50 bài tập chia động từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập chia động từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập chia động từ Tiếng Anh và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập chia động từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Chia động từ Tiếng Anh

1. Tổng hợp kiến thức trọng tâm

1.1. Động từ là gì?

Động từ là một trong những thành phần chính của một câu hoặc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh.

Trong thực tế, chúng ta không thể thành lập một câu mà thiếu đi động từ trong câu. Động từ là những từ biểu thị cho một hành động, một sự xuất hiện, hay một trạng thái nào đó. Dưới đây là một số loại động từ trong tiếng Anh và cách sử dụng.

1.2. Công thức

– S + V + O

Gần như tất cả các câu trong tiếng Anh đều chứa một chủ ngữ (Subject – S) và một động từ (Verb – V). Đằng sau động từ có thể có hoặc không có tân ngữ (Object – O), tuỳ thuộc vào loại động từ dưới đây.

1.3. Các hình thức của động từ trong tiếng Anh

Intransitive verb (Nội động từ)

Nội động từ diễn tả hành động dừng lại với người nói hay người thực hiện nó. Nội động từ không có tân ngữ trực tiếp đi kèm theo. Nếu có tân ngữ thì phải có giới từ đi trước, tân ngữ này được gọi là tân ngữ của giới từ (prepositional object), không phải là tân ngữ trực tiếp.

Ví dụ: Children are playing in the garden. (Những đứa trẻ đang chơi trong vườn)

Transitive verbs (Ngoại động từ)

Ngoại động từ diễn tả hành động tác động trực tiếp lên một người khác hoặc một sự vật và được theo sau bởi một tân ngữ.

Ngoại động từ luôn luôn cần một danh từ hoặc đại từ theo sau để làm nghĩa của câu trở nên đầy đủ.

Ví dụ: I ate an apple. (Tôi đã ăn một quả táo)

Trong câu trên, chúng ta không thể nói “I ate” rồi ngưng lại vì câu sẽ tối nghĩa. Danh từ đi theo ngay sau ngoại động từ được gọi là tân ngữ trực tiếp (“an apple” là tân ngữ trực tiếp của “ate”).

Các động từ vừa là ngoại động từ, vừa là nội động từ

Có một số động từ vừa được xem là nội động từ, vừa được xem là ngoại động từ như learn, study, write, sing, leave

1.4. Vị trí

Động từ thường đứng sau chủ ngữ

Ví dụ: She worked hard. (Mẹ tôi làm việc vất vả.)


Động từ thường đứng sau trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverb of Frequency) nếu là động từ thường.

Ví dụ: He always gets up early

Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất thường gặp:

– Always: luôn luôn

– Usually: thường thường

– Often : thường

– Sometimes: Đôi khi

– Seldom: Hiếm khi

– Never: Không bao giờ

Động từ “Tobe” sẽ đứng trước trạng từ chỉ tần suất.

Ví dụ: It’s usually hot in summer. (Mùa hè trời thường nóng.)

1.5. Cách chia đông từ trong tiếng Anh

Thêm đuôi V-ed

– Những cách thức thêm – ED sau đây được dùng để thành lập thì Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past) và Quá khứ phân từ (Past Participle):

– Thông thường: Thêm ED vào động từ nguyên mẫu. Ví dụ: to talk –> She talked about her family last night.

– Động từ tận cùng bằng E –> chỉ thêm D. Ví dụ: to live –> He lived in Hanoi for 2 years.

– Động từ tận cùng bằng phụ âm + Y –> Đổi Y thành IED. Ví dụ: to study –> They studied in the library last weekends.

– Động từ một âm tiết tận cùng bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm và động từ được nhấn mạnh (stressed) ở âm tiết cuối –> Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm ED. Ví dụ: to stop –> stopped

– Một số động từ 2 âm tiết, tận cùng bằng L, được nhấn mạnh (stressed) ở âm tiết thứ nhất cũng gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm ED. Ví dụ:

+ to travel –> travelled

+ to kidnap –> kidnapped

+ to worship –> worshipped

Cách phát âm V-ed

Có tới 3 cách để phát âm từ có -ed tận cùng:

– /id/: sau các âm /t/ và /d/

+ to want –> wanted

+ to decide –> decided

– /t/: sau các phụ âm câm (voiceless consonant sounds)

+ to ask –> asked

+ to finish –> finished

– /d/: sau các nguyên âm (vowel sounds) và phụ âm tỏ (voiced consonant sounds)

+ to answer –> answered

+ to open –> opened

Cách thêm -ing sau động từ

V-ing được hình thành để tạo nên hiện tại phân từ (present participle), trong các thì tiếp diễn (Continuous Tenses) và để tạo thành động danh từ (Gerund). Có 6 trường hợp thêm ING:

– Thông thường: thêm -ING và cuối động từ nguyên mẫu.

+ to walk –> walking

+ to do –> doing

– Động từ tận cùng bằng E –> bỏ E trước khi thêm -ING

+ to live –> living

+ to love –> loving

– Động từ tận cùng bằng -IE –> đổi thành -Y trước khi thêm -ING.

+ to die –> dying

+ to lie –> lying

– Động từ một âm tiết tận cùng bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm và động từ được nhấn mạnh (stressed) ở âm tiết cuối –> Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm -ING.

+ to run –> running

+ to cut –> cutting

– Một số động từ 2 âm tiết, tận cùng bằng L, được nhấn mạnh (stressed) ở âm tiết thứ nhất cũng gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm -ING.

+ to travel –> travelling

+ to worship → to worshipping

– Một số động từ có các thêm -ING đặc biệt để tránh nhầm lẫn:

+ to dye (nhuộm) –> dyeing khác với to die (chết) –> dying

+ to singe (cháy xém) –> singeing khác với to sing (hát) –> singing

II. Bài tập Chia động từ Tiếng Anh

Exercise 1.

1. The wedding party________ held at the Rex Hotel.

A. is

B. is being

C. will be

D. is going to be

2. How many languages_____ John speak?

A. do

B. does

C. did

D. will

3. Hurry! The train________ I don’t want to miss it.

A. comes

B. is coming

C. came

D. has come

4. Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She ________ in several film.

A. appears

B. is appearing

C. appeared

D. has appeared

5. I saw Maggie at the party. She ________ in several film.

A. wears

B. wore

C. was wearing

D. has worn

6. What time________ the next train leave?

A. does

B. will

C. shall

D. would

7. Monica________ with her sister at the moment until she finds a flat.

A. stays

B. is staying

C. will stay

D. is going to stay

8. After I________ lunch, I looked for my bag.

A. had

B. had had

C. have has

D. have had

9. By the end of next year, George________ English for 2 years.

A. will have learned

B. will learn

C. has leaned

D. would learn

10. The man got out of the car,_______ round to the back and opened the boot.

A. walking

B. walked

C. walks

D. walk

11. For several years his ambition ________ to be a pilot.

A. is

B. has been

C. was

D. had been

12. Henry________ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.

A. was going

B. went

C. has gone

D. did go

13. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ________ dinner.

A. finish

B. finishes

C. will finish

D. shall have finished

14. Before you asked, the letter________

A. was written

B. had been written

C. had written

D. has been written

15. She ________ English at RMIT these days.

A. studies

B. is studying

C. will study

D. is gong to study

16. She’s at her best when she________ big decisions.

A. is making

B. makes

C. had made

D. will make

17. We________ next vacation in London.

A. spend

B. are spending

C. will spend

D. are going to spend

18. Robert________ tomorrow morning on the 10:30 train.

A. arrived

B. is arriving

C. has arrived

D. would arrive

19. Look! The bus________

A. left

B. has left

C. leaves

D. is leaving

20. Mike________ one hour ago.

A. phoned

B. was phoning

C. had phoned

D. has phoned

Đáp án:





















Exercise 2.

1. I _______my homework as soon as Lan goes here.

a. will finish

b. will be finishing

c. finish

d. will have finished

2. Ask her to come ad see me when she ________ her work.

a. finish

b. has finished

c. finished

d. finishing

3. After you finish your work, you________ a break.

a. should take

b. have taken

c. might have taken

d. takes

4. Oil________ if you pour it on water

a. floated

b. floats

c. will be floated

d. float

5. When he returned home, he found the door________.

a. unlocking

b. unlocked

c. to be unlocked

d. have unlocked

6. That dancing club________ north of the city

a. lays

b. lies

c. locates

d. lain

7. Almost everyone________ for home by the time we arrived.

a. leave

b. left

c. leaves

d. had left

8. By the age of 25, he ________ two famous novels.

a. wrote

b. writes

c. has written

d. had written

9. While her husband was in the army, Janet________ to him twice a week.

a. was writing

b. wrote

c. was written

d. had written

10. I couldn’t cut the grass because the machine_______ a few days previously.

a. broken down

b. has been broken

c. had broken down

d. breaks down

11. We ________English this time last week.

a. learned

b. were learning

c. have learned

d. had learned

12. Is it raining? – No, it isn’t but the ground is wet. It________

a. rained

b. had rained

c. has rained

d. has been raining

13. Her family________ to America before 1975.

a. went

b. have gone

c. had gone

d. would go

14. When I arrived at the party, Martha________ home already.

a. went

b. have gone

c. had gone

d. would go

15. Henry________ for 10 years when he finally gave it up.

a. has smoked

b. has been smoking

c. had smoked

d. had been smoking’

16. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shinning but the ground was very wet. It________

a. rained

b. has been raining

c. had rained

d. had been raining

17. We ________ our examination next month.

a. have

b. shall have

c. will have had

d. will be having

18. Look that those black clouds! It________

a. is going to rain

b. will rain

c. would rain

d. can rain

19. We________ English this time next Monday.

a. learn

b. will learn

c. are learning

d. will be learning

20. We________ this course before the final examination.

a. are going to finish

b. have finished

c. will finish

d. will have finished

Đáp án:





















Exercise 3.

1. I________ “Chicken soup for the soul” but I haven’t finished it yet.

a. read

b. am reading

c. have been reading

d. was reading

2. Alan took a photograph of Sandra while she________

a. didn’t look

b. wasn’t looking

c. hasn’t looked

d.. hadn’t looked

3. I ________ my key. Can you help me look for it?

a. lose

b. lost

c. had lost

d. have lost

4. Last night Tine________ in bed when suddenly she heard a scream.

a. read

b. was reading

c. had read

d. had read

5. We________ a part next week. Would you like to come?

a. have

b. will have

c. are having

d. will have had

6. The Red River________ very fast today-much faster than yesterday.

a. flows

b. is flowing

c. will flow

d. is going to flow

7. While mother________ dinner the phone rang.

a. cooked

b. had cooked

c. has cooked

d. was cooking

8. Fish________ on earth for ages and ages.

a. existed

b. are existing

c. exist

d. have existed

9. The phone________ constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning.

a. has been ringing

b. rang

c. had rung

d. had been ringing

10. The earth________ on the sun for its heat and light.

a. is depend

b. depending

c. has depend

d. depends

11. I don’t feel good. I ________ home from work tomorrow.

a. am staying

b. stay

c. will have stayed

d. stayed

12. In the last two decades, space exploration___great contributions to weather forecasting.

a. is making

b. has made

c. made

d. makes

13. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong ________ down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet.

a. was stepping

b. stepped

c. has stepped

d. was step

14. When boarding the plane, many passengers were annoyed because they ________ waiting in the airport for three ad a half hours.

a. are

b. were

c. have been

d. had been

15. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach________ any more.

a. doesn’t exist

b. isn’t going to exits

c. isn’t existing

d. won’t be existing

16. Their football team________ a championship until last season.

a. had never won

b. is never winning

c. had never been winning

d. had never won

17. By the end of this year, Tom ________English for three years.

a. will be studying

b. has studied

c. will have studied

d. has been studying

18. In one year’s time, I________ in this school for 15 years.

a. will be working

b. will work

c. will have studied

d. has been studying’

19. They ________ this course by next June.

a. have finished

b. will finish

c. are going to finish

d. will have finished

20. She will go abroad as soon as she________ this English course.

a. has completed

b. will complete

c. will have completed

d. completed

Đáp án:





















Exercise 4.

1. The child________ before the doctor arrived.

a. died

b. had died

c. has died

d. was dying

2. We cleaned up the room as soon as the guests________

a. had left

b. has left

c. left

d. were leaving

3. The secretary________ the report by 10:00 yesterday.

a. hasn’t finished

b. hasn’t finished

c. didn’t finish

d. would finish

4. Jane’s eyes are red. She________

a. cried

b. has cried

c. has been crying

d. had cried

5. This room is dirty. Someone________ in here.

a. smoked

b. has smoked

c. had been smoking

d. has been smoking

6. Arsenal________ next Monday.

a. wins

b. will win

c. would win

d. is winning

7. it________ rain tomorrow.

a. rains

b. will rain

c. is going to rain

d. is raining

8. I’ll come and see you before I ________ for America.

a. leave

b. will leave

c. have left

d. shall leave

9. The little girl asked what________ to her friend.

a. has happened

b. happened

c. had happened

d. would have been happened

10. John________ a book when I saw him.

a. is reading

b. read

c. was reading

d. reading

11. He said he________ return later.

a. will

b. would

c. can

d. would be’

12. Jack________ he door.

a. has just opened

b. open

c. will have opened

d. opening

13. I have been waiting for you________

a. since early morning

b. since 9 a.m

c. for two hours

d. all are correct

14. My sister________ for you since yesterday.

a. is looking

b. was looking

c. has been looking

d. looked

15. Jack________ the door.

a. has just painted

b. paint

c. will have painted

d. painting

16. The train________ half an hour ago.

a. has been leaving

b. left

c. has left

d. had left

17. We________ Doris since last Sunday.

a. don’t see

b. haven’t seen

c. didn’t see

d. hadn’t seen

18. When I last saw him, he________ in London.

a. has lived

b. is living

c. was living

d. has been living

19. She is tired now. She________ for a long time.

a. has been learning

b. has learned

c. learns

d. learned

20. They will have gone home before you________ to meet them.

a. came

b. come

c. will come

d. are coming

Đáp án:





















Exercise 5.

1. Hurry up or the train________ before you ca catch it.

a. will leave

b. leaves

c. will have left

d. has left

2. Now my sister________ a bicycle of her own.

a. is having

b. are having

c. has

d. had

3. A football team________ chiefly of 12 players.

a. composed

b. composes

c. comprised

d. comprises

4. This is the first time I ________ here.

a. am

b. have been

c. was

d. be

5. Last week, my professor promised that he________ today.

a. would come

b. will come

c. comes

d. coming

6. My girls friend arrived after I ________ for her about half an hour.

a. was waiting

b. had been waiting

c. has been waiting

d. have waited

7. Did she say she________ him tomorrow?

a. has visited

b. will visit

c. would visit

d. is going to visit

8. ________ to rain before you woke up this morning?

a. Did it begin

b. has it begun

c. Had it begun

d. Would it begin

9. My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she________ one before.

a. had never seen

b. has never seen

c. never seen

d. never had seen

10. I________ in Da Nang before I moved to Dong Nai.

a. have been living

b. have lived

c. had lived

d. had been living

11. There are many ways________ to Rome.

a. is leading

b. are leading

c. leading

d. led

12. When we got home, dinner____ so we had a drink first.

a. was preparing

b. was being prepared

c. was prepared

d. had been prepared

13. She was tired. She____ for a long time.

a. has been learning

b. had been learning

c. leaned

d. was learning

14. He ____ in space for 10 days by tomorrow.

a. will travel

b. will be traveling

c. will have been traveling

d. has traveled

15. He said he would visit me, but he____ me yet.

a. has not visited

b. had not visited

c. is not visiting

d. does not visit

16. The weather____ fine so far this week.

a. is

b. has been

c. was

d. had been

17. Before the prime Minister leaves New Your he____ several talks.

a. will have had

b. would have

c. will be having

d. has

18. We had just got out of car when it ____ to set fire.

a. has begun

b. had begun

c. was beginning

d. began

19. As soon as he____ a certificate in English, he will apply for a job.

a. would get

b. got

c. gets

d. will get

20. He was told that he____ knocked out in the first round.

a. had been

b. was

c. has been

d. was being

Đáp án:





















Exercise 6.

1. Michael ____ a word with Lisa this morning.

a. has

b. had

c. has had

d. had had

2. Old Ted____ twenty cigarettes a day till he gave up.

a. had smoked

b. has smoked

c. smoked

d. smokes

3. Stephen____ on the phone when I came in.

a. talked

b. was talking

c. has talked

d. has been talking

4. I____ TV at 8.30 last night.

a. watched

b. was watching

c. has watched

d. had watched

5. While I was working in the garden, my son____ video games.

a. was playing

b. played

c. has played

d. has been playing

6. When he worked here, simon____ mistakes.

a. always made

b. made always

c. was always making

d. was making always

7. I____ if you could give me hand

a. wonder

b. am wondering

c. wondered

d. was wondering

8. I____ four chairs so far this morning.

a. painted

b. was painting

c. have panted

d. had painted

9. Frank____ home since he was a boy.

a. isn’t

b. wasn’t

c. hasn’t been

d. hadn’t been

10. Mai____ in HCM for five years.

a. lives

b. has lived

c. is living

d. was living

11. We____ “Alexander the Great”. It’s very interesting!

a. see

b. saw

c. have seen

d. would see

12. I’ve lived here________ 1990.

a. since

b. from

c. to

d. for

13. Paulo has learned English________ five years.

a. since

b. from

c. to

d. for

14. My little sister________ “sleeping beauty” several times.

a. watches

b. is watching

c. has watched

d. watched

15. since the appearance of karaoke machines, they________

a. had been widely used

b. have been widely used

c. were widely used

d. widely used

16. She has been studying engineering________

a. since 5 years

b. for 5 years

c. 5 years before

d. during 5 years.

17. In 1996, my brother________ at Harvard university.

a. studies

b. is studying

c. studied

d. had studied

18. Are you learning your lesson? No, I________ it.

a. finished

b. have finished

c. finishing

d. have finished’

19. Elvis Presley________ on television for a long time.

a. isn’t appearing

b. hasn’t appeared

c. won’t have appeared

d. hadn’t appeared

20. We________ waiting for her half a hour before she came.

a. have been

b. will be

c. will have been

d. had been

Đáp án:





















Exercise 7.

1. There’s a strange smell in here. Mother________ something.

a. cooks

b. is cooking

c. will cook

d. has cooked

2. The concert________ at 7:15.

a. starts

b. is starting

c. has started

d. is going to start

3. Nora says she’s 17 but I ________ here.

a. don’t believe

b. didn’t believe

c. won’t believe

d. wouldn’t believe

4. Sorry I’m late – That OK, I________ long

a. don’t wait

b. am not waiting

c. haven’t waited

d. haven’t been waiting

5. We did not go out because it________

a. would rain

b. was raining

c. had rained

d. has rained

6. Michael, is it true that you________ married next week?

a. get

b. are getting

c. got

d. have got

7. Mr. Black did teach that lesson along tome ago, but now he never remembers______ it.

a. teach

b. teaches

c. taught

d. having taught

8. Her life has changed a lot________ she became rich.

a. since

b. for

c. because of

d. owing to

9. The wind________ very hard when the ship sailed around the Mediterranean Sea.

a. blew

b. was blowing

c. has blown

d. was blown

10. I________ that novel at least twice.

a. have read

b. read

c. reads

d. have been reading

11. What did the farmer do after locusts________ their crop?

a. damage

b. are damaged

c. have damaged

d. had damaged

12. We________ to Tri An a few times recently.

a. would be

b. were

c. had been

d. have been

13. In former times________ to go to a dentist.

a. many people were afraid

b. many people afraid

c. many peoples were afraid

d. many peoples feared

14. He might have given you some advise if you________ him to.

a. would have asked

b. had asked

c. asked

d. would ask

15. Sir Thompson always________ funny stories after dinner.

a. said

b. has said

c. says

d. tells’

16. The milkman________ the jug of milk on the table outside the kitchen

a. lain

b. lay

c. laid

d. lie

17. My litter sister is afraid to________ the dishes after dinner.

a. have done

b. do

c. make

d. made

18. Did you see him yesterday? Oh no, but I________

a. should

b. ought to

c. should have

d. did

19. I wish I________ his name

a. know

b. known

c. knew

d. have known

20. When his girlfriend came, he________ his car.

a. cleaning

b. cleans

c. is cleaning

d. was cleaning

Đáp án:





















Exercise 8.

1. They________ tomorrow at 12:30

a. will leave

b. are leaving

c. are going to leave

d. leave

2. Someone________ at the door, can you answer it?

a. knocks

b. is knocking

c. has knocked

d. knocked

3. John________ at the moment, so he can’t answer the telephone.

a. works

b. is working

c. has worked

d. will work

4. The river________ after last night’s rain.

a. flowed

b. flows

c. is flowing

d. will flow

5. He________ for Chelsea this season.

a. played

b. is playing

c. would play

d. has played

6. We shall make a trip around the world when the opportunity________ itself to us.

a. will present

b. will have presented

c. presents

d. will be presenting

7. This pupil________ his best and ________ only one mistake in his dictation.

a. made/did

b. did/made

c. made/made

d. did/did

8. The holiday makers________ in the sunshine to get sunburnt.

a. laid

b. lied

c. led

d. laying

9. The snake________ one big egg last week.

a. lay

b. laid

c. led

d. laying

10. I’m afraid you________ number.

a. have mistaken

b. are with the wrong

c. have the wrong

d. made the wrong

11. I like looking at the pictures, but I ________ enough by lunch time.

a. should have

b. will have

c. will have had

d. have

12. I don’t understand this sentence. What________?

a. does mean this word

b. have this word mean

c. means this word

d. does this word mean

13. John________ tennis once or twice a week.

a. usually play

b. in usually playing

c. usually plays

d. have usually played

14. It was noisy next door. Our neighbors________ a party

a. had

b. were having

c. had had

d. have had

15. It________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?

a. is getting

b. get

c. got

d. has got

16. I________ for Christine. Do you know where she is?

a. look

b. looked

c. am looking

d. looks

17. At 5 o’clock yesterday evening, I ________ my clothes.

a. am ironing

b. have ironed

c. ironed

d. was ironing

18. Are you ready, Ann? Yes, I________

a. am coming

b. come

c. came

d. have came

19. Why________ at me like that? What’s the matter?

a. do you look

b. have you looked

c. did you look

d. are you looking

20. I________ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

a. was walking

b. a walking

c. walk

d. walked

Đáp án:





















Exercise 9.

1. There was a time when watching TV really________ family entertainment

a. were

b. was

c. had been

d. is

2. Last year they __________ 22 million TV sets.

a. were selling

b. has sold

c. has sold

d. sold

3. At last the bus came. We _________ for half an hour

a. waited

b. was waiting

c. have waited

d. had been waiting

4. Through the rain, I ______ a lighted window and a sign wich said “Sam’s Place”.

a. have seen

b. was seeing

c. saw

d. see

5. Danniel ______ the bus. It doesn’t run on Sundays.

a. Did not catch

b. have not caught

c. had not caught

d. couldn’t have caught

6. We didn’t play very well. We______ better.

a. should have played

b. should play

c. have played

d. have been playing

7. I think you ______ pay to park here, I’ll just go and read that notice.

a. will

b. would

c. must

d. better

8. I think you should have that coast_____ soon.

a. cleaned

b. being cleaned

c. leaning

d. to clean

9. I’m feeling sick. I_______ so much chocolate last night.

a. needn’t to eat

b. did not eat

c. mustn’t eat

d. shouldn’t have eaten

10. I’m going on holyday on Saturday. This time next week I_____ on a beach in the sea.

a. will lie

b. am lying

c. will be lying

d. should be lying

11. Ted and Amy______ for 24 years.

a. have been married

b. married

c. were married

d. has been married

12. Tomorrow I_______ my grandparents.

a. am going to visit

b. will have visited

c. have visited

d. visit

13. When their first child was born, they_____ married for three years.

a. have been married

b. had been married

c. will been married

d. will have been married

14. I think the weather______ nice later.

a. will be

b. be

c. is

d. has been

15. She_______ very angry when she knows this.

a. shall be

b. has been

c. will have bee

d. will be

16. We__________ a party last Saturday. It was great we invited lots of people.

a. have

b. have had

c. had

d. had had

17. I was sad when I sold my car. I_____ it for a very long time.

a. am running

b. were running

c. had been running

d. have been running

18. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We____ for more than 24 hours.

a. had been traveling

b. were traveling

c. have traveled

d. traveled

19. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody______ straight to bed.

a. had gone

b. have gone

c. went

d. go

20. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he______ before.

a. hasn’t flown

b. didn’t fly

c. hadn’t flown

d. wasn’t flying

Đáp án:





















Exercise 10.

1. ________ a car when they were living in London?

a. Have they

b. Did they have

c. Were they having

d. have they had

2. They ________ serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant.

a. will stop

b. stopped

c. are stopping

d. will have stopped

3. Mark was listening to music while his sister_______ a book.

a. read.

b. reads

c. is reading

d. was reading

4. You______ here for my party, won’t you?

a. shall be

b. won’t be

c. will be

d. are going to be

5. Can I borrow your bike on Monday? I’m sorry, but_____ it.

a. I’ll be using

b. used

c. use

d. have used

6. We______ the concert. It was really good.

a. are enjoying

b. enjoy

c. did enjoy

d. would enjoy

7. It was 10 p.m. Most of the shops_____ just______

a. have/closed

b. had/closed

c. has/closed

d. was closing

8. There’s no more apples. We ______ them all.

a. had eaten

b. ate

c. eat

d. have eaten

9. She_______ music all day. Now she fells tired.

a. has been playing

b. is playing

c. played

d. plays

10. After he________ the house, he wrote a letter.

a. cleans

b. was cleaning

c. had cleaned

d. has cleaned

11. They_____ me about it last week.

a. was telling

b. told

c. had told

d. would tell

12. I_______ here at the end of the month.

a. will leave

b. would leave

c. would have left

d. is leaving

13. I hope everything______ fine.

a. is

b. was

c. would be

d. will be

14. My grandfather______ many years ago.

a. had died

b. has died

c. died

d. was dying

15. I______________ my son the money for that last week.

a. gave

b. given

c. have given

d. was given

16. Yesterday I passed by Peter’s house, but the front door was closed. He__out.

a. went

b. must have gone

c. has gone

d. had had

17. Where ________ you at 9:00 last night, Mr. Green?

a. have been

b. were

c. will be

d. are

18. I ________ the dishwasher on when heard the shot.

a. am turning

b. turned

c. was turning

d. turned

19. Now I _______ for what I said about you. It wasn’t true and I shouldn’t have said it.

a. do apologize

b. apologized

c. was apologized

d. apologizing

20. Tim was tired. He ______ hard all day.

a. has been studying

b. studies

c. studied

d. had been studying

Đáp án:





















Exercise 11.

1. He often (go)…………….. to school on foot.

2. It (rain) ……………..very hard now.

3. The sun (warm)……………….. the air and (give) …………………us light.

4. Look! A man (run)……………………………… after the train.

5. She (go)……………………… to school everyday.

6. Bad students never (work)……………………… hard.

7. It often (rain) in the summer. It (rain) ……………………..now.

8. The teacher always (point) ……………………. at the black-board when he (want)……………………. to explain something.

9. Mother (cook) ……………………. some food in the kitchen at the moment, she always (cook) ……………………. in the morning.

10. I always (meet) ……………………. him on the corner of this street.

11. Where you (go) ……………………. now?- I (go) ……………………. to the theater.

12. He (not do…………………….) morning exersices regularly.

13. He (do) …………………….morning exersices now?

14. Wather (boil) ……………………. at 100 defrees centigrade.

15. He (meet) …………………….the dentist next week.

16……………………..you (be) ……………………. a food student?

17. They usually (not go) ……………………. to school by motorbike.

18. He (swim) …………………….overthere now.

19. She (come) ……………………. here next month.

20. They (not be) ……………………. doctors.

21. He often (get) ……………………. up late.

22……………………..you often (watch) ……………………. TV?

23. Mr.Brown (listen) ……………………. to music now?

24. I usually (go) (shop) …………………….on the weekend.

25. Hai often (wash) ……………………. his face at 6.15.

26. She (play) ……………………. badminton at the moment?

27. Thanh and Mai always (see) ……………………. a movie on Saturday.

28. He often (take) …………………….a bus to school?

29. We (be) ……………………. students in class 8A.

30. She often (not do) ……………………. homework in the evening.

31. He usually (take) ……………………. a taxi to the airport.

32. They usually (not go) ……………………. to school by bike.

33……………………..they (be) ……………………. beautiful?

34. Manh (not play) ……………………. soccer at the moment.

35. Minh (play) …………………….chess with Nam at the moment.

36. They often (visit) ……………………. their parents on Saturday.

37……………………..she (study) ……………………. now?

38. Mi and I always (go) ……………………. to the countryside.

39. He (not be) ……………………. at home now.

40. Hanh (not read) ……………………. book at the moment.

41. Our teacher usually (give) …………………….us many exersices.

42. He often (catch) ……………………. a train to work.

43. The cat (catch) ……………………. mouse.

44. They (plant) …………………….trees overthere at the moment.

45. My old friend, Manh (write) ……………………. to me twice a month.

46. What she says (be) ……………………. true.

47. Where she (buy) ……………………. her breakfast every morning?

48. Bi often (not phone) ……………………. to me.

49. Mrs.Green always (take) ……………………. a bus to work. But now she (drive) …………………….to work.

50. Look! The ball (fall) …………………….down.

51. He usually (water) ……………………. the trees in the morning.

52. She (not listen) …………………….to the radio now.

53. The sun (rise) ……………………. in the East and (set) ……………………. in the West.

54. He (play) …………………….table tennis at the moment.

55. Mo and Nguyen (sing) ……………………. the same song now.

56. They always (make) ……………………. noise in the class.

57. Hung often (not go) ……………………. camping in the summer.

58. Hanh (not read) ……………………. with the friends at the moment.

59. Son (write) …………………….to their friends every summer holiday?

60. What …………………….you (listen) …………………….on the radio?

61. Listen! Someone ……………………. (cry).

62. Kien and Tuyen (be) …………………….good students.

63. She (go) ……………………. to work by bus tomorrow.

64. You (see) ……………………. the doctor next week?

65. Mai and Nam (go) ……………………. to the movie theater tomorrow evening.

66. They (plant) ……………………. trees a long this street next month.

67. He (write) ……………………. to his friend next week.

68. They (not be) ……………………. doctors.

69. He often (pick) ……………………. his friend up at the train way station morning.

70. He (watch) ……………………. a romantic film on TV this evening.

71……………………..you often (do) ……………………. your homework in the evening?

72. I (read) …………………….an interesing novel at the moment.

73. You usually (watch) …………………….TV in the evening?

74. They always (talk) …………………….to each other in the weekend.

75. They (play) ……………………. soccer at the moment.

76. She often (not go) ……………………. (shop) …………………….on weekend.

77. They (not be) …………………….classmates.

78. She (listen) …………………….to music now?

79. Thanh and Hung (read) ……………………. a wonderful story at the moment.

80. Mai and Hang (not play) ……………………. the game at the moment.

81. I often (wash) ……………………. my clothes.

82. She (not be) ……………………. at home now.

83. You often (write) …………………….to your friend?

84. Mr.Mai (water) ……………………. the plant evey morning.

85. We (meet) ……………………. each other twice a month.

86. He (listen) ……………………. to the telephone at the moment.

87. They always (not go) …………………….to the school by train.

88. He (drink) ……………………. beer at the bar at the moment.

89. They usually (sing) ……………………. in the early morning.

90. Mi and Thanh (talk) ……………………. on the telephone now?

91. They (plant) …………………….trees in the early year.

92. He (not study) ……………………. Math at the moment.

93. She (play) ……………………. badminton every afternoon?

94. They sometimes (do) ……………………. morning exersices at 5.30.

95. Thanh and I (be) ……………………. at home now.

96. Hung (run) ……………………. about 5 km every morning.

97. Hung and Minh sometimes (meet) …………………….each other?

98. Every evening, she (jog) …………………….about 3 km.

99……………………..he (be) …………………….your father?

100. He always (drive) …………………….his car to work. But now, he (ride) …………………….his motorbike to work.

101. …………………… you ……………………(wash) the dishes yet?

102. I (wash) …………………… the dishes yesterday, but I (have) …………………… no time yet to do it today.

103. This is the first time I (ever /eat) …………………… this kind of food.

104. …………………… Susan (go) …………………… to England by plane?

105. The children (be/ not) …………………… at home last weekend.

106. …………………… you (do) …………………… your homework yet?

– Yes, I (finish) …………………… it an hour ago.

107. I (not/ see)…………………… Peter since I (arrive) …………………… last Tuesday.

108. The police (arrest) …………………… two people early this morning.

109. ……………………you (visit) …………………… the CN Tower when you stayed in Toronto?

110. They (clean) …………………… the car. It looks new again.

111. Columbus (arrive) …………………… in the New World in 1492.

112. Last winter Robin (stay) …………………… with his father in the Alps for three days.

113. I (lose) …………………… my keys, so I can’t open that door.

114. Nina (break) ……………………her leg. She is still in hospital.

115. I (not/ see) …………………… Paul today, but I (see)…………………… him last Sunday.

116. …………………… anyone (phone)…………………… yet?

117. Three people (visit) …………………… him in hospital last Friday.

118. How many games …………………… your team (win) …………………… so far this season?

119. She (go) …………………… to Japan but now she (not/ come) …………………… back.

120. They (visit) …………………… a farm two weeks ago.

Đáp án

1. He often (go)………goes…….. to school on foot.

2. It (rain) …….is raining……….very hard now.

3. The sun (warm)…….warms…………. the air and (give) ………..gives……….us light.

4. Look! A man (run)………is running……………… after the train.

5. She (go)……….goes…………….. to school everyday.

6. Bad students never (work)………..work……………. hard.

7. It often (rain) …..rains…… in the summer. It (rain) ………..is raining……………now.

8. The teacher is always (point) ……….pointing…………… at the black-board when he (want)……..wants…………….. to explain something.

9. Mother (cook) ………..is cooking………….. some food in the kitchen at the moment, she always (cook) ………cooks……………. in the morning.

10. I always (meet) ………meet……………. him on the corner of this street.

11. Where are you (go) …………going…………. now?- I (go) ………..am going………… to the theater.

12. He (not do) ……….doesn’t do…………… morning exersices regularly.

13. Is he (do) …………..doing………..morning exersices now?

14. Wather (boil) ………boils……………. at 100 defrees centigrade.

15. He (meet) ………..will meet…………..the dentist next week.

16………….Are………….you (be) ……………………. a food student?

17. They don’t usually (not go) …………go…………. to school by motorbike.

18. He (swim) ……is swimming……………over there now.

19. She (come) ……….will come…………… here next month.

20. They (not be) ……….aren’t…………… doctors.

21. He often (get) …………gets…………. up late.

22…………Do…………..you often (watch) ………….watch………… TV?

23. Is Mr.Brown (listen) ………listening……………. to music now?

24. I usually (go) (shop) ……….go shopping……………on the weekend.

25. Hai often (wash) ……..washes…………….. his face at 6.15.

26. Is she (play) ………..playing………….. badminton at the moment?

27. Thanh and Mai always (see) ……..see…………….. a movie on Saturday.

28. Does he often (take) …………take………….a bus to school?

29. We (be) ………are……………. students in class 8A.

30. She doesn’t often (not do) …………do…………. homework in the evening.

31. He usually (take) ………….takes………… a taxi to the airport.

32. They don’t usually (not go) …………..go……….. to school by bike.

33…………….Are……….they (be) ……………………. beautiful?

34. Manh (not play) ………..isn’t playing………….. soccer at the moment.

35. Minh (play) …………is playing………….chess with Nam at the moment.

36. They often (visit) ……visit………………. their parents on Saturday.

37…………..Is…………she (study) ………….studying………… now?

38. Mi and I always (go) ………….go………… to the countryside.

39. He (not be) …………..isn’t……….. at home now.

40. Hanh (not read) …………isn’t reading…………. book at the moment.

41. Our teacher usually (give) ………..gives…………..us many exersices.

42. He often (catch) ……..catches…………….. a train to work.

43. The cat (catch) ……….catches…………… mouse.

44. They (plant) ……..are planting……………..trees over there at the moment.

45. My old friend, Manh (write) ………writes……………. to me twice a month.

46. What she says (be) …….is……………… true.

47. Where does she (buy) ………buy……………. her breakfast every morning?

48. Bi doesn’t often (not phone) …………phone…………. to me.

49. Mrs.Green always (take) ………..takes…………. a bus to work. But now she (drive) ……….is …..driving……….to work.

50. Look! The ball (fall) ………..is falling…………..down.

51. He usually (water) …….waters……………… the trees in the morning.

52. She (not listen) ………..isn’t listening…………..to the radio now.

53. The sun (rise) …………rises…………. in the East and (set) ……..sets…………….. in the West.

54. He (play) …….is playing………………table tennis at the moment.

55. Mo and Nguyen (sing) ……….are singing…………… the same song now.

56. They are always (make) …………making…………. noise in the class.

57. Hung doesn’t often (not go) …………..go……….. camping in the summer.

58. Hanh (not read) ……isn’t reading………………. with the friends at the moment.

59. Does Son (write) ………….write…………to their friends every summer holiday?

60. What …………are………….you (listen) ………….listening…………on the radio?

61. Listen! Someone ……….is crying…………… (cry).

62. Kien and Tuyen (be) …….are…………….good students.

63. She (go) ………..will go………….. to work by bus tomorrow.

64. Will you (see) ………….see………… the doctor next week?

65. Mai and Nam (go) ………..will go………….. to the movie theater tomorrow evening.

66. They (plant) ……..will plant…………….. trees a long this street next month.

67. He (write) …….will write……………… to his friend next week.

68. They (not be) ……….aren’t…………… doctors.

69. He often (pick) ……….picks…………… his friend up at the train way station morning.

70. He (watch) …………watches…………. a romantic film on TV this evening.

71…………..Do…………you often (do) …………do…………. your homework in the evening?

72. I (read) ……..am reading……………..an interesting novel at the moment.

73. Do you usually (watch) …………watch………….TV in the evening?

74. They always (talk) ……….talk……………to each other in the weekend.

75. They (play) ………..are playing………….. soccer at the moment.

76. She doesn’t often (not go) ………go……………. (shop) …….shopping………………on weekend.

77. They (not be) ………..aren’t…………..classmates.

78. Is she (listen) ………..listening…………..to music now?

79. Thanh and Hung (read) ……are reading………….. a wonderful story at the moment.

80. Mai and Hang (not play) …………aren’t reading…………. the game at the moment.

81. I often (wash) ……….wash…………… my clothes.

82. She (not be) ………..isn’t………….. at home now.

83. Do you often (write) …………write………….to your friend?

84. Mr.Mai (water) ……….waters…………… the plant every morning.

85. We (meet) …………..meet……….. each other twice a month.

86. He (listen) …………..is listening……….. to the telephone at the moment.

87. They don’t always (not go) ……….go……………to the school by train.

88. He (drink) ……..is drinking…………….. beer at the bar at the moment.

89. They usually (sing) …………..sing……….. in the early morning.

90. Are Mi and Thanh (talk) ……….talking…………… on the telephone now?

91. They (plant) ……..plant……………..trees in the early year.

92. He (not study) ……..isn’t studying…………….. Math at the moment.

93. Does she (play) ………….play………… badminton every afternoon?

94. They sometimes (do) ………..do………….. morning exercises at 5.30.

95. Thanh and I (be) …………..are……….. at home now.

96. Hung (run) ……runs………………. about 5 km every morning.

97. Do Hung and Minh sometimes (meet) ……….meet……………each other?

98. Every evening, she (jog) ……….jogs……………about 3 km.

99……….is…………….he (be) …………………….your father?

100. He always (drive) ………drives…………….his car to work. But now, he (ride) ………..is riding…………..his motorbike to work.

101. Have you washed the dishes yet?

102. I washed the dishes yesterday, but I have not had the time yet to do it today.

103. This is the first time I have ever eaten this kind of food.

104. Did Susan go to England by plane?

105. The children were not at home last weekend.

106. Have you done your homework yet? – Yes, I finished it an hour ago.

107. I have not seen Peter since I arrived last Tuesday.

108. The police arrested two people early this morning.

109. Did you visit the CN Tower when you stayed in Toronto?

110. They have cleaned the car. It looks new again.

111. Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492.

112. Last winter Robin stayed with his father in the Alps for three days.

113. I have lost my keys, so I can’t open that door.

114. Nina has break her leg. She is still in hospital.

115. I have not seen Paul today, but I saw him last Sunday.

116. Has anyone phoned yet?

117. Three people visited him in hospital last Friday.

118. How many games has your team won so far this season?

119. She went to Japan but now she hasn’t come back.

120. They visited a farm two weeks ago.

Exercise 12: Put the verbs into correct form

1. She (come) ………….. back home after she (finish) ………… their work.

2. Before my son (go) ……………….. to bed, he (read) …………………… a novel.

3. He told me he (not/wear) ………………………… such kind of clothes before.

4. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) ………………………………….

5. Last night, Peter (go) ……….. to the supermarket before he (go) ……… home

6. Tom ……………… (give) me the book yesterday but I knew he ……………… (not read) it

7. When I arrived home I realized that I ……………… (not phone) my grandparents

8. The postman ……………… (come) after I ……………… (leave) the office

9. When the old lady ……………… (return) to her flat, she ……………… (see) that burglars ……………… (break) into.

10. My grandmother ……………… (make) some cheese sandwiches when I ……………… (get) home at 5.30

11. By the time Linda ……………… (park) her car, her boyfriend ……………… (drink) two cups of coffee

12. I wondered where I ……………… (see) him before

13. My dog ……………… (be) hungry because he ……………… (have) nothing to eat since breakfast

14. I ……………… (recognize) him because I ……………… (see) his photo in the newspaper before

15. Margaret was upset because her husband ……………… (forget) her birthday.

Đáp án

1. She (come) ……came…….. back home after she (finish) …had finished……… their work.

2. Before my son (go) ……went………….. to bed, he (read) ………had read…………… a novel.

3. He told me he (not/wear) ………hadn’t worn………………… such kind of clothes before.

4. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) ……had started…………………………….

5. Last night, Peter (go) …had gone.. to the supermarket before he (go) …went…… home

6. Tom ……gave………… (give) me the book yesterday but I knew he ……hadn’t read………… (not read) it

7. When I arrived home I realized that I ……hadn’t phoned………… (not phone) my grandparents

8. The postman ………came……… (come) after I ………had left……… (leave) the office

9. When the old lady ………returned……… (return) to her flat, she ………saw……… (see) that burglars ………had broken……… (break) into.

10. My grandmother ………had made……… (make) some cheese sandwiches when I …………got…… (get) home at 5.30

11. By the time Linda ………parked……… (park) her car, her boyfriend ………had drunk……… (drink) two cups of coffee

12. I wondered where I ………had seen……… (see) him before

13. My dog ………was……… (be) hungry because he ………had had……… (have) nothing to eat since breakfast

14. I …………recognized…… (recognize) him because I ………had seen……… (see) his photo in the newspaper before

15. Margaret was upset because her husband ………had forgotten……… (forget) her birthday.

Exercise 13

1. ____________________ (you/ ever/ drive) on the wrong side of the road?

2. My family ______________ (fly) back from our Hong Kong holiday two days ago.

3. Right now, the students _______________ (learn) road signs in the schoolyard.

4. Usually Oanh ______________ (walk) to school, but this week she _____________ (ride) her bike.

5. The driver was so drunk that he ______________ (lose) control of his car.

6. If I have enough money, I _________________ (buy) a racing car.

7. My father ________________ (teach) me to ride a bike when I was seven.

8. Transport used ______________ (be) much slower three hundred years ago.

9. Saudi women weren’t allowed ______________ (drive) a car until recently.

10. In South Africa, you have to let animals ________________ (go) first.

Đáp án

1. ___________Have you ever driven_________ (you/ ever/ drive) on the wrong side of the road?

2. My family _______flew_______ (fly) back from our Hong Kong holiday two days ago.

3. Right now, the students ________are learning_______ (learn) road signs in the schoolyard.

4. Usually Oanh ______walks________ (walk) to school, but this week she ______is riding_______ (ride) her bike.

5. The driver was so drunk that he _______lost_______ (lose) control of his car.

6. If I have enough money, I ________will buy_________ (buy) a racing car.

7. My father ________taught________ (teach) me to ride a bike when I was seven.

8. Transport used ________to be______ (be) much slower three hundred years ago.

9. Saudi women weren’t allowed _______to drive_______ (drive) a car until recently.

10. In South Africa, you have to let animals _________go_______ (go) first.

Exercise 14: Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms

1. You ______________ (be) up late last night!

2. Sean ______________ (cook) while his wife ______________ (dust) the furniture.

3. Her cat ______________ (bring) in a mouse yesterday morning

4. The dog got very aggressive after he ______________ (bite) by a snake

5. The tailor ______________ (cut) the dress completely wrong, so now it doesn’t fit

6. The plane ______________ (fly) to Manchester every Monday

7. This time next month we ______________ (sunbathe) in Bali

8. We ______________ (meet) our new teacher at 11.30 am tomorrow

9. You ______________ (always lose) your keys

10. I ______________ (not reply) to my teacher’s email yet.

11. I ______________ (go) to a theme park last summer

12. If you heat chocolate, it ______________ (melt)

13. My grandfather ______________ (take) a nap at 5 o’clock yesterday

14. The train ______________ (leave) by the time we got to the station

15. The sun ______________ (rise) in the east

Đáp án

1. You _______were_______ (be) up late last night!

2. Sean ____was cooking__________ (cook) while his wife _____was dusting_________ (dust) the furniture.

3. Her cat ________brought______ (bring) in a mouse yesterday morning

4. The dog got very aggressive after he ________was bitten______ (bite) by a snake

5. The tailor ________but______ (cut) the dress completely wrong, so now it doesn’t fit

6. The plane ______flies________ (fly) to Manchester every Monday

7. This time next month we _________will be sunbathing_____ (sunbathe) in Bali

8. We ______are meeting________ (meet) our new teacher at 11.30 am tomorrow

9. You ___are always losing___________ (always lose) your keys

10. I _____haven’t replied_________ (not reply) to my teacher’s email yet.

11. I ______went________ (go) to a theme park last summer

12. If you heat chocolate, it _______melts_______ (melt)

13. My grandfather ____was taking__________ (take) a nap at 5 o’clock yesterday

14. The train _______had left_______ (leave) by the time we got to the station

15. The sun _____rises_________ (rise) in the east

Exercise 15: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in bracket

1. By the end of the month we ____________ (finish) our school project.

2. Helen ____________ (do) her homewprk right now.

3. How long ____________ you ____________ (wait) before the taxi arrived?

4. I ____________ (not reply) to my teacher’s email yet.

5. I think my daughter ____________ (pass) all her exams because she is such a good student.

6. Sean ____________ (cook) while his wife ____________ (dust) the furniture.

7. The plane ____________ (fly) to Manchester every Tuesday.

8. The plumber ____________ (fix) the tap at 9.15 tommorrow morning.

9. The train ____________ (leave) by the time we got to the station.

10. They ____________ (wait) for you all day. You are very unpunctual!

11. This time next month we ____________ (sunbathe) in Bali.

12. Watch out! You ____________ (fall) down.

13. We ____________ (meet) our new teacher at 11.30 am tomorrow

14. We ____________ (try) to open the door for ten minutes when Jame found her keys

15. When I ____________ (get) home, my mother ____________ (watch) TV.

16. You ____________ (always lose) your keys.

17. You are so busy! I ____________ (help) you with the washing-up

18. Alex ____________ (prefer) tea to coffee.

19. Cats ____________ (drink) milk

20. I ____________ (go) to a theme park last summer

Đáp án

1. By the end of the month we ____will have finished________ (finish) our school project.

2. Helen _____is doing_______ (do) her homewprk right now.

3. How long _____had_______ you _____been waiting_______ (wait) before the taxi arrived?

4. I _____haven’t replied_______ (not reply) to my teacher’s email yet.

5. I think my daughter ______will pass______ (pass) all her exams because she is such a good student.

6. Sean ____was cooking________ (cook) while his wife ____was dusting________ (dust) the furniture.

7. The plane _____flies_______ (fly) to Manchester every Tuesday.

8. The plumber ____will be fixing________ (fix) the tap at 9.15 tommorrow morning.

9. The train _____had left_______ (leave) by the time we got to the station.

10. They _____have been waiting_______ (wait) for you all day. You are very unpunctual!

11. This time next month we ___will be sunbathing_________ (sunbathe) in Bali.

12. Watch out! You _____are going to fall_______ (fall) down.

13. We ___are meeting_________ (meet) our new teacher at 11.30 am tomorrow

14. We _____had been trying_______ (try) to open the door for ten minutes when Jame found her keys

15. When I ______got______ (get) home, my mother ______was watching______ (watch) TV.

16. You ____are always losing________ (always lose) your keys.

17. You are so busy! I ______will help______ (help) you with the washing-up

18. Alex _____prefers_______ (prefer) tea to coffee.

19. Cats ____drink________ (drink) milk

20. I ______went______ (go) to a theme park last summer

Exercise 16: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in bracket

1. I _____________ English lessons on Tuesday and Friday every week. (have)

2. Alex usually ____________ his homework at 8 p.m. (finish)

3. We _________ to the judo club twice a month. (go)

4. – What do you do in your free time? – I always ________ books in my free time. (read)

5. We _____ new subjects for this school year. (have)

6. Listen! The teacher __________ the lesson to us. (explain)

7. You should _________ physical exercise regularly. (do)

8. I often spend the weekend ___________ badminton with my elder brother. (play)

9. Do you often _________ team games during the break? (play)

10. The students at my school can ______ quietly in the library in the afternoon. (study)

Đáp án

1. I ________have_____ English lessons on Tuesday and Friday every week. (have)

2. Alex usually _____finishes_______ his homework at 8 p.m. (finish)

3. We ___go______ to the judo club twice a month. (go)

4. – What do you do in your free time? – I always ___read_____ books in my free time. (read)

5. We ____have_ new subjects for this school year. (have)

6. Listen! The teacher ______is explaining____ the lesson to us. (explain)

7. You should ____do_____ physical exercise regularly. (do)

8. I often spend the weekend ________playing___ badminton with my elder brother. (play)

9. Do you often ____play_____ team games during the break? (play)

10. The students at my school can __study____ quietly in the library in the afternoon. (study)

Exercise 17: Complete the sentences using the correct form (ing-form or to-infinitive of the verb in brackets)

1. Reliable friends are always there for you. They never fail (help) ________ you.

2. Why don’t you stop (work) ________ and take a rest?

3. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise (study) ________ harder next time.

4. If you want a quiet holiday, you should avoid (go) ________to the coast in summer.

5. When we told him a plan, he agreed (join)________our team.

6. John missed (have)________dinner with his old school mates.

7. This is a very badly organized project. I will never consider (take) ________ part in it.

8. I can’t stand my boss. I have decided (look) ________ for another job.

9. He only wants privacy. He can’t understand people (ask) ________him personal questions.

10. Do you ever regret (not study) ________ at university, Peter?

11. What is the best horror movie you _____________________ (see) so far?

12. Tom Hanks _______________(win) an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994.

13. I ________________ (watch) a very interesting Korean drama at present.

14. Kong – Skull Island _____________________ (direct) by Jordan Vogt – Roberts.

15. The film was a commercial success although it __________________ (not receive) good reviews from critics.

16. __________________ (your brother/ usually/ watch) movies at home or the cinema?

17. What __________________ (you/ do) tomorrow night?

18. Joanna ________________________ (not be) to the cinema since November.

19. The last film I ______________________ (see) at the cinema was an action film called Fast and Furious.

20. Clint Eastwood became one of the most respected directors, in spite of ___________ (be) known for his western.

Đáp án

1. Reliable friends are always there for you. They never fail (help) ____to help____ you.

2. Why don’t you stop (work) __working______ and take a rest?

3. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise (study) ___to study_____ harder next time.

4. If you want a quiet holiday, you should avoid (go) ____going____to the coast in summer.

5. When we told him a plan, he agreed (join)____to join____our team.

6. John missed (have)____having____dinner with his old school mates.

7. This is a very badly organized project. I will never consider (take) ____taking____ part in it.

8. I can’t stand my boss. I have decided (look) _____to look___ for another job.

9. He only wants privacy. He can’t understand people (ask) ___asking_____him personal questions.

10. Do you ever regret (not study) __not studying______ at university, Peter?

11. What is the best horror movie you ___________have seen__________ (see) so far?

12. Tom Hanks ______won_________(win) an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994.

13. I _______am watching_________ (watch) a very interesting Korean drama at present.

14. Kong – Skull Island __________was directed___________ (direct) by Jordan Vogt – Roberts.

15. The film was a commercial success although it _________didn’t receive_________ (not receive) good reviews from critics.

16. ________Does your brother usually watch__________ (your brother/ usually/ watch) movies at home or the cinema?

17. What _____are you doing_____________ (you/ do) tomorrow night?

18. Joanna ____________hasn’t been____________ (not be) to the cinema since November.

19. The last film I _____________saw_________ (see) at the cinema was an action film called Fast and Furious.

20. Clint Eastwood became one of the most respected directors, in spite of _______being____ (be) known for his western.

Exercise 18: Complete the gaps in Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. They ______________ a new house last month. (to buy)

2. We ______________ our relatives in the USA two years ago. (to visit)

3. As Sophie ______________ (walk) up Regent Street, she ______________ (meet) an old friend from college.

4. Who ______________ (you/ speak) to on the phone when I ______________ (come) in?

5. Mary ______________ (read) in bed when she ______________ (hear) a strange noise downstairs.

6. The fireman ______________ (rescue) a 75-year-old woman who ______________ (be) trapped on the second floor of the burning building.

7. When I ______________ (open) the door, two people ______________ (stand) there.

8. Your package ______________ (arrive) while we ______________ (have) dinner.

9. Gran ______________ (do) really well when I ______________ (see) her yesterday.

10. The teacher ______________ (ask) me a question while I ______________ (look) out of the window

Đáp án

1. They _____bought_________ a new house last month. (to buy)

2. We _____visited_________ our relatives in the USA two years ago. (to visit)

3. As Sophie ______was walking________ (walk) up Regent Street, she _______met_______ (meet) an old friend from college.

4. Who _______were you speaking_______ (you/ speak) to on the phone when I _________came_____ (come) in?

5. Mary _____was reading_________ (read) in bed when she _____heard_________ (hear) a strange noise downstairs.

6. The fireman _____rescued_________ (rescue) a 75-year-old woman who ________was being______ (be) trapped on the second floor of the burning building.

7. When I _______opened_______ (open) the door, two people ______were standing________ (stand) there.

8. Your package ______arrived________ (arrive) while we ____were having__________ (have) dinner.

9. Gran _______was doing_______ (do) really well when I ______saw________ (see) her yesterday.

10. The teacher ______asked________ (ask) me a question while I _____was looking_________ (look) out of the window

Exercise 19. Put in the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Martin___________(be) to Greek five times. He loves the place.

2. I ___________ (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after college.

3. We ___________ (move) here in 1993. We ___________(be) here a long time now.

4. It isn’t a very good party. Most people ___________(already/ go) home.

5. It was so hot today that I ___________ (wear) shorts and a T-shirt at work.

6. My wife and I ___________(move) three times since we ___________(get) married.

7. So far this week there ___________ (be) three burglaries in our street.

8. When I was younger I ___________ (play) badminton for my local team.

9. In the past few years, it ___________ (become) more and more difficult to get into university.

10. I ___________ (enjoy) skiing ever since I ___________ (live) in Switzerland.

Đáp án

1. Martin________has been___(be) to Greek five times. He loves the place.

2. I _____worked______ (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after college.

3. We ____moved_______ (move) here in 1993. We ______have been_____(be) here a long time now.

4. It isn’t a very good party. Most people _____have already gone______(already/ go) home.

5. It was so hot today that I _____wore______ (wear) shorts and a T-shirt at work.

6. My wife and I ______have moved_____(move) three times since we _______got____(get) married.

7. So far this week there _____have been______ (be) three burglaries in our street.

8. When I was younger I ____played_______ (play) badminton for my local team.

9. In the past few years, it _____has become_____ (become) more and more difficult to get into university.

10. I _____have enjoyed______ (enjoy) skiing ever since I ___lived________ (live) in Switzerland.

Exercise 20. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. While Tom (read) ……………………., Amely (watch) ……………………. a documentary on TV.

2. Marvin (come) ……………………. home, (switch) ……………………. on the computer and (check) ……………………. his emails.

3. The thief (sneak) ……………………. into the house, (steal) ……………………. the jewelsand (leave) ……………………. without a trace.

4. Nobody (listen) ……………………. while the teacher (explain) ……………………. thetenses.

5. While we (do) ……………………. a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) ……………………. on the beach.

6. He (wake) ……………………. up and (look) ……………………. at his watch.

7. The receptionist (welcome) ……………………. the guests and (ask) ……………………. them to fill In the form.

8. The car (break) ……………………. down and we (have) ……………………. to walk home.

9. The boys (swim) ……………………. while the girls (sunbathe) …………………….

10. My father (come) ……………………. in, (look) ……………………. around and (tell)………………………… me to tidy up my room.

Đáp án

1. While Tom (read) ……….was reading……………, Amely (watch) ………was watching……………. a documentary on TV.

2. Marvin (come) ……….came…………… home, (switch) …………..switched……….. on the computer and (check) ……………..checked…….. his emails.

3. The thief (sneak) ………sneaked……………. into the house, (steal) …………stole…………. the jewels and (leave) …………left…………. without a trace.

4. Nobody (listen) ……….listened…………… while the teacher (explain) ……….was explaining…………… the tenses.

5. While we (do) ………were doing……………. a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) …were lying…………………. on the beach.

6. He (wake) …………woke…………. up and (look) ……….looked…………… at his watch.

7. The receptionist (welcome) ………….welcomed………… the guests and (ask) ……….asked…………… them to fill In the form.

8. The car (break) ………….broke………… down and we (have) ………..had………….. to walk home.

9. The boys (swim) ………….were swimming………… while the girls (sunbathe) ……were sunbathing……………….

10. My father (come) ………….came………… in, (look) …………looked…………. around and (tell) ……………told…………… me to tidy up my room.

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