

A. Who

B. What

C. When

D. How

4. A: _________ is the studio of Vietnam Television?

B: In Hanoi.

A. When

B. Where

C. Why

D. How

5. A: _________ do people like watching game shows?

B: Because they are educational and entertaining.

A. When

B. Where

C. Why

D. How

6. A: _________ did the first channel broadcast in the world?

B: In 1928.

A. When

B. Where

C. Why

D. How

7. A: _________ do you watch this TV programme?

B: Three times a week.

A. When

B. How often

C. How long

D. How much

8. A: _________ have we watched this programme?

B: About one year.

A. When

B. How often

C. How long

D. How much

9. A: _________ televisions are there in your house?

B: There are two televisions in my house.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How long

D. How often

10. A: _________ will you buy a new television?

B: Maybe tomorrow.

A. Why

B. Where

C. When

D. How

Đáp án

1b 2a 3d 4b 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10c

Exercise 8. Fill in the blank with a suitable question words

1…………………rice does he want? _ He wants a kilo of rice

2…………………kilos of orange do you need? _ I need three kilos of orange

3………………….is an ice –cream? _ It is 5000 dong

4…………………is he going to stay in Ha Noi? _ He is going to stay in Cau Giay hotel for one week.

5…………………people does your family have? _ My family has six members.

6…………………is your house? _ My house is at 56 Duy Tan Street

7…………………school does Nam go to? _ He goes to Cambridge School

8…………………do Ba and Nam live? _ In the countryside

9…………………does your mother watch TV? _ She watches TV three times a week

10…………………is her hair? _ It is blue.

11…………………does he go to work? _ He walks to work.

12…………………is the weather like in Mai Dich district? _ It is cool and windy.

13…………………do you like? _ I like summer.

14………………… do you play? _ I play soccer.

15…………………do you have English? _ I have English on Monday and Friday.

16…………………teaches you Maths? _ Mr .Truong

17…………………don’t we do our homework? _ Yes. of course.

18…………………does Lien live with? _ She lives with her parents and her brother.

19…………………do you walk to school? _ Because It is opposite my house

20…………………does she feel? _ She is thirsty

Đáp án

1………How much…………rice does he want? _ He wants a kilo of rice

2………How many…………kilos of orange do you need? _ I need three kilos of orange

3………How much………….is an ice –cream? _ It is 5000 dong

4…………Where………is he going to stay in Ha Noi? _ He is going to stay in Cau Giay hotel for one week.

5………How many ………people does your family have? _ My family has six members.

6…………Where………is your house? _ My house is at 56 Duy Tan Street

7…………Which………school does Nam go to? _ He goes to Cambridge School

8…………Where………do Ba and Nam live? _ In the countryside

9………How often…………does your mother watch TV? _ She watches TV three times a week

10………What colour…………is her hair? _ It is blue.

11……How……………does he go to work? _ He walks to work.

12………What…………is the weather like in Mai Dich district? _ It is cool and windy.

13………Which season…………do you like? _ I like summer.

14…………Which sport……… do you play? _ I play soccer.

15………When…………do you have English? _ I have English on Monday and Friday.

16…………Who………teaches you Maths? _ Mr .Truong

17……………Why……don’t we do our homework? _ Yes. of course.

18………Who…………does Lien live with? _ She lives with her parents and her brother.

19………Why…………do you walk to school? _ Because It is opposite my house

20…………How………does she feel? _ She is thirsty

Exercise 9. Make questions for the underlined words.

1. They listen to music.


2. Nam goes to his friend’s house in the evening.


3. My father goes to work by bus.


4. Her brother has breakfast at 6 o’clock every morning.


5. My mother works in a hospital.


6. Linh has three dogs.


7. My mother’s picture is on the wall.


8. It is ten past eleven.


9. She is in class 6B.


10. They have two children.


Đáp án

1. They listen to music.

………What do they listen to?……………

2. Nam goes to his friend’s house in the evening.

……Where does Nam go to in the evening?…………

3. My father goes to work by bus.

………How does your father go to work?…………

4. Her brother has breakfast at 6 o’clock every morning.

……………What time does her brother have breakfast every morning?…………

5. My mother works in a hospital.

………Where does your mother work?…………

6. Linh has three dogs.

…………How many dogs does Linh have?………………

7. My mother’s picture is on the wall.

………Where is your mother’s picture?…………

8. It is ten past eleven.

………What time is it?………

9. She is in class 6B.

……Which class is she in?………

10. They have two children.

……How many children do they have?………

Exercise 10. Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân

1. They plant some roses in the garden.


2. Liz sends these letters to her friends.


3. My favorite subject is Math.


4. The children swim in the lake.


5. I often listen to music in my free time.


6. The glass fell off the table.


7. She learns about computers in computer science class.


8. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.


9. Lan likes playing table tennis.


10. I go to the movies twice a week.


Đáp án

1. They plant some roses in the garden.

………What do they plant in the garden?………….

2. Liz sends these letters to her friends .

………Who does Liz send these letters to?………….

3. My favorite subject is Math .

………What is your favorite subject?…………….

4. The children swim in the lake.

………What do the children do in the lake?………….

5. I often listen to music in my free time.

………What do you often do in your free time?………….

6. The glass fell off the table.

……… What fell off the table? ………….

7. She learns about computers in computer science class.

……… What does she learn about in computer science class? ……….

8. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.

………… What is your mother doing in the kitchen at the moment? …………..

9. Lan likes playing table tennis .

……… What does Lan like doing? ………….

10. I go to the movies twice a week .

……… How often do you go to the movies? ………….

Exercise 11. Fill in the blank with a suitable question words

1. My mother needs some apples.


2. My sister feels thirsty.


3. Their house is next to a store.


4. Lan has History on Tuesday.


5. Ba watches TV in the evening.


6. I want to see an horror movie.


7. I play chess with my friend in the afternoon.


8. Peter goes to the library twice a week.


9. This dress costs 150 dollars.


10. I and my father play volleyball in the afternoon.


Đáp án

1. My mother needs some apples.

…………What does your mother need?…………………

2. My sister feels thirsty.

…………How does your sister feel?……………

3. Their house is next to a store.

…………Where is their house? ……………

4. Lan has History on Tuesday.

…………What lesson does Lan have on Tuesday?………………

5. Ba watches TV in the evening.

…………What does Ba do in the evening?…………………

6. I want to see an horror movie.

………What kind of movie do you want to see?………………

7. I play chess with my friend in the afternoon.

……………When do you do in the afternoon?………………

8. Peter goes to the library twice a week.

……………How often does Peter go to the library?………………

9. This dress costs 150 dollars.

……………How much does this dress cost?………………

10. I and my father play volleyball in the afternoon.

……………When do you and your father play volleyball?…………………

Exercise 12. Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence.

1. I like TV game shows


2. TV viewers can know about the weather in their regions from the weather forecast.


3. We go to the zoo twice a month.


4. We can meet in front of the theater at 7.30.


5. Bob likes the comedy because it makes him laugh.


6. The documentary lasts forty-five minutes.


7. Steven Spielberg is the director of the film.


8. On VTV3, there are three films on this week.


9. Millions of children around the world enjoy the cartoon “Hello Fatty!”


10. Pokémon cartoons are made in Japan.


Đáp án

1 – What programme do you like?

2 – What can TV viewers know from the weather forecast?

3 – How often do you go to the zoo?

4 – What time can you meet in front of the theater?

5 – Why does Bob like the comedy?

6 – How long does the documentary last?

7 – Who is the director of the film?

8 – How many films are there on VTV3 on this week?

9 – How many children enjoy the cartoon “Hello Fatty!”?

10 – Where are Pokémon cartoons made?

Exercise 13. Make questions for the underlined words or phrases

1. She goes to school by bus today.


2. He buys this hat at the shop over there.


3. It takes me three hours to finish my homework.


4. I need a phone card to phone my parents.


5. I see her today.


6. Her neighbor gives her a nice dress.


7. She goes to the doctor because she is sick.


8. Mrs. Robinson buys a poster.


9. My father is in Ha Noi this month.


10. He travels to Nha Trang by train.


Đáp án

1. She goes to school by bus today.

->…………How does she go to school?……………

2. He buys this hat at the shop over there.

->………Where does buy this hat?…………………

3. It takes me three hours to finish my homework.

->…………How long does it take you to finish your homework?………………

4. I need a phone card to phone my parents.

->…………What do you need a phone card to?…………

5. I see her today.

->…………Who do you see today?………

6. Her neighbor gives her a nice dress.

->…………What does her neighbor give her?………………

7. She goes to the doctor because she is sick.

->………Why does she go to the doctor?………………

8. Mrs. Robinson buys a poster.

->………What does Mrs. Robinson buy?……………

9. My father is in Ha Noi this month.

->………Where is your father this month?……………

10. He travels to Nha Trang by train.

->…………How does he travel to Nha Trang?……………

Exercise 14. Make questions with the underlined words.

1. Our school year starts on September 5th.


2. Summer vacation lasts for three months.


3. The longest vacation is summer vacation.


4. I usually visit my grandparents during my vacation.


5. My mother works eight hours a day.


6. Robinson is an English teacher.


Đáp án

1. Our school year starts on September 5th.

____When does your school year start?________

2. Summer vacation lasts for three months.

____How long does summer vacation last?________

3. The longest vacation is summer vacation.

______Which vacation is the longest?________

4. I usually visit my grandparents during my vacation.

_____What do you usually do during your vacation?_______

5. My mother works eight hours a day.

____How many hours does your mother work a day?_________

6. Robinson is an English teacher.

_______What does Mr. Robinson do?_________

Exercise 15. Choose the correct answer.

1. ___________ is your favour teacher? – I like Ms. Hoa

2. ___________ do you like living in the countryside? – Because it is peaceful.

3. ___________ are the streets in your neighbourhood? – They are clean and quiet.

4. ___________ does your brother often do after school? – He plays soccer.

5. ___________ do you live? – I live on Tran Phu street.

Đáp án

1. ______Who_____ is your favour teacher? – I like Ms. Hoa

2. _____Why______ do you like living in the countryside? – Because it is peaceful.

3. _____How_____ are the streets in your neighbourhood? – They are clean and quiet.

4. ______What_____ does your brother often do after school? – He plays soccer.

5. _____Where______ do you live? – I live on Tran Phu street.

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