50 bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When

1. Cấu trúc Not Until

Not until …. : Mãi đến khi, cho đến khi

Not until S + auxiliary verb……auxiliary verb + S

Vế 1 Vế 2 (đảo trợ động từ hoặc tobe lên trước)

Như vậy vế 1 viết như thông thường, vế 2 đảo ngữ là chúng ta đã có một câu đúng ngữ pháp.

Ví dụ:

Not until [we had reached the top] [did we realize how far we had come].

=> Mãi đến khi lên tới đỉnh, chúng tôi mới nhận ra mình đã đi được bao xa.

2. Cách viết lại câu với Not until

We couldn’t see the view of the ocean until the rain stopped.

=> Not until [the rain stopped][could we see the view of the ocean].

Cách viết lại câu:

+ Giữ nguyên vế sau until và đặt ngay sau Not until

+ Vế còn lại chuyển thành khẳng định vào đảo trợ động từ lên trước chủ ngữ

Ví dụ:

1. The protests didn’t stop until the president resigned.

=> Not until [the president resigned][did the protests stop]

Dịch: Mãi đến khi tổng thống từ chức, các cuộc biểu tình mới dừng lại.

2. I didn’t stop worrying about my daughter until she call me.

=> Not until [my daughter called me][did I stop worrying about her].

Dịch: Mãi đến khi em gái gọi điện cho tôi, tôi mới ngừng lo lắng về cô ấy.

3. Cấu trúc Only when

Only when…: Chỉ đến khi

Cấu trúc và cách dùng của Only when giống y hệt với Not until

Ví dụ Only when:

1. Only when I filled my glass did I notice that it was broken.

I didn’t notice that my glass was broken until I filled it.

=> Only when I filled my glass did I notice that it was broken.

Dịch: Chỉ đến khi tôi đổ đầy cốc nước, tôi mới nhận ra rằng nó bị vỡ.

2. He didn’t visit me until he needed some money.

=> Only when he needed some money did he visit me.

Dịch: Chỉ đến khi anh ta cần tiền, anh ta mới đến thăm tôi.

II. Bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When

Bài 1: Choose the correct answer

1. It was not until midnight ______________back home.

A. did John come

B. had John come

C. that John had come

D. that John came

2. It was not until September that I ………….. this school.

A. leave

B. leaves

C. leaving

D. left

3. It was not until 2000 that I ___________ him.

A. teach

B. teaching

C. to teach

D. taught

4. It was not until 1994 that this school ______________.

A. builds

B. built

C. had built

D. was built

5. It was not until I ________ to new school that my mother bought me a new bike.

A. go

B. went

C. am going

D. will go

6. It was not ___________ 2000 that I met him.

A. in

B. at

C. until

D. by

Đáp án:

1. D. that John came;

2. D. left;

3. D. taught

4. D. was built;

5. B. went;

6. C. until

Bài 2: Rewrite these sentences with Not until, It was/is not until or Only when

1. It was not until I told him did he call me.

⇒ Only when ______________________________________.

2. It was not until my teacher graded my paper poorly that I realized that there was a mistake.

⇒ Not until ______________________________________.

3. I couldn’t finish my homework until my teacher helped me.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

4. The letter didn’t arrive until yesterday.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

5. She didn’t call him until she noticed the call she missed.

⇒ Not until ______________________________________.

6. She didn’t become a teacher until 1990.

⇒ Not until ______________________________________.

7. He didn’t know how to swim until he was 15.

⇒ Not until ______________________________________.

8. They didn’t begin to learn English until 1980.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

9. The police didn’t make any accusations until they had some proof.

⇒ Only when ______________________________________.

10. The boy didn’t do his homework until his father came home.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

11. The football match didn’t start until the lights were on.

⇒ Not until ______________________________________.

12. I couldn’t comment further until I had the information.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

13. The boy didn’t stop singing until their teacher came.

⇒ Only when ______________________________________.

14. We didn’t finish the project until the end of last summer.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

15. Cinema didn’t become an industry until 1915.

⇒ It was not until ______________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. Only when I told him did he visit me.

2. Not until did my teacher grade my paper poorly that I realized that there was a mistake.

3. It was not until my teacher helped me could I finish my homework.

4. It was not until yesterday that the letter arrived.

5. Not until she noticed the call she missed did she call him.

6. It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher.

7. Not until he was 15 did he know how to swim.

8. It was not until 1980 that they began to learn English.

9. Only when the police had some proof did they make any accusations.

10. It was not until his father came home that the boy did his homework.

11. Not until the lights were on did the football match start.

12. It was not until I had the information that I could comment further.

13. Only when their teacher came did the boy stop singing.

14. It was not until the end of last summer that we finished it.

15. It was not until 1915 that cinema became an industry.

Bài 3: Viết lại câu với not until và only when

1. No one could leave the cinema until 10.30

=> Not until

2. He hadn’t been a famous teacher before he went to Hanoi

=> It was not until

3. I couldn’t finish my housework until my sister helped me

=> Only when

4. I couldn’t comment further until I had the report

=> Only when

5. She didn’t call her mother until she noticed the call she missed

=> Not until

Đáp án:

1. Not until 10.30 could someone leave the cinema.

2. It was not until he went to Hanoi that he was a famous teacher.

3. Only when my sister helped me could I finish my housework.

4. Only when I had the report could I comment further.

5. Not until she noticed the call she missed did she call her mother

Bài 4: Chia dạng thích hợp cho các động từ trong ngoặc

1. It (be) _____ not until midnight that she went to bed.

2. It was not until his father was angry that he (tell) _____ the truth.

3. It was not until he (feel) ______ too tired that he went to bed.

4. It was not until we (begin) _____ secondary school that we studied English.

5. It was not until he was 18 that he (start) ______ using a cell phone.

Đáp án:

1. was 2. told 3. felt 4. began 5. started

Bài 5.

1. No one could leave the concert until 2.30.

=> Not until …………………………………………………………………………

2. He hadn’t been a famous singer before he went to HCM city.

=> It was not until ………………………………………………………………..

3. I couldn’ t finish my homework until Anna helped me.

=> Only when ……………………………………………………………………..

4. I couldn’t comment further until I had the information.

=> Only when ……………………………………………………………………..

5. She didn’t call him until she noticed the call she missed

=> Not until ………………………………………………………………………..

Đáp án

1. Not until 2.30 could someone leave the concert.

2. It was not until he went to HCM city that he was a famous singer.

3. Only when Anna helped me could I finish my homework.

4. Only when I had the information could I comment further.

5. Not until she noticed the call she missed did she call him.

Bài 6. Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu

1. It was not until last night that ______ back home.

A. my dog came

B. did my dog come

C. does my dog come

2. It ______ not until next summer that our team can travel to Sai Gon.

A. is

B. was

C. will

3. It ______ not until the last 5 minutes that Anna performed her song.

A. is

B. was

C. will

4. Not until Peter finishes his homework ______.

A. he can go out

B. he goes out

C. can he go out

5. Not until Jenny arrived at school ______ she hadn’t changed her sleeping pants.

A. she had realized that

B. had she realized that

C. did she realize that

6. ______ the year 1980 did my country get its independence.

A. Only when

B. It was not until

C. Not until

7. John watched TV until 2 a.m. = ______

A. It was not until 2 a.m that John stopped watching TV.

B. It was not until 2 a.m did John stop watching TV.

C. It is not until 2 a.m that John stopped watching TV.

8. Anna can go out after her mother sleeps. = ______

A. Not until her mother sleeps, Anna can go out.

B. Not until her mother sleeps, can Anna go out.

C. Not until her mother slept, can Anna go out.

Đáp án

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B

Bài 7.

1. It was not until dawn __________ back home.

A. do I come B. had I come C. that I had come D. that I came

2. It was not until September that I ______ this school.

A. enters B. enter C. entering D. entered

3. Only when it’s winter did I ___________ him.

A. meet B. meeting C. met D. to meet

4. Only when the school __________ did I know about its history.

A. built B. buils C. was built D. had built

5. Only when I ________ to new school that my parents bought me a new bike.

A. move B. moved C. was moving D. will move

Đáp án

1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B

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