50 bài tập cấu trúc To V và Ving thường gặp có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập cấu trúc To V và Ving thường gặp có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập cấu trúc To V và Ving thường gặp và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập cấu trúc To V và Ving thường gặp có đáp án

I. Các cấu trúc to V và Ving

Dạng 1: S + (V) + to + V + hoặc S + (V) + sb + to + V+ O

to afford to V + O

cố gắng làm gì

to agree V + O

đồng ý làm gì

to agree with so

đồng ý với ai

to appear to V + O

dường như

to ask to V + O

yêu cầu làm gì

to ask sb to V sth

yêu cầu ai làm gì

to decide to V + O


quyết định làm gì

to expect to V + O

hi vọng

to learn to V + O

học làm gì

to manage to V + O

xoay xở

to offer to V + O

đề nghị làm gì cho ai

to plan to V + O

đặt kế hoạch

to promise to V + O


to encourge to V + O

khuyến khích

to refuse to V + O

từ chối

to threaten to V + O

đe dọa

to doubt whether S + (V) + O

nghi ngờ về cái gì đó

to want to V + O

muốn làm gì

to want sb to V sth

muốn ai làm gì

to intend to V + O

có ý định

to advise sb to V + O

khuyên ai làm gì

to allow sb to V + O

cho phép ai làm gì

to beg sb to V + O

cầu xin ai

to forbid to V + O

cấm làm gì

to invite to V + O


to invite sb to V + O

mời ai làm gì

to persuade sb to V + O

thuyết phục ai làm gì

to remind sb to V + O

nhắc ai làm gì

to teach sb to V + O


to tell sb to V + O


to urge sb to V + O

hối thúc

to have sb V + O


to make sb V + O

bắt ép

S + would like to V + O


S + used to V + O

đã từng làm gì (nay không làm nữa)

to + encourage sb to V sth

khuyến khích ai làm gì

to remind sb of about sth/so

gợi nhớ về điều gì

It + (take) + sb + (time) + to V sth

ai mất bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì

Dạng 2: S + (V) + Ving + O

to admit Ving O

chấp nhận đã làm gì

to avoid Ving O


to delay Ving O

trì hoãn

to deny Ving O

phủ nhận

to enjoy Ving O


to finish Ving O

hoàn thành

to keep Ving O

tiếp tục, duy trì

to mind Ving O

bận tâm

to suggest Ving O

gợi ý

to like Ving O


to hate Ving O


to love Ving O


S + can’t bear Ving O

không thể chịu được

S + can’t stand Ving O

không thể chịu được

S + can’t help Ving O

không thể tránh được

to look forward to Ving O

trông mong

to accuse sb of Ving O

buộc tội ai

to insist sb on Ving O

nài nỉ ai làm gì

to remind sb of Ving O

gợi nhớ

to remind sb about Ving

nhắc ai về việc gì

to be afraid of Ving O


to be amazed at Ving O

ngạc nhiên

to be angry about/at Ving O

giận/ bực mình

to be good/bad at Ving O

giỏi/ kém

to be bored with Ving O

buồn chán

to be dependent on sth/ Ving O

phụ thuộc

to be different from

khác biệt

to be excited about

háo hức

to think of sth/Ving sth

nhớ về cái gì đó

to thank to sth/so/Ving sth

nhờ vào cái gì, vào ai gì đó

to thank sb for Ving sth

cảm ơn ai vì đã làm gì

to apologize (to so) for Ving sth

xin lỗi ai vì cái gì đó

to confess to Ving sth

thú nhận

to congratulate sb on Ving sth

chúc mừng ai vì điều gì đó

to be friendly with

thân thiện với

to be familiar with

quen thuộc với

to be popular with

phổ biến/ưa chuộng

to be based on

dựa trên

to be capable of

có khả năng

to be doubtful about

nghi ngờ

to take part in = join = paticipate

tham gia

to join sth

tham gia cái gì

to join in Ving sth

tham gia làm gì

to be famous for

nổi tiếng vì

to be fed up with


to be fond of Ving O


to be grateful to sb for Ving sth

biết ơn ai vì đã làm gì

to be interested in

thích, quan tâm

to be keen on

đam mê

to be nervous of

lo lắng

to be responsible for

có trách nhiệm

to be satisfied with

hài lòng

to be successful in

thành công

to be worried about

lo lắng

to be surprised at

ngạc nhiên

to be tired of

mệt mỏi vì

to be used to Ving O

đã quen làm gì

to warn sb of sth/Ving sth

cảnh báo ai việc gì hoặc làm gì

to warn sb against Ving sth

cảnh báo ai không được làm gì

to thank sb for Ving sth

cảm ơn ai vì đã làm gì

to dream of/about sth/so/Ving

giấc mơ về việc gì, về ai, về làm gì

to prevent/ stop/ protect sb/sth from Ving sth

ngăn cản ai/cái gì làm gì

to be thankful/grateful to sb for Ving sth

biết ơn ai vì đã làm gì

to look forward to Ving sth

trông mong ai làm gì

to think about sth/Ving sth

suy nghĩ về cái gì đó

to insist on Ving sth

khăng khăng làm gì

to give sb sth

đưa cho ai cái gì

to give sth to sb

đưa cái gì cho ai

to buy sb sth

mua cho ai cái gì

to buy sth for sb

mua cái gì cho ai

to bring sb sth

mang cho ai cái gì

to bring sth to sb

mang cái gì cho ai

force to do sth

yêu cầu, bắt chước

mean to do sth

định làm gì

demand to do sth

yêu cầu

want to do sth

muốn làm gì

agree to do sth

đồng ý làm gì

expect to do sth

mong đợi

offer to do sth

đề nghị

hope to do sth

hi vọng

mention doing sth

đề cập

count on doing sth

phụ thuộc

have to do

phải làm

to prevent sb/sth from

ngăn cản ai/cái gì làm gì

to apply for

nộp đơn

to look for

tìm kiếm

– Những động từ theo sau là to-inf hoặc -ing có nghĩa thay đổi


forget to V

quên phải làm gì

Forget Ving

quên đã làm gì


remember to V

nhớ phải làm gì

remember Ving

nhớ đã làm gì


regret to V

tiếc phải làm gì

regret Ving

hối tiếc đã làm gì


Try to V

Cố gắng làm gì

Try ving

Thử làm gì

Be sorry

Be sorry to V

Tiếc phải làm gì

be sorry Ving

Xin lỗi vì làm gì = apologize sb for Ving


Stop Ving

Dừng việc đang làm

Stop to V

Dừng để làm việc khác


Need V = need To V

Cần làm gì

Need Ving

Cần được làm gì

– Những động từ theo sau là V-ing hoặc to-inf nhưng nghĩa không thay đổi

begin to V = begin Ving

bắt đầu làm gì

continue to V = continue Ving

bắt đầu làm gì

start to V = start Ving

bắt đầu làm gì

– Cấu trúc câu dạng V-0-V (chủ ngữ-động từ 1-tân ngữ-động từ 2)

Động từ nguyên mẫu (bare infinitive) theo sau các động từ như:

+ MAKE, HAVE (ở dạng sai bảo chủ động), LET, HELP thì V2 sẽ ở dạng bare inf.

Cấu trúc: make / have / let sb do sth.

Ex: I make him go.

I let him go.

+ Nếu V1 là các động từ như: HEAR, SEE, FEEL, NOTICE, WATCH, FIND, CATCH… thì V2 là Ving (hoặc bare inf)

Cấu trúc:

watch / find/ catch sb doing sth: bắt gặp (xem) ai đó đang làm gì.

see/ hear/ feel sb doing sth: nhìn thấy, nghe thấy ai đó đang làm gì.

see/ hear/ feel sb do sth: nhìn thấy, nghe thấy ai đó đã làm gì.

+ Theo sau động từ have, get có dạng P2

Cấu trúc: have / get sth DONE

have sb DO

get sb TO DO

II. Bài tập cấu trúc to V và Ving có đáp án

Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng.

1.He agreed _____ (buy) a new car.

A. to buy

B. buy

C. buying

2. I can’t imagine Peter _____ (go) by bike.

A. to go

B. go

C. going

3. The question is easy _____ (answer).

A. to answer

B. answer

C. answering

4. The man asked me how _____ (get) to the airport.

A. to get

B. get

C. geting

5. I look forward to _____ (see) you at the weekend.

A. see

B. seeing

6. The boys like ( play) games but hate ( do) lessons.

A. to play – to do

B. play – do

C. playing – doing

7. Would you like ( go) now or shall we wait till the end?

A. going

B. to go

C. go

8. We used ( dream) of a television set when we (be) small.

A. dream – are

B. to dream – were

C. to dream – are

9. Would you mind ( show ) me how ( send) an email?

A. showing – to send

B. showing – sending

C. to show – to send

D. to show – sending

Đáp án:

1 – A; 2 – C; 3 – A; 4 – A; 5 – B;

6 – C; 7 – B; 8 – B; 9 – A;

Bài 2. Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc

1.They are used to (prepare) new lessons.

2. By ( work) day and night , he succeeded in ( finish) the job in time.

3. His doctor advised him ( give) up ( smoke).

4. Please stop (talk). We will stop (eat) lunch in ten minutes.

5. Stop ( argue) and start( work).

6. I like ( think) carefully about things before ( make) decision.

7. Ask him ( come) in. Don`t keep him ( stand) at the door.

8. Did you succeed in ( solve) the problem?

9. Don’t forget ( lock) the door before (go) to bed.

10. Don’t try ( persuade) me . Nothing can make me ( change) my mind.

Đáp án:

1 – preparing

2 – working – finishing

3 – to give up – smoking

4 – talking – to eat

5 – arguing – to work

6 – to think – making

7 – to come – standing

8 – solving

9 – to lock – going

10 – to persuade

Bài 3. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. Sally and her family love (go) to the park in the summer.

2. Her mum likes (lie) on the blanket and loves (read) her favourite magazines.

3. Anna’s family (like) the park because they love (be) outdoors.

4. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure.

5. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend.

6. My brother hates (do) the same things day after day.

7. Would you mind _____________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes?

8. I enjoy _____________ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking.

9. He wants _____________ (buy) a new computer game.

10. I’d like _____________ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there?

11. Please avoid _____________ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise.

12. The children would love _____________ (eat) French fries.

13. She really loves _____________ (work) with children.

14. We tried _____________ (call) you but your mobile was off.

15. They intend _____________ (build) houses on the school playing fields.

Đáp án:

1. Sally and her family love (go) going/ to go to the park in the summer.

2. Her mum likes (lie) lying on the blanket and loves (read) reading her favourite magazines.

3. Anna’s family (like) likes the park because they love (be) being outdoors.

4. I enjoy (collect) collecting dolls and it becomes my pleasure.

5. We love (watch) watching/ to watch new films, and we (go) will go to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend.

6. My brother hates (do) doing the same things day after day.

7. Would you mind _____watching________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes?

8. I enjoy ______listening_______ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking.

9. He wants _______to buy______ (buy) a new computer game.

10. I’d like ________to speak_____ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there?

11. Please avoid ______making_______ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise.

12. The children would love ______to eat_______ (eat) French fries.

13. She really loves ______working/ to work_______ (work) with children.

14. We tried ________to call_____ (call) you but your mobile was off.

15. They intend ______to build_______ (build) houses on the school playing fields.

Bài 4. Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with ‘to’):

1) I don’t fancy (go) _______out tonight.

2) She avoided (tell)________ him about her plans.

3) I would like (come) ________to the party with you.

4) He enjoys (have)_______ a bath in the evening.

5) She kept (talk)_______ during the film.

6) I am learning (speak)_______ English.

7) Do you mind (give)_______ me a hand?

8) She helped me (carry)_______ my suitcases.

9) I’ve finished (cook)_______ – come and eat!

10) He decided (study)_______ biology.

11) I dislike (wait)_______.

12) He asked (come) _______ with us.

13) I promise (help)_______ you tomorrow.

14) We discussed (go)_______ to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.

15) She agreed (bring)_______ the pudding to the dinner.

16) I don’t recommend (take)_______ the bus – it takes forever!

17) We hope (visit)_______ Amsterdam next month.

18) She suggested (go) _______ to the museum.

19) They plan (start) _______ college in the autumn.

20) I don’t want (leave) _______ yet.

Đáp án:

1) I don’t fancy (go) ____going___out tonight.

2) She avoided (tell)___telling_____ him about her plans.

3) I would like (come) ___to come_____to the party with you.

4) He enjoys (have)___having____ a bath in the evening.

5) She kept (talk)___talking____ during the film.

6) I am learning (speak)___to speak____ English.

7) Do you mind (give)___giving ____ me a hand?

8) She helped me (carry)___to carry____ my suitcases.

9) I’ve finished (cook)___cooking____ – come and eat!

10) He decided (study)___to study ____ biology.

11) I dislike (wait)__waiting_____.

12) He asked (come) ___to come____ with us.

13) I promise (help)____to help___ you tomorrow.

14) We discussed (go)____going___ to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.

15) She agreed (bring)___to bring____ the pudding to the dinner.

16) I don’t recommend (take)____taking___ the bus – it takes forever!

17) We hope (visit)___ to visit____ Amsterdam next month.

18) She suggested (go) __going_____ to the museum.

19) They plan (start) ___to start____ college in the autumn.

20) I don’t want (leave) ___to leave____ yet.

Bài 5. Choose the correct form of the word.

Question 1. He often lets other people _______ ahead.

A. move

B. to move

C. moving

Question 2. Would you mind _______ me lunch?

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

Question 3. I prefer ________ to walking.

A. drive

B. to drive

C. driving

Question 4 ________ on this beach is very pleasant.

A. Lie

B. To lie

C. Lying

Question 5. I tried _________ it to him, but he didn’t understand.

A. explain

B. to explain

C. explaining

Question 6. After _________ the conditions I left.

A. hear

B. to hear

C. hearing

Question 7. I suggested _________ out in the rain.

A. not go

B. not to go

C. not going

Question 8. I decided _________ for the competition.

A. enter

B. to enter

C. entering

Question 9. Some people seem _______ very kind.

A. be

B. to be

C. being

Question 10. I have a passion for _________ to the newspapers.

A. write

B. to write

C. writing

Question 11. By _________ enormous wages she persuaded him to work for her.

A. offer

B. to offer

C. offering

Question 12. Try ________ your past.

A. forget

B. to forget

C. forgetting

Question 13. There’s no point in _______ such dangerous things.

A. do

B. to do

C. doing

Question 14. He postponed _________ to the cinema.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

Question 15. It is usually easier ________ English in English-speaking countries.

A. learn

B. to learn

C. learning

Đáp án:

1 – A; 2 – C; 3 – C; 4 – C; 5 – B; 6 – C; 7 – C; 8 – B;

9 – B; 10 – C; 11 – C; 12 – B; 13 – B; 14 – C; 15 – B;

Bài 6. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. I’m very interested in __________________ Japanese. (learn)

2. My pen friend is coming next Sunday. I’m really looking forward __________________ him. (meet)

3. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long time? (be)

4. The daughter promised __________________ back by ten. (be)

5. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. (come)

6. Tom offered __________________ me home. (bring)

7. Why not __________________ a weekend in Da Lat? (spend)

8. I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party but thank you for __________________ me. (invite)

9. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. (make)

10. Vietnam is always worth __________________ to. (travel)

Đáp án:

1. I’m very interested in _____learning__ Japanese. (learn)

2. My pen friend is coming next Sunday. I’m really looking forward _____to meeting___ him. (meet)

3. Don’t you mind _____being____ away from your family for such a long time? (be)

4. The daughter promised ____to be___ back by ten. (be)

5. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on ____coming__ with me. (come)

6. Tom offered _____to bring_____ me home. (bring)

7. Why not _____spend______ a weekend in Da Lat? (spend)

8. I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party but thank you for ____inviting___ me. (invite)

9. Our neighbors apologized for _______making_____ such noise. (make)

10. Vietnam is always worth ______travelling_____ to. (travel)

Bài 7. Give the correct form.

1. We have taught our children __________ (wash) their hands before _____________ (eat).

2. __________________ (write) letters is more boring than __________________ (phone).

3. Jack decided __________________ (have) a break from work.

4. I refused __________________ (speak) with them.

5. We agreed __________________ (meet) them at the airport.

6. There is no sense in ____________ (earn) more money than you can ___________(spend).

7. They made us __________________ (leave) the campsite after __________________ (make) such a mess.

8. “Do you mind __________________ (work) overtime ?, ” asked the boss

9. She has never known how __________________ (fry) a steak.

10. The doctor made him _________ (promise) _____________ (reduce) his __________________ (smoke).

Đáp án:

1. We have taught our children ______to wash____ (wash) their hands before ______eating_______ (eat).

2. _________Writing_________ (write) letters is more boring than _____phoning_____________ (phone).

3. Jack decided ______to have______ (have) a break from work.

4. I refused _______to speak______ (speak) with them.

5. We agreed _______to meet_______ (meet) them at the airport.

6. There is no sense in _____earning_______ (earn) more money than you can ______spend_____(spend).

7. They made us ______leave____ (leave) the campsite after _____making____ (make) such a mess.

8. “Do you mind _________working________ (work) overtime ?, ” asked the boss

9. She has never known how ______to fry________ (fry) a steak.

10. The doctor made him __promise__(promise) ___to reduce_____ (reduce) his ___smoking______ (smoke).

Bài 8. Gerund or Infinitive?

1. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don’t remember ___________________ (say) that.

2. The water here is not very good. I’d avoid ___________________ (drink) it if I were you.

3. I pretended ___________________ (be) interested in the conversation.

4. I got up and looked out of the window ___________________ (see) what the weather was like.

5. I have a friend who claims ___________________ (be) able to speak 5 languages.

6. I like ___________________ (think) carefully about things before ___________________ (make) a decision.

7. Steve used ___________________ (be) a footballer. He had to stop ___________________ (play) because of an injury.

8. How do you___________________(make) this machine work? – I’m not sure. Try_______________ (press) the button and see what happens !

9. What do you advise me ___________________ ? (do)

10. They intend ___________________ a new house next year. (buy)

Đáp án:

1. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don’t remember _______saying________ (say) that.

2. The water here is not very good. I’d avoid ________drinking______ (drink) it if I were you.

3. I pretended ______to be_____ (be) interested in the conversation.

4. I got up and looked out of the window _______to see _______ (see) what the weather was like.

5. I have a friend who claims _______ to be______ (be) able to speak 5 languages.

6. I like ______to think _______ (think) carefully about things before _______making_______ (make) a decision.

7. Steve used ______to be______ (be) a footballer. He had to stop ____playing____ (play) because of an injury.

8. How do you ____make____ (make) this machine work ? – I’m not sure. Try ___pressing______ (press) the button and see what happens !

9. What do you advise me ______to do____ ? (do)

10. They intend ____to buy____ a new house next year. (buy)

Bài 9. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc sau đây thành dạng To V hoặc V-ing

1. Nam suggested ________ (talk) the children to school yesterday.

2. They decided _________ (play) tennis with us last night.

3. Mary helped me ________ (repair) this fan and _______ (clean) the house.

4. We offer ________ (make) a plan.

5. We required them ________ (be) on time.

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him _______ (go) here alone.

7. Before ________ (go) to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

8. Minh is interested in ________ (listen) to music before _____ (go) to bed.

9. This robber admitted ______ (steal) the red mobile phone last week.

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ________ (repair) her car.

11. It took me 2 hours _______ (buy) the clothes and shoes.

12. Do you have any money ________ (pay) for the hat?

13. Would you like ________ (visit) my grandparents in Paris?

14. Don’t waste her time ___________(complain) about her salary.

15. That questions need ___________ (reply).

16. Viet is used to ________ (cry) when he faces his difficulties.

17. It’s time they stopped ______ (work) here.

18. Will she remember _______ (collect) his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

19. Jim forgot ________ (send) this message last night.

20. Hung stopped ______ (eat) meat yesterday.

Đáp án

1. Nam suggested ____talking____ (talk) the children to school yesterday.

(cấu trúc Suggest + Ving: đề xuất, gợi ý làm việc gì)

2. They decided _____to play____ (play) tennis with us last night.

(cấu trúc Decide + to Vinf: quyết định làm gì)

3. Mary helped me ____repair____ (repair) this fan and ____clean___ (clean) the house.

(cấu trúc Help + sb + Vinf: giúp ai đó làm gì)

4. We offer ____to make____ (make) a plan.

(cấu trúc Offer + to Vinf: đề nghị làm gì)

5. We required them ___to be_____ (be) on time.

(cấu trúc Require + sb + to Vinf: yêu cầu làm gì)

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him ____to go___ (go) here alone.

(cấu trúc Recommend + sb + to Vinf: Giới thiệu cho ai làm việc gì mà người nói cảm thấy thú vị, hay hoặc bổ ích)

7. Before ____going____ (go) to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

(cấu trúc Before + Ving: Trước khi làm gì)

8. Minh is interested in ____listening____ (listen) to music before ___going__ (go) to bed.

(cấu trúc “giới từ” + Ving)

9. This robber admitted ____stealing__ (steal) the red mobile phone last week.

(cấu trúc Admit + Ving: thừa nhận làm gì)

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ____repairing____ (repair) her car.

(cấu trúc S + spend + time/money + Ving…: dành thời gian làm việc gì)

11. It took me 2 hours ____to buy___ (buy) the clothes and shoes.

(cấu trúc It takes + sb + time/money + to Vinf…)

12. Do you have any money ____to pay____ (pay) for the hat?

(cấu trúc Have + to Vinf)

13. Would you like ____to visit____ (visit) my grandparents in Paris?

(cấu trúc Would you like + to Vinf…?: cấu trúc mời ai đó làm gì)

14. Don’t waste her time ______complaining_____(complain) about her salary.

(cấu trúc Waste time + Ving: lãng phí thời gian làm việc gì)

15. That questions need _____replying______ (reply).

(cấu trúc Need + Ving: cần được làm gì)

16. Viet is used to ____crying____ (cry) when he faces his difficulties.

(cấu trúc tobe used to + Ving: diễn tả một thói quen lặp đi lặp lại ở hiện tại)

17. It’s time they stopped ____working__ (work) here.

(cấu trúc Stop + Ving: dừng việc đang làm)

18. Will she remember ____to collect___ (collect) his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

(cấu trúc Remember + to Vinf: nhớ để làm gì)

19. Jim forgot ____sending____ (send) this message last night.

(cấu trúc Forget + Ving: quên làm gì)

20. Hung stopped ___to eat___ (eat) meat yesterday.

(cấu trúc Stop + to Vinf: dừng để làm gì)

Bài 10. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu dưới (nếu có)

1. Yesterday, Minh didn’t want to coming to the theater with them because he had already seen the film.

2. My brother used to running a lot but he doesn’t do it usually now.

3. They’re going to have a small party celebrating their house at 7 p.m tomorrow.

4. Wind tried to avoiding answering her questions last night.

5. Khanh don’t forget post that letter that his mother gave him this evening.

Đáp án

1. to coming ➔ to come (want + to Vinf)

2. running ➔ run (use + to Vinf)

3. celebrating ➔ to celebrate (have + to Vinf)

4. to avoiding ➔ to avoid (try + to Vinf)

5. post ➔ to post (forget + to Vinf)

Bài 11. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. It isn’t necessary to play football with my best friends today.

➔ You don’t ________________________________________.

2. “Why don’t we visit her parents next week?”

➔ You suggested ____________________________________.

3. Thanh spends 3 hours a day doing the homework.

➔ It takes …

➔ Thanh wastes …

4. Hanh said to him: “Remember to close all the window and turn off the lights before going out”.

➔ Hanh reminded ___________________________________________.

5. Linh told him: “Don’t forget to repair my bicycle”.

➔ Linh told him ___________________________________.

Đáp án

1. You don’t have to play football with my best friends today.

2. You suggested visiting her parents the next week.

3. Thanh spends 3 hours a day doing the homework.

➔ It takes Thanh 3 hours a day to do the homework.

➔ Thanh wastes 3 hours a day doing the homework.

4. Hanh reminded to close all the window and turn off the lights before going out .

5. Linh told him not to repair her bicycle.

Bài 12. Choose the correct answer.

1. I do not have enough money _________ this book.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

D. bought

2. It is no use _________ to school if you _________ to work hard.

A. going / do not ready

B. to go / do not ready

C. going / are not ready

D. go / are not ready

3. They spent all day _________ and _________ on the beach.

A. to swim / sunbathing

B. to swim / to sunbathe

C. swimming / to sunbathe

D. swimming / sunbathing

4. We were made _________ all the cleaning in the house.

A. to do

B. do

C. doing

D. done

5. We regret _________ you that you have exceeded your overdraft facility.

A. to inform

B. informing

C. to tell to

D. telling

6. Why don’t you try _________ the key anti-clockwise?

A. to turn

B. on turning

C. turning

D. turn

7. We don’t allow _________ in the classrooms.

A. that students smoke

B. smoke

C. students to smoke

D. to smoking

8. I really must _________ on with my work now.

A. to get

B. getting

C. get

D. to getting

9. Why don’t you do what you’re told, instead of _________ such a song and dance about it?

A. to make

B. making

C. made

D. make

10. I rashly posted the parcel without _________ it.

A. weighing

B. weigh

C. weighed

D. to weigh

11. Can you please _________ me a little about yourself?

A. to tell

B. telling

C. tell

D. going to tell

12. How can you waste all that money on _________?

A. gamble

B. to gamble

C. gambling

D. the gamble

13. “My watch is broken. ” “Why don’t you _________”

A. have it repair

B. have it repairing

C. have it for repair

D. have it repaired

14. Yesterday we did nothing but _________

A. talking

B. talked

C. talk

D. had talked

15. Instead of _________ a new car, she’ll have her old one _________.

A. to buy / repaired

B. buying / to repair

C. buying / be repaired

D. buying / repaired

16. I tried _________ the bus, but I missed it.

A. catching

B. to catch

C. catch

D. catch up

17. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money _______ you. Why don’t you try _________ Peter?

A. to lend / to ask

B. lending / asking

C. to lend / asking

D. lending / to ask

18. After _________ asleep, I saw a strange person at the foot of the bed.

A. fall

B. falling

C. fell

D. fallen

19. After all this time, John should take the bull by the horns and ask Mary _________ him.

A. to marry

B. marry

C. marrying

D. married

20. He told me _________ early.

A. to try to come

B. to try coming

C. try to come

D. try coming

Đáp án

1 – B; 2 – C; 3 – D; 4 – A; 5 – A;

6 – C (try doing: thử làm gì) ; 7 – C; 8 – C; 9 – B; 10 – A;

11 – C; 12 – C; 13 – D; 14 – A; 15 – D;

16 – B; 17 – C; 18 – B; 19 – A; 20 – A;

Bài 13. Give the correct form. Gerund or Infinitive?

1. Do you feel like (go)_______ to the theatre on Friday?

2. I spent a lot of time (make)_______ a birthday cake for him.

3. He agreed (see)_______ me at ten o’clock

4. They promised (read) _______my report today

5. I suggest (pay) _______by check, it’s safer than cash

6. He offered (make) _______dinner for us.

7. He put off (see) _______her until very late in the afternoon.

8. I refused (pay) _______for the repairs.

9. I’ve finished (read)_______ that book at last!

10. We decided (go)_______ to the cinema instead

11. I enjoyed the play. The (act)_______ was very good.

12. I love going to her class, her (teach) _______is never boring.

13. He’s my favourite writer, his (write) _______is wonderful.

14. His (complain)_______ is getting on my nerves. He’s never happy.

15. They have terrible debts. Their (spend) _______is out of control

16. It’s a very fit team. Their (train)_______ is very intensive.

17. I can still remember (visit)_______ my grandparents fifty years ago.

18. Please, remember (feed)_______ the dog while I’m away

19. I’ll never forget (see)_______ that van Gogh exhibition in New York

20. Don’t forget (post) _______my letters, please.

21. I regret (lend)_______ him the money. He never paid it back.

22. We regret (inform)_______ you that your application has been refused.

23. I’ll just finish (clean) _______the kitchen then I’ll stop.

24. She suggested (have)_______ dinner at her house.

25. She doesn’t mind (do)_______ the boring jobs.

26. He keeps (ask)_______ me to go out with him.

27. He has given up (smoke)_______.

28. He’s very good at (get)_______ me to do what he wants

29. He insisted on (be)_______ refunded immediately.

30. He failed. He’s very bad at (do)_______ exams.

Đáp án

1. going

2. making

3. to see

4. to read

5. paying

6. to make

7. seeing

8. to pay

9. reading

10. to go

11. acting

12. teaching

13. writing

14. complain

15. spending

16 – training

17 – visiting

18 – to feed

19 – seeing

20 – to post

21 – lending

22 – to inform

23 – cleaning

24 – having

25 – doing

26 – asking

27 – smoking

28 – getting

29 – being

30 – doing

Bài 14. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive

1) It appears (be)______ raining.

2) We intend (go) ______ to the mountain this Sunday.

3) I pretended (be) ______ sick so I didn’t have to go to school.

4) Can you imagine (live) ______ without internet?

5) They tolerate (smoke) ______ but they prefer people not to.

6) I anticipate (arrive) ______ on Saturday.

7) A party involves (negotiate) ______ with everyone in the family.

8) He denies (steal) ______ the purse.

9) Tom claims (be) ______ a billionaire but I don’t believe him.

10) I expect (be) ______ there about eight.

11) Julia reported (see) ______ the boys to the police.

12) It tends (rain) ______ a lot in Da Lat.

13) Do you recall (meet) ______ her at the party last night?

14) She mentioned (go) ______ to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end.

15) The teenager refused (go) ______ on holiday with his parents.

Đáp án

1) It appears (be)___to be___ raining.

2) We intend (go) ___to go ___ to the mountain this Sunday.

3) I pretended (be) ___to be___ sick so I didn’t have to go to school.

4) Can you imagine (live) ___living___ without internet?

5) They tolerate (smoke) __smoking____ but they prefer people not to.

6) I anticipate (arrive) __arriving____ on Saturday.

7) A party involves (negotiate) ___negotiating___ with everyone in the family.

8) He denies (steal) __stealing____ the purse.

9) Tom claims (be) __to be____ a billionaire but I don’t believe him.

10) I expect (be) ___to be___ there about eight.

11) Julia reported (see) ___seeing___ the boys to the police.

12) It tends (rain) ___to rain ___ a lot in Da Lat.

13) Do you recall (meet) ___meeting___ her at the party last night?

14) She mentioned (go) __going____ to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end.

15) The teenager refused (go) __to go____ on holiday with his parents.

Bài 15. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. ________________ is not allowed here. (fish)

2. I heard the TV set ________________ . (explode)

3. She appeared ________________ very nervous. (be)

4. I keep ________________ you – it was an accident. (tell)

5. Jack is good at ________________ ceilings. (paint)

6. She wondered who ________________ . (ask)

7. It is difficult ________________ him. (understand)

8. She did not know what ________________ from them. (expect)

9. My wife warned us ________________ the table. (not touch)

10. He refused ________________ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

11. There’s no sense in ________________ him. He’s not at home. (visit)

12. Elephants are known ________________ a fantastic memory. (have)

13. I let her ________________ on with her work. (get)

14. Colin had no idea of how ________________ into the house. (get)

15. I’d rather ________________ in bed than go to work. (be)

Đáp án

1. _________Fishing_______ is not allowed here. (fish)

2. I heard the TV set ____explode____________ . (explode)

3. She appeared ________to be________ very nervous. (be)

4. I keep ______telling__________ you – it was an accident. (tell)

5. Jack is good at ________painting________ ceilings. (paint)

6. She wondered who ________to ask________ . (ask)

7. It is difficult _________to understand_______ him. (understand)

8. She did not know what ______ to expect__________ from them. (expect)

9. My wife warned us _______not to touch_________ the table. (not touch)

10. He refused _________to tell_______ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

11. There’s no sense in __________visiting______ him. He’s not at home. (visit)

12. Elephants are known _______to have_________ a fantastic memory. (have)

13. I let her _______get_________ on with her work. (get)

14. Colin had no idea of how _______to get_________ into the house. (get)

15. I’d rather ________be________ in bed than go to work. (be)

Bài 16. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. They are likely __________________ up at any time. (show)

2. The man denied __________________ the crime. (commit)

3. Their memories of __________________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)

4. He has always been afraid of __________________. (fly)

5. __________________ is good for your health. (swim)

6. Would you mind __________________ me the sugar. (pass)

7. She promised __________________ the report as soon as possible. (read)

8. I had a hard time __________________ the situation to my husband. (explain)

9. She had some problems __________________ without glasses. (read)

10. Paul gave up __________________ five years ago. (smoke)

Đáp án

1. They are likely _______to show______ up at any time. (show)

2. The man denied ______committing_____ the crime. (commit)

3. Their memories of ______ traveling______ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)

4. He has always been afraid of _____flying_______. (fly)

5. ______. Swimming___ is good for your health. (swim)

6. Would you mind ______passing______ me the sugar. (pass)

7. She promised ____to read______ the report as soon as possible. (read)

8. I had a hard time ____explaining______ the situation to my husband. (explain)

9. She had some problems _______reading_____ without glasses. (read)

10. Paul gave up _____smoking___ five years ago. (smoke)

Bài 17. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. Most teachers insist on their pupils ___________________ (do) the homework.

2. She has often made me ___________________ (cry).

3. I expect ___________________ (hear) from you by Monday.

4. It’s no use ___________________ (pretend) ___________________ (like) her food.

5. How old were you when you learnt ___________________ (drive) ?

6. I don’t mind _____________ (walk) home but I’d rather ___________ (get) a taxi.

7. I can’t make a decision. I keep ___________________ (change) my mind.

8. We had to keep him from ___________________ (fall) off the cliff.

9. He had made his decision and refused _____________ (change) his mind.

10. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ___________________ (be) by the sea.

Đáp án

1. Most teachers insist on their pupils _________doing__________ (do) the homework.

2. She has often made me _________cry.__________ (cry).

3. I expect _________to hear__________ (hear) from you by Monday.

4. It’s no use _____pretending _____ (pretend) _______ to like_______ (like) her food.

5. How old were you when you learnt ___________to drive________ (drive) ?

6. I don’t mind ______ waking_______ (walk) home but I’d rather _____get______ (get) a taxi.

7. I can’t make a decision. I keep ______ changing _______ (change) my mind.

8. We had to keep him from ______falling______ (fall) off the cliff.

9. He had made his decision and refused ______ to change_____ (change) his mind.

10. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ________being_____ (be) by the sea.

Bài 18. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct form: INFINITIVE or ING-FORM.

1. I dislike shopping because I can’t stand ________ in crowded places (BE).

2. I avoid ________ places where there are crowds of people (VISIT)

3. She intends ________ up a lot of money so that she can go to Africa next year (SAVE).

4. I remember Steve ________ the gold medal in the race last year (WIN).

5. We have arranged for the plumber ________ tomorrow (COME).

6. It is necessary for him ________ harder (STUDY)

7. I need ________ this project today (FINISH).

8. I insist on ________ you with the dishes (HELP)

9. Some people expect things ________ wrong on the 13th of every month (GO)

10. Stuart agreed ________ the car for me (WASH)

Đáp án

1. I dislike shopping because I can’t stand ____BEING____ in crowded places (BE).

2. I avoid ____VISITING____ places where there are crowds of people (VISIT)

3. She intends ____TO SAVE____ up a lot of money so that she can go to Africa next year (SAVE).

4. I remember Steve ____WINNING____ the gold medal in the race last year (WIN).

5. We have arranged for the plumber ____TO COME____ tomorrow (COME).

6. It is necessary for him ____TO STUDY____ harder (STUDY)

7. I need ____TO FINISH____ this project today (FINISH).

8. I insist on ____HELPING____ you with the dishes (HELP)

9. Some people expect things ____TO GO____ wrong on the 13th of every month (GO)

10. Stuart agreed ____TO WASH____ the car for me (WASH)

Bài 19. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

Eric said that we should begin (1)________(plan) the End of Term Gathering of the English Club as he had promised (2)____________(give) the details to Mrs. Clean by next week. Mark suggested (3)__________(book) a room at the Golden Dragon Restaurant. However, Susan felt that most members couldn’t afford (4)_______(pay) for an expensive dinner. Ellen offered (5)_________(let) us use her parents’ home in Kowloon Tong on Saturday afternoon. She said that she liked (6)________(have) big parties and she didn’t mind (7)_________(organize) it by herself. However, Donald hated (8)_________ (make) one person do all the work. He wanted (9)______ (get) more members involved. Simon considered (10)______(hold) the gathering at the Beachside Café in Sai Kung. He thought most members would enjoy (11)________(go) to Sai Kung. Maggie said a lot of members would hesitate (12)_________(travel) all the way to Sai Kung because of the distance.

The members continue (13)_________(discuss) the suggestions for time but no decision was reached.

Đáp án

Eric said that we should begin (1)___ planning_____(plan) the End of Term Gathering of the English Club as he had promised (2)___to give_________(give) the details to Mrs. Clean by next week. Mark suggested (3)___booking_______(book) a room at the Golden Dragon Restaurant. However, Susan felt that most members could’t afford (4)____to pay___(pay) for an expensive dinner. Ellen offered (5)__to let_______(let) us use her parens’home in Kowloon Tong on Saturday afternoon. She said that she liked (6)____having____(have) big parties and she didn’t mind (7)_____ organizing____(organize) it by herself. However, Donald hated (8)__making_______ (make) one person do all the work. He wanted (9)_____to get__ (get) more members involved. Simon considered (10)__holding____(hold) the gathering at the Beachside Café in Sai Kung. He thought most members would enjoy (11)_____going____(go) to Sai Kung. Maggie said a lot of members would hesitate (12)__to travel_______(travel) all the way to Sai Kung because of the distance.

The members continue (13)__discussing___(discuss) the suggestions for time but no decision was reached.

Bài 20. Complete the sentence with Gerund or Infinitive.

1. Suddenly everybody stopped __________ . There was complete silence. (TALK)

2. He seems _________ some weight (HAVE LOSE)

3. Can you remind me ________ Ann tomorrow ? (PHONE)

4. I remember _________ along the road when I saw a strange animal (DRIVE)

5. Please don’t keep _________ me when I have something important to say. (INTERRUPT)

6. I think his decision __________ up the job was stupid (GIVE)

7. I’m sorry to keep you ________ so long (WAIT)

8. I promised _______ late (NOT BE)

9. Are you thinking of ______ a new car ? (BUY)

10. I waved to Karen but I failed __________ her attention (ATTRACT)

Đáp án

1. Suddenly everybody stopped _______talking___ . There was complete silence. (TALK)

2. He seems ______to have lost___ some weight (HAVE LOSE)

3. Can you remind me ___to phone_____ Ann tomorrow ? (PHONE)

4. I remember _____driving____ along the road when I saw a strange animal (DRIVE)

5. Please don’t keep _____interrupting____ me when I have something important to say. (INTERRUPT)

6. I think his decision _____to give_____ up the job was stupid (GIVE)

7. I’m sorry to keep you ____waiting____ so long (WAIT)

8. I promised ____not to be___ late (NOT BE)

9. Are you thinking of ___buying___ a new car ? (BUY)

10. I waved to Karen but I failed ____to attract______ her attention (ATTRACT)

Bài 21. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1. My friend is giving up (to smoke/ smoking) at last.

2. The two teams agreed (postponing/ to postpone) the game until next week,

3. The suspect denied (having/ to have) anything to do with the robbery.

4. Jimmy is very skillful. He has managed (to repair/ repairing) his notebook.

5. Doctors advise us (to sleep/ sleeping) at least 8 hours a day.

6. Jerry is very angry. He refuses (speaking/ to speak) to me.

7. I can’t stand (to wear/ wearing) such an awful dress.

8. Can I go outside now ? I’ve finished (doing/ to do) my homework.

9. Friends you can trust will never fail (helping/ to help) you.

10. I don’t mind (to do/ doing) the dishes. I’ve got all the time in the world.

Đáp án

1. My friend is giving up (to smoke/ smoking) at last.

2. The two teams agreed (postponing/ to postpone) the game until next week,

3. The suspect denied (having/ to have) anything to do with the robbery.

4. Jimmy is very skillful. He has managed (to repair/ repairing) his notebook.

5. Doctors advise us (to sleep/ sleeping) at least 8 hours a day.

6. Jerry is very angry. He refuses (speaking/ to speak) to me.

7. I can’t stand (to wear/ wearing) such an awful dress.

8. Can I go outside now ? I’ve finished (doing/ to do) my homework.

9. Friends you can trust will never fail (helping/ to help) you.

10. I don’t mind (to do/ doing) the dishes. I’ve got all the time in the world.

Bài 22. Điền vào ô trống với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. I can’t afford ………….. (GO) on vacation right now. I’ve got too many expenses.

2. If you happen ………….. (COME) to Glasgow in summer, please give me a call!

3. She doesn’t mind ………….. (HELP) us with the party.

4. Lisa enjoys ………….. (LOOK) around antique shops.

5. We could go for a walk when you finish ………….. (DO) your homework.

6. We shouldn’t forget ………….. (CALL) her before we leave for the airport.

7. I hope ………….. (BECOME) an excellent lawyer one day.

8. I can’t stand ………….. (HAVE) to do housework on Saturdays. It kills me!

9. Do you fancy ………….. (WATCH) a horror movie tonight?

10. Luisa and Justin decided ………….. (SPEND) their vacation in Italy.

11. I don’t mind ………….. (GO) on a cruise this year. We can always go backpacking next summer.

12. You should remember ………….. (BUY) a present for your parents. It’s their 30th wedding anniversary.

13. After ………….. (WALK) for a while, we could sit on a terrace and have a snack.

14. It’s great ………….. (HEAR) from you! How have you been?

15. What about ………….. (GO) to the theater? I’ve heard Hamlet is being performed at the auditorium.

16. Thanks for………….. (TALK) to James. He really needs his friends now.

17. Susan lent me some clothes after my luggage was lost. It’s nice to know there are people kind enough ………….. (HELP) you when you need it.

18. This closet is used for ………….. (KEEP) old exams.

19. I’m looking forward to ………….. (SEE) you again!

20. You need to have some knowledge of computers………….. (WORK) here.

Đáp án

1. to go

2. to come

3. helping

4. looking

5. doing

6. to call

7. to become

8. having

9. watching

10. to spend

11. going

12. to buy

13. walking

14. to hear

15. going

16. talking

17. to help

18. keeping

19. seeing

20. to work

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Bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V có đáp án

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Bài tập sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ có đáp án

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