50 bài tập Since/ For có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Since/ For có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Since/ For và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Since/ For có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Since/ For

Cấu trúc động từ to be Khẳng định: S + have/has + been + … + since + mốc thời gian.
Phủ định: S + have/has not + been + … + since + mốc thời gian.
Nghi vấn: Have/Has + S + been + … + since + mốc thời gian?
Khẳng định: S + have/has + been + … + for + khoảng thời gian.
Phủ định: S + have/has not + been + … + for + khoảng thời gian.
Nghi vấn: Have/Has + S + been + … + for + khoảng thời gian?
Cấu trúc động từ thường Khẳng định: S + have/has + V(p2) + … + since + mốc thời gian.
Phủ định: S + have/has not + V(p2) + … + since + mốc thời gian.
Nghi vấn: Have/Has + S + V(p2) + … + since + mốc thời gian?
Khẳng định: S + have/has + V(p2) + … + for + khoảng thời gian.
Phủ định: S + have/has not + V(p2) + … + for + khoảng thời gian.
Nghi vấn: Have/Has + S + V(p2) + … + for + khoảng thời gian?
Cách sử dụng Dùng để đề cập đến thời điểm hành động, sự việc xảy ra hoặc một mốc thời gian của sự kiện nào đó trong quá khứ.
Trả lời cho câu hỏi When? (Khi nào?)
Dùng để đề cập thời gian của hành động, sự việc ấy xảy ra trong bao lâu
Trả lời cho câu hỏi How long? (Bao lâu?)
Ví dụ I have lived in Vietnam since I was born. (Tôi sống ở Việt Nam từ khi tôi được sinh ra.) I have lived in Vietnam for 20 years.(Tôi sống ở Việt Nam được 20 năm rồi.)

II. Bài tập Since/ For

Ex 1: Điền vào chỗ trống với since/ for

1. She’s lived here ___ 1975.

2. He’s been in London ___ five days.

3. They haven’t been used ___ many years.

4. She’s been working ___ nine this morning.

5. I haven’t eaten ___ hours.

6. It has been raining ___ ages.

7. India has been independant ___ 1947.

8. They have been married ___ October.

9. How many years is it ___ you graduated from junior high school?

10. We have been waiting ___ twenty minutes.

Đáp án:

1. since


2. for

3. for

4. since

5. for

6. for

7. since

8. since

9. since

10. for

Ex 2. Điền cụm từ với “for”, “since” hoặc “ago”.

1. The phone last rang at four o’clock. ~ So you’ve had no calls …………… ..?

2. I haven’t been to the dentist for ten years. ~ You last went to the dentist………………?

3. I last saw Rita on Sunday. ~ Haven’t you seen her ……………….?

4. We’ve had six weeks without rain. ~ Yes, it hasn’t rained………………

5. It’s three years since Lisa got married. ~ Really? Has she been married………………?

6. It’s eight months since my sister had any work. ~ He lost his job……?

7. Mrs. Brown was taken ill three weeks ago. ~ You mean she’s been ill…………………, and nobody’s told me!

8. I got here an hour ago. ~ What! You mean you’ve been waiting …………… an hour?

9. I have not seen him……………. he was 16.

10. I’ve known him ……………. ages.

11. Things have changed a lot…………….our previous meeting.

12. It’s been raining…………….four o’clock.

13. I’m sure he’s been watching us …………….we came in.

14. He’d been here…………….over an hour when we arrived.

15. I’ve been trying to fix this computer…………….early this morning.

16. He hasn’t had anything to eat…………….nearly a week.

17. It’s three years…………….he started learning German.

18. He’s been collecting stamps…………….the past twenty years.

19. Nobody has seen him…………….last Friday.

20. It has been foggy…………….some days.

21. He has been fishing…………….six o’clock.

22. They’ve been living in France …………….eight years.

23. The pilots have been on strike…………….two months.

24. We’ve had terrible weather…………….Saturday.

25. I’ve known Tom…………….1990.

26. We have been waiting for the bus…………….half an hour.

27. She hasn’t lost a match…………….April.

28. Things have changed…………….she’s become headmaster.

29. The police have been looking for him…………….a month.

30. Our dog has been ill…………….two days.

31. I’ve been looking for this book…………….a long time.

32. I’ve been working…………….I got up.

33. The kettle has been boiling…………….ten minutes.

34. They have been living in Madrid ……………..1972.

35. He has been in prison……………… four years.

36. He has known about the fact …………….a long time.

37. Conditions have changed a lot ……………….we were children.

38. Our teacher has been very ill …………….the last month.

39. I haven’t eaten anything …………….twenty.four hours.

40. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him …………..half an hour.

41. I haven’t seen him for three years. It is because I haven’t been there………..I left school.

42. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car……………… hours.

43. One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo…………….. three years. I haven’t met him since last year.

44. I haven’t enjoyed myself…………….two weeks since I heard that my final exam grades were low.

45. I know that you have never seen a lion………. you were born. Then now I say that we can go to the zoo and see one.

46. The police have been looking for him for two weeks……….. he escaped from the prison.

47. He hasn’t spoken to me even a word …………..the last meeting.

48. I haven’t phoned him ……………a week.

49. He has been the principal of our high school ……………1988.

49. Dean has been learning Japanese ………..two years.

50. I have been waiting ………….4 o’clock.

51. Sue has only been waiting ……………..20 minutes.

52. Tim and Tina have been learning English …………six years.

53. Fred and Frida have been learning French …………………1998.

54. Joe and Josephine have been going out together ……….Valentine’s Day.

55. I haven’t been on holiday ………………….last July.

56. Mary has been saving her money ………….many years.

57. I haven’t eaten anything …………….breakfast.

58. You have been watching TV …………hours.

59. We have been living here ……………2 months.

60. What have you been doing _____ we last spoke?

61. What has changed in your life _____ you moved here?

62. I have been working full.time _____ several weeks now.

63. Donald hasn’t wanted to talk to me _____ our argument.

64. Tony Swanson has been with the company _____ 25 years.

65. The little girl was hungry because she hadn’t eaten anything _____ a while.

66. Puerto Ricans have been migrating to the United States _____ over a century.

67. Human beings have sought to know the unimaginable _____ the beginning of time.

68. It is believed that everything in the universe has existed _____ the Big Bang 15 billion years ago.

69. Is there a family member who has a talent that has been in your family _____ several generations?

70. The weather is dry. It hasn’t rained…………….a few weeks.

71. It’s been raining…………….lunchtime.

72. Sarah has lived in Paris…………….1995.

73. Paul has lived in London…………….10 years.

74. I’m tired of waiting. We’ve been sitting here…………….an hour.

75. Kevin has been looking for a job…………….he left school.

76. I haven’t been to a party …………….ages.

77. I wonder where Joe is. I haven’t seen him …………….last week.

78. Jane is away. She’s been away…………….Friday.

79. We’re going to France ____ a month next summer.

80. Beckett’s Ice Cream Shop has been in business ____ 1942 lived in this house

81. We haven’t been to the cinema __ ages.__ five years.

82. Jim has had a cold ________ last Thursday and hasn’t been able to go to work.

83. No wonder Seth is tired. He hasn’t slept ____ 24 hours!

84. Monica hasn’t heard from her son ____ last Thursday.

85. Paul will be studying at Yale ___ another semester.

86. I haven’t been to St. Petersburg ____ 1995.

87. How long are you here ____?

88. Meg has worked at IBM ____ ten years.

89. I have been working here …………a fortnight.

90. He has been ill………… Monday.

91. Sarah’s father has been a policeman …………20 years.

92. David has had a driving licence………… 1980.

93. He has been Prime Minister …………six months.

94. You’ve been on the phone …………half an hour.

95. They have lived here …………five years.

96. He has been unemployed …………April.

97. It hasn’t snowed …………1993.

98. He has smoked a pipe …………20 years.

99. The pizza has been in the oven………… 10 minutes.

100. I have been waiting for you …………2 hours.

101. They haven’t seen him…………….Monday.

102. We haven’t met them…………….your birthday.

103. I haven’t heard from them …………….they were here.

104. She has been married …………….some years.

105. I haven’t talked to them…………….we last met you.

106. He hasn’t won any race…………….Easter.

107. We haven’t been to any party…………….three months.

108. I haven’t talked to her…………….January.

109. They have been living in this house…………….many years.

110. I haven’t received any letters ………I moved to this place.

111. She has lived in that city…………….at least twenty years.

112. …………….2005 she has been attending this school.

113. …………….June 1 she has been working here.

114. It hasn’t rained …………….March.

115. …………….Christmas she has been staying in this house.

116. I have not seen her………… last summer.

117. We have not met …………the end of the war.

118. He has been in Paris …………about two weeks.

119. The movie has been on …………more than six months.

120. He has not had an accident …………the day he took out a comprehensive policy.

121. I have only had this computer …………3 weeks.

122. I have not heard from him …………my birthday.

123. He stayed in Europe …………less than a year.

124. We’ve been waiting for the train ___ noon.

125. I haven’t seen them ___ last week.

126. I’ve been working here ___ the beginning of the year.

127. She’s been sick ___ over a week.

128. He’s been learning English ___ a long time.

129. I’ve been working in this bank ___ I graduated university.

130. My daughter has been playing piano ___ she was ten years old.

131. You’ve been studying ___ three hours.

132. He’s lived in this apartment ___ he was a young man.

133. She can run ___ two hours without a break.

134. I haven’t seen any of them ___ I was in the army.

135. The rain lasted ___ over five hours.

136. I haven’t slept ___ hours.

137. ___ when have your parents let you borrow their car?

Đáp án:

1. The phone last rang at four o’clock. ~ So you’ve had no calls ……since four o’clock……… ..?

2. I haven’t been to the dentist for ten years. ~ You last went to the dentist……ago………?

3. I last saw Rita on Sunday. ~ Haven’t you seen her …….since Sunday…………?

4. We’ve had six weeks without rain. ~ Yes, it hasn’t rained……for six weeks…………

5. It’s three years since Lisa got married. ~ Really? Has she been married……for three years…………?

6. It’s eight months since my sister had any work. ~ He lost his job…ago…?

7. Mrs. Brown was taken ill three weeks ago. ~ You mean she’s been ill………for three weeks…………, and nobody’s told me!

8. I got here an hour ago. ~ What! You mean you’ve been waiting ……for……… an hour?

9. I have not seen him……since………. he was 16.

10. I’ve known him ………for……. ages.

11. Things have changed a lot………since…….our previous meeting.

12. It’s been raining……for……….four o’clock.

13. I’m sure he’s been watching us …………since….we came in.

14. He’d been here……for……….over an hour when we arrived.

15. I’ve been trying to fix this computer………since…….early this morning.

16. He hasn’t had anything to eat………for…….nearly a week.

17. It’s three years………since…….he started learning German.

18. He’s been collecting stamps………since…….the past twenty years.

19. Nobody has seen him……since……….last Friday.

20. It has been foggy………for…….some days.

21. He has been fishing……since……….six o’clock.

22. They’ve been living in France ……for……….eight years.

23. The pilots have been on strike……for……….two months.

24. We’ve had terrible weather………since…….Saturday.

25. I’ve known Tom……since……….1990.

26. We have been waiting for the bus………for…….half an hour.

27. She hasn’t lost a match………since…….April.

28. Things have changed………since…….she’s become headmaster.

29. The police have been looking for him………for…….a month.

30. Our dog has been ill………for…….two days.

31. I’ve been looking for this book……for……….a long time.

32. I’ve been working………since…….I got up.

33. The kettle has been boiling……for……….ten minutes

34. They have been living in Madrid ………since……..1972.

35. He has been in prison…………for…… four years.

36. He has known about the fact ………for…….a long time.

37. Conditions have changed a lot ………since……….we were children.

38. Our teacher has been very ill ………since…….the last month.

39. I haven’t eaten anything ………for…….twenty.four hours.

40. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him ……for……..half an hour.

41. I haven’t seen him for three years. It is because I haven’t been there…since……..I left school.

42. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car………for……… hours.

43. One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo……for……….. three years. I haven’t met him since last year.

44. I haven’t enjoyed myself………for…….two weeks since I heard that my final exam grades were low.

45. I know that you have never seen a lion……since…. you were born. Then now I say that we can go to the zoo and see one.

46. The police have been looking for him for two weeks……since….. he escaped from the prison.

47. He hasn’t spoken to me even a word ………since…..the last meeting.

48. I haven’t phoned him ……for………a week.

49. He has been the principal of our high school ……since………1988.49. Dean has been learning Japanese ……for…..two years.

50. I have been waiting ……since…….4 o’clock.

51. Sue has only been waiting ………for……..20 minutes.

52. Tim and Tina have been learning English ……for……six years.

53. Fred and Frida have been learning French ………since…………1998.

54. Joe and Josephine have been going out together …since…….Valentine’s Day.

55. I haven’t been on holiday …………since……….last July.

56. Mary has been saving her money ……for…….many years.

57. I haven’t eaten anything ………since…….breakfast.

58. You have been watching TV ……for……hours.

59. We have been living here ………for……2 months.

60. What have you been doing __since___ we last spoke?

61. What has changed in your life ___since__ you moved here?

62. I have been working full.time __for___ several weeks now.

63. Donald hasn’t wanted to talk to me __since___ our argument.

64. Tony Swanson has been with the company __for___ 25 years.

65. The little girl was hungry because she hadn’t eaten anything __for___ a while.

66. Puerto Ricans have been migrating to the United States ___for__ over a century.

67. Human beings have sought to know the unimaginable ___since__ the beginning of time.

68. It is believed that everything in the universe has existed __since___ the Big Bang 15 billion years ago.

69. Is there a family member who has a talent that has been in your family ___for__ several generations?

70. The weather is dry. It hasn’t rained…………for….a few weeks.

71. It’s been raining………since…….lunchtime.

72. Sarah has lived in Paris………since…….1995.

73. Paul has lived in London………for…….10 years.

74. I’m tired of waiting. We’ve been sitting here……for……….an hour.

75. Kevin has been looking for a job……since……….he left school.

76. I haven’t been to a party ………for…….ages.

77. I wonder where Joe is. I haven’t seen him ………since…….last week.

78. Jane is away. She’s been away………since…….Friday.

79. We’re going to France __for__ a month next summer.

80. Beckett’s Ice Cream Shop has been in business __since__ 1942.lived in this house

81. We haven’t been to the cinema _for_ ages.__ five years.

82. Jim has had a cold _____since___ last Thursday and hasn’t been able to go to work.

83. No wonder Seth is tired. He hasn’t slept __for__ 24 hours!

84. Monica hasn’t heard from her son ___since_ last Thursday.

85. Paul will be studying at Yale _since__ another semester.

86. I haven’t been to St. Petersburg __since__ 1995.

87. How long are you here __for__?

88. Meg has worked at IBM __for__ ten years.

89. I have been working here ……for……a fortnight.

90. He has been ill……since…… Monday.

91. Sarah’s father has been a policeman ……for……20 years.

92. David has had a driving licence……since…… 1980.

93. He has been Prime Minister ……for……six months.

94. You’ve been on the phone ……for……half an hour.

95. They have lived here ……for……five years.

96. He has been unemployed ……since……April.

97. It hasn’t snowed ……since……1993.

98. He has smoked a pipe ……for……20 years.

99. The pizza has been in the oven……for…… 10 minutes.

100. I have been waiting for you ……for……2 hours.

101. They haven’t seen him……since……….Monday.

102. We haven’t met them………since…….your birthday.

103. I haven’t heard from them ………since…….they were here.

104. She has been married ………for…….some years.

105. I haven’t talked to them……since……….we last met you.

106. He hasn’t won any race………since…….Easter.

107. We haven’t been to any party………for…….three months.

108. I haven’t talked to her……since……….January.

109. They have been living in this house………for…….many years.

110. I haven’t received any letters …since……I moved to this place.

111. She has lived in that city……for……….at least twenty years.

112. ……Since……….2005 she has been attending this school.

113. ………Since…….June 1 she has been working here.

114. It hasn’t rained ………since…….March.

115. ………Since…….Christmas she has been staying in this house.

116. I have not seen her……since…… last summer.

117. We have not met ……since……the end of the war.

118. He has been in Paris ……for……about two weeks.

119. The movie has been on ……for……more than six months.

120. He has not had an accident ……since……the day he took out a comprehensive policy.

121. I have only had this computer ……for……3 weeks.

122. I have not heard from him ……since……my birthday.

123. He stayed in Europe ……for……less than a year.

124. We’ve been waiting for the train _since__ noon.

125. I haven’t seen them _since__ last week.

126. I’ve been working here _since__ the beginning of the year.

127. She’s been sick __for_ over a week.

128. He’s been learning English ___ a long time.

129. I’ve been working in this bank _since__ I graduated university.

130. My daughter has been playing piano __since_ she was ten years old.

131. You’ve been studying __for_ three hours.

132. He’s lived in this apartment __since_ he was a young man.

133. She can run _for__ two hours without a break.

134. I haven’t seen any of them __since_ I was in the army.

135. The rain lasted __for_ over five hours.

136. I haven’t slept __for_ hours.

137. __Since_ when have your parents let you borrow their car?

Ex 3 : Chọn for hoặc since điền vào chỗ trống

1. She has been there (for/ since) four days.

2. I have known Linda (for/ since) two years.

3. Jack has stayed here (for/ since) Thursday.

4. My aunt has lived in Australia (for/ since) 15 years.

5. We have had a camera (for/ since) 1995.

6. They have been married (for/ since) six months.

7. Liz has studied medicine (for/ since) a long time.

8. It has rained (for/ since) an hour.

9. Indian has been an independent country (for/ since) 1947.

10. Mike has been ill (for/ since) a long time.

Đáp án

1. for

2. for

3. since

4. for

5. since

6. for

7. for

8. for

9. since

10. for

Ex 4. Write whether you should use FOR or SINCE with the following phrase

1. ______ 3 years

2. ______ 6 minutes

3. ______ The 19th Century

4. ______ 1990

5. ______ 5 weeks

6. ______ 1st April

7. ______ 30 seconds

8. ______ Tuesday

9. ______ a long time

10. ______ last night

11. ______ she left home

12. ______ they were children

13. ______ half an hour

14. ______ my birthday

15. ______ it started to snow

Đáp án

1. for

2. for

3. since

4. since

5. for

6. since

7. for

8. since

9. for



12. since

13. for



Ex 5. Fill the gaps with either SINCE or FOR

1. Nobody has come to see us ______ we moved here.

2. She has been a teacher ______ 2000.

3. Nobody has done this ______ then.

4. Liz has gone out with her boyfriend ______ last night.

5. He has studied ______ a long time. He can pass the test.

6. It has been very rainy ______ early morning.

7. Mr and Mrs Brown have been married ______ 10 years.

8. They have fixed many cars ______ this morning.

9. I have driven ______ 7 hours.

10. Things have changed ______ the financial crisis in 2020 due to Covid-19.

Đáp án

1. since

2. since

3. since

4. since

5. for

6. since

7. for

8. since

9. for

10. since

Ex 6. Completing the sentences with either SINCE or FOR

1. He hasn’t eaten anything ______ 24 hours.

2. He hasn’t eaten anything ______ yesterday.

3. We haven’t spoken to each other ______ we were in grade 8.

4. We haven’t spoken to each other ______ 6 years.

5. She has read this book ______ several years.

6. She has read this book several times ______ I gave her.

7. I have learnt Spanish ______ six months.

8. I have learnt Spanish ______ September 2009.

9. They have wanted to watch this movie ______ they saw the advert.

10. They have wanted to watch this movie ______ a long time.

Đáp án

1. for

2. since

3. since

4. for

5. for

6. since

7. for

8. since

9. since


Ex 7. Answer the question with either SINCE or FOR

1. How long have you done this work? (5 years)

2. How long have you studied French? (2015)

3. How long have you been in Japan? (I was small)

4. How long has she known him? (September)

5. How long have they sold all the cakes? (2 hours)

6. How long has Peter played football? (he was 5)

7. How long has Mary played the piano? (3 years)

8. How long have they been here? (yesterday)

9. How long has the baby drunk milk? (30 minutes)

10. How long have you found this job to earn your living? (July October)

Đáp án

1. I have done this work for 5 years.

2. I have studied French since 2015.

3. I have been in Japan since I was small.

4. She has known him since September.

5. They have sold all the cakes for 2 hours.

6. Peter has played football since he was 5.

7. Mary has played the piano for 3 years.

8. They have been here since yesterday.

9. The baby has drunk milk for 30 minutes.

10. I have found this job to earn my living since July October.

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