50 bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Mệnh đề quan hệ

1. Định nghĩa mệnh đề quan hệ

Mệnh đề (Clause) là một phần của câu, nó có thể bao gồm nhiều từ hay có cấu trúc của cả một câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ dùng để giải thích rõ hơn về danh từ đứng trước nó.

Xét ví dụ sau:

The woman who is wearing the T-shirt is my girlfriend.

Trong câu này phần được viết chữ nghiêng được gọi là một relative clause, nó đứng sau “the woman” và dùng để xác định danh từ đó. Nếu bỏ mệnh đề này ra chúng ta vẫn có một câu hoàn chỉnh:

The woman is my girlfriend.

2. Các dạng mệnh đề Quan hệ

A. Relative Pronouns – Đại từ quan hệ


Làm chủ ngữ, đại diện ngôi người

I told you about the woman who lives next door.


Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ, đại diện ngôi đồ vật, động vật

Bổ sung cho cả câu đứng trước nó


Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?

He couldn’t read which surprised me.


Chỉ sở hữu cho người và vật

Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?


Đại diện cho tân ngữ chỉ người

I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.


Đại diện cho chủ ngữ chỉ người, vật, đặc biệt trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (who, which vẫn có thể sử dụng được)

I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.

B. Relative Clauses – Mệnh đề quan hệ

Mệnh đề quan hệ (mệnh đề tính từ) bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ: who, whom, which, that, whose hay những trạng từ quan hệ: why, where, when. Mệnh đề quan hệ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó.

C. Các đại từ quan hệ

1. WHO

– làm chủ từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ

– thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người

….. N (person) + WHO + V + O


– làm túc từ cho động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ

– thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người

…..N (person) + WHOM + S + V


– làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ

– thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật

….N (thing) + WHICH + V + O

….N (thing) + WHICH + S + V


– có thể thay thế cho vị trí của who, whom, which trong mệnh đề quan hệ quan hệ xác định

* Các trường hợp thường dùng “that”:

– khi đi sau các hình thức so sánh nhất

– khi đi sau các từ: only, the first, the last

– khi danh từ đi trước bao gồm cả người và vật

– khi đi sau các đại từ bất định, đại từ phủ định, đại từ chỉ số lượng: no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anything, anybody, someone, something, somebody, all, some, any, little, none.

Ex: He was the most interesting person that I have ever met.

It was the first time that I heard of it.

These books are all that my sister left me.

She talked about the people and places that she had visited.

* Các trường hợp không dùng that:

– trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định

– sau giới từ


Dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, thường thay cho các từ: her, his, their, hoặc hình thức ‘s

…..N (person, thing) + WHOSE + N + V ….

D. Các trạng từ quan hệ

1. WHY: mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ trong tiếng Anh chỉ lý do, thường thay cho cụm for the reason, for that reason.

…..N (reason) + WHY + S + V …

Ex: I don’t know the reason. You didn’t go to school for that reason.

→ I don’t know the reason why you didn’t go to school.

2. WHERE: thay thế từ chỉ nơi chốn, thường thay cho there

….N (place) + WHERE + S + V ….


Ex: a/ The hotel wasn’t very clean. We stayed t that hotel.

→ The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.

→ The hotel at which we stayed wasn’t very clean.

3. WHEN: thay thế từ chỉ thời gian, thường thay cho từ then

….N (time) + WHEN + S + V …


Ex: Do you still remember the day? We first met on that day.

→ Do you still remember the day when we first met?

→ Do you still remember the day on which we first met?

I don’t know the time. She will come back then. → I don’t know the time when she will come back.

E. Các loại Mệnh đề quan hệ

Có hai loại mệnh đề quan hệ: mệnh đề quan hệ xác định và mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (Defining relative clauses): là mệnh đề được dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước nó. Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu, không có nó câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa. Nó được sử dụng khi danh từ là danh từ không xác định và không dùng dấu phẩy ngăn cách nó với mệnh đề chính.

Mệnh đề quan hệ không hạn định (Non-defining relative clauses): là mệnh đề cung cấp thêm thông tin về một người, một vật hoặc một sự việc đã được xác định. Mệnh đề không xác định là mệnh đề không nhất thiết phải có trong câu, không có nó câu vẫn đủ nghĩa. Nó được sử dụng khi danh từ là danh từ xác định và được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng một hoặc hai dấu phẩy (,) hay dấu gạch ngang (-)

Ex: Dalat, which I visited last summer, is very beautiful. (Non-defining relative clause)

Note: để biết khi nào dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định, ta lưu ý các điểm sau:

– Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là một danh từ riêng

– Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là một tính từ sở hữu (my, his, her, their)

– Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa la một danh từ đi với this , that, these, those

G. Một số lưu ý trong mệnh đề quan hệ

1. Nếu trong mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ thì giới từ có thể đặt trước hoặc sau mệnh đề quan hệ (chỉ áp dụng với whom và which.)

Ex: Mr. Brown is a nice teacher. We studied with him last year.

→ Mr. Brown, with whom we studied last year, is a nice teacher.

→ Mr. Brown, whom we studied with last year, is a nice teacher.

2. Có thể dùng which thay cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước.

Ex: She can’t come to my birthday party. That makes me sad. → She can’t come to my birthday party, which makes me sad.

3. Ở vị trí túc từ, whom có thể được thay bằng who.

Ex: I’d like to talk to the man whom / who I met at your birthday party.

4. Trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định , chúng ta có thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ:whom, which.

Ex: The girl you met yesterday is my close friend. The book you lent me was very interesting.

5. Các cụm từ chỉ số lượng some of, both of, all of, neither of, many of, none of … có thể được dùng trước whom, which và whose.

Ex: I have two sisters, both of whom are students. She tried on three dresses, none of which fitted her.

II. Bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ

Exercise 1:

1. Sunday is the day______ I go to Water park with my kinds.

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which

2. Do you know the reason______ 006 was killed?

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which

3. That was the reason______ he didn’t marry her.

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which

4. An architect is someone______ deigns buildings.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

5. The boy to______ I lent my money is poor.

a. that

b. whom

c. who

d. which

6. The land and the people______ I have met are nice.

a. who

b. whom

c. that

d. which

7. Did you ever find out______ penetrated in your house last month?

a. who

b. whom

c. that

d. which

8. The year______ the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten.

a. which

b. that

c. when

d. where

9. I cannot tell you all______ I heard.

a. Which

b. that

c. as

d. because

10. I can answer the question______ you day is very difficult.

a. which

b. whom

c. who

d. whose

11. We saw the girl______ you say is beautiful.

a. which

b. whom

c. who

d. whose

12. This is the place______ the battle took place ten years ago.

a. which

b. in where

c. where

d. from where

13. Sunday is the day______ which we usually go fishing.

a. during

b. at

c. in

d. on

14. The person______ you want to see is not her.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

15. This is the last time______ I speak to you

a. of which

b. that

c. who

d. whose

16. He talked about the books and the authors______ interested him.

a. who

b. that

c. which

d. whom

17. He talked about the books and the authors______ interested him.

a. who

b. that

c. which

d. whom

18. You know your lesson______ surprises me.

a. who

b. which

c. that

d. no word is needed

19. Bondi is the beautiful beach______ I used to sunbathe.

a. when

b. where

c. which

d. why

20. Dec 26th, 2005 was the day______ the terrible tsunami happened

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which

Đáp án:





















Exercise 2

1. The woman______ lives nest door is doctor.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

2. The boy ____ Mary likes is my son.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

3. The boy_____ eyes are brown is my son.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

4. The book ____ is on the table is interesting.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose

5. The book ____ you bought yesterday is interesting.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

6. The table____ legs are broken should be repaired.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

7. The book ____ you bought yesterday is interesting.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. of which

8. This is the room ____ 006 was killed.

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which

9. The princess was happy during the years____ she lived with the fairy.

a. when

b. in which

c. where

d. that

10. The town____ we are living is noisy and crowded

a. in where

b. which

c. at which

d. where

11. The year____ we came to live here was 1975.

a. when

b. which

c. that

d. in the time

12. The teacher____ house is next to mine died this morning.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

13. He was loyal to____ trusted him.

a. whomever

b. whom

c. whoever

d. what

14. The knife____ we cut bread is very sharp.

a. with that

b. which

c. with which

d. that

15. Tonight I’ll do the assignment____ gave us last week.

a. the teacher

b. who the teacher

c. whom the teacher

d. of the teacher

16. The lady____ son went on a picnic with us last weekend is a teacher at our school.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

17. He has just gone to his friend’s house____ there is a party today.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

18. Take____ measures you consider best.

a. however

b. whenever

c. wherever

d. whatever

19. ____difficulties you may encounter, I’m sure you’ll succeed.

a. how

b. what ever

c. however

d. how greater

20. He is the only friend ____ I like.

a. who

b. that

c. whom

d. whose

Đáp án:





















Exercise 3

1. What was the name of the girl____ phoned you lost night?

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

2. What was the name of the girl____ you phone last night?

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

3. The bed____ which I slept was too soft.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

4. I didn’t get the job____ which I applied.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

5. The man ____ whom she is married has been married twice before.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. to

6. The party____ which we went wasn’t very enjoyable.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. to

7. Who was that girl____ whom you were yesterday?

a. with

b. on

c. at

d. in

8. The fight____ which we wanted to travel was fully booked.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

9. I enjoy my job because I like the people____ whom I work.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

10. I wasn’t interested in the things____ which they were talking.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. about

11. The house____ which I am living is not in very good condition

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

12. My brother Jim, ____ lives in Houston, is a doctor.

a. that

b. who

c. whom

d. which

13. Brad told me about his new job, ____ he’s enjoying very much.

a. that

b. who

c. whom

d. which

14. We stayed at the Grand Hotel, ____ Ann recommended to us.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. that

15. My English teacher, ____ comes from Australia, loves computers.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. that

16. She is the most beautiful girl____ ever lived.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

17.There were two small rooms in the beach house____ served as a kitchen.

a. the smaller of which

b. the smallest of which

c. the smaller of them

d. smallest of that

18. The decision was postponed, ____ was exactly what he wanted.

a. which

b. that

c. who

d. whom

19. All the people____ have gone into the room are still young.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

20. The year____ he died was full of calamities.

a. on which

b. which

c. in which

d. where

Đáp án:





















Exercise 4

1. The new model, ____ had just come out, is the best so far.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

2. The rumour____ we heard yesterday is not true.

a. that

b. which

c. no word is needed

d. all are correct

3. The picnic was postponed, ____ was due to the weather.

a. which

b. that

c. who

d. whom

4. I was happy during the years____ I lived with my grandfather.

a. when

b. that

c. in which

d. where

5. The area____ we are living is quiet.

a. which

b. at which

c. in where

d. where

6. The man____ she loves has been captured by the enemy.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

7. The student____ you just met is in one of my classes.

a. his parents

b. whose parents

c. parents of his

d. parents who

8. The woman ____ lives next door to us is a weather forecaster on a local TV station.

a. whose

b. she

c. whom

d. who

9. The speech____ we listened last night was informative.

a. to which

b. which to

c. to that

d. that

10. This morning I met Diane, ____ I hadn’t seen for ages.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. that

11. Amy, ____ car had broken down, was in a very bad mood.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

12. Mrs. Bond is going to spend a few weeks in Sweden, ____ her daughter lives.

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. that

13. Jack has three brothers, all of____ are married

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. that

14. They gave us a lot of information, most of ____ was useless.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. that

15. There were a lot of people at the party, only a few of ____ I had met before.

a. whom

b. whom

c. them

d. that

16. I have sent him two letters, neither of ____ has arrived.

a. who

b. them

c. which

d. that

17. John won $20,000, half of____ he gave to his parents.

a. it

b. whom

c. which

d. that

18. Ten people applied for the job, none of ____ were suitable.

a. who

b. whom

c. them

d. that

19. She couldn’t come to the party, ____ was perfectly true.

a. who

b. it

c. which

d. that

20. Jill isn’t on the phone, ____ makes it difficult to contact her.

a. which

b. that

c. who

d. it

Đáp án:





















Exercise 5

1. You need to talk to a person____ you can trust. You will feel better if you do.

a. whose

b. which

c. whom

d. Ø

2. Bod is the kind of person to____ one can talk about anything.

a. who

b. whom

c. that

d. him

3. He is a person____ friends trust him.

a. who

b. his

c. that

d. whose

4. I’m looking for an electric can opener____ also can sharpen knives.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. Ø

5. People____ live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. Ø

6. The problems____ Tony has seem insurmountable.

a. what

b. he

c. that

d. Ø

7. The man____ I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university.

a. which

b. whom

c. that

d. Ø

8. Cathy is trustworthy. She’s a person upon____ you can always depend.

a. who

b. whom

c. that

d. Ø

9. Your career should focus on a field in ____ you are genuinely interested.

a. which

b. what

c. that

d. Ø

10. People____ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.

a. whose

b. whom

c. that

d. which

11. They said they didn’t have any money, ____ was a pity.

a. which

b. that

c. this

d. it

12. I haven’t got a passport, ____ means I can’t leave my country.

a. which

b. that

c. this

d. it

13. He offered to let me stay in his house, ____ was very nice of him.

a. this

b. which

c. it

d. that

14. They didn’t thank us for the meal before they left____ I thought was very rude of them.

a. this

b. which

c. it

d. that

15. The part of town where I live is very noisy at night, ____ makes it difficult to sleep.

a. this

b. where

c. that

d. which

16. That’s the room____ I used to stay.

a. which

b. when

c. where

d. why

17. That’s the one____ they serve the best food.

a. which

b. when

c. where

d. why

18. That’s the one____ they serve the best food

a. where

b. which

c. when

d. why

19. Doc Let is the beach____ I used to sunbathe.

a. where

b. which

c. when

d. why

20. It was the time____ I had a lot of toys.

a. where

b. which

c. when

d. why

Đáp án:





















Exercise 6

1. That is the place_____ the accident occurred.

a. where

b. which

c. on which

d. that

2. There was a time_____ movies cost a dime.

a. as

b. where

c. when

d. which

3. One of the people _____ I admire most in the history of the world is Gandhi.

a. that

b. which

c. whose

d. of them

4. I enjoyed talking to he people _____ I had dinner last night.

a. to whom

b. with whom

c. with that

d. with whose

5. I received two job offers, _____ I accepted.

a. neither of which

b. neither of them

c. neither of that

d. neither of whom

6. I have three brothers, _____ are professional athletes.

a. two of which

b. two of whom

c. both of which

d. two of them

7. Sally lost her job, _____ wasn’t surprising.

a. that

b. what

c. it

d. which

8. Her boss fired her, _____ made her angry.

a. that

b. what

c. which

d. it

9. Those were the days_____ we played truant.

a. where

b. which

c. why

d. when

10. That was the time _____ I was unhappy.

a. where

b. when

c. which

d. why

11. That’s the reason_____ I didn’t come to the meeting last night.

a. where

b. when

c. which

d. why

12. I must find a time_____ I can tell her the truth.

a. where

b. how

c. when

d. why

13. I know a place_____ there are a lot of daffodils.

a. where

b. how

c. when

d. why

14. Dr. Sales is a person_____

a. In whom I don’t have much confidence.

b. In that I don’t have much confidence.

c. whom I don’t have much confidence in him

d. I don’t have much confidence

15. “Is April twenty-first the day_____?”

“No, the twenty – second”.

a. you’ll arrive then

b. when you’ll arrive

c. on that you’ll arrive

d. when you’ll arrive on

16. The severe drought_____ occurred last summer ruined the corn crop.

a. that it

b. which it

c. it

d. that

17. Florida, _____ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.

a. is

b. knows as

c. is known as

d. that is known as

18. The new shopping mall is gigantic. It’s advertised as a place_____ you can find just
about anything you might want to buy.

a. where

b. which

c. in where

d. in that

19. I have always wanted to visit Paris, _____ of France.

a. is the capital

b. which the capital is

c. that is the capital

d. the capital

20. The chemistry book _____ was a little expensive.

a. that I bought it

b. I bought that

c. what I bought

d. I bought

Đáp án:





















Exercise 7. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. She is talking about the author ________ book is one of the best – sellers this year.

A. which

B. whose

C. that

D. who

2. He bought all the books __________ are needed for the next exam.

A. that

B. what

C. those

D. who

3. The children, __________ parents are famous teachers, are taught well.

A. that

B. whom

C. whose

D. their

4. Do you know the boy ________ we met at the party last week?

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

5. The exercises which we are doing ________ very easy.

A. is

B. has been

C. are

D. was

6. The man _______ next to me kept talking during the film, _______really annoyed me.

A. having sat / that

B. sitting / which

C. to sit / what

D. sitting / who

7. Was Neil Armstrong the first person________foot on the moon?

A. set

B. setting

C. to set

D. who was set

8. This is the village in________my family and I have lived for over 20 years.

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. where

9. My mother, ________everyone admires, is a famous teacher.

A. where

B. whom

C. which

D. whose

10. The old building __________is in front of my house fell down.

A. of which

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

11. We need a teacher __________native language is English.

A. who

B. whose

C. whom

D. that

12. I bought a T- shirt ________is very nice.

A. who

B. whose

C. whom

D. that

13. The woman, ________ was sitting in the meeting hall, didn’t seem friendly to us at all.

A. who

B. whom

C. where

D. when

14. The man with __________ I have been working is very friendly.

A. who

B. that

C which

D. whom

15. We’ll come in May __________ the schools are on holiday.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when

16. Do you know the boy ____ we met at the club yesterday?

A. which

B. whom

C. whose

D. where

17. The man ____ sat next to me at the train station was very annoying.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. whose

18. He bought all the books ____ are needed for the next semester.

A. that

B. who

C. what

D. whose

19. The exercise ____ we are doing is very easy.

A. whose

B. whom

C. who

D. that

20. The employees ____ want to submit travel arrangements need to talk to me today.

A. who

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

Đáp án:

1 – B 2 – A 3 – C 4 – D 5 – C 6 – B 7 – C 8 – A 9 – B 10 – B
11 – B 12 – D 13 – A 14 – D 15 – A 16 – B 17 – C 18 – A 19 – D 20 – A

Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer.

1. A hotel is a place _____people stay when they’re on holiday.



2. What’s the name of the woman _____lives in that house?



3. What do you call someone _____writes computer programs?



4. A waiter is a person ______job is to serve customers in a restaurant.



5. Overalls are clothes _______ people wear to protect their clothes when they are working.



6. Is that the shop _______ you bought your new laptop?



7. He’s the man _____ son plays football for Manchester Utd.



8. Hal didn’t get the job _____ he applied for.



Đáp án:

1 – where;

2 – who;

3 – that;

4 – whose;

5 – which;

6 – where;

7 – whose;

8 – that;

Exercise 9. Complete the sentence with WHICH/ WHERE/ WHO

1. I really enjoyed the book _______ I read last week.

2. Long John Silver went back to the island ________ the treasure was.

3. Who was the author ________ wrote the Harry Potter books?

4. The police couldn’t find the painting ________ the thieves stole last week.

5. Do you know anyone ________ needs tickets for the concert ?

6. She’s got relatives _______ live in America.

7. During the holidays we are going to a place _______ we can ski.

8. You must take the train _______ leaves at 8:30.

9. I don’t like the sandwiches _______ they sell in the canteen.

10. Last week we watched a film ________ one three Oscars.

11. Is there a shop ________ I can get milk for the baby?

12. It’s tomorrow’s exam ________ I am worried about most.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with WHO, WHICH or THAT:

1. The men _______ lives next-door are English.

2. The dictionary _______ you gave me is very good.

3. Do you know the girls _______ are standing outside the church?

4. The police are looking for the thieve _______ got into my house last night.

5. The chocolate _______ you like comes from the United States.

6. I have lost the necklace _______ my mother gave me on my birthday.

7. A burglar is someone _______ breaks into a house and steals things.

8. Buses _______ go to the airport run every half hour.

9. I can’t find the key _______ opens this door.

10. I gave you a book _______ had many pictures.

11. I don’t like the boy _______ Sue is going out with.

12. Did you see the beautiful dress _______ she wore yesterday.

13. The man _______ she is going to marry is very rich.

14. This is the bank _______ was robbed yesterday.

15. He wore a mask _______ made him look like Mickey Mouse.

Đáp án

1. The men ___who___ lives next-door are English.

2. The dictionary ___which___ you gave me is very good.

3. Do you know the girls ___who___ are standing outside the church?

4. The police are looking for the thieve ___who___ got into my house last night.

5. The chocolate ___which___ you like comes from the United States.

6. I have lost the necklace ___which___ my mother gave me on my birthday.

7. A burglar is someone ___that___ breaks into a house and steals things.

8. Buses ___that___ go to the airport run every half hour.

9. I can’t find the key ___which___ opens this door.

10. I gave you a book ___which___ had many pictures.

11. I don’t like the boy ___who___ Sue is going out with.

12. Did you see the beautiful dress ___which___ she wore yesterday.

13. The man ___whom___ she is going to marry is very rich.

14. This is the bank ___which___ was robbed yesterday.

15. He wore a mask ___which___ made him look like Mickey Mouse

Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with WHO, WHICH or WHOSE:

1. He arrived with a friend ______ waited outside in the car.

2. The man ______ mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

3. The car ______ the robbers escaped in was a BMW.

4. The woman ______ daughter was crying tried to calm her down.

5. The postman ______ works in the village is very old.

6. The family ______ car was stolen last week is the Smiths.

7. The cowboy ______ is wearing a red shirt looks very funny.

8. A bus is a big car ______ carries lots of people.

9. The volunteers, ______ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.

10. Children ______ like music are often good at mathematics.

11. The engineers ______ designed the building received an award.

12. The girl ______ recited the poem is my niece.

13. The townspeople, ______ pride in their community is well- known, raised enough money to build a new town hall.

14. The Pacific Ocean, ______ might have been crossed by raft during the Stone Age, is the world’s largest ocean.

15. The newspaper to ______ we subscribe is delivered regularly.

Đáp án

1. He arrived with a friend ___who___ waited outside in the car.

2. The man ___whose___ mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

3. The car ___which___ the robbers escaped in was a BMW.

4. The woman ___whose___ daughter was crying tried to calm her down.

5. The postman ___who___ works in the village is very old.

6. The family ___whose___ car was stolen last week is the Smiths.

7. The cowboy ___who___ is wearing a red shirt looks very funny.

8. A bus is a big car ___which___ carries lots of people.

9. The volunteers, ___whose___ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.

10. Children ___who___ like music are often good at mathematics.

11. The engineers ___who___ designed the building received an award.

12. The girl ___who___ recited the poem is my niece.

13. The townspeople, ___whose___ pride in their community is well-known, raised enough money to build a new town hall.

14. The Pacific Ocean, ___which___ might have been crossed by raft during the Stone Age, is the world’s largest ocean.

15. The newspaper to ____which___ we subscribe is delivered regularly.

Exercise 12. Put who/ whom/ which/ that/ where…. in the blank

1. The parents thanked the woman ____had saved their son

2. The factory _____closed last week had been there for many years

3. Two men, neither of _____I had been before, came into my office.

4. I like the ice-cream ____they sell in that shop

5. He ate the food _____ no one else wanted

6. John has got a new mobile phone ____ takes photos

7. The village _____ I ran out of petrol didn’t have a petrol station

8. The job for _____she has applied is in London

9. John sold his computer, _____he no longer need, to his cousin

10. Teddy has two cars, one of ____ is very expensive.

Đáp án

1. The parents thanked the woman _who/that___had saved their son

2. The factory _which/that____closed last week had been there for many years

3. Two men, neither of __whom___I had been before, came into my office.

4. I like the ice-cream __that/which__they sell in that shop

5. He ate the food __that/which___ no one else wanted

6. John has got a new mobile phone _that/which___ takes photos

7. The village __where___ I ran out of petrol didn’t have a petrol station

8. The job for _which____she has applied is in London

9. John sold his computer, __which___he no longer need, to his cousin

10. Teddy has two cars, one of __which__ is very expensive.

Exercise 13. Combine These Pairs Of Sentences Using Relative Pronouns:

1. The first boy has just moved. He knows the truth.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

2. I don’t remember the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

3. The only thing is how to go home. It make me worried.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

4. The most beautiful girl lives city. I like her long hair very much.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

5. He was Tom. I met him at the bar yesterday.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

6. The children often go swimming on Sundays. They have much free time then.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

7. They are looking for the man and his dog. They have lost the way in the forest.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

8. The tree has lovely flowers. The tree stands near the gate of my house.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

9. My wife wants you to come to dinner. You were speaking to my wife

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

10. The last man has just returned from the farm. I want to talk to him at once.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

11. The students will be awarded the present. The students’ reports are very valuable.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

12. The book was a lovely story. I was reading it yesterday.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

13. The botanist will never forget the day. He found a strange plant on that day.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

14. Someone is phoning you. He looked for you three hours ago.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

15. The man works for my father’s company. The man’s daughter is fond of dancing.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……

Đáp án

1. The first boy who knows the truth has just moved.

2. I don’t remember the man whom you said you met at the canteen last week.

3. The only thing which make me worried is how to go home.

4. The most beautiful girl, whose long hair I like very much, lives in this city.

5. The man whom I met at the bar yesterday was Tom.

6. The children often go swimming on Sundays when they have much free time.

7. They’re looking for the man and his dog that have lost the way in the forest.

8. The tree which stands near the gate of my house has lovely flowers.

9. My wife, whom you were speaking to, wants you to come to dinner.

10. I want to talk to the last man who has just returned from the farm.

11. The students whose report are very valuable will be awarded the present.

12. The book which I was reading yesterday was a lovely story.

13. The botanist will never forget the day when he found a strange plant.

14. The person who looked for you three hours ago is phoning you.

15. The man whose daughter is fond of dancing works for my father’s company.

Exercise 14. Rewrite the following sentences by using relative clauses

1. He worked for a woman. She used to be an artist.

2. They called a doctor. He lived nearby.

3. I wrote an email to my sister. She lives in Italy.

4. Linh liked the waiter. He was very friendly.

5. We broke a car. It belonged to my uncle.

6. Ba dropped a cup. It was new.

7. Nam loves books. They have happy endings.

8. I live in a city. It is in the north of Vietnam.

9. The man is in the class. He is wearing a blue hat.

10. The woman works in a hospital. She is from India.

11. My sister has four sons. She lives in Japan.

12. The man was rude. He was wearing a red shirt.

13. The phone is on the table. It belongs to An.

14. The TV got broken. It was my grandfather’s.

15. The radio was stolen. It was bought 35 years ago.

16. The girl gave Binh his phone. She is his daughter.

17. This is the laptop. My mother has just bought it.

18. That’s the man. His car is a Ferrari.

19. I know the woman. She lives upstairs.

20. It’s the dog. I always talk to him at night.

21. She opened the cupboard. She kept her best glasses in there.

22. This is the house. General Giap lived here.

23. The flight was canceled. We were going to take it.

24. I saw the lady in the shop. She was Vicki Zhao.

25. The man is a director. His dog is sick.

26. My violin is missing. It was my birthday present.

27. I first learn English from a book. I’ve just reread it.

28. The police officer has just arrested a man. He robbed the bank.

29. These are the shoes. I bought them in HCMC.

Đáp án

1. He worked for a woman who used to be an artist.

2. They called a doctor who lived nearby.

3. I wrote an email to my sister who lives in Italy.

4. Linh liked the waiter who was very friendly.

5. We broke a car that belonged to my uncle.

6. Ba dropped a cup which was new.

7. Nam loves books that have happy endings.

8. I live in a city that is in the north of Vietnam.

9. The man who is wearing a blue hat is in the class.

10. The woman who is from India works in a hospital.

11. My sister who lives in Japan has four sons.

12. The man who was wearing a red shirt was rude.

13. The phone that belongs to An is on the table.

14. The TV that was my grandfather’s got broken.

15. The radio that was bought 35 years ago was stolen.

16. The girl who gave Binh his phone is his daughter.

17. This is the laptop which my mother has just bought.

18. That’s the man whose car is a Ferrari.

19. I know the woman who lives upstairs.

20. It’s the dog that I always talk to at night.

21. She opened the cupboard where she kept her best glasses.

22. This is the house where General Giap lived.

23. The flight that we were going to take was canceled.

24. The lady that I saw in the shop was Vicki Zhao.

25. The man whose dog is sick is a director.

26. The violin that is missing was my birthday present.

27. I’ve just reread the book which I first learned English from.

28. The police officer has just arrested the man who robbed the bank.

29. These are the shoes that I bought in HCMC.

Exercise 15. Combine two sentences by using reduced relative clauses

1. She bought the car. Her father had recommended it.

2. He lost the pen. I had given it to him.

3. We called the delivery company. Nga often uses it.

4. Lam met a girl. I used to employ her.

5. Chi called the lawyer. My mother knows him.

6. He brought a woman. I worked with her last year.

7. We employed the pianist. Hai introduced her.

8. The cake is on the table. I bought it.

9. The book belongs to Lan. An found it under the chair.

10. The food was delicious. Huy cooked the food.

11. The bike was stolen. My parents gave me the bike.

12. The man was arrested. I reported him to the police.

13. The teacher was right. Ngan asked him about her problem.

14. The writer was very pretty. My brother dated her.

15. The secretary is in the office. Dzung likes her.

16. We ate the food. I bought the food.

Đáp án

1. She bought the car her father had recommended.

2. He lost the pen I had given him.

3. We called the delivery company Nga often uses.

4. Lam met a girl I used to employ.

5. Chi called the lawyer my mother knows.

6. He brought a woman I worked with last year.

7. We employed the pianist Hai introduced.

8. The cake I bought is on the table.

9. The wallet An found under the chair belongs to Lan.

10. The food Huy cooked was delicious.

11. The bike my parents gave me was stolen.

12. The man I reported to the police was arrested.

13. The teacher Ngan asked about her problem was right.

14. The writer my brother dated was very pretty.

15. The secretary Dzung likes is in the office.

16. We ate the food I bought.

Exercise 16. Make one sentence from two. Use who/ which/ that/ where …..

1. I went to see a doctor. She had helped my father

I went to see the doctor ___________________

2. A woman wrote to me. She wanted my advice

The woman ______________________

3. Mary was wearing the red dress. It was made in France

Mary was wearing the red dress ______________

4. We stayed at Sofitel hotel. Mark recommended it to us

We stayed at Sofitel hotel ___________________

5. John is one of my closest friends. I have known him for three years

John is one of my closest friends ______________

6. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA. My sister is living there

New York is one of the largest cities in the USA___________

7. Ann talked to a man. He won a lot of money

Ann talked to the man___________

8. The couple has got a married again. Their divorce was in the newspapers

The couple ___________________

9. He is an architect. He designed the new city library

He is the architect _____________

10. Jerry sent me a letter. It was very funny.

Jerry sent me the letter __________

Đáp án

1. I went to see a doctor who/ that had helped my father

2. The woman who/ that wrote to me wanted my advice

3. Mary was wearing the red dress which/ that was made in France

4. We stayed at the Sofitel hotel which/ that Mark recommended to us

5. John is one of the closest friends whom I have known for three years

6. New York is one of the largest cities in the USA where my sister is living

7. Ann talked to the man who/ that won a lot of money

8. The couple whose divorce was in the newspapers has got married again

9. He is the architect who/ that designed the new city library

10. Jerry sent me the letter that/ which was very funny

Exercise 17. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

1. Nam Dinh province, ___________ my uncle lives, often has hurricanes.





2. I think doctors ___________work in disaster areas are both unselfish and very brave.





3. 2005 was the year _________there was a big earthquake in Indonesia.





4. Mai is the girl___________mother is an architect.





5. A snake or a spider is the animal_________she’d like to keep as a pet.





6. My older brother, ________was twenty-two last month, has gone to work in India.





7. India is the country __________he spent the early years of his life.

A.at which

B.on which



8. The girls and flowers __________ he painted were vivid.





9. Children always want to know the reason __________things are as they are.





10. Is the first of March the day__________the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school?





11. There was a storm _________I had never experienced before.

A.such as

B.as which


D.for which

12. There are several reasons_________Adam is not chosen for the school football team.

A.from then


C.for what


Đáp án

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. B

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. B

Exercise 18. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. Mr. Ken, ______ is living next door, is a dentist.

A. that

B. who

C. whom

D. what

2. Her computer ______ was my friend’s got broke.

A. which

B. whom

C. who

D. that

3. The man _______ she wanted to see her family.

A. which

B. where

C. whom

D. who

4. Her grandmother, _______ is 70, often takes exercise.

A. what

B. who

C. where

D. which

5. The woman _______ came here two days ago is her professor.

A. who

B. that

C. whom

D. what

6. The really happy people are those ……enjoy their daily work.

A. what

B. who

C. which

D. where

7. Freedom is something for ________ millions have given their lives.

A. which

B. where

C. whom

D. who

8. My girlfriend loves tokbokki, _________ is Korean food.

A. which

B. where

C. whom

D. who

9. Blair has passed the exam last week, ________ is great news.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whom

10. The book ________ is in the car is his brother’s.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whom

11. The man_____ lives behind my house is a doctor.


B. who

C. which

D. whom

12. Peter, _____ I played video games with on the weekend, was younger than me.


B. who

C. which

D. whom

13. The old building__________is in front of my house fell down.

A. of which

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

14. We’ll come in July __________the schools are on holiday.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when

Đáp án

1 – Chọn B (Who thay thế cho Mr. Ken)

2 – Chọn D (That thay thế cho her computer – mệnh đề xác định)

3 – Chọn C (thiếu tân ngữ – whom thay thế cho the man)

4 – Chọn B (Who thay thế cho her grandmother)

5 – Chọn A (Who thay thế cho the woman)

6 – Chọn B (thay thế cho those)

7 – Chọn A (Which thay thế cho freedom)

8 – Chọn A (Which thay thế cho tokbokki)

9 – Chọn C (Which thay thế cho việc Blair đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra)

10 – Chọn C (Which thay thế cho the book)

11 – Chọn B < Who thay thế cho the man>

12 – Chọn B hoặc D < Who / Whom đối với câu này có thể chọn cả hai ý đều đúng thay thế cho từ chỉ người>

13 – Chọn B < Which thay thế cho The old building>

14 – Chọn D < When là từ phù hợp được dùng trong câu>

Exercise 19. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. The man is her father. You met him last week.


2. Zoe likes the blue T-shirt. My sister is wearing it.


3. Show me the new hats. You bought them last night.


4. Zoe has a sister. Her sister’s name is Juma.


5. That is a company. It produces rings.


6. The children were attracted by the show. It was performed so many.


7. My best friend can compose songs. Ly sings folk songs very well.


8. Tet is a festival. Tet often happens in late January or early February.


9. Zoe bought a new phone yesterday. I can use it to send and receive messages.


10. Jack is the boy. He is giving my mom a gift.


Đáp án

1 – The man whom you met last week is her father.

2 – Zoe likes the blue T-shirt which my sister is wearing.

3 – Show me the new hats which you bought last night.

4 – Zoe has a sister whose name is Juma.

5 – That is a company which produces rings.

6 – The children were attracted by the show which was performed so many.

7 – My best friend can compose songs which Ly sings very well.

8 – Tet is a festival that often happens in late January or early February.

9 – Zoe bought a new phone yesterday which I can use to send and receive messages.

10 – Jack is the boy who is giving my mom a gift.

Exercise 20.Chọn mệnh đề quan hệ phù hợp điền vào chỗ trống.

1. The film about _____ they are talking about is fantastic.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. that

2. He is the boy _______ is my best friend.

A. that

B. whom

C. who

D. A& C

3. I live in a pleasant room ____________ the garden.

A. to overlook

B. overlooking

C. overlooked

D. which overlooking

4. The pilot was the only man _______ after the crash.

A.was rescued

B. rescued

C. rescuing

D. to be rescued

5. I’ll see you near the post office ___________ we met the other day.

A. which

B. where

C. when

D. why

6. The people ____ for the bus in the rain are getting well.

A. waiting

B. to wait

C. waited

D. wait

7. I have a message for people _____ by the traffic chaos.

A. to delay

B. who delay

C. delayed

D. who delaying

8. Melanie was the only person _____ a letter of thanks.

A. wrote

B. written

C. to write

D. writing

9. I met a lot of new people at the party ________ names I can’t remember.

A. whose

B. which

C. who

D. whom

10. Tell me the reason ______ you were absent yesterday.

A. where

B. when

C. why

D. that

Đáp án

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C

Exercise 21. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai (nếu có) trong những câu sau đây

1. The film who I watched yesterday was interesting.

2. The only house to be paint last week was Oanh’s.

3. A dictionary is a book whom gives her the meaning of words.

4. I like that dress whom is really beautiful.

5. Do you get on with the person which lives behind?

Đáp án

1. The film who I watched yesterday was interesting.

2. The only house to be paint last week was Oanh’s.

3. A dictionary is a book whom gives her the meaning of words.

4. I like that dress whom is really beautiful.

5. Do you get on with the person which lives behind?

Exercise 22. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using ‘that’ or ‘who’ and a relative clause:

1) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete)

2) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby)

3) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia)

4) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly)

5) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father)

6) I dropped a glass (the glass was new)

7) She loves books (the books have happy endings)

8) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England)

9) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)

10) The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India)

11) My sister has three children (my sister lives in Australia)

12) The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt)

13) The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John)

14) The table got broken (the table was my grandmother’s)

15) The television was stolen (the television was bought 20 years ago)

16) The fruit is on the table (the fruit isn’t fresh)

Đáp án

1 – She worked for a man who used to be an athlete

2 – They called a lawyer who lived nearby

3 – I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia

4 – The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly

5 – We broke the computer that belonged to my father

6 – I dropped a glass that was new

7 – She loves books that have happy endings

8 – They live in a city that is in the north of England

9 – The man who is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden

10 – The girl who is from India works in a bank

11 – My sister who lives in Australia has three children

12 – The waiter who was wearing a blue shirt was rude

13 – The money that belongs to John is in the kitchen

14 – The table that was my grandmother’s got broken

15 – The television that was bought 20 years ago was stolen

16 – The fruit that isn’t fresh is on the table.

Exercise 23. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. If it’s possible, you should drop the relative pronoun:

1) I broke the tea cup (the plate was a Christmas present)

2) The police arrested the woman (I saw the woman steal a purse)

3) The hotel manager fired the chef (we had met the chef)

4) She wrote to her friend (her friend lives in California)

5) Jill ate the burger (the sandwich had beef steak, tomato and cheese inside)

6) Her friend lives in Switzerland (her friend is an engineer)

7) We called the secretary (I went to bank with the secretary)

8) The CD is in my schoolbag (the CD has Us-Uk music)

9) The book is very interesting (the book is about Korean culture)

10) The bag was stolen (I bought the bag last weekend)

11) He likes action films (the films come from Hollywood)

12) My nephew broke the plate (I received the plate as a birthday present)

13) The chocolate was very old (we bought the chocolate last year)

14) The TV programme was very funny (Luciay recommended the TV programme)

15) The boy is on TV tonight (I met the boy yesterday)

16) Lien found the money (I dropped the money)

Đáp án

1) I broke the tea cup (the plate was a Christmas present)

→ I broke the tea cup that was a Christmas present

2) The police arrested the woman (I saw the woman steal a purse)

→ The police arrested the woman I saw steal a purse

3) The hotel manager fired the chef (we had met the chef)

→ The hotel manager fired the chef we had met

4) She wrote to her friend (her friend lives in California)

→ She wrote to her friend that lives in California

5) Jill ate the burger (the sandwich had beef steak, tomato and cheese inside)

→ Jill ate the burger that had beef steak, tomato and cheese inside

6) Her friend lives in Switzerland (her friend is an engineer)

→ Her friend that is an engineer lives in Switzerland

7) We called the secretary (I went to bank with the secretary)

→ We called the secretary I went to bank with

8) The CD is in my schoolbag (the CD has Us-Uk music)

→ The CD that has Us-Uk music is in my schoolbag

9) The book is very interesting (the book is about Korean culture)

→ The book that is about Korean culture is very interesting

10) The bag was stolen (I bought the bag last weekend)

→ The bag I bought last weekend was stolen

11) He likes action films (the films come from Hollywood)

→ He likes action films that come from Hollywood

12) My nephew broke the plate (I received the plate as a birthday present)

→ My nephew broke the plate I received as a birthday present

13) The chocolate was very old (we bought the chocolate last year)

→ The chocolate we bought last year was very old

14) The TV programme was very funny (Lucia recommended the TV programme)

→ The TV programme Lucia recommended was very funny

15) The boy is on TV tonight (I met the boy yesterday)

→ The boy I met yesterday is on TV tonight

16) Lien found the money (I dropped the money)

→ Lien found the money I dropped

Exercise 24. Nối 2 câu sau thành 1 câu liền mạch.

1. Zoe is the girl. She phoned the police yesterday.


2. I buy a new dress. It is beautiful and fashionable.


3. There is a woman is standing over there. It is my English teacher.


4. They interviewed the last student. It was Zoe.


5. Those are books. Jack has just bought them from the bookstore.


6. The Maldives is best known for foreign traveler. It has pleasant weather.


7. They had a pool. They could swim in.


Đáp án

1. Zoe is the girl. She phoned the police yesterday.

__Zoe is the girl who phoned the police yesterday.___

2. I buy a new dress. It is beautiful and fashionable.

__I buy a new dress which is beautiful and fashionable.___

3. There is a woman is standing over there. It is my English teacher.

___The woman who is standing over there is my English teacher.____

4. They interviewed the last student. It was Zoe.

____The last student that was interviewed was Zoe.___

5. Those are books. Jack has just bought them from the bookstore.

___Those are the books which Jack has just bought from the bookstore.____

6. The Maldives is best known for foreign traveler. It has pleasant weather.

____The Maldives, which is best known for foreign travelers, has pleasant weather.___

7. They had a pool. They could swim in.

____They had a pool in which they could swim.____

Exercise 25. Fill in : WHOSE, WHO, WHY, WHERE, WHICH or WHOM

Last year my best friend, _______name is Annie, invited me to stay with her during the summer holiday. Annie lives in Nancy, _______is a beautiful town in the eastern part of France. She has a big apartment _______overlooks the river. The school _______she works is very close to her apartment.

Annie studied French at university, _______is the reason _______she decided to live in France. She teaches English to students, most of _______ are hoping to study in England and America and need to be able to speak English. I met some of Annie’s students when I visited her. I also met her boss, _______ struck me as being a very nice man. He offered me a job in his school as soon as he found out that I was in the teaching business too. I decided to accept his offer, _______ is _______ I’m still here in Nancy.

Đáp án

Last year my best friend, __WHOSE____name is Annie, invited me to stay with her during the summer holiday. Annie lives in Nancy, ___WHICH____is a beautiful town in the eastern part of France. She has a big apartment ___WHICH____overlooks the river. The school ___WHERE____she works is very close to her apartment.

Annie studied French at university, ____WHICH___is the reason ____WHY___she decided to live in France. She teaches English to students, most of __WHOM_____ are hoping to study in England and America and need to be able to speak English. I met some of Annie’s students when I visited her. I also met her boss, ____WHO___ struck me as being a very nice man. He offered me a job in his school as soon as he found out that I was in the teaching business too. I decided to accept his offer, ___WHICH____ is _____WHY__ I’m still here in Nancy.

Exercise 26. Combine the following sentences using relatives pronouns

1. Al Gore gave a long and boring speech. He won the Nobel Prize.


2. Social network sites will definitely change business. They are very popular


3. Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson. She is my neighbour.


4. Whiting House is an important local monument. It was built in 1856.


5. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. He was president of the USA.


6. This is the man. I met him in Paris.


7. I wanted the painting. You bought it.


8. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.


9. She’s the woman. She telephoned the police.


10. He’s the person. He wanted to buy your house.


11. We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.


Đáp án

1. Al Gore, who won the Nobel Prize, gave a long and boring speech.

2. Social network sites, which are very popular, will defintely change business

3. Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson, who is my neighbour.

4. Whiting House, which was built in 1856, is an important local monument.

5. John F. Kennedy, who was president of the USA, was assassinated in 1963.

6. This is the man who/ whom I met in Paris.

7. I wanted the painting which/ that you bought.

8. This is the chair which/ that my parents gave me.

9. She’s the woman who/ that telephoned the police.

10. He’s the person who/ that wanted to buy your house.

11. We threw out the computer which/ that never worked properly.

Exercise 27. Complete the sentences with WHO, WHICH or WHERE.

1. He is the doctor ______looked after my mother.

2. Who ate the biscuits ______were in the cupboard?

3. Is she the secretary ______works at your office ?

4. Where are the postcards ______you wrote yesterday ?

5. That is the place ______the Browns live .

6. Do you know the person ______repaired my car ?

7. We visited the school ______my aunt taught until last summer .

8. He still can’t drive the car ______he bought last year .

9. Do you know the man ______had an accident yesterday ?

10. We are going to a shop they ______ sell used clothes.

Đáp án

1. He is the doctor __who____looked after my mother.

2. Who ate the biscuits ____which__were in the cupboard?

3. Is she the secretary ___who___works at your office ?

4. Where are the postcards ___which___you wrote yesterday ?

5. That is the place __where____the Browns live .

6. Do you know the person __who____repaired my car ?

7. We visited the school ____where__my aunt taught until last summer .

8. He still can’t drive the car __which____he bought last year .

9. Do you know the man ___who___had an accident yesterday ?

10. We are going to a shop they ____which__ sell used clothes.

Exercise 28. Match each pair of sentences with suitable relative adverb

1. Last week I went to see the house. I used to live in it.


2. He used to go to work late. That’s why he was sacked.


3. I never forget the park. We met each other for the first time at this park.


4. The report was prepared yesterday. There was a heavy rain outside yesterday.


5. Her husband was aboard in September. She bought this house at that time.


Đáp án

1. Last week I went to see the house where I used to live.

2. The reason why he was sacked was that he used to go to work late.

3. I never forget the park where we met each other for the first time.

4. The report was prepared yesterday when there was a heavy rain outside.

5. She bought this house in September when her husband was aboard.

Exercise 29. Fill in : WHOSE, WHO, WHY, WHERE, WHICH or WHOM.

Last year my best friend, ______ name is Annie, invited me to stay with her during the summer holiday. Annie lives in Nancy, _______ is a beautiful town in the eastern part of France. She has a big apartment _______ overlooks the river. The school ________ she works is very close to her apartment. Annie studied French at university, ________ is the reason _______ she decided to live in France. She teaches English to students, most of _____ are hoping to study in England and America and need to be able to speak English. I met some of Annie’s students when I visited her. I also met her boss, _______ struck me as being a very nice man. He offered me a job in his school as soon as he found out that I was in the teaching business too. I decided to accept his offer, _______ is ______ I’m still here in Nancy.

Đáp án

Last year my best friend, ____whose__ name is Annie, invited me to stay with her during the summer holiday. Annie lives in Nancy, ___which____ is a beautiful town in the eastern part of France. She has a big apartment ____which___ overlooks the river. The school ____where____ she works is very close to her apartment. Annie studied French at university, _____which___ is the reason ____why___ she decided to live in France. She teaches English to students, most of __whom___ are hoping to study in England and America and need to be able to speak English. I met some of Annie’s students when I visited her. I also met her boss, ___who____ struck me as being a very nice man. He offered me a job in his school as soon as he found out that I was in the teaching business too. I decided to accept his offer, ____which___ is ___why___ I’m still here in Nancy.

Exercise 30. Fill in the blank with the correct relative pronoun.

1. There are eighteen different kinds of penguins ______ live south of the equator.

2. Thank you very much for the present ______ you sent me.

3. This is Mrs. Jones, ______ son won the championship last year.

4. His girlfriend, ______ he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy.

5. The bus crashed into a queue of people, four of _______ were killed.

6. A man bought in a little girl, ______ hand was cut by flying glass.

7. Mary, ______ boyfriend didn’t turn up, ended by having lunch with Peter.

8. He paid me $5 for cleaning ten windows, most of _______ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

9. In prison they fed us on dry bread, most of ______ was moldy.

10. The chair in _____ I was sitting suddenly collapsed.

11. The bed ______ I slept on has no mattress.

12. The man _______ I was waiting for didn’t turn up.

13. The student with ________ she was dancing had a slight limb.

Đáp án

1. There are eighteen different kinds of penguins ___which___ live south of the equator.

2. Thank you very much for the present ___which___ you sent me.

3. This is Mrs. Jones, ___whose___ son won the championship last year.

4. His girlfriend, ___who/ whom___ he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy.

5. The bus crashed into a queue of people, four of __whom_____ were killed.

6. A man bought in a little girl, ___whose__ hand was cut by flying glass.

7. Mary, ___whose___ boyfriend didn’t turn up, ended by having lunch with Peter.

8. He paid me $5 for cleaning ten windows, most of ___which____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

9. In prison they fed us on dry bread, most of ___which___ was moldy.

10. The chair in __which___ I was sitting suddenly collapsed.

11. The bed ____which__ I slept on has no mattress.

12. The man ___who/ whom____ I was waiting for didn’t turn up.

13. The student with ___whom_____ she was dancing had a slight limb.

Exercise 31. Bài tập mệnh đề quan hệ lớp 10 viết lại câu

1. The man went to the police station. His car was stolen. (whose)


2. She bought a smartphone. It has NFC and 5G technologies. (that)


3. I have found the letter. I have been looking for it. (which)


4. She has a boyfriend. His mum is a well-known teacher. (whose)


5. The student asks a lot of questions. He sits in the corner of the room. (who)


Đáp án

1. The man went to the police station. His car was stolen. (whose)

______The man whose car was stolen went to the police station.________

2. She bought a smartphone. It has NFC and 5G technologies. (that)

______She bought a smart phone that has NFC and 5G technologies.___________

3. I have found the letter. I have been looking for it. (which)

________I have found the letter which I have been looking for.__________

4. She has a boyfriend. His mum is a well-known teacher. (whose)

_______She has a boyfriend whose mum is a well-known teacher._______

5. The student asks a lot of questions. He sits in the corner of the room. (who)

_______The student who sits in the corner of the room asks a lot of questions.___________

Exercise 32. Complete the sentences with WHO, WHICH or WHERE.

1. He still can’t drive the car _____ he bought last year .

2. Do you know the man _________ had an accident yesterday ?

3. We are going to a shop _______ they sell used clothes.

4. Do you think you can point out the man _______ stole your bracelet ?

5. Do you know anyone ______ can fix my computer ?

6. This is the house _________ John Lennon lived .

Đáp án

1. He still can’t drive the car __which___ he bought last year .

2. Do you know the man ____who_____ had an accident yesterday ?

3. We are going to a shop ____where___ they sell used clothes.

4. Do you think you can point out the man ___who____ stole your bracelet ?

5. Do you know anyone __who____ can fix my computer ?

6. This is the house _____where____ John Lennon lived .

Exercise 33. Combine the sentences with relative clauses. (Decide whether to use commas or not)

1. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.


2. I have one black cat. His name is Mickey.


3. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.


4. Sue plays the piano very well. She is only 8 years old.


5. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia.


Đáp án

1. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.

_______ A monk , a man who has devoted his life to God._______

2. I have one black cat. His name is Mickey.

_______ I have one black cat, whose name is Mickey._______

3. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.

_______ A herbivore is an animal that feeds upon vegetation._______

4. Sue plays the piano very well. She is only 8 years old.

_______ Sue, who is only 8 years old, plays the piano very well._______

5. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia.

_______ Sydney, which is not the capital of Australia, is the largest Australian city._______

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