50 bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất

1. Dạng thức so sánh của tính từ

a. So sánh hơn (comparatives)

Short adjective + er :

S1 + V(be) + adj_er + than + S2(+be)

More + long adjective :

S1 + V(be) + more + adj + than + S2(+be)

Ex: The math test is easier than I thought.

(Bài kiểm tra toán dễ hơn tôi nghĩ.)

Ex: The math test is more difficult than I thought.

(Bài kiểm tra toán khó hơn tôi nghĩ.)

b. So sánh nhất (Superlatives)
The + short adjective + est:

S1 + V(be) + the + adj_est

The most + long adjective:

S1 + V(be) + the + most + adj

Ex: This t-shirt is the cheapest in our store.

(Áo phông này là rẻ nhất trong cửa hàng của chúng tôi.)

Ex: She lives in the most modern house.

(Cô sống trong ngôi nhà hiện đại nhất.)

2. Dạng thức so sánh của trạng từ
a. So sánh hơn (Comparatives)
Short adverb + er:

S1 + V + adv_er + than + S2(+do/does/did)

More + long adverb:

S1 + V + more + adv + than + S2(+do/does/did)

Ex: Nhi can drive faster than her brother (does).

(Nhi có thể lái xe nhanh hơn anh trai cô.)

Ex: Nhi drives more carefully than her brother (does).

(Nhi lái xe cẩn thận hơn anh trai cô.)

b. So sánh nhất (Superlatives)
The + short adverb + est :

S1 + V + the + adv_est

The most + long adverb :

S1 + V + the most + adv

Ex: I was the earliest to arrive at school.

(Tôi là người đến trường sớm nhất.)

Ex: He drew the graph the most accurately of all of us.

(Ông đã vẽ đồ thị chính xác nhất trong tất cả chúng ta.)

II. Bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất

Ex 1: Viết dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của các tính từ và trạng từ sau đây:


So sánh hơn

So sánh nhất

1. Big

2. Hot

3. Sweet

4. Few

5. Little

6. Comfortable

7. Important

8. Expensive

9. Good

10. Far

Đáp án:


So sánh hơn

So sánh nhất

1. Big

Bigger (tính từ ngắn)

The biggest (tính từ ngắn)

2. Hot

Hotter (tính từ ngắn)

The hottest (tính từ ngắn)

3. Sweet

Sweeter (tính từ ngắn)

The sweetest (tính từ ngắn)

4. Few

Fewer (tính từ ngắn)

The fewest (tính từ ngắn)

5. Little

Less (dạng đặc biệt)

The least (dạng đặc biệt)

6. Comfortable

More comfortable (tính từ dài)

The most comfortable (tính từ dài)

7. Important

More important (tính từ dài)

The most important (tính từ dài)

8. Expensive

More expensive (tính từ dài)

The most expensive (tính từ dài)

9. Good

Better (dạng đặc biệt)

The best

(dạng đặc biệt)

10. Far

Father/Futher (dạng so sánh đặc biệt)

The fathest/The futhest (dạng so sánh đặc biệt)

Ex 2: Viết lại các câu sau dưới dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất.

1. Today is hotter than yesterday.

➔ Yesterday was __________________________.

2. No one in her team is more beautiful than Salim.

➔ Salim is _______________________________.

3. No house in my city is higher than his house.

➔ His house is ____________________________.

4. Lan is the most intelligent in her class.

➔ No one in her class _______________________.

5. If she reads many science books, she will have much knowledge.

➔ The more__________________________________.

6. If Kien wants to pass the exam easily, he will study harder.

➔ The more easily ________________________________.

7. This house is very beautiful. It’s expensive, too.

➔ The more _____________________________.

8. One of the greatest tennis players in the world is BJ.

➔ BJ is _________________________________.

9. No producers in the world is bigger than KW.

➔ KW is _______________________________.

10. Minh is very intelligent but his brother is the most intelligent in his family.

➔ Minh’s brother is ________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. Yesterday wasn’t so as hot as today.

2. Salim is the most beautiful in her team.

3. His house is the highest in my city.

4. No one in her class is more intelligent than Lan.

5. The more science books she reads, the more knowledge she will have.

6. The more easily Kien wants to pass the exam, the harder he will study.

7. The more beautiful this house is, the more expensive it is.

8. BJ is the greatest tennis player in the world.

9. KW is the biggest producer in the world.

10. Minh’s brother is more intelligent than him.

Ex 3: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. My Japanese class is _______ than his English class.

A. funny

B. funnier

C. funniest

D. the funny

2. This chair is _________ than the other.

A. comfortable

B. the comfortable

C. more comfortable

D. most comfortable

3. No one in my group is _______ than Duong.

A. kinder

B. kind

C more kind

D. most kind

4. Hoang visits his parents ________ than she does.

A. little

B. least

C. the less

D. less

5. If Cuong had run ________ , his brother could have caught him.

A. fast

B. faster

C. the fastest

D. more faster

Đáp án:

1. My Japanese class is _______ than his English class.

A. funny

B. funnier (vì đằng sau có than – so sánh hơn)

C. funniest

D. the funny

2. This chair is _________ than the other.

A. comfortable

B. the comfortable

C. more comfortable (vì đằng sau có than – so sánh hơn và comfortable là tính từ dài)

D. most comfortable

3. No one in my group is _______ than Duong.

A. kinder (vì đằng sau có than – so sánh hơn)

B. kind

C. more kind

D. most kind

4. Hoang visits his parents less ________ than she does.

A. little

B. least

C. the less

D. less (vì đằng sau có than – so sánh hơn)

5. If Cuong had run________, his brother could have caught him.

A. fast

B. faster (theo nghĩa của câu là chạy nhanh hơn)

C. the fastes

D. more faster

Ex 4: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai (nếu có) các câu dưới đây:

1. This is the more wonderful book she has ever read.

2. No mountain in the world is the biggest than Everest.

3. Bill Gate is the richer people in the world.

4. The bed room is biggest than the kitchen one.

5. One of the greater football players in Vietnam is Quang Hai.

Đáp án:

1. more ➔ most (so sánh nhất)

2. the biggest ➔ bigger (so sánh hơn vì có than)

3. richer ➔ richest (so sánh nhất vì có the)

4. biggest ➔ bigger (so sánh hơn vì có than)

5. greater ➔ greatest (so sánh nhất vì có the)

Ex 5. Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của so sánh hơn.

1. Cats are ………… (intelligent) than rabbits.

2. Lana is…………… (old) than John.

3. China is far ………… (large) than the UK.

4. My garden is a lot ………………. (colourful) than this park.

5. Helen is …………… (quiet) than her sister.

6. My Geography class is ……………. (boring) than my Math class.

7. My Class is …………. (big) than yours.

8. The weather this autumn is even ……………… (bad) than last autumn.

9. This box is ……………… (beautiful) than that one.

10. A holiday by the mountains is ……………….(good) than a holiday in the sea.

Đáp án:

1- more intelligent

2- older

3- larger

4- more colourful

5- quieter

6- more boring

7- bigger

8- worse

9- more beautiful

10- better

Ex 6. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1.His illness was ________ than we had thought at first.

A. much serious

B. more serious

C. serious

D. most serious

2. Nam is _______ in his class.

A. taller

B. the most tall

C. the tallest

D. more tall

3. Traveling by plane is _______ than traveling by car.

A. fast

B. more fast

C. the most fast

D. faster

4. Actually, today I feel ______ than I did yesterday.

A. the worst

B. worst

C. worse

D. bad

5. Could you speak Vietnamese _______ than, so I can understand what you mean?

A. more clearly

B. clearly

C. the most clearly

D. the clearest

6. That flight ticket is _________ of all.

A. expensive

B. the most expensive

C. more expensive

D. the expensive

7. Phong works ________ than most of him friends.

A. a lot more hardly

B. more hardly

C. many harder

D. much harder

8. I tried to spend ______ money.

A. little

B. less

C. the least

D. the less than

9. My friend is much _______ than me.

A. prettier

B. pretty

C. the prettiest

D. more prettier

10. My mom speaks Korean ______ I do.

A. fluently

B. more fluently than

C. more fluently

D. most fluently

Đáp án:

1 – B 2 – C 3 – D 4 – A 5 – A
6 – B 7 – D 8 – C 9 – A 10 – B

Ex 7. Viết lại những câu này dựa trên những gợi ý đã cho mà không thay đổi nghĩa gốc.

1. My brother was earning much less in his previous job than he is now.

=> (more) ____________________________________ .

2. Chicken is cheaper than beef.

=> (more) ____________________________________ .

3. To my knowledge, speaking English is easier than listening to conversations in English.

=> (harder) ___________________________________ .

4. This is the most delicious lunch she’s even had.

=> (more) ____________________________________ .

5. There is no better doctor in this hospital than Mr.Long.

=> (best) _________________________________ .

6. This is the fastest moving car I’ve ever driven.

=> (faster) _________________________________ .

7. There isn’t anywhere as old as this castle.

=> (oldest) _______________________________ .

8. Have you got any bigger shirt than that one?

=> (biggest) _____________________________ .

9. I am not taller than anyone in the class.

=> (lowest) ____________________________ .

10. The company’s revenue in May is the highest compared to the previous months.

=> (lower) _____________________________ .

Đáp án:

1 – My brother is earning more in his current job than he was (in the past).

2 – Beef is more expensive than chicken.

3 – To my knowledge, listening to conversations in English is harder than speaking English fluently.

4 – She’s never had a more delicious lunch than this one.

5 – Long is the best doctor in this hospital.

6 – I have never driven faster than this one.

7 – This castle is the oldest in the city.

8 – Is this the biggest shirt you’ve/ you have got?

9 – I am the lowest in the class.

10 – The company’s revenue in the previous months is lower than this May.

Ex 8: Cho dạng đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc

1. Your bag is _____________ (easy) than mine.

2. My mother’s advice is _____________ (useful) for me.

3. The summer this year is _____________ (dry) as ever.

4. It is _____________ (difficult) rule of all

5. This pen writes _____________ (good) than my previous one.

6. This athlete is _____________ (strong) than his competitor.

7. This pupil is _____________ (clever) in the class.

8. This is _____________ (old) castle in Britain.

9. Health is _____________ (important) than money.

10. This path is _____________ (narrow) than the parallel one.

11. This actor is _____________ (famous) actor from Spain.

12. Kenyans are _____________ (good) sprinters.

13. Luxurious hotels are _____________ (expensive) than those of economic class.

14. My _____________ (old) sister is afraid of mice.

15. Saturn is _____________ 2nd _____________ (large) planet in our solar system.

16. We have _____________ (much) homework today than we had yesterday.

17. If you need any _____________ (far) information, please contact our assistant.

18. The second part of the film is _____________ (boring) than the first one

19. In childhood my aunt was _____________ (thin), but now she is rather fat.

20. This highway is _____________ (wide) than that highway.

Đáp án:

1. Your bag is ___easier__________ (easy) than mine.

2. My mother’s advice is _____the most useful________ (useful) for me.

3. The summer this year is ____the driest_________ (dry) as ever.

4. It is ____the most difficult_________ (difficult) rule of all

5. This pen writes _____better________ (good) than my previous one.

6. This athlete is _____stronger________ (strong) than his competitor.

7. This pupil is _______the cleverest______ (clever) in the class.

8. This is ____the oldest_________ (old) castle in Britain.

9. Health is ____more important_______ (important) than money.

10. This path is ______narrower_______ (narrow) than the parallel one.

11. This actor is ______the most famous_______ (famous) actor from Spain.

12. Kenyans are _______the best______ (good) sprinters.

13. Luxurious hotels are _______more expensive______ (expensive) than those of economic class.

14. My ____oldest_________ (old) sister is afraid of mice.

15. Saturn is _____the________ 2nd ______largest_______ (large) planet in our solar system.

16. We have ______more_______ (much) homework today than we had yesterday.

17. If you need any ______further_______ (far) information, please contact our assistant.

18. The second part of the film is ______more boring_______ (boring) than the first one

19. In childhood my aunt was _______thinner______ (thin), but now she is rather fat.

20. This highway is ______wider_______ (wide) than that highway.

Ex 9. Chia theo câu so sánh phù hợp

1. Many people would argue that robots are ………………..… (intelligent) than humans.

2. The price in the countryside is………………..… (cheap) than that in big cities.

3. Canada is far …………………..… (large) than Vietnam.

4. My garden is a lot more colorful……………… (colorful) than this park.

5. My friend is quieter…………..(quiet) than me.

6. Art-related subjects are ……………… (interesting) than science classes.

7. My current apartment is…………… (comfortable) than the one, I rented 2 years ago.

8. The weather this autumn is even ………….. (nice) than last autumn.

9. These products in this grocery are ………….. (natural) than these in the near one.

10. A holiday in the mountains is more memorable……………(memorable) then a holiday in the sea

Đáp án:

1. Many people would argue that robots are ………more intelligent………..… (intelligent) than humans.

2. The price in the countryside is…………cheaper……..… (cheap) than that in big cities.

3. Canada is far …………larger………..… (large) than Vietnam.

4. My garden is a lot more colorful………colorful……… (colorful) than this park.

5. My friend is quieter……more quiet……..(quiet) than me.

6. Art-related subjects are …………more interesting…… (interesting) than science classes.

7. My current apartment is……more comfortable……… (comfortable) than the one, I rented 2 years ago.

8. The weather this autumn is even ……nicer…….. (nice) than last autumn.

9. These products in this grocery are ……more natural…….. (natural) than these in the near one.

10. A holiday in the mountains is more memorable………more memorable……(memorable) then a holiday in the sea.

Ex 10. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

1. Who is the ………….. (tall) person in your family?

2. My mum is the ………….. (good) cook in the world.

3. Saigon is the…………..(big) city in my country.

4. Cutting down trees could be considered to be one of …………..(dangerous) reason leading to pollution.

5. Goods is going to be………….. (expensive) during Tet holiday.

6. Where are the…………..(nice) beaches in your country?

7. I bought the TV with the………….. (reasonable) price ever.

8. Who is …………..(famous) singer in your country?

9. Internet is one of (important)________________inventions that changes humans’ life.

Đáp án:

1. Who is the ………tallest….. (tall) person in your family?

2. My mum is the ……best…….. (good) cook in the world.

3. Saigon is the……biggest……..(big) city in my country.

4. Cutting down trees could be considered to be one of ………the most dangerous…..(dangerous) reason leading to pollution.

5. Goods is going to be……more expensive…….. (expensive) during Tet holiday.

6. Where are the………nicest…..(nice) beaches in your country?

7. I bought the TV with the………most reasonable….. (reasonable) price ever.

8. Who is ……the most famous……..(famous) singer in your country?

9. Internet is one of (important)______the most important__________inventions that changes humans’ life.

Ex 11. Điền dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống

1. Mom’s dress is … than mine. (expensive)

2. She has … garden in our neighborhood. (beautiful)

3. He is the … football player of Australia. (good)

4. This luggage is … than mine. (heavy)

5. He runs … than his sister. (quick)

6. Nina is … than Chris but Nandee is the … (short/short)

7. Luke has done … works than Roy but Ivan has done the … (many/many)

8. Japan is as … as China. (beautiful)

9. My sister is 5 years … than me. (young)

10. This was the … song I have ever listened to . (bad)

11. I speak English … now than two years ago. (fluent)

12. Could you say…? (clear)

13. I can eat … than John. (fast)

14. Our team did … of all. (bad)

15. He studied … than ever before. (hard)

Đáp án:

1. Mom’s dress is …more expensive…. than mine. (expensive)

2. She has …beautiful… garden in our neighborhood. (beautiful)

3. He is the …best…. football player of Australia. (good)

4. This luggage is …heavier….. than mine. (heavy)

5. He runs …quicker….. than his sister. (quick)

6. Nina is …shorter than Chris but Nandee is the …shortest…. (short/short)

7. Luke has done …more….. works than Roy but Ivan has done the …most….. (many/many)

8. Japan is as …beautiful….. as China. (beautiful)

9. My sister is 5 years …younger…. than me. (young)

10. This was the …worst…. song I have ever listened to . (bad)

11. I speak English …more fluently…. now than two years ago. (fluent)

12. Could you say…more clearly…? (clear)

13. I can eat …faster…. than John. (fast)

14. Our team did …worst…. of all. (bad)

15. He studied …harder… than ever before. (hard)

Ex 12. Comparatives and superlatives exercise

1. My sister thinks she’s (intelligent) ______ than me.

2. Fast & Furious 9 is probably (good) ______ film I’ve seen!

3. What is (wet) ______ month of the year in Vietnam?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are (good) ______ than the books?

5. Who is (powerful) ______ person in your company?

6. I think Conan movie 25 was (funny) ______ than Doraemon.

7. Is Suga (old) ______ than Jimin?

8. John is (nice) ______ person that I know.

9. Huyen is (beautiful) ______ girl that I have ever seen.

10. Lan works (hard) ______ to get her best marks.

Đáp án:

1. My sister thinks she’s (intelligent) __more intelligent____ than me.

2. Fast & Furious 9 is probably (good) ___the best___ film I’ve seen!

3. What is (wet) __the westest____ month of the year in Vietnam?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are (good) ___better___ than the books?

5. Who is (powerful) ___the most powerful___ person in your company?

6. I think Conan movie 25 was (funny) ___funnier___ than Doraemon.

7. Is Suga (old) ___older___ than Jimin?

8. John is (nice) __the nicest____ person that I know.

9. Huyen is (beautiful) ___the most beautiful___ girl that I have ever seen.

10. Lan works (hard) __harder____ to get her best marks.

Ex 13. Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng “more/less/fewer”.

1. There were fewer criminal cases in my country 3 years ago than now.


2. There are more wealthy people in big cities than in the countryside.


3. Are there more health centres in my city now than ten years ago?


4. People in developed countries spend more money on health care and education than in the underdeveloped countries.


5. There are less arable land in the city than in the countryside.


Đáp án:

1. There are more criminal cases in my country now than 3 years ago.

2. There are fewer wealthy people I the countryside than in big city.

3. Were there fewer healthy centres in my city ten years ago than now?

4. People in the undeveloped countries spend less money on health care and education than in develop country.

5. There are more arable land in the countryside than in the city.

Ex 14. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. My sister thinks she’s (humorous)________ than me, but I don’t agree!

2. Doctor Strange 2 is probably (good) ________ film I’ve seen!

3. What is (wet) ________month of the year in Vietnam?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are (good)________ than the books?

5. Who is (powerful)________ person in your company?

6. I think Spider Man No way home was (interesting)________ than Spider Man Far from home.

7. Is Johnny Depp (old)________ than Amber Heard?

8. John is (nice)________ person that I know.

Đáp án:

1. My sister thinks she’s (humorous)___more humorous_____ than me, but I don’t agree!

2. Doctor Strange 2 is probably (good) ___the best_____ film I’ve seen!

3. What is (wet) ____the wettest____month of the year in Vietnam?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are (good)___better_____ than the books?

5. Who is (powerful)_____the most powerful___ person in your company?

6. I think Spider Man No way home was (interesting)_____more interesting___ than Spider Man Far from home.

7. Is Johnny Depp (old)__older______ than Amber Heard?

8. John is (nice)___the nicest_____ person that I know.

Ex 15: Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative and superlative)

1. My house is __________________ (big) than yours.

2. This flower is __________________ (pretty) than that one.

3. He was the __________________ (clever) thief of all.

4. Who is the __________________ (rich) woman on Earth?

5. Non-smokers usually live __________________ (long) than smokers.

6. New York is __________________ (big) Paris.

7. An elephant is __________________ (heavy) a fly.

8. Mary is the __________________ (pretty) of all.

9. My brother is ten years __________________ (old) than my cousin.

10. Kilimanjaro is the __________________ (high) mountain of Africa.

11. This exercise is __________________ (challenging) than expected

12. That ice cream tastes really delicious. It’s the __________________ (good) I’ve ever eaten.

13. She wore the __________________ (elegant) dress of all the women at the reception.

14. Which politician will be __________________ (successful), the old or the new president? – I think we’ll find our in four years.

15. I think Anna is the __________________ (clever) girl in my class.

Đáp án:

1. My house is _______bigger___________ (big) than yours.

2. This flower is ________prettier__________ (pretty) than that one.

3. He was the _________most clever_________ (clever) thief of all.

4. Who is the ________richest__________ (rich) woman on Earth?

5. Non-smokers usually live _________longer_________ (long) than smokers.

6. New York is ____bigger than______________ (big) Paris.

7. An elephant is _______heavier than___________ (heavy) a fly.

8. Mary is the _______pretties___________ (pretty) of all.

9. My brother is ten years ________older__________ (old) than my cousin.

10. Kilimanjaro is the __________highest________ (high) mountain of Africa.

11. This exercise is _________more challenging_________ (challenging) than expected

12. That ice cream tastes really delicious. It’s the ___________best_______ (good) I’ve ever eaten.

13. She wore the ________most elegant__________ (elegant) dress of all the women at the reception.

14. Which politician will be __________more successful________ (successful), the old or the new president? – I think we’ll find our in four years.

15. I think Anna is the ___________most clever_______ (clever) girl in my class.

Ex 16: Write a comparative sentence using the information and the word in brackets.

1. The average rainfall in Arica, Chile is 0.76mm per year. The average rainfall in the Libyan Sahara Desert is less than 15mm per year. (dry)

Arica, Chile ________________________________________

2. Henry arrived at the meeting at 7 o’clock. I arrived at 6:45. (soon)

I __________________________________________________

3. It costs 100 million dong to build a concrete bridge, but only 50 million dong to build a steel bridge. (expensive)

Building a concrete bridge ______________________________

4. It takes Linh 45 minutes to load hay onto the cart, but his father needs only 30 minutes. (slowly)

Linh ________________________________________________

5. His house’s yard is about 100 square meters while your house’s yard is about 50 square meters. (large)

His house’s yard ______________________________________

6. It was very difficult to travel to the town 5 years ago. Now people can drive a car or take a bus to the town. (easily)

People can travel ______________________________________

7. I do yoga three times a week, but my sister does it almost every day. (frequently)

My sister _____________________________________________

8. The Australian athlete jumped 8.78m. The American athlete jumped 8.59m. (far)

The Australian athlete _____________________________________

Đáp án

1. Arica, Chile is drier than the Libyan Sahara Desert.

2. I arrived at the meeting sooner than Henry.

3. Building a concrete bridge is more expensive than building a steel bridge.

4. Linh loads hay onto the cart more slowly than his father does.

5. His house’s yard is larger than your house’s yard.

6. People can travel to the town more easily now than they did 5 years ago.

7. My sister does yoga more frequently than me/ I do.

8. The Australian athlete jumped farther than the American athlete

Ex 17. Rewrite the sentences of comparison.

1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

Her new house ___________________________

2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.

Peter ___________________________

3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

The white dress ___________________________

4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.

According to me, Maths ___________________________

5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

Mary ___________________________

6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.

The Nile ___________________________

7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

No mountain ___________________________

8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl,

She is ___________________________

9. He works much. He feels tired.

The more ___________________________

10. This computer works better than that one.

That computer ___________________________

Đáp án

1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

Her new house _____isn’t so/ as big as her old one._______

2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.

Peter _____is the tallest in my class.________

3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

The white dress ________is cheaper than the black one./ isn’t so/ as expensive as the black one. __________

4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.

According to me, Maths ____ isn’t so/ as easy as English/ is more difficult than English._____

5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

Mary _____is the most intelligent in my group._____

6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.

The Nile _____is the longest river in the world._____

7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

No mountain _______in the world is higher than Mount Everest.______

8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl,

She is ______the prettiest girl I have ever met.________

9. He works much. He feels tired.

The more ______he works, the more tired he feels.______

10. This computer works better than that one.

That computer ___doesn’t work so/ as well as that one._______

Ex 18. Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

One of the (1.NICE) ________cities I know is Olomouc in the Czech Republic. The (2.GOOD) _________thing about the city is that there aren’t many tourists. The (3.BUSY) _________ times are when people go to work and come home again. The (4.FAMOUS) ________ place in the Czech Republic is Prague. It is the (5.BIG) _______city and it is where most people go to. Olomouc is one of the (6.DIFFICULT) _________ places to get to from Prague so people visit other towns and cities nearer to Prague. That’s why it’s one of the (7. QUIET) ______ cities in the country. What’s the (8.BAD) ________ thing about it? It’s one of the (9. EXPENSIVE) _______ cities in the country.

Đáp án

One of the (1. NICE) ___nicest_____cities I know is Olomouc in the Czech Republic. The (2. GOOD) _____best____thing about the city is that there aren’t many tourists. The (3. BUSY) ____busiest_____ times are when people go to work and come home again. The (4. FAMOUS) ____most famous____ place in the Czech Republic is Prague. It is the (5. BIG) __biggest_____city and it is where most people go to. Olomouc is one of the (6. DIFFICULT) ___most difficult______ places to get to from Prague so people visit other towns and cities nearer to Prague. That’s why it’s one of the (7. QUIET) ___ quietest ___ cities in the country. What’s the (8. BAD) ___worst_____ thing about it? It’s one of the (9. EXPENSIVE) ___most expensive____ cities in the country.

Ex 19. Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the first one.

1. As Elton John became more famous, it was more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

A. The most famous Elton John became, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

B. The more famous Elton John became, the more difficult it was for him to avoid reporters.

C. The more famous Elton John had become, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

D. The more Elton John became famous, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

2. We cut down many forests. The Earth becomes hot.

A. The more forests we cut down, the hotter the Earth becomes.

B. The more we cut down forests, the hotter the Earth becomes.

C. The more forests we cut down, the Earth becomes hotter.

D. The more we cut down forests, the Earth becomes hotter.

3. As he earned more money, Mike bought more clothes.

A. When Mike earned a lot of money, he bought more and more clothes.

B. The more money Mike earned, the better clothes he bought.

C. The more money Mike earned, the best clothes he bought.

D. The more money Mike earned, the more clothes he bought.

4. Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets in the solar system.

A. No other planets in the solar system is as big as Jupiter.

B. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.

C. All other planets in the solar system are not so big that Jupiter.

D. Among the planets in the solar system, Jupiter is the biggest of all.

5. No other student in his class is as successful as Pat.

A. Pat succeeded in beating all other students in his class.

B. Pat is the most successful student in his class.

C. His class is less successful than Pat is.

D. The more successful his class is, the more success Pat gets.

Đáp án

1 – B 2 – A 3 – D 4 – B 5 – B

Ex 20. Điền dạng đúng của tính từ theo các cấp bậc

1. My house is (big)………….than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful)………….than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)………….book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long)………….than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous)………….animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good)………….than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)………….than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich)………….woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad)………….than last summer.

10. He was the (clever)………….thief of all.

Đáp án

1. My house is (big)…….bigger……than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful)…….more beautiful……than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)……most interesting…….book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long)……longer…….than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous)…….most dangerous……animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good)……better……than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)…..more expensive……..than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich)……..richest…..woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad)……worse…….than last summer.

10. He was the (clever)…..cleverest……..thief of all.

Ex 21. Rewrite these following sentence using the comparative or superlative form.

1. This building is very old in my village.

2. You’re 20. She’s 18.

3. I can run very fast.

4. She is very interesting person.

5. In a year, today is very cold.

6. Hoa is very intelligent student in my class.

7. Diamonds are 50,000 USA. Gold is 45,000 USA.

8. Nam is a weak student. Hung is a strong student.

9. It was a very bad mistake.

10. She is a very popular singer.

Đáp án

1. This building is the oldest in my village./ This building is older than all other buildings in my village.

2. She is younger than you/ You are older than her.

3. You can’t run faster than me.

4. She is the most interesting person that I’ve seen.

5. In a year, today is the coldest day.

6. She is the most intelligent student in my class.

7. Diamonds is more expensive than gold./ Gold is cheaper than diamonds.

8. Hung is stronger than Nam./ Nam is weaker than Hung.

9. It was the worst mistake.

10. She is the most popular singer.

Ex 22. Complete the sentences, using the positive, comparative and superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Dad’s car is much ______ than mine. (fast)

2. I think scuba diving is _____ than climbing. (fascinating)

3. His thirst grew _____ and _____ . (big / big)

4. He thinks this test was _____ than the last one. (difficult)

5. She is the _____ tennis player of the world. (good)

Đáp án

1. Dad’s car is much ___faster___ than mine. (fast)

2. I think scuba diving is ___more fascinating__ than climbing. (fascinating)

3. His thirst grew ___bigger__ and __bigger___ . (big / big)

4. He thinks this test was ___more difficult__ than the last one. (difficult)

5. She is the ___best__ tennis player of the world. (good)

Ex 23. Complete the sentences with a suitable comparative form of the words provided.

1. Traffic in the city is always _______________ than that in the countryside. (busy)

2. A sofa is _______________ than a bench. (comfortable)

3. Does a tiger run _______________ than a horse? (slow)

4. Anna sings _______________ than her classmates. (good)

5. My house is _______________ from the city centre than Lucy’s house. (far)

6. John plays the flutes _______________ than Henry. (bad)

7. Cities are _______________ than villages. (big)

8. This year, the farmers in my village work _______________ than they did last year. (hard)

9. Villages are _______________ than cities. (quiet)

10. I think people in rural areas live _______________ than those in urban areas. (happy)

Đáp án

1. Traffic in the city is always ______busier_____ than that in the countryside. (busy)

2. A sofa is _______more comfortable________ than a bench. (comfortable)

3. Does a tiger run _______more slowly______ than a horse? (slow)

4. Anna sings ________better_______ than her classmates. (good)

5. My house is ________farther_______ from the city centre than Lucy’s house. (far)

6. John plays the flutes _______worse________ than Henry. (bad)

7. Cities are _____bigger__________ than villages. (big)

8. This year, the farmers in my village work ________harder_______ than they did last year. (hard)

9. Villages are _______more quiet_______ than cities. (quiet)

10. I think people in rural areas live ________happier_______ than those in urban areas. (happy)

Ex 24. Fill in the blanks with suitable comparative forms of the words provided.

1. Towns are ____________ than village. (big)

2. A sofa is ____________ than a chair. (comfortable)

3. Does an ox run ____________ than a horse? (slowly)

4. Laura sings ____________ than her sister. (well)

5. My house is ____________ from Ha Noi than Nam s house. (far)

6. Minh plays the flute ____________ than Quang. (badly)

7. Traffic in the city is always ____________ than that in the countryside. (busy)

8. This year the farmers work ____________ than they did last year. (hard)

9. Villages are ____________ than towns. (quiet)

10. People in this area live ____________ than those in other areas. (happily)

Đáp án

1. Towns are _____bigger_______ than village. (big)

2. A sofa is _______more comfortable_____ than a chair. (comfortable)

3. Does an ox run ______more slowly______ than a horse? (slowly)

4. Laura sings _______better_____ than her sister. (well)

5. My house is ______farther______ from Ha Noi than Nam s house. (far)

6. Minh plays the flute ______worse______ than Quang. (badly)

7. Traffic in the city is always ______busier______ than that in the countryside. (busy)

8. This year the farmers work ______harder______ than they did last year. (hard)

9. Villages are ____quieter________ than towns. (quiet)

10. People in this area live ______more happily______ than those in other areas. (happily)

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