50 bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Hiện tại hoàn thành

Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Cấu trúc

S + have/ has + PII

S + haven’t/ hasn’t + PII

Have/ Has + S + PII?

S + have/ has + been + Ving

S + haven’t/ hasn’t + been + Ving

Have/ Has + S + been + Ving?

Cách sử dụng

– Nhấn mạnh đến kết quả của hành động

=> Nhấn mạnh “Bao nhiêu, bao lần_ (how much, how many, or how many times)


– Nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động

=> Nhấn mạnh “Bao lâu” (how long)

Dấu hiệu

ever, never, just, already, recently, since, for

All the morning, all the afternoon, all day long, since, for, how long…

Ví dụ

How many pages of that book have you read?

How long have you been reading that books?

II. Bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Bài 1:

For each situation, write two sentences using the words in brackets.

1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it andnow he is on page 53.

(read/ for two hour) He has been reading for two hours.

(read/ 53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages so far.

2. Rachel is from Astralia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three months ago.

(travel/ for three months) She …….

(visit/six countries so far) …….

3. Patrick is a tennis player.He began playing tennis when he was ten yearsold. This year he is national champion again – for the fourth time

(win/ the national championships/ four times) …….

(play/ tennis since he was ten) …….

4. When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together.They still make films.

(make/ five films since they left college) …….

Đáp án:

2. She’s been travelling for three months.

She’s visited six countries so far.

3. He’s won the national championships four times.

He’s been playing tennis since he was ten.

4. They’ve made five films since they left college.

They’ve been making films since they left college.

Bài 2:

For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets.

1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic.

You ask: (how long/ learn/ Arabic?) How long have you been learning Arabic?

2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you.

You ask: (wait/ long) Have ………

3. You see somebody fishing by the river.

You ask: (catch/ any fish?) ………

4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week.

You ask: (how many people/ invite?) ………

5. A friend of yours is a teacher.

You ask: (how long/ teach) ………

6. You meet somebody who is a writer.

You ask: (how many book/ write) ……… (how long/ write/ books?) ………

7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday.

You ask: (how long/ save?) ……… (how much money/ save) ………

Đáp án:

2. Have you been waiting long?

3. Have you caught any fish?

4. How mayy people have you invited?

5. How long have you been teaching?

6. How many books have you written? How long have you been writing books?

7. How long have you been saving? How much money have you saved?

Bài 3: Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous (I have been doing).

1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/ play) tennis?

2. Look! ….. (somebody/ break) that window.

3. You look tired ….. (you/ work) hard?

4. “…… (you/ ever/ work) in a factory?” “No, never.”

5. “Liz is away on holiday.” “Is she? Where ….. (she/ go).

6. My brother is an actor ….. (he/ appear) in several films.

7. “Sorry I’m late”. “That’s all right ….. (I/ not/ wait) long?”

8. “Is it still raining?” “No, ….. (it/ stop)”.

9. …… (I/ lose) my address book ….. (you/ see) it?

10. …… (I/ read) the book you lent me, but ….. (I/ not/ finish) it yet. It’s very interesting.

11. …… (I/ read) the book you lent me,so you can have it back now.

Đáp án:

2. somebody has broken

3. Have you been working

4. Have you ever worked

5. has he gone

6. he’s appeared

7. I haven’t been waiting

8. it’s stopped

9. I’ve lost

10. I’ve been reading

11. I’ve read

Bài 4. Choose present perfect simple or continuous

1) (they/arrive) already?

2) Lucy (run) 2000 metres today.

3) I (clean) all morning – I’m fed up!

4) How long (you/know) Simon?

5) I (drink) more water recently, and I feel better.

6) Sorry about the mess! I (bake).

7) How many times (you/take) this exam?

8) He (eat) six bars of chocolate today.

9) Julie (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!

10) The students (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.

11) The baby’s face is really dirty. What (he/eat)?

12) Iona is exhausted these days. She (work) too hard recently.

13) Luke (never/be) abroad.

14) I (wait) three hours already!

15) (you/finish) your homework yet?

16) How long (you/be) a lawyer?

17) I (read) your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on chapter 2.

18) She (drink) ten glasses of water!

19) I (have) my dog for sixteen years.

20) Help, I (lose) my wallet. How can I get home?

21) I (not/do) the housework yet.

22) They (study) very hard recently.

23) She (promise) to help many times.

24) He (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.

25) She (write) her essay and (send) it to her professor.

26) He (see) the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six times.

27) We (paint) our living room. I think it looks a lot better.

28) She (take) French lessons lately.

29) It (not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour.

30) Lucy (leave) .

Đáp án:

1 – Have they arrived; 2 – has run; 3 – have been cleaning; 4 – have you known;

5 – have been drinking; 6 – have been baking; 7 – have you taken; 8 – has eaten;

9 – has cooked; 10 – have finished; 11 – has he been eating; 12 – has been working;

13 – has never been; 14 – have been waiting; 15 – Have you finished; 16 – have you been;

17 – have been reading; 18 – has drunk; 19 – have had; 20 – have lost;

21 – haven’t done; 22 – have been studying; 23 – has promised; 24 – has cleaned;

25 – has written – has sent; 26 – has seen; 27 – have painted; 28 – has been taking; 29 – hasn’t been raining; 30 – has already left

Bài 5: Put the verb between brackets in the correct tense. Use the present perfect continuous when possible, and use the present perfect simple elsewhere

1. I ___________________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?

2. I ___________________ (read) the book you gave me, but I ___________________ (not finish) it yet

3. “Sorry, I’m late!” – “That’s right. I ___________________ (not wait) long.

4. I ___________________ (clean) the windows. So farr I ___________________ (clean) five of them. There are only two more to do.

5. There’s a strange smell in here. ___________________ (yoy/ cook) something?

6. Lucy ___________________ (run) 200 metres today.

7. I ___________________ (clean) all morning. – I’m fed up!

8. How long ___________________ (you/ know) Simon?

9. I ___________________ (drink) more water lately, and I feel better.

10. Sorry about the mess! I ___________________ (bake)

11. How many times ___________________ (you/ take) this exam?

12. He ___________________ (eat) six bars of chocolate today!

13. Julie ___________________ (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!

14. The students ___________________ (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.

15. The baby’s face is really dirty! What ___________________ (he/ eat)?

Đáp án:
1. I __________have lost_________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?

2. I ________have been reading___________ (read) the book you gave me, but I ________haven’t finshed___________ (not finish) it yet

3. “Sorry, I’m late!” – “That’s right. I ______haven’t been waiting_____________ (not wait) long.

4. I ______have been cleaning_____________ (clean) the windows. So farr I ________have cleaned___________ (clean) five of them. There are only two more to do.

5. There’s a strange smell in here. ____Have you been cooking_______________ (yoy/ cook) something?

6. Lucy _____had run______________ (run) 200 metres today.

7. I _____have been cleaning______________ (clean) all morning. – I’m fed up!

8. How long _______have you known____________ (you/ know) Simon?

9. I _____’ve been drinking______________ (drink) more water lately, and I feel better.

10. Sorry about the mess! I ______;ve been baking_____________ (bake)

11. How many times _________have you taken__________ (you/ take) this exam?

12. He _______has eaten____________ (eat) six bars of chocolate today!

13. Julie ________has cooked___________ (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!

14. The students ______have finished_____________ (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.

15. The baby’s face is really dirty! What __________has he been eating_________ (he/ eat)?

Bài 6: Put the verb between brackets in the correct tense. Use the present perfect continuous when possible, and use the present perfect simple elsewhere

1. _______________ you _______________ (hear) about what happened in Boston today?

2. I _______________ (read) that book all afternoon.

3. Tom _______________ (write) a lot of books, but only three of them have ever been published.

4. Mum, the rice crackers _______________ (go) soft and they don’t taste good anymore.

5. Tom and Mary _______________ (do) that since they were kids.

6. Tom and Mary _______________ (drink), but they aren’t drunk.

7. Mary and I _______________ (go out) for three years.

8. I _______________ (read) that book several times.

9. Can’t you ever be puntual? I _______________ (wait) here for one hour.

Đáp án

1. _____Have__________ you ________heard_______ (hear) about what happened in Boston today?

2. I _______have been reading________ (read) that book all afternoon.

3. Tom ____has written___________ (write) a lot of books, but only three of them have ever been published.

4. Mum, the rice crackers ______have gone_________ (go) soft and they don’t taste good anymore.

5. Tom and Mary _______have been doing________ (do) that since they were kids.

6. Tom and Mary _______have been drinking________ (drink), but they aren’t drunk.

7. Mary and I _____have been going out__________ (go out) for three years.

8. I ________have read_______ (read) that book several times.

9. Can’t you ever be punctual? I ____have been waiting___________ (wait) here for one hour.

Bài 7. Give the correct of the word in bracket.

1. She _______ (MEET) James on the street yesterday and he _______ (TELL) her that he ______ (BE) ill for the past two weeks.

2. I ______ (LOOK) out of the window last night because I ______ (HEAR) some noises.

3. I _______ (INVITE) Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she ________ (ALREADY MAKE) other plans.

1. They ________ (WATCH) TV when the earthquake occurred.

5. When room service arrived, we _______ (ALREADY WAIT) for nearly half an hour.

6. He ________ (STUDY) English for three years when he started a new course.

Đáp án

1. She ___MET____ (MEET) James on the street yesterday and he ____TOLD___ (TELL) her that he ___HAD BEEN___ (BE) ill for the past two weeks.

2. I ___LOOKED___ (LOOK) out of the window last night because I __HAD HEARD____ (HEAR) some noises.

3. I ____INVITED___ (INVITE) Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she ____HAD ALREADY MADE____ (ALREADY MAKE) other plans.

1. They ____WERE WATCHING____ (WATCH) TV when the earthquake occurred.

5. When room service arrived, we ____HAD ALREADY BEEN WAITING___ (ALREADY WAIT) for nearly half an hour.

6. He ____HAD STUDIED / HAD BEEN STUDYING____ (STUDY) English for three years when he started a new course.

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