50 bài tập Động từ khuyết thiếu có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Động từ khuyết thiếu có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Động từ khuyết thiếu và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Động từ khuyết thiếu có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm động từ khuyết thiếu

1. CAN – BE ABLE TO ( hiện tại, tương lai)

“Can” và “be able to” đều có thể hiểu là có thể làm gì đó.


Ex: Kelvin, CAN you please open the door for me?

Ex: Kelvin CAN cook!

Be able to:

Ex: Kelvin is able to swim very well.

Ex: We are unable to swim like Kelvin.

=> Các bạn có thể hiểu như này: “Can” chỉ việc bạn có thể làm không và thường những điều đó đều có thể thực hiện được và dùng câu hỏi với “Can” như một lời nhờ vả lịch sự. Còn “BE ABLE TO” sâu hơn để chỉ việc mà có thể chỉ 1 cá nhân làm được và có giới hạn của việc thực hiện hành động đó.

Ex: She is able to run very fast!

Ex: Kelvin is unable to run, he’s disabled!

2. COULD, BE ABLE TO ( quá khứ )

Note1: Could là dạng quá khứ của “Can”

Ex: They told me they could come to my tea party. I have some tea to spill.

“ Have tea to spill “ là idiom: có chuyện để tám.

Ex: He could have done better if he had studied hard last night.

Note2: Be able to về quá khứ thì các bạn chỉ cần chia “Be” => “Was/were”

Ex: I wasn’t able to come to your tea party because of my insecure being in your story.

Cách sử dụng COULD:

– “Could” (nghĩa “có lẽ”) dùng để chỉ một việc có lẽ sẽ diễn ra trong “tương lai” nhưng “chưa chắc chắn”:

Ex: It could be raining tomorrow, so bring an umbrella. Just in case.

Ex: Be quiet! I heard something. It could be a tiger!!

“could” đặc biệt sử dụng với những động từ sau: See (nhìn), hear (nghe), smell (ngửi), taste (nếm), feel (cảm thấy), remember (nhớ), understand (hiểu)

Ex: His accent is quite heavy but I could still understand him every bit!

Ex: Calm down Kel! I could tell that you are worrying.

Khi trường hợp, ngữ cảnh câu nói bạn là về một sự việc mang tính gây cấn:

The building was on fire but Kelvin was able to escape ( Không dùng could được vì gây cấn quá ) :))

Kelvin is a famous deadlifter. He could win any medal! ( Cái này bth, như đang quảng cáo là Kelvin khỏe ghê lắm)
2021 Kelvin met John who was also a professional deadlifter. I thought Kel would have lost but he was able to beat John ( or managed to beat john )

Note: Could mình có thể dùng để lời nói được dễ thương hơn và người nghe sẽ thấy mình lịch sự.

Ex: Can you give me the bottle, please? <= Cũng đưa nước nhưng hơi không thân thiện

Ex: Could you give me the bottle, please? <= Đưa chai nước liền.


“Must,” “have to,” and “need to” in the positive or question form are used to speak about responsibilities, obligations, and important actions.

– Ex: I must finish my homework before tomorrow.

– Ex: He has to work on his presentation. It is due tonight.

– Ex: They need to come to Tam Kỳ if they want to eat the best “chicken meal”.

Note: Thường những từ trên đều dùng để nói về việc cần làm và là trách nhiệm bản thân. “Must”, “Have to” thường về công việc hơn còn

“Need to” thường về cuộc sống thường nhật.

Note: “Must” mạnh nhất và điều bắt buộc phải làm bằng được.

“Don’t have to” : một điều gì đó không cần làm/ có, not required.

Ex: I don’t have to get up at 9am today.

“Don’t need to” : Không cần làm gì (action). Một hành động không cần thiết

Ex: Kelvin doesn’t need to go to the grocery store this week. He has plenty of food.

“Mustn’t”: Nghiêm cấm!

Ex: You must not smoke cigarettes in public while in Singapore!

4. May – Might


– Thể hiện sự xin phép

May I use your phone please?

– Thể hiện khả năng, xác suất

It may rain tomorrow!


– Hỏi, xin phép lịch sự hơn

Might I interrupt for a moment?

– Thể hiện khả năng, xác suất

The car looks nice but it might be expensive.

“May” và “might” dùng để xin phép, tuy nhiên “might” hầu như chỉ dùng trong câu gián tiếp và ít dùng trong văn nói. Mức độ có thể nếu xác suất thấp thì dùng Might và cao hơn thì dùng May.

Example: He asked if she might come later.

Bên cạnh đó,

May – được dùng để đưa ra khả năng có thể; dự đoán ở hiện tại.

Ví dụ: It may rain tomorrow.

Might – Đưa ra khả năng có thể; dự đoán ở quá khứ

Ví dụ: She might come home late last night.

Với quá khứ, chúng ta sử dụng may have/ might have


I wonder why kate didn’t answer her phone? She may have been asleep.

I can find my jey anywhere.- You might have left it at work.

5. Need not

– Không cần thiết, không bắt buộc phải làm gì đó.

I needn’t come with us.

– Có thể sử dụng “don’t/ doesn’t need to…”

We don’t need to hurry.

6. Will

– Đoán sự việc có thể xảy ra trong tương lai

It will be rainy tomorrow

I think it will rain heavily tomorrow./ Because her brother was young, I think he would probably like this picture.

7. Would

– Diễn tả giả định xảy ra, dự đoán sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ

He would be exhausted when hear this bad news.

I would drink a glass of milk everyday when I was a student in primary school.

– Mô tả những sự kiện (đơn giản, không có nhiều dự định) chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.

➨ I will go to the supermarket with my mom tomorrow.

Will và would có thể dùng trong câu đề nghị, yêu cầu, lời mời.

Example: Will you give me your address?

Will you shut the door?

Would you like a car?

Would you like some coffee?

8. Shall

Đề xuất làm gì với ngôi “I”, “we” hoặc giao nhiệm vụ cho người khác một cách trang trọng

What shall we meet?

We shall commit doing the articles in the agreement.

9. Should/ought to

Should hay còn biết đến dạng khác là “Ought to”. Từ này được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên, nên làm gì.

Ví dụ: You should spend more time practicing listening to English lectures.

You ought to eat less meat and dairy products to avoid diseases such as cancer or diabetes.

– Thể hiện tính 50 % sự ép buộc

You should / ought to see a doctor.

– Lời khuyên

You should / ought to revise your lessons at home.

– Kết luận có căn cứ

He should / ought to be very tired. He’s been working all day long.

Should/ ought to cũng được dùng khi diễ tả điều gì đó không đúng nếu không xảy ra.

Example: Where’s Jane?- She should be here right now.

10. Had better

– Lời khuyên ( tốt hơn hết là…..)

You’d better do the homework right now.

11. Used to

Trường hợp sử dụng Ví dụ
➨ Used to V: Đã từng làm gì ➨ I used to eat a lot of ice-cream when I was a little girl.
➨ To get/ be used to Ving: ➨ Quen với việc làm gì I get used to/ am used to eating a glass of water before having dinner.

II. Bài tập động từ khuyết thiếu

Exercise 1

1. When my father was young, he _____ work in the garden for long hours.

a. can

b. could

c. will

d. should

2. He_____ have committed the crime because he was with me that day.

a. mustn’t

b. shouldn’t

c. won’t

d. couldn’t

3. Since we have to be there by 8.30, we_____ take a taxi.

a. had better

b. may

c. ought

d. are able to

4. It_____ rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?

a. could be

b. must

c. might

d. had better

5. _____ you help me with the homework?

a. May

b. Shall

c. Should

d. Will

6. She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday. She_____ be really hungry.

a. might

b. will

c. must

d. can

7. I put my keys on the table, but now it’s gone. Someone_____ have taken it.

a. may

b. had to

c. should

d. would rather

8. Daisy is reading her English test because she has a test tomorrow. She_____ be studying.

a. will

b. should

c. must

d. can

9. We _____ put the fish in the fridge before it spoils.

a. had to

b. may

c. can

d. had better

10. Mr. Brown is very rich. He_____ work hard for a living.

a. mustn’t

b. shouldn’t

c. can’t

d. doesn’t have to

11. Tom has just got a new job. He_____ be very pleased.

a. might

b. must

c. should

d. will

12. Tom panted his room black. It looks dark and dreary. He _____ have chosen another

a. should

b. must

c. could

d. may

13. _____ you carry this bag for me?

a. May

b. Should

c. Will

d. Shall

14. You _____ throw litter on the streets.

a. mustn’t

b. couldn’t

c. needn’t

d. won’t

15. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, “You_____ go out tonight”.

a. may

b. have to

c. must

d. ought to

16. It is possible that she will come to our party tonight. She ….come her tonight.

a. need

b. may

c. should

d. will

17. They can type. They_____ type.

a. lean how to

b. are able to

c. know how to

d. both B &C

18. He advised me to take an English course. I_____ take it early.

a. should

b. shall

c. will

d. may

19. I’d rather_____ in the field than_____ home.

a. to work/ to stay

b. work/ stay

c. working/ staying

d. worked/stayed

20. As an orphan, he _____ earn his living alone.

a. have to

c. has had to

c. ought to

d. had to

Đáp án:





















Exercise 2.

1. They prayed that their daughter_____ be lucky again.

a. may

b. will

c. could

d. might

2. He _____ all that money, so she could save some.

a. didn’t need to spend

b. needn’t have spent

c. shouldn’t spend

d. oughtn’t to spend

3. He spent all that money last week. He_____ so much.

a. didn’t need to spend

b. shouldn’t spend

c. needn’t have spent

d. didn’t have to spend

4. He had to work hard so that he _____ his family.

a. may support

b. supported

c. can support

d. might support

5. They have plenty of time, so they need not_____

a. be hurry

b. to hurry

c. hurry

d. to be hurry

6. You’re having a sore throat. You’d better_____ to the doctor.

a. to go

b. went

c. go

d. going

7. I would rather_____ poor but happy than become rich without happiness.

a. being

b. he

c. to be

d. was

8. Sit down please _____ a cup of tea?

a. Do you like

b. Do you like to drink

c. Would you like

d. Will you like

9. Must you come when your neighbour calls?

No, I_____

a. must not

b. mustn’t

c. don’t have to

d. must not come

10. May I have 2 tickets, please? _____________ two tickets, please?

a. You must given me

b. You have got to give me

c. Could I have

d. You may give me

11. He will have to stay in hospital. That’s what he_____

a. has done

b. must do

c. must be doing

d. must have done

12. Do you have to buy this hat? No, I _____. It isn’t necessary.

a. mustn’t

b. won’t

c. needn’t

d. don’t need

13. A man never have too many ties. It’s ______

a. unable

b. impossible

c. improbable

d. incapable

14. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz.

a. might not

b. may not

c. mustn’t

d. wasn’t able to

15. This plane could get over the mountain if it rose to 10,000 feet. This means it______ over the mountains.

a. would succeed in getting

b. got

c. was bale to get

d. had got

16. The plane was then able to rise. This means it______

a. could rise

b. might rise

c. might succeed in rising

d. rose

17. Byrd knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole. It would be______.

a. impossible

b. necessary

c. able

d. possible

18. He ought not______ him but she did.

a. to tell

b. to telling

c. tell

d. to have told

19. I’d rather you______ that.

a. do

b. don’t do

c. won’t do

d. didn’t do

20. ______ run so fast?

a. Does he need

b. Need he to

c. Need he

d. Needs he

Đáp án:





















Exercise 3.

1. He didn’t need______ out of his room in Moscow.

a. go

b. to going

c. going

d. to go

2. I could not ______ it even though I had wanted to do so.

a. had bought

b. buy

c. buying

d. have bought

3. I left my pen in this box, but it isn’t there now. Someone______ it.

a. must have taken

b. must take

c. had to take

d. had taken

4. Mary received 100 dollars from her sister. She______ the ring she wanted. It only costs
10 dollars.

a. buys

b. had bought

c. bought

d. might have bought

5. It lost my Honda last week; I hadn’t locked it. You______ it.

a. should lock

b. should have locked

c. ought to lock

d. could lock

6. In 1900 the world had no deaths from rabies. Scientists______ wonderful vaccine.

a. has discovered

b. discovered

c. must have discovered

d. should have discovered

7. Mary received 100 dollars from her sister. She______ the computer she wanted. It costs
200 dollars.

a. wouldn’t buy

b. hadn’t bought

c. couldn’t have bought

d. didn’t buy

8. Once Helen failed in her exam. She played too much. She______ too much.

a. shouldn’t have played

b. should play

c. shouldn’t play

d. wouldn’t have played

9. If I had liked that watch, may be I ______ bought it.

a. will have

b. must have

c. would have d. shall have

10. Did my sister tell you that I had been to Dalat?

a. might have

b. could have

c. would have

d. must have

11. The women of this tribe______ precious ornaments for slat because they didn’t have
any salt.

a. have traded

b. traded

c. would have traded

d. could trade

12. I took my only son to the park but he didn’t like it. You ______ him to the zoo.

a. should take

b. had to take

c. took

d. should have taken

13. We are now wet. You______ the raincoats with you.

a. should bring

b. should have brought

c. must bring

d. have to bring

14. The yard is wet. It______ last night.

a. must rain

b. must have rain

c. must have rained

d. had to rain

15. Many birds will______ more than 3,000 miles to reach their winter homes.

a. flying

b. fly

c. be fly

d. flew

16. The pen won’t write; it______ out of ink.

a. must run

b. must be running

c. must have run

d. must have ran

17. The line is busy; someone______ the telephone now.

a. must be using

b. must have used

c. must used

d. must have been using

18. Bob is absent; he______ sick gain now.

a. must have been

b. must be

c. must be being

d. must being

19. He______ his job because he seems very happy.

a. would like

b. can like

c. will like

d. must like

20. She told me that she’d rather______ on the committee.

a. not to serve

b. not serving

c. not serve

d. serving not

Đáp án:





















Exercise 4. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu sau.

1. Young people ______ obey their parents.

A. must

B. may

C. will

D. ought to

2. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work late today.

A. can

B. have to

C. could

D. would

3. I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.

A. ought to

B. would

C. might

D. can

4. Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.

A. didn’t

B. won’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

5. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune.

A. must

B. might

C. will

D. should

6. You ______ to write them today.

A. should

B. must

C. had

D. ought

7. Unless he runs, he______ catch the train.

A. will

B. mustn’t

C. wouldn’t

D. won’t

8. When _____you come back home?

A. will

B. may

C. might

D. maybe

9. _____you

A. may

B. must

C. will

D. could.

Đáp án:

1 – A 2 – C 3 – B 4 – B 5 – A
6 – D 7 – D 8 – A 9 – C

Exercise 5. Put in ‘must + infinitive’ or ‘must + have + past participle’:

1) Akiko always does well on examinations. She _________ (study) a lot.

2) That woman drives a very luxurious car. She __________ (have) a lot of money.

3) You ____________ (practise) a lot before you gave your presentation. It was really good.

4) When Lisa came back home yesterday there were a lot of flowers on the table. Her husband _________ (buy) them.

5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it __________ (be) in your bedroom.

6) Sarah couldn’t find her sunglasses. She thought she ______ (leave) them at her sofa.

7) It ___________ (be) rainy outside. That man in the street is wearing a raincoat.

8) All my fish __________ (be) dead! I forgot to feed them before I went on holiday.

9) Susie is so late! She _______ (miss) the bus!.

10) There’s rubbish all over my yard! A dog___________ (be) in the bin.

11) Annie has a large library in her flat. She ________ (love) books.

12) Oh no, I don’t find my keys! I __________ (leave) them in the train.

13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It ________ (be) too hot in the car.

14) If you haven’t drunk all day, you _______ (be) thirsty.

15) Jimmy and Louisa ______(be) very tired. They have a new son.

16) It __________ (rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.

17) David __________ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.

18) What an amazing kitchen you’ve got! You ________ (like) cooking.

19) John _________ (eat) all the candies! There are none left.

20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Minnie __________ (tidy) it before she went to bed last night.

Đáp án:

1) Akiko always does well on examinations. She ____must study_____ (study) a lot.

2) That woman drives a very luxurious car. She _____must have_____ (have) a lot of money.

3) You ______must have practised______ (practise) a lot before you gave your presentation. It was really good.

4) When Lisa came back home yesterday there were a lot of flowers on the table. Her husband ____must have bought_____ (buy) them.

5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it _____must be_____ (be) in your bedroom.

6) Sarah couldn’t find her sunglasses. She thought she ___must have left___ (leave) them at her sofa.

7) It ______must be_____ (be) rainy outside. That man in the street is wearing a raincoat.

8) All my fish ____must be______ (be) dead! I forgot to feed them before I went on holiday.

9) Susie is so late! She ____must have missed___ (miss) the bus!.

10) There’s rubbish all over my yard! A dog______ must have been_____ (be) in the bin.

11) Annie has a large library in her flat. She ____must love____ (love) books.

12) Oh no, I don’t find my keys! I ____must have left______ (leave) them in the train.

13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It ____must have been____ (be) too hot in the car.

14) If you haven’t drunk all day, you _______ (be) thirsty.

15) Jimmy and Louisa __must be____(be) very tired. They have a new son.

16) It _______must have rained___ (rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.

17) David _____must be_____ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.

18) What an amazing kitchen you’ve got! You ____must like ____ (like) cooking.

19) John _____must have eaten____ (eat) all the candies! There are none left.

20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Minnie ______must have tidied ____ (tidy) it before she went to bed last night.

Exercise 6. Use the modal verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Sometimes there may be more than one correct answer !


1. I _____ use your pen please ?

2. You _____ write 30 sentences for homework.

3. You _____ write 300 sentences ! 30 will be enough.

4. John _____ speak so quickly.

5. She _____ play the piano well.

6. Please excuse me, but I _____ go now.

7. I _____ watch TV tonight. I haven’t decided yet.

8. He _______ work hard because he’s poor.

9. If you have a bad cough you _______ smoke.

10. I really ________ buy a new notebook. Mine is so old.

Đáp án:


1. ___May I__ use your pen please ?

2. You ___must__ write 30 sentences for homework.

3. You __needn’t___ write 300 sentences ! 30 will be enough.

4. John __shouldn’t___ speak so quickly.

5. She ___can__ play the piano well.

6. Please excuse me, but I __have to___ go now.

7. I __may___ watch TV tonight. I haven’t decided yet.

8. He ____must___ work hard because he’s poor.

9. If you have a bad cough you _____shouldn’t__ smoke.

10. I really __have to______ buy a new notebook. Mine is so old.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentence with a suitable modal verb. Needn’t or Don’t have to.

1. You ______ answer any more questions. This is the last one.

2. You ______ speak French. I speak English quite well.

3. She ______ write all the letters today. She can save some for tomorrow.

4. You ______ buy me any presents. I know you don’t have the money.

5. You ______ study so hard. You get good grades anyway.

6. Well, I ______ go so soon, so I’ll make myself comfortable.

Đáp án:

1. You ___NEEDN’T___ answer any more questions. This is the last one.

2. You ___DON’T HAVE TO___ speak French. I speak English quite well.

3. She ___NEEDN’T___ write all the letters today. She can save some for tomorrow.

4. You ___DON’T HAVE TO___ buy me any presents. I know you don’t have the money.

5. You ___NEEDN’T___ study so hard. You get good grades anyway.

6. Well, I ___NEEDN’T___ go so soon, so I’ll make myself comfortable.

Exercise 8: Circle the correct answer

1. That’s can/ can’t/ ought to be Jason – he’s on a mission to Mars

2. You might/ mustn’t/ have to smoke in hospitals and schools – it’s forbidden

3. That will/ must/ needn’t be the correct answer – I checked it 3 times.

4. In 200 years people won’t/ may not/ didn’t have to cook any longer – kitchen will have disappered.

5. You weren’t able to/ needn’t have/ shouldn’t have made dessert for the party – we had already ordered three cakes.

6. Babies might/ can’t/ shouldn’t read comic books

Đáp án:

1. That’s can’t be Jason – he’s on a mission to Mars

2. You mustn’t smoke in hospitals and schools – it’s forbidden

3. That must be the correct answer – I checked it 3 times.

4. In 200 years people won’t cook any longer – kitchen will have disappered.

5. You needn’t have made dessert for the party – we had already ordered three cakes.

6. Babies can’t read comic books

Exercise 9: Rewrite the following expressions using a modal verb instead

1. You were not capable of playing the piano.


2. You had better study for the exam tomorrow.


3. It is not necessary that you call me later.


4. No smoking in the library.


5. She has got the ability to look after herself.


6. Do you want to help me wash the car?


Đáp án

1. You couldn’t play the piano.

2. You should study for the exam tomorrow.

3. You don’t have to call me later.

4. You mustn’t smoke in the library.

5. She can look after herself.

6. Can you help me?

Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with can(’t), couldn(’t) or the correct form of (not) be able to

1. It was raining hard, so I ……………………. go out.

2. I’d love to ……………………. fly

3. I ……………………. see because I’m not wearing my glasses.

4. The police ……………………. catch him, so he escaped.

5. He ……………………. play football since he broke his leg.

6. I saw the accident – I might ……………………. help the police.

Đáp án

1. It was raining hard, so I …………couldn’t…………. go out.

2. I’d love to ………be able to……………. fly

3. I …………can’t…………. see because I’m not wearing my glasses.

4. The police …………couldn’t…………. catch him, so he escaped.

5. He …………hasn’t been able to…………. play football since he broke his leg.

6. I saw the accident – I might …………be able to…………. help the police.

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập Modal verb có đáp án

Bài tập chia động từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập Chuyển đổi Because – Because of, Though/ Although – Despite/ In spite of có đáp án

Bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ có đáp án

Bài tập về đại từ quan hệ có đáp án

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết tại Giải Bài Tập. Mời các bạn cùng xem các nội dung giải trí học tập và các kiến thức thú vị khác tại đây.

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