50 bài tập Câu giả định có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Câu giả định có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Câu giả định và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Câu giả định có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Câu giả định

1. Câu giả định dùng would rather và that

1.1 Diễn tả sự việc ở hiện tại (Present Subjunctive)

Mẫu câu:

S1 + would rather that + S2 + [Verb in Simple Form] …


– I would rather that you call me tomorrow.

– He would rather that I don’t take this train.

1.2 Diễn tả sự việc đối lập với thực tế ở hiện tại

a. Động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 sẽ chia ở Simple Past, to be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.

Mẫu câu:

S1 + would rather that + S2 + [verb in simple past tense] …


– Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does. (His girlfriend does not work in the same department).

– Jane would rather that it were winter now. (Infact, it is not winter now)

b. Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định dùng didn’t + verb hoặc were not sau chủ ngữ 2.


– Henry would rather that his girlfriend didn’t work in the same department as he does.

– Jane would rather that it were not winter now.

1.3. Diễn tả sự việc trái ngược với thực tế ở quá khứ

Mẫu câu:

S1 + would rather that + S2 + past perfect …


– Bob would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday. (Jill did not go to class yesterday)

– Bill would rather that his wife hadn’t divorced him.

Chú ý: Ngữ pháp hiện đại cho phép lược bỏ that trong một số câu giả định dùng would rather.

2. Câu giả định dùng với một số động từ trong bảng sau

Advise Demand Prefer Require
Ask Insist Propose Stipulate
Command Move Recommend Suggest
Decree Order Request Urge

Chú ý: Trong câu nhất định phải có that và động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 ở dạng nguyên thể bỏ to.

Mẫu câu:

Subject1 + verb + that + subject 2+ [verb in simple form]…


We urge that he leave now.

Nếu bỏ that đi chủ ngữ 2 sẽ trở thành tân ngữ, động từ trở về dạng nguyên thể có to, câu sẽ mất đi ý nghĩa giả định và trở thành câu bình thường.


We urge him to leave now.

Lưu ý: Trong tiếng Anh của người Anh (British English), trước động từ nguyên thể bỏ to có should. Nhưng trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ (American English) người ta bỏ nó đi.


– The judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immediately.

– The university requires that all its students take this course.

– The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking.

– Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished.

– We proposed that he take a vacation.

– I move that we adjourn until this afternoon.

3. Câu giả định dùng với tính từ

Các tính từ dùng trong câu giả định gồm các tính từ trong bảng dưới đây.














Trong công thức sau, adjective chỉ định một trong các tính từ có trong bảng trên.

Mẫu câu:

It + be + adjective + that + subject + [verb in simple form ]…(any tense)


– It is necessary that he find the books.

– It was urgent that she leave at once.

– It has been proposed that we change the topic.

– It is important that you remember this question.

– It has been suggested that he forget the election.

– It was recommended that we wait for the authorities.

Trong một số trường hợp có thể dùng danh từ tương ứng với các tính từ ở trên theo công thức sau.

It + be + noun + that + subject + [verb in simple form ]…(any tense)


It is a recommendation from a doctor that the patient stop smoking.

4. Dùng với một số trường hợp khác

a. Câu giả định còn dùng được trong một số câu cảm thán, thường bao hàm các thế lực siêu nhiên.


God save the queen!. Chúa phù hộ cho nữ hoàng.
God be with you! = good bye (khi chia tay nhau)
Curse this frog!: chết tiệt con cóc này

b. Dùng với một số thành ngữ:


Come what may: dù có chuyện gì đi nữa.
Come what may we will stand by you.
If need be : nếu cần
If need be we can take another road.

c. Dùng với if this be trong trường hợp muốn nêu ra một giả định từ phía người nói nhưng không thật chắc chắn lắm về khả năng.


If this be proven right, you would be considered innocent.

5. Câu giả định dùng với it is time

It is time (for smb) to do smth: đã đến lúc phải làm gì. (thời gian vừa vặn, không đưa ra giả định).


It is time for me to get to the airport (just in time).


It is time/It is high time/It is about time: đã đến lúc

Chú ý: High/ about được dùng trước time để thêm vào ý nhấn mạnh.


It’s high time I left for the airport.

II. Bài tập Câu giả định

Ex 1. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. It is important that you ….. your teeth twice a day.

A. brushed

B. brushing

C. bursh

D. will bursh.

2. My mother would rather that my sister ….. how to play the piano

A. learns

B. learn

C. will learn

D. has learned

3. I would rather I ….. my phone at home yesterday.

A. don’t leave

B. didn’t leave

C. haven’t left

D. hadn’t left

4. It is the time Peter ….. to the doctor.

A. went

B. go

C. goes

D. must go

5. The leader moved that the party ….. moved to next month.

A. be

B. will

C. is

D. was

Đáp án:

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A

Ex 2. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Alice asked that all of us ….. her when she travels in Viet Nam.

A. will

B. are going to visit

C. visited

D. visit

2. If this ….. proven right, you would be considered innocent.

A. is

B. be

C. was

D. were

3. The law requires that everyone …… his car checked at least once a month.

A. has

B. have

C. will have

D. had

4. It is a ….. from his doctor that he ….. short trip abroad.

A. suggest/take

B. suggestion/will take

C. suggest/take

D. suggestion/take

5. –“What will you do during winter vacation?”

–“I don’t know, but it’s about time I ….. something.”

A. decide

B. decided

C. will decide

D. am deciding

Đáp án:

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B

Ex 3. Hoàn thành câu.

1. It’s a good idea for him _________ (learn) Cantonese.

2. We _________ (suggest) that parents _________ (help) their children to do their homework.

3. I would rather that he _________ (tell) me about his difficulties.

4. It’s about time she _________ (get) a job.

5. It’s important that he _________ (receive) this file before 5 pm.

6. Quan _____ (advise) that we _____ (try) samgyetang when we ______ (come) to Seoul.

7. Son _________ (say) that it’s time _________ (buy) a new washing machine.

8. It’s is _________ (best) that we _________ (have) our foods now.

9. It’s high time you _________ (call) your mother.

Đáp án:

1. to learn

2. suggest – help

3. told

4. got

5. receive

6. advised – sing – come

7. said – to buy

8. better – had

9. to call

Ex 4. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Negative, passive and continuous subjunctive forms are possible.

1. It’s important that she …………(remember) to take her medicine twice a day.

2. I suggest that Frank …………..(read) the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle. He doesn’t want the wheels to fall off while he is riding down a hill

3. Mrs. Finkelstein demanded that the heater …………..(repair) immediately. Her apartment was freezing.

4. It’s vital that the United States………….. (focus) on improving its public education system. What we do now will affect our country for generations to come.

5. The monk insisted that the tourists ………..(enter) the temple until they had removed their shoes.

Đáp án:

1. remember

2. read

3. be repaired

4. focus

5. not enter

Ex 5. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Negative, passive and continuous subjunctive forms are possible.

1. I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demand that she immediately ……………(apologize) for what she just said.

2. Judy asked that we………….. (attend) her graduation ceremony next week.

3. Was it really necessary that……………. (sit) I there watching you the entire time you were rehearsing for the play? – It was really boring watching you repeat the scenes over and over again.

4. It is important to remember that Janine …………..(think) very differently from you. She may not agree to the changes you have made in the organization of the company.

5. It’s a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose that we all …………(drive) together so that nobody gets lost along the way.

Đáp án:

1. apologize

2. attend

3. be sitting

4. thinks

5. drive

Ex 6. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Alice didn’t get a good grade. She wishes she (work) …………. harder.

2. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he (become) …………. a professional football player.

3. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he (not/run)……. so fast.

4. She’s keen on computers. She wishes she (study)….. computer science next school year.

5. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. If only I (know) …….. how to use it.

Đáp án:

1. had worked

2. became

3. hadn’t run

4. studied

5. knew

Ex 7. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I (stay) ……… at work late

2. I wish I ……. (talk) to him yesterday.

3. I need help badly. If only you ……….(can) help me.

4. My old car often breaks down. I wish I ………..(buy) a new car.

5. He didn’t pass the exam. If only he ……….(work) hard.

Đáp án:

1. had not stayed

2. had talked

3. could

4. bought

5. had worked

Ex 8. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. She was absent. I wish she (attend)………. the conference.

2. What a beautiful house! I wish I ………..(have) a house like this one.

3. I wish I …….. (be) rich. I would buy a farm and enjoy the calm of the countryside.

4. They had that bad accident because they were careless. If only they…….(be) more careful.

5. We saw the film. I wish you ………. (see) it with us. It was an amazing evening.

6. I like traveling around the world. If only I ………. (have) time to realize my dream.

Đáp án:

1. had attended

2. had

3. were

4. had been

5. had seen

6. had

Ex 9. Choose the best option to complete these following sentences

1. It is necessary that he _______ the books.

A. find

B. doesn’t find

C. don’t find

D. did not find

2. It has been proposed that we _______the topic

A. to change

B. change

C. changed

D. changing

3. It has been proposed that we _______ the topic.

A. do not change

B. didn’t change

C. not change

D. are not change

4. I’d rather you______ home now.

A. going

B. go

C. went

D. gone

5. He acts as if he ________English perfectly.

A. know

B. knew

C. have known

D. had known

Đáp án:

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B

Ex 10. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. He suggested that I ____________ ready by eight o’clock. (to be)

2. We request that she ___________ the window. (to open)

3. They recommended that he ____________ to Bermuda. (to fly)

4. The request that we ____________ ready to leave at six is a nuisance. (to be)

5. It is necessary that you ____________ able to come with us. (to be)

6. It is important that he ____________ everything he can. (to learn)

7. The demand that she _____________ the report has been carried out. (to complete)

Đáp án:

1. Be

2. Open

3. Fly

4. Be

5. Be

6. Learn

7. Complete

Ex 11. Tìm lỗi sai trong mỗi câu sau và sửa lại

1: It is a recommendation from a dentist that my son stops eating candy.

2: Our Literature teacher also advised that we will talk about issues that are familiar and important to our classmates.

3: Her parents insisted that she studies hard for the national high school exam.

4: Jane would rather that his girlfriend would keep his promise.

5: My company asked that employees do not accept work during business hours.

Đáp án:

1: stops => stop

2: will talk → talk

3: studies → study

4: would keep –> kept

5: do not accept –> not accep

Ex 12. Viết lại các câu sau đây:

1: Please don’t go out.

2: It is time for us to eat something.

3: Everyone finds it important for us to protect our mental health.

4: He needs to meet his professor and ask him to write a letter of recommendation.

Đáp án:

1: I’d rather you didn’t go out.

2: It’s time we go out to eat something

3: It is important that we protect our mental health.

4: It is necessary that he meet his professor and ask him to write a letter of recommendation.

Ex 13. Hoàn thành câu:

1. It’s a good idea for me _________ (learn) Korean.

2: I would rather that Anna _________ (tell) me about her story.

3: Mrs. Kim demanded that the heater_________(repair) immediately. Her apartment was freezing.

4: Hung _____ (advise) that we _____ (try) banh mi when we ______ (come) to Vietnam.

Đáp án

1. to learn

2. told

3. be repaired

4. advised – sing – come

Ex 14. Chọn phương án đúng nhất để hoàn thành những câu sau:

Câu 1: It is necessary that I _______ the smartphone.

A. doesn’t find

B. find

C. don’t find

D. didn’t find

Câu 2: I’d rather you______ school now.

A. went

B. go

C. gone

D. going

Câu 3: She acts as if she ________Korean perfectly.

A. knew

B. had known

C. know

D. knew

Câu 4: It has been proposed that we _______ the topic.

A. are not change

B. didn’t change

C. not change

D. do not change

Câu 5: Mimi asked that all of us _______ her when she travels in Hoi An

A. are going to visit

B. visit

C. will

D. visited

Câu 6: It is a _______ from his doctor that he_______short trip abroad.

A. suggest/take

B. suggest/ will take

C. suggestion/take

D. suggestion/will take

Câu 7: If this ….. proven right, you would be considered innocent.

A. was

B. were

C. be

D. is

Câu 8: “What will you do during summer vacation?”

–“I don’t know, but it’s about time I______Something.”

A. decided

B. am deciding

C. decide

D. decided

Câu 9: I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he______everything.

A. has known

B. knows

C. knew

D. had known

Câu 10: It never stops raining here. I wish it______raining.

A. would stop

B. stops

C. had stopped

D. stopped

Câu 11: I miss my family. I wish my family______here right now.

A. are

B. had been

C. would be

D. were

Câu 12: I can’t sleep. The dog next door is making too much noise. I wish it ______quiet.

A. had kept

B. kept

C. would keep

D. will keep

Câu 13: The two strangers talked as if they______friends for 3 years.

A. have been

B. should be

C. were

D. had been

Câu 14: The spaceman felt as if he______in a paradise

A. fall

B. has fallen

C. had fallen

D. Falls

Câu 15: She spent money as if she______plenty of it

A. had had

B. should have

C. have

D. had

Câu 16: I demand that he______immediately.

A. will apologize

B. has apologized

C. apologize

D. shall apologize

Câu 17: I suggested that she______her lawyer before signing the contract.

A. shall consult

B. should consult

C. consults

D. will consul

Câu 18: The Principal demanded that the air conditioning______immediately. Summer is coming!

A. be repaired

B. repair

C. are repaired

D. were repaired

Câu 19: The dentist insisted that she______to the hospital for tests.

A. will go

B. has gone

C. goes

D. go

Câu 20: He suggested that we______in the lobby of the homestay at 8:00 a.m.

A. should meet

B. shall meet

C. will meet

D. would have met

Đáp án

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A
11. D 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. A

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập Giới từ có đáp án

Bài tập từ chỉ lượng có đáp án

Bài tập Danh động từ có đáp án

Bài tập Cấu trúc When, While có đáp án

Bài tập Danh động từ và Động từ nguyên thể có đáp án

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