50 bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1 có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1 có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1 và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1 có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết nâng cao câu điều kiện loại 1

1. Định nghĩa

– Câu điều kiện là câu gồm hai phần: Một phần nêu lên điều kiện của hành động và một phần còn lại nêu kết quả của hành động đó, hay còn gọi là mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (thường bắt đầu với if) và mệnh đề chính (chứa will/ would)

– Mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện thì luôn đi liền sau từ if

2. Cấu trúc

If + S + present simple (thì hiện tại đơn), S + simple future (thì tương lai đơn) + V

Ví dụ: If I have enough money, I will buy that flat (Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi sẽ mua căn hộ kia)

Lưu ý:

– Mệnh đề “If” khi được đặt trước mệnh đề chính ta phải dùng dấu phẩy “,”

– Các động từ khuyết thiếu (can, may, should, must,…) có thể được dùng để thay thế “will” trong mệnh đề chính

– Đôi khi thì hiện tại đơn có thể được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, khi diễn tả một quy luật, một sự thật hiển nhiên, một điều kiện luôn luôn đúng

Ví dụ: If the sun doesn’t shine, you feel cold (Nếu mặt trời không tỏa nắng, bạn sẽ thấy lạnh)

II. Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1

Ex 1. Điền thông tin thực của nhiều kiểu người khác nhau vào trong câu với “if + Present Simple + Present Simple”. Hãy dùng “you” làm chủ từ của cả hai vế câu.

1.Vegetarians don’t eat meat.

If you’re a vegetarian, _____________________________


2. People who live in a cold country don’t like hot weather.

If you live ______________________________________

3. Teachers have to work very hard.

If you’re a teacher, _______________________________

4. People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.

If you _________________________________________

5. Mechanics understand engines.

If you’re a ______________________________________

6. People who read newspapers know what’s happening in the world.

If you __________________________________________

Đáp án:

1. If you’re a vegetarian, you won’t eat meat.

2. If you live in a cold country, you won’t like hot weather.

3. If you’re a teacher, you will have to work very hard.

4. If you do a lot of exercise, you will stay fit and healthy.

5. If you’re a mechanic, you will understand engines.

6. If you read newspapers, you will know what’s happening in the world.

Ex 2. Hoàn thành những câu sau với “if + Present Simple + will/won’t”, sử dụng những từ trong ngoặc đơn ( ). Đôi khi bạn không cần thay đổi những từ trong ngoặc đơn.

If it rains (it/rain), we won’t go (we/not/go) fishing.

1. If__________(the weather/be) beautiful tomorrow, ____________(we/drive) tothe beach.

2. If ___________ (she/send) the letter now, ____________ (they/receive) ittomorrow.

3. ____________ (Fred/be) angry if ___________ (Jack/arrive) late again.

4. ______________ (I/come) to your house if ________(I/have) enough time.

5. If ____________ (she/not/pass) this exam, ____________ (she/not/get) the job that she wants.

6. _______________ (you/learn) a lot if _____________ (you/take) this course.

7. If ____________ (I/get) a ticket, ________________(I/go) to the cinema.

8. ____________ (I/buy) that machine if _______________(it/not/cost) too much.

9. ____________ (you/run) very fast, ______________ (you/catch) the taxi.

10. __________(I/go) to the doctor’s if ____________ (I/not/feel) better tomorrow.

11.______________ (they/win) this match, ___________ (they/be) the champions.

Đáp án:

1. the weather is – we will drive

7. I get – I will go

2. she sends – they will receive

8. I will buy – it doesn’t cost

3. Fred will be – Jack arrives

9. You run – you will catch

4. I will come – I have

10. I will go – I don’t feel

5. she doesn’t pass – she won’t get

11. They win – they will be

6. You will learn – you take

Ex 3. Hoàn thành những đoạn đối thoại sau với thì hiện tại đơn hoặc dạng “will/won’t” của những từ trong ngoặc đơn ( ). Đôi khi bạn không cần thay đổi từ trong ngoặc đơn.

A: We must be at the theatre at 7 o’clock.

—–> B: Well, if we take (we/take) a bus at six o’clock, we won’t be (we/not/be) late.

1. A: I’d like a magazine.

B: Well, _________ (I/buy) one for you if _________(I/go) to the shop later.

2. A: Has Jack phoned yet?

B: No, and if ________ (he/not/phone) this afternoon, _________ (I/phone) him this evening.

3. A: Is Mary there, please?

B: No, but if ________ (you/want) to leave a message,_________ (I/give) it to her.

4. A: Is Tom going to pass his exam?

B: Well, ________ (he/fail) if ________ (he/not/study) harder.

5. A: Could I have some information about this year’s concerts, please?

B: Yes, if _________ (you/fill in) this form, _________(I/send) it to you in the post

Đáp án:

1. I will buy – I go

2. he doesn’t phone – I will phone

3. you want – I will give

4. he will fail – he doesn’t study

5. you fill in – I will send

Ex 4. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây theo điều kiện loại 1 của những từ trong ( ).

1) If we __________ (to send) an invitation, our friends __________ (to come) to our party.

2) He __________ (not/to understand) you if you __________ (to whisper).

3) They __________ (not/to survive) in the desert if they __________ (not/to take) extra water with them.

4) If you __________ (to press) CTRL + s, you __________ (to save) the file.

5) You __________ (to cross) the Channel if you __________ (to fly) from Paris to London.

6) Fred __________ (to answer) the phone if his wife __________ (to have) a bath.

7) If Claire __________ (to wear) this dress at the party, our guests __________ (not/to stay) any longer.

8) If I __________ (to touch) this snake, my girlfriend __________ (not/to scream).

9) She __________ (to forget) to pick you up if you __________ (not/to phone) her.

10) I __________ (to remember) you if you __________ (to give) me a photo.

Đáp án:

1. send – will come

6. will answer – has

2. won’t understand – whisper

2. wears – don’t stay

3. won’t survive – don’t take

3. touch – won’t scream

4. press – will save

4. will forget – don’t phone

5. will cross – fly

5. will remember – will give

Ex 5. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1) If I _____ (study), I _____ (pass) the exams.

2) If the sun _____ (shine), we _____ (walk) to the town.

3) If he _____ (have) a temperature, he _____ (see) the doctor.

4) If my friends _____ (come), I _____ (be) very happy.

5) If she _____ (earn) a lot of money, she _____ (fly) to New York.

6) If we _____ ( travel) to London, we _____ (visit) the museums.

7) If you _____ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you _____ (slip) on the rocks.

8) If Rita _____ (forget) her homework, the teacher _____ (give) her a low mark.

9) If they _____ (go) to the disco, they _____ (listen) to loud music.

10) If you _____ (wait) a minute, I _____ (ask) my parents.

Đáp án:

1) If I __study___ (study), I ___will pass__ (pass) the exams.

2) If the sun __shines___ (shine), we __will walk___ (walk) to the town.

3) If he ___has__ (have) a temperature, he __will see___ (see) the doctor.

4) If my friends ___come__ (come), I ___will be__ (be) very happy.

5) If she __earns___ (earn) a lot of money, she _will fly____ (fly) to New York.

6) If we __travel___ ( travel) to London, we ___will visit__ (visit) the museums.

7) If you ___wear__ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you ___will slip__ (slip) on the rocks.

8) If Rita ___forgets__ (forget) her homework, the teacher ___will give__ (give) her a low mark.

9) If they ___go__ (go) to the disco, they ___will listen__ (listen) to loud music.

10) If you __wait___ (wait) a minute, I ___will ask__ (ask) my parents.

Ex 6. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

1. If(A) someone came(B) into the store, smile (C) and say, “May (D) I help you?”

2. If(A) you do not understand(B) what were written (C) in the book, you could ask (D) Mr. Pike.

3. If(A) there isn’t(B) enough food (C), we couldn’t continue (D) our journey.

4. If(A) anyone will phone(B), tell (C) them I’ll be (D) back at 11:00.

5. I will come(A) to meet Mr. Pike and tell him about(B) your problems if (C) you didn’t solve (D) them.

Đáp án:

1. B (came => comes)

2. D (could ask => can ask)

3. D (couldn’t continue => can’t continue)

4. B (will phone => phones)

5. D (didn’t solve => don’t solve)

Ex 7. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:

Example: If it (rain) ____rains____, we (not go) ___will not go _____to the cinema.

1. If the weather (be) ___________nice tomorrow, we (drive) ____________to our farm.

2. If we (send) ________________this message now, they (receive) ____________ it in time.

3. He (be) __________________ angry if you (come) __________________late again.

4. If I (have) __________________enough time, I (do) __________________this homework.

5. I (take) ________________a photo of this beach if I (have) ______________a camera.

6. You (be) __________________punished if you (fail) __________________the exam.

7. If it (rain) __________________this weekend, we (stay) __________________at home.

8. She (do) __________________it if she (promise) __________________you.

9. What______ you (do) ____________if you (not have) __________________money?

10. The kitchen (look) __________________ better if we (have) __________________red curtains.

11. If I (not do) __________________ my homework now, I (not be able to) __________________ go out later.

12. Charlie (eat) __________________ your chips if you (not finish) __________________ them.

13. I (be) __________________ in my office if she (need) __________________ anything.

14. If Kate (go) __________________ to America, I (miss) __________________ her.

15. If my brother (not get)__________________ a ticket, he (not be able to) __________________ go to the match.

16. If Mike (come) __________________ late, his girldfriend (be) __________________ annoyed.

17. The climate (change) __________________ if more trees (die)__________________.

18. Tom (come) __________________ to the party if you (invite) __________________ him.

Đáp án:

1. If the weather (be) ______is_____nice tomorrow, we (drive) _____will drive_______to our farm.

2. If we (send) ________send________this message now, they (receive) ______will receive______ it in time.

3. He (be) ___________will be_______ angry if you (come) _____come_____________late again.

4. If I (have) _______have___________enough time, I (do) _______will do___________this homework.

5. I (take) _______will take_________a photo of this beach if I (have) ______have________a camera.

6. You (be) _________will be_________punished if you (fail) ________fail_________the exam.

7. If it (rain) _________rain_________this weekend, we (stay) _____will stay______at home.

8. She (do) _____will do_____it if she (promise) ________promise______you.

9. What___will__ you (do) __do_____if you (not have) _____don’t have_____money?

10. The kitchen (look) ____will look______ better if we (have) _____have_____red curtains.

11. If I (not do) ___________don’t do_______ my homework now, I (not be able to) __________won’t be able to________ go out later.

12. Charlie (eat) __________will eat________ your chips if you (not finish)________don’t finish__________ them.

13. I (be)___will be_______________ in my office if she (need) ___________needs_______ anything.

14. If Kate (go) ______goes____________ to America, I (miss) __________will miss________ her.

15. If my brother (not get)______doesn’t get____________ a ticket, he (not be able to) ________won’t be able to__________ go to the match.

16. If Mike (come) ________comes__________ late, his girldfriend (be) _______will be___________ annoyed.

17. The climate (change)________will change__________if more trees (die)________die__________.

18. Tom (come)________will come__________to the party if you (invite) ________invite__________ him.

Ex 8. Begin the sentenes below with unless. Make any necessary changes.

1. If they don’t practise a lot, they will lose the game.

Unless ___________________________________________________.

2. I’ll miss the train if I don’t go now.


3. If she doesn’t answer the phone, leave her a message.


4. If you don’t pay the bill, I’ll call the police.


5. If he doesn’t work hard, he won’t pass the examination.


Đáp án:

1. Unless they practise a lot, they will lose the game.

2. I’ll miss the train unless I go now.

3. Unless she answers the phone, leave her a message.

4. Unless you pay the bill, I’ll call the police.

5. Unless he works hard, he won’t pass the examination.

Ex 9. Circle the correct answer

1. If the weather is fine, we (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow.

2. My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam.

3. If you are polite to others, they (will be/ are nice to you).

4. Unless James (studies/ will study) hard, he will fail the exam.

5. My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework.

6. If the cable TV (doesn’t/ won’t) work, we will rent a DVD.

7. If you don’t want to stay at home, you (go/ can go) with me to the supermarket.

8. If you (will be/ are) a good listener, you will gain many friends.

9. James won’t attend the meeting if he (won’t/doesn’t) want to.

10. You can’t have this job unless you (have/will have) long working experience.

Đáp án

1. If the weather is fine, we (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow.

2. My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam.

3. If you are polite to others, they (will be/are nice to you).

4. Unless James (studies/ will study) hard, he will fail the exam.

5. My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework.

6. If the cable TV (doesn’t/ won’t) work, we will rent a DVD.

7. If you don’t want to stay at home, you (go/ can go) with me to the supermarket.

8. If you (will be/ are) a good listener, you will gain many friends.

9. James won’t attend the meeting if he (won’t/doesn’t) want to.

10. You can’t have this job unless you (have/will have) long working experience.

Ex 10. Combine the sentences using conditional sentence type 1 and the words given.

1. Factories dump waste into rivers. A lot of fish die.


2. People use plastic bags, Oceans are full of plastic garbage.


3. I don’t walk to school. I don’t save a lot of money.


4. People build too many houses. Land for farming decreases.


5. The Earth becomes hotter. The polar ice cap melts.


6. The polar ice cap melts. Sea level rises.


7. We don’t use recycled products. We don’t help the environment.


8. We breathe polluted air. We suffer from lung diseases.


9. People don’t often cycle. There is much air pollution.


10. You don’t write on both sides. You waste your paper.


Đáp án

1. If Factories don’t dump waste into rivers, A lot of fish won’t die.

2. If People use plastic bags. Oceans won’t be full of plastic garbage.

3. I will save a lot of money if I walk to school.

4. Land for farming won’t decreases if People don’t build too many houses

5. If The earth doesn’t become hotter. The polar ice cap won’t melt.

6. If The polar ice cap don’t melt, Sea level won’t rise.

7. We will help the environment if we use recycled products.

8. If we don’t breathe polluted air, We won’t suffer from lung diseases.

9. There won’t be much air pollution if people often cycle.

10. You won’t waste your paper if you write on both sides.

Ex 11. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1. If I ______(go) out tonight, Anna ______(stay) at home with my mom.

2. If we ______(stay) up late, we ______(be) exhausted tomorrow morning.

3. If I ______(not meet) him at 7AM, I ______(phone) him immediately.

4. If Mary ______(come), my mom ______(be) extremely happy.

5. If you ______(continue) staying here, you ______(be) late for school.

6. If we ______(go) on holiday this winter, we ______(visit) Osaka.

7. If it ______(rain) too much, my dad ______(stay) at home.

8. If the child ______(eat) all the candies, she ______(feel) sick.

9. If my parents ______(want) to go out, I ______(not cook) for dinner.

10. The coffee ______(taste) so bitter unless you ______(add) the milk.

11. The team ______(not win) the match unless John ______(play) with them.

12. If the weather ______(be) nice tomorrow, our family ______(have) a picnic.

13. She ______(be) delighted if her brother______(get) married.

14. If it ______(rain), they ______(cancel) the football match.

15. If she ______(get) a promotion, she______(buy) a big house.

16. If Jack ______(be) late, we ______(go) without him.

17. If you ______(ask) more nicely, I ______(buy) you a snack.

18. I ______(come) to the party early if I ______(not have) anything else to do.

19. Sam ______(buy) a new TV if he ______(have) enough money.

20. Unless you ______(come) with me, I ______(not go) to Sara’s birthday party.

21. If Linh ______(forget) doing homework, she ______(get) a low mark.

22. If we ______(recycle) more, the environment ______(be) better.

23. Unless that dress ______(be) so expensive, I ______(buy) it.

24. Unless we ______(wear) coats, we ______(feel) cold.

25. If Helen ______(earn) more money, she ______(fly) to Canada.

26. If we ______(travel) to Tokyo, we ______(visit) the art galleries.

27. If you ______ wear sandals when climbing, you ______(slip) on the rocks.

28. If Rita ______(finish) her homework, the teacher ______(give) her a high mark.

29. If the ______(go) to the bar, they ______(listen) to loud music.

30. If you ______(wait) a minute, I ______(ask) my parents to go out.

Đáp án:

1. go – will stay

2. stay – will be

3. don’t meet – will phone

4. comes – will be

5. continue – will be

6. go – will visit

7. rains – will stay

8. eats – will feel

9. want – will not cook

10. will taste – add

11. won’t win – plays

12. is – will have

13. will be – gets

14. rains – will cancel

15. gets – will buy

16. is – will go

17. asks – will buy

18. will come – don’t have

19. will buy – has

20. come – won’t go

21. forgets – will get

22. recycle – will be

23. is – will buy

24. wear – will feel

25. earns – will fly

26. travel – will visit

27. wear – will slip

28. forgets – will give

29. go – will listen

30. wait – will ask

Ex 12. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. ______they (be) happy if Kai ______(do) that?

A. Will be – does

B. Will they be – do

C. Are they – will do

2. Unless Suzy ______(start) now, she ______(not finish) the project on time.

A. start – won’t finish

B. will start – don’t finish

C. starts – won’t finish

3. Your mother ______(smile) happily if you ______(give) her some beautiful flowers.

A. smiles – give

B. will smile – give

C. will smile – gives

4. Peter ______(take) a taxi to get home if it ______(rain).

A. will take – rains

B. takes – rains

C. takes – will rain

5. If he ______(go) to the pub, he ______(come across) some old friends.

A. go – will come across

B. goes – comes across

C. goes – will come across

6. The meeting ______(begin) as soon as all of them ______(be) ready.

A. will begin – are

B. will begin – will be

C. begins – are

7. If my brother ______(study abroad), I ______(feel) happy for him.

A. studies abroad – feel

B. studies abroad – will feel

C. study abroad – will feel

8. If Suran ______(go) to the supermarket, she ______(buy) some tomatoes.

A. will go – buy

B. goes – will buy

C. go – buy

9. His parents ______(be) upset if he ______(smoke).

A. won’t be upset – smokes

B. are – will smoke

C. will be – smokes

10. If you ______(be) thirsty, ______(drink) some grape juice.

A. are – will drink

B. will be – drink

C. are – drink

11. What ______(happen) if you ______(not go) to school on time?

A. happen – won’t go

B. will happen – don’t go

C. will happen – doesn’t go

12. Unless Lam ______(hurry up), he ______(be) late for work.

A. won’t hurry up – will be

B. don’t hurry up – will be

C. hurries up – will be

13. If you ______(keep) eating too much, you ______(be) getting fat.

A. keep – will be

B. keep – are

C. will keep – are

14. San ______(not know) the secret unless you ______(tell) him.

A. don’t know – tell

B. won’t know – tell

C. won’t know – tells

15. If Kamy ______(get) a haircut, she ______(look) much better.

A. gets – look

B. will get – looks

C. gets – will look

Đáp án:

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C

Ex 13. Viết lại câu sao cho không đổi nghĩa

1. If you don’t cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight.

2. I will feel bored if Lily and Aike don’t come to the party with me.

3. We won’t invite them if they don’t apologize.

4. The baby will cry louder if his mom doesn’t give him some toys.

5. If Keiko doesn’t promise to get home early, her father will get angry.

6. If we don’t prepare a map, we will be lost soon.

7. If Mary doesn’t save enough money, she won’t buy that house.

8. You can’t get a handsome salary if you don’t have an IELTS degree.

9. If you don’t eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain.

10. If he doesn’t learn English, he can’t transcript those English books.

Đáp án:

1. Unless you cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight.

2. I will feel bored unless Lily and Aike come to the party with me.

3. We won’t invite them unless they apologize.

4. The baby will cry louder unless his mom gives him some toys.

5. Unless Keiko promises to get home early, her father won’t get angry.

6. Unless we prepare a map, we will be lost soon.

7. Unless Mary saves enough money, she won’t buy that house.

8. You can’t get a handsome salary unless you have an IELTS degree.

9. Unless you eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain.

10. Unless he learns English, he can’t transcript those English books.

Ex 14. Viết lại câu dựa trên từ có sẵn

1. If / we / not / go shopping / by 7 p.m. / the store / be / closed.

2. If Kaori / not be / ready / by 9 a.m. / her friend / go / without her.

3. If / you / send / your brother / this gift/ it / come / to / him / tomorrow.

4. David / get / a / high-paying / job / if / he / do / well / in / interview.

5. Alita / miss / the flight / if she / not / be / in a hurry.

6. He / remember / the skills / better / if / he / practice / frequently.

7. If / it / rain / the match / be/ postponed.

8. You / not be able to sleep / if / you play / this horror game.

9. I / go / shopping / with / Jim / if / I / have / free time.

10. If / you / be / hungry / eat / cake / in / fridge.

Đáp án:

1. If we don’t go shopping by 7 p.m, the store will be closed.

2. If Kaori isn’t ready by 9 a.m., her friend will go without her.

3. If you send your brother this gift, it will come to him tomorrow.

4. David will get a high-paying job if he does well in the interview.

5. Alita will miss the flight if she is not in a hurry.

6. He will remember the skills better if he practices frequently.

7. If it rains, the match will be postponed.

8. You won’t be able to sleep if you play this horror game.

9. I will go shopping with Jim if I have more free time.

10. If you are hungry, eat cake in the fridge.

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân có đáp án

Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 1, 2, 3 có đáp án

Bài tập trọng âm có đáp án

Bài tập câu chẻ có đáp án

Bài tập danh từ số ít số nhiều có đáp án

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết tại Giải Bài Tập. Mời các bạn cùng xem các nội dung giải trí học tập và các kiến thức thú vị khác tại đây.

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