50 bài tập thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập thì quá khứ đơn và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm thì quá khứ đơn

1. Cách dùng thì quá khứ đơn Tiếng Anh

Thì quá khứ đơn (The simple past) được dùng thường xuyên để diễn tả:

* Sự việc diễn ra trong một thời gian cụ thể trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc ở hiện tại:

– She came back last Friday. (Cô ấy đã trở lại từ thứ Sáu tuần trước.)

– I saw her in the street. (Tôi đã gặp cô ấy trên đường.)

– They didn’t agree to the deal. (Họ đã không đồng ý giao dịch đó.)

* Sự việc diễn ra trong một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc ở hiện tại:

– She lived in Tokyo for seven years. (Cô ấy đã sống ở Tokyo trong 7 năm.)

– They were in London from Monday to Thursday of last week. (Tuần vừa rồi họ ở London từ thứ Hai đến thứ Năm.)

– When I was living in New York, I went to all the art exhibitions I could. (Lúc tôi còn sống ở New York, tôi đã đi xem tất cả các cuộc triển lãm nghệ thuật mà tôi có thể.)

2. Các cụm từ thường dùng với thì quá khứ đơn

Hay còn gọi là những trạng từ chỉ thời gian, dấu hiệu nhận biệt của thì QKD:

– Yesterday

– (two days, three weeks) ago

– last (year, month, week)

– in (2002, June)

– from (March) to (June)

– in the (2000, 1980s)

– in the last century

– in the past

3. Cấu trúc thì quá khứ đơn

Câu khẳng định Câu phủ định Câu nghi vấn

– S + V-ed/P2 (+ O)

Ví dụ:

– She came back last Friday.

– They were in London from Monday to Thursday of last week.

– S + did not/didn’t + V (+ O)

Ví dụ:

– She didn’t come back last Friday

– They were not in London
from Monday to Thursday of last week.

– (Từ để hỏi) + did not/didn’t + V + (O)

– (Từ để hỏi) + did + V + not + (O)

Ví dụ:

– When did she come back?

– Were they in London from Monday to Thursday of last week?

II. Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn

Ex 1. Was or Were? – Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I _____ happy.

2. You ____ angry.

3. She ______ in London last week.

4. He ______ on holiday.

5. It _____ cold.

6. We ______ at school.

7. You _____ at the cinema.

8. They _____ at home.

9. The cat ____ on the roof.

10. The children _____in the garden.

Đáp án:

1. I ___was__ happy.

2. You __were__ angry.

3. She ___was___ in London last week.

4. He __was____ on holiday.

5. It __was___ cold.

6. We __were____ at school.

7. You __were___ at the cinema.

8. They __were___ at home.

9. The cat __was__ on the roof.

10. The children __were___ in the garden.

Ex 2. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

1. go →

2. come →

3. buy →

4. have →

5. do →

Đáp án

1. go → went

2. come → came

3. buy → bought

4. have → had

5. do → did

Ex 3. Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We open the door. →

2. You write poems. →

3. Richard plays in the garden. →

4. Kerry does not speak English. →

5. Do you see the bird? →

Đáp án:

1. We opened the door.

2. You wrote poems.

3. Richard played in the garden.

4. Kerry did not speak English.

5. Did you see the bird?

Ex 4. Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn

1. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.

2. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

3. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.

4. The waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations.

5. I (say), “No, my secretary forgets to make them.”

6. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.

7. My client and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car.

8. Then we (see) ______ a small grocery store.

9. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.

10. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.

Đáp án:

1. Yesterday, I went to the restaurant with a client.

2. We drove around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

3. When we arrived at the restaurant, the place was full.

4. The waitress asked us if we had reservations.

5. I said, “No, my secretary forgets to make them.”

6. The waitress told us to come back in two hours.

7. My client and I slowly walked back to the car.

8. Then we saw a small grocery store.

9. We stopped in the grocery store and bought some sandwiches.

10. That was better than waiting for two hours.

Ex 5. Chia động từ trong ngoặc đúng dạng thì quá khứ đơn

1. I _____ at home all weekend. (stay)

2. Angela ______ to the cinema last night. (go)

3. My friends ______ a great time in Nha Trang last year. (have)

4. My vacation in Hue ______ wonderful. (be)

5. Last summer I _____ Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi. (visit)

6. My parents ____ very tired after the trip. (be)

7. I _______ a lot of gifts for my little sister. (buy)

8. Lan and Mai _______ sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium. (see)

9. Trung _____ chicken and rice for dinner. (eat)

10. They ____ about their holiday in Hoi An. (talk)

11. Phuong _____ to Hanoi yesterday. (return)

12. We _____ the food was delicious.(think)

13. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.

14. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

15. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.

16. The waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations.

17. I (say), “No, my secretary forgets to make them.”

18. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.

19. My client and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car.

20. Then we (see) ______ a small grocery store.

21. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.

22. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.

23. I (not go) ______ to school last Sunday.

24. She (get) ______ married last year?

25. What you (do) ______ last night? – I (do) ______ my homework.

26. I (love) ______ him but no more.

27. Yesterday, I (get) ______ up at 6 and (have) ______ breakfast at 6. 30.

28. They (buy) ……………. that house last year.

29. She (not go) …………. to school yesterday.

30. That boy (have) …………… some eggs last night.

Đáp án:
1 – stayed 2 – went 3 – had 4 – was 5 – visited
6 – were 7 – bought 8 – saw 9 – ate 10 – talked
11 – returned 12 – thought 13 – went 14 – drove 15 – arrived – was
16 – asked – had 17 – said 18 – told 19 – walked 20 – saw
21 – stopped – bought 22 – was 23 – didn’t go 24 – Did … got 25 – did … do – did
26 – loved 27 – got – had 28 – bought 29 – didn’t go 30 – had

Ex 6. Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì Quá khứ đơn

1. I/ go swimming/ yesterday.

=> ________________________________

2. Mrs. Nhung/ wash/ the dishes.

=> ________________________________

3. my mother/ go shopping/ with/ friends/ in/ park.

=> ________________________________

4. Lan/ cook/ chicken noodles/ dinner.

=> ________________________________

5. Nam/ I/ study/ hard/ last weekend.

=> ________________________________

6. my father/ play/ golf/ yesterday.

=> ________________________________

7. last night/ Phong/listen/ music/ for two hours.

=> ________________________________

8. they/ have/ nice/ weekend.

=> ________________________________

9. she/ go/ supermarket yesterday.

=> ________________________________

10. We/ not go/ school last week.

=> ________________________________

Đáp án:

1 – I went swimming yesterday.

2 – Mrs. Nhung washes the dishes.

3 – My mother went shopping with her friends in the park.

4 – Lan cooked chicken noodles for dinner.

5 – Nam and studied hard last week.

6 – My father played golf yesterday.

7 – Last night, Phong listened to music for two hours.

8 – The had a nice weekend.

9 – She went to the supermarket yesterday.

10 – We didn’t go to school last week.

Ex 7. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn.

1. She (spend) ____ all her money last week.

2. Mum (not spend) ___________ any money on herself.

3. I (lend) __________ my penknife to someone, but I can’t remember who it was now.

4. John and his father (build) ___________ the cabin themselves last year.

5. My parents (sell) ____________ the stereo at a garage sale.

6. ___________You (tell) ___________ anyone about this yesterday?

7. The unidentified plant (bear) ___________ gorgeous flowers.

8. She (tear) ___________ the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.

9. He often (wear) ___________ glasses for reading.

10. Before God He (swear) ___________ he was innocent

11. Yesterday Clouds (creep) ___________ across the horizon, just above the line of trees.

12. We both (sleep) ___________ badly that night.

13. She (weep) ___________ for the loss of her mother.

14. Jane (keep) ___________ the engine running.

15. A huge wave (sweep) ___________ over the deck

16. Mum (pay) ___________ for my driving lessons.

17. He (lay) ___________ his hand on my shoulder.

18. He (break) ___________ the biscuit in half and handed one piece to me.

19. He (choose) ___________ his words carefully as he (speak) ___________.

20. He …………………to the zoo last Sunday (go)

21. She (not/ watch)………………………………TV last night

22. They (meet)…………………………their friends at the movie theater last week

23. What……………you (do)…………………last night

24. ……………………… they (buy)…………………a new car two days ago?

25. We ………….. (have) a lot of homework yesterday.

Đáp án:

1 – spent 2 – didn’t spend 3 – lended 4 – built 5 – sold
6 – Did … tell 7 – bore 8 – torn 9 – worn 10 – swore
11 – crept 12 – slept 13 – wept 14 – kept 15 – swept
16 – paid 17 – laid 18 – broke 19 – choosen 20 – went
21 – didn’t watch 22 – met 23 – did … do 24 – Did … buy 25 – had

Ex 8. Use the correct form of the verbs

Yesterday (be)………. Sunday, Nam (get)……………up at six. He (do) ……….. his morning exercises. He (take) ……………a shower, (comb)………….. hair, and then he (have) ………….. breakfast with his parents. Nam (eat)………… a bowl of noodles and (drink) ……..a glass of milk for his breakfast. After breakfast, he (help) ………….. Mom clean the table. After that, he (brush)………. his teeth, (put)………. on clean clothes, and (go)………… to his grandparents’ house. He (have) ………….. lunch with his grandparents. He (return) to his house at three o’clock. He (do)………….. his homework. He (eat)………. dinner at 6. 30. After dinner, his parents (take)………. him to the movie theater. It (be)……………a very interesting film. They (come) ………….. back home at 9.30. Nam (go)………………. to bed at ten o’clock.

1. What day was yesterday? ………………………………………………………………………

2. What time did Nam get up? ……………………………………………………………………

3. What did he do after breakfast? ……………………………………………………………….

4. Who did he have lunch with? …………………………………………………………………

5. What time did he have dinner? ………………………………………………………………..

6. What time did Nam go to bed? ………………………………………………………………

Đáp án:
1 – was 2 – got 3 – did 4 – took 5 – combed
6 – had 7 – ate 8 – drank 9 – helped 10 – brushed
11 – put 12 – went 13 – had 14 – returned 15 – did
16 – ate 17 – took 18 – was 19 – came 20 – went

Trả lời câu hỏi

1 – It was Sunday.

2 – He got up at six.

3 – He helped his mother clean the table.

4 – He had lunch with his grandparents.

5 – He had dinner at 6.30.

6 – He went to bed at ten o’clock.

Ex 9. Use the Past form of the verbs:

1- I (be)………………………………… a student 2 years ago.

2- He (be)……………………………. a doctor two years ago.

3- They (be)…………………………… farmers last year.

4- Lan and Ba (be)……………………. nurses last year.

5- It (be not)………………………. cold yesterday.

6- She (be not)…………………… a pupil last week.

7- This hat (be not)……………………. new yesterday.

8- My parents (be not)………………….. teachers two years ago.

9- He (be not)…………………….. a mechanic last Monday.

10- (Be)………………. he an engineer yesterday. No, he (be not)…………………

11- (Be)…………….. It hot last week?

12- The windows (be)……………….. open last Monday.

13- (Be)…………….. you a teacher two years ago? Yes, I (be)……………..

14- Where (be)……………….. Nam from yesterday?

15- Why (be)………………………. he unhappy last Tuesday?

16. I (remember)…………………… your trip to Nha Trang two years ago.

17. Ba (wear)……………………….. the cap all day yesterday.

18. I (eat)…………………….. a lot of fish yesterday.

19. Her aunt (take)…………………………….. her to see Cham Temple last year.

20. Tuan (have)………………………… a new bike yesterday.

21. She (not buy)……………………………. a new ruler yesterday.

22. He (not talk)…………………………… with his parents about his vacation in Da Lat last year.

23. They (not come)……………………………. school yesterday?

24. The windows (not close)………………………. yesterday?

25. We (not return)……………………………….. at home at 7 pm last Monday.

26. She (not eat)……………………………………… fish and crab yesterday.

27. Lan (not go)…………………………… Ho Chi Minh city two years ago.

28. My parents (not take)…………………………… to Vung Tau last week.

29. We (not have)……………………………….. a lot of friends in Ha Noi.

30. Lan and Hoa (be)……………………………… your school two years ago?

31. What they (play)…………………………. last week?

32. What Hoa (try)……………………………………………… on yesterday?

33. Who (talk)……………………………… to about the film on TV last Monday?

34. Where they (stop)………………………………. on their way back last Sunday?

35. What the student (wear)……………………………….. at school two years ago?

36. Where you (put) ………………………….. the cake yesterday?

37. What time you (leave)……………………………. home for school yesterday?

38. What Ba (receive)…………………………… from Liz last week?

39. How long he (do)………………………. this hat yesterday?

40. What time you (go)…………………………….. to bed last night?

41. You (go)…………………………….. to Dalat for last tet vacation/

42. He (have)…………………………….. a lot of friends in Ho Chi Minh city 3 years ago?

43. His uncle (take)……………………….. him to see Tri Nguyen aquarium last week?

44. Liz (buy)……………………… a lot of souvenirs yesterday?

45. They (put)……………………… the fish in the big bag last Sunday?

46. They (eat)……………………….meat in her meals in Vung Tau yesterday?

47. I(wear) the …………………….cap with a dolphin om it yesterday/

48. Liz (teach)…………………………… Ba some English last week/

49. Bad and Tan (remember) …………………their trip to Nha Trang last month?

50. Nam (return) ………………………..to Ha Noi last week?

51. I (go)……………………….to Ben Thanh market last Monday

52. He (get)…………………………up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

53. What time you (go) …………………to bed last night?

54. She ( not go)…………………………….to work last weekend.

55. Lan (meet)……………………………her at the party 3 years ago.

56. Last summer vacation, Mom (not buy)………………………..me a new buy?

57. When he (leave)…………………………. for work last week.

58. What you (do)…………………………… yesterday?

59. We (begin)………………………………to learn English 3 years ago.

60. She (be)…………………………………..an engineer last week.

61. Lan (be not)……………………………..at home yesterday.

62. He (wear) ……………………………….the shirt last week.

63. They (be ) …………………………..here yesterday.

64. You (go) ………………………….to school yesterday?

65. Tam (be)……………………………….. at home last night? – Yes, he (be).

66. Where he (go)…………………………………. yesterday?

67. I (be)………………………………….. sick last night.

68. Why you (not come )………………………… to class yesterday?

69. We (be) …………………………..in the library yesterday.

70. Hoa (buy) ……………………………..a lot of things for her birthday party.

71. What time you (leave) ………………………………….home for school yesterday?

Đáp án:

1 – was 2 – was 3 – were 4 – were 5 – wasn’t
6 – wasn’t 7 – wasn’t 8 – weren’t 9 – wasn’t 10 – was – wasn’t
11 – was 12 – were 13 – were – was 14 – was 15 – was
16 – remembered 17 – wore 18 – ate 19 – took 20 – had
21 – didn’t buy 22 – didn’t talk 23 – Did … not come 24 – Did …not close 25 – didn’t return
26 – didn’t eat 27 – didn’t go 28 – didn’t take 29 – didn’t have 30 – were …
31 – did .. play 32 – did… try 33 – talked 34 – did… stop 35 – did … wear
36 – did.. putt 37 – did… leave 38 – did…receive 39 – did… do 40 – did…go
41 – Did…go 42 – Did… have 43 – Did… take 44 – Did.. bought 45 – Did…put
46 – Did…eat 47 – wore 48 – taught 49 – Did… remember 50 – Did…return
51 – went 52 – got 53 – did…go 54 – didn’t go 55 – met
56 – Did … not buy 57 – did… leave 58 – did… do 59 – began 60 – was
61 – wasn’t 62 – wore 63 – were 64 – did… go 65 – Was
66 – did …go 67 – was 68 – didn’t come 69 – were 70 – bought
71 – did …leave

Ex 10. Give the correct forms of verb in the past simple tense.

Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl (be)1 …… young. Her father (marry) 2………….again, but the girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her because she was so beautiful.
The evil queen (order) 3…………. a hunter to kill Snow White but he couldn’t do it because she was so lovely. He (chase) 4………….her away instead, and she (take) 5…………. refuge with seven dwarfs in their house in the forest. She (live) 6………….with the dwarfs and took care of them and they (love) 7………….her dearly.
Then one day the talking mirror (tell) 8………….the evil queen that Snow White was still alive. She (change) 9………….herself into a witch and (make) 10………….a poisoned apple. She (go) 11…………. to the dwarfs’ house disguised as an old woman and tempted Snow White to eat the poisoned apple, which (put) 12………….her into an everlasting sleep.
Finally, a prince (find) 13………….her in the glass coffin where the dwarfs had put her and woke her up with a kiss. Snow White and the prince (be) 14………….married and lived happily ever after.

Đáp án:
1 – Was 2 – married 3 – ordered 4 – chased 5 – Took 6 – Lived 7 – Loved
8 – told 9 – changed 10 – made 11 – went 12 – put 13 – found 14 – were

Ex 11. Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng

1. It was warm, so I …… off my coat. (take).

2. The film wasn’t very good. I ……… it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ….. her (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I ….. the party early. (leave)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ….. very well (sleep)

6. The window was open and a bird ….. into the room (fly)

7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ….. very much (cost)

8. I was in a hurry, so I ….. time to phone you (have).

9. It was hard carrying the bags. They ….. very heavy. (be)

Đáp án:

1 – took;

2 – didn’t enjoy;

3 – didn’t disturb;

4 – left;

5 – didn’t sleep;

6 – flew;

7 – didn’t cost;

8 – didn’t have;

9 – were;

Ex 12. Write the questions with “Did…….?”and give the answer with “Yes / No

They played soccer yesterday afternoon

– Did they play soccer yesterday afternoon?

-Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

1. He sent a letter to his pen pal last week.



2. She taught us English last year.



3. They did their homework carefully.



4. The Robinsons bought a lot of souvenirs.



5. Tourists ate seafood at that famous restaurant.



6. The teacher gave her students a lot of homework.



7. His uncle took him to see Cham temple.



8. Liz bought a lot of souvenirs.



9. They put the fish in a big bag.



10. Ba wore the cap with a dolphin on it.



Đáp án:

1 – Did he send a letter to his pen pal last week?

Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t.

2 – Did she teach us English last year?

Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t.

3 – Did they do their homework carefully?

Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t.

4 – Did the Robinson buy a lot of souvenirs?

Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t.

5 – Did tourists eat food at that famous restaurant?

Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t.

6 – Did the teacher give her students a lot of homework?

Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t.

7 – Did his uncle take him to see Cham temple?

Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t.

8 – Did Liz buy a lot of souvenirs?

Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t.

9 – Did they put the fish in a big bag?

Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t.

10 – Did he wear the cap with a dolphin on it?

Yes, he did/ No, he didn’t.

Ex 13. Choose the best answer

1. They ………………. students yesterday.

a. am b. is c. was d. Were

2. They …………. doctors two years ago.

A. am b. is c. was d. Were

3. They …………… farmers last month.

A. are b. is c. was d. Were

4. We ……. nurses yesterday.

A.are b. is c. was d. Were

5. The weather …….. cold yesterday.

A.aren’t b. isn’t c. wasn’t d. weren’t

6. I ………a pupil last week.

A.aren’t b. isn’t c. wasn’t d. weren’t

7. These hats …….new yesterday.

A.aren’t b. isn’t c. wasn’t d. weren’t

8. My parents……..teachers two years ago.

A.are b. is c. was d. Were

9. He ………….a mechanic last Monday.

A.aren’t b. is c. wasn’t d. weren’t

10. … he an engineer yesterday. No, he ……

A.is/ isn’t b.are/aren’t c.was/wasn’t d.were/weren’t

11. …….It hot last week?

A. am b. is c. was d. Were

12. The shops …open last Monday.

A. am b. is c. was d. Were

13. …. you a teacher two years ago? Yes, I……

a.is/ isn’t b.are/aren’t c.were/wasn’t d.was/weren’t

14. Where ……Nam from yesterday?

A. am b. is c. was d. Were

15. Why ………they unhappy last Tuesday?

A. am b. is c. was d. Were

16. I … your trip to Nha Trang two years ago.

A.remember b.remembers c.remembered d.remembered

17. Ba …….. the cap all day yesterday.

A. wear b. wears c. weared d. wore

18. We ……….a lot of fish yesterday.

A. eated b. ate c. eats d. Eat

19. Her aunt ……… her to see Cham Temple last year.

A .taked b. took c. take d. Takes

20. Tuan ……… a new bike yesterday.

A. haved b. has c. had d. Have

Đáp án:
1 – d 2 – d 3 – d 4 – d 5 – c
6 – c 7 – d 8 – d 9 – c 10 – c
11 – c 12 – d 13 – c 14 – c 15 – d
16 – d 17 – d 18 – b 19 – b 20 – c

Ex 14. Give the correct forms of verb in the past simple tense.

Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl (be)1 …… young. Her father (marry) 2………….again, but the girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her because she was so beautiful.
The evil queen (order) 3…………. a hunter to kill Snow White but he couldn’t do it because she was so lovely. He (chase) 4………….her away instead, and she (take) 5…………. refuge with seven dwarfs in their house in the forest. She (live) 6………….with the dwarfs and took care of them and they (love) 7………….her dearly.
Then one day the talking mirror (tell) 8………….the evil queen that Snow White was still alive. She (change) 9………….herself into a witch and (make) 10………….a poisoned apple. She (go) 11…………. to the dwarfs’ house disguised as an old woman and tempted Snow White to eat the poisoned apple, which (put) 12………….her into an everlasting sleep.
Finally, a prince (find) 13………….her in the glass coffin where the dwarfs had put her and woke her up with a kiss. Snow White and the prince (be) 14………….married and lived happily ever after.

Đáp án:

Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl (be)1 …was… young. Her father (marry) 2…..married.…….again, but the girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her because she was so beautiful.

The evil queen (order) 3……ordered……. a hunter to kill Snow White but he couldn’t do it because she was so lovely. He (chase) 4….chased………her away instead, and she (take) 5…..took.……. refuge with seven dwarfs in their house in the forest. She (live) 6……lived…….with the dwarfs and took care of them and they (love) 7……loved…….her dearly.
Then one day the talking mirror (tell) 8……told…….the evil queen that Snow White was still alive. She (change) 9…….changed……herself into a witch and (make) 10…..made……..a poisoned apple. She (go) 11……went……. to the dwarfs’ house disguised as an old woman and tempted Snow White to eat the poisoned apple, which (put) 12…….put.…..her into an everlasting sleep.
Finally, a prince (find) 13…..found……..her in the glass coffin where the dwarfs had put her and woke her up with a kiss. Snow White and the prince (be) 14…..was……..married and lived happily ever after.

Ex 15. Make the past simple, positive, negative or question

1) Where _______________(she/ go) last summer holiday?

2) What ______________(you/ do) last month?

3) He ______________(work) in a factory.

4) You ______________(not/ call) your parents last night.

5) ______________(you/ wear) your pink dress?

6) He ______________(not/ read) that story.

7) ______________(you/ go) on Sunday morning?

8) ______________(she/ study) English last night?

9) ______________(we/ arrive) last night?

10) Who ______________(you/ meet) yesterday?

11) ______________(they/ come) to the birthday party?

12) She ______________(not/ meet) her relatives.

13) ______________(she/ go) to the cinema with you?

14) You ______________(meet) a new friend from America.

15) Which one ______________(you/ like)?

16) I ______________(not/ remember) your magazine.

17) What______________ (she/ do) last Sunday?

18) He ______________(not/ like) chocolate ice cream.

19) What ______________(you / buy) at the shopping mall yesterday?

20) ______________ (you/ have) an amazing holiday?

Đáp án:

1) Where ______did she go________(she/ go) last summer holiday?

2) What _______did you do_______(you/ do) last month?

3) He _______worked_______(work) in a factory.

4) You _____didn’t call_________(not/ call) your parents last night.

5) _______Did you wear_______(you/ wear) your pink dress?

6) He _____didn’t read_________(not/ read) that story.

7) _______Did you go_______(you/ go) on Sunday morning?

8) ________Did she study______(she/ study) English last night?

9) _______Did we arrive_______(we/ arrive) last night?

10) Who _______did you meet_______(you/ meet) yesterday?

11) _____Did they come_____(they/ come) to the birthday party?

12) She ______didn’t met________(not/ meet) her relatives.

13) _______Did she go_______(she/ go) to the cinema with you?

14) You ________met______(meet) a new friend from America.

15) Which one _____did you like_________(you/ like)?

16) I _______didn’t remember_______(not/ remember) your magazine.

17) What________did she do______ (she/ do) last Sunday?

18) He ______didn’t like________(not/ like) chocolate ice cream.

19) What ______did you buy________(you / buy) at the shopping mall yesterday?

20) _______Did you have_______ (you/ have) an amazing holiday?

Ex 16. Supply the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets

One afternoon, a big wolf (wait) ____________ in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally a little girl did come along and she (carry) ____________ a basket of food. ‘Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?’ asked the wolf. The little girl said yes, she (be)____________. So the wolf (ask) ____________her where her grandmother lived and the little girl (tell)____________ him and he (disappear)____________ into the wood.

When the little girl (open) ____________ the door of her grandmother’s house, she (see)____________ that there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer than twenty-five feet from the bed when she (see)____________ that it was not her grandmother but the wolf , for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look like anybody’s grandmother. So the little girl (take) ____________ an automatic pistol out of her basket and (shoot) ____________the wolf dead.

Đáp án:

One afternoon, a big wolf (wait) ____was waiting________ in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally, a little girl did come along and she (carry) ____was carrying________ a basket of food. ‘Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?’ asked the wolf. The little girl said yes, she (be)_____was_______. So the wolf (ask) _____asked_______her where her grandmother lived and the little girl (tell)____told________ him and he (disappear)_____disappeared_______ into the wood.

When the little girl (open) ______opened______ the door of her grandmother’s house, she (see)____saw________ that there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer than twenty-five feet from the bed when she (see)____saw________ that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look like anybody’s grandmother. So the little girl (take) ______took______ an automatic pistol out of her basket and (shoot) _____shot_______the wolf dead.

Ex 17. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense

When Abby (be) _____________ seven years old, she (do, not, like) _____________ piano lessons. She (do, not, like) _____________ to practice and sometimes she even (cry) _____________ when it (be) _____________ time to practice. Finally, she (stop) _____________ taking lessons.

Some of Abby’s friends (do, not, quit) _____________ their lessons. They (continue) _____________ to play. After much practice, they (learn) _____________ to play very well.

About ten years (pass) _____________ before Abby (become) _____________ interested in music or the piano again. After she (graduate) _____________ from high school, Abby (decide) _____________ that she (want) _____________ to study music in collede. She (call) _____________ the lady who (teach) _____________ her when she (be) _____________ a little girl. The lady (say) _____________ she would teach Abby again.

Đáp án:

When Abby (be) _____was________ seven years old, she (do, not, like) ______didn’t like_______ piano lessons. She (do, not, like) ______didn’t like_______ to practice and sometimes she even (cry) _______cried______ when it (be) _______was______ time to practice. Finally, she (stop) _______stopped______ taking lessons.

Some of Abby’s friends (do, not, quit) ______didn’t quit_______ their lessons. They (continue) _______continued______ to play. After much practice, they (learn) _______learned______ to play very well.

About ten years (pass) _______passed______ before Abby (become) ________became_____ interested in music or the piano again. After she (graduate) ______graduated_______ from high school, Abby (decide) ______decided_______ that she (want) ______wanted_______ to study music in collede. She (call) _____called________ the lady who (teach) _____taught________ her when she (be) ______was_______ a little girl. The lady (say) _____said________ she would teach Abby again.

Ex 18. Complete the sentences, put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. (simple past tense)

1. It was warm, so I ______ off my coat. (take)

2. The film wasn’t very good. I ______ it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ______ her. (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I ______ to bed early. (go)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ______ very well. (sleep)

6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ______ anything. (eat)

7. We went to Kate’s house but she ______ at home. (be)

8. It was a funny situation but nobody ______ (laugh)

9. The window was open and a bird ______ into the room. (fly)

10. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ______ very much. (cost)

11. I was in a hurry, so I ______ time to phone you. (have)

12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They ______ very heavy. (be)

Đáp án:

1. It was warm, so I ___took___ off my coat. (take)

2. The film wasn’t very good. I ___didn’t enjoy___ it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ___didn’t disturb___ her. (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I ___went___ to bed early. (go)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I __didn’t sleep____ very well. (sleep)

6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ___didn’t eat___ anything. (eat)

7. We went to Kate’s house but she __wasn’t____ at home. (be)

8. It was a funny situation but nobody __laughed____ (laugh)

9. The window was open and a bird ___flew___ into the room. (fly)

10. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ___didn’t cost___ very much. (cost)

11. I was in a hurry, so I __didn’t have____ time to phone you. (have)

12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They ___were___ very heavy. (be)

Ex 19. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She (be)_______ good at school.

2. Elephants (eat)_______ grass.

3. I (like)_______ fish and chips.

4. She always (meet)_______ her friends after school.

5. Tom often (wear)_______ a white shirt and blue jeans.

6. They (be)_______ never tired in the morning.

7. He (like)_______ apples and bananas.

8. The children sometimes (go)_______ to the playground.

9. Sandra usually (take)_______ the bus to school.

10. Derrick always (have)_______ lunch at a restaurant.

11. The boys often (play)_______ computer games.

12. Our cat hardly ever (catch)_______ a mouse.

13. Paul (walk)_______ his dog every day.

14. Our daughter often (get)_______ up too late.

15. My mother (bake)_______ a cake every Saturday.

Đáp án:

1. She (be)____was___ good at school.

2. Elephants (eat)____ate___ grass.

3. I (like)____liked___ fish and chips.

4. She always (meet)___met____ her friends after school.

5. Tom often (wear)_____wore__ a white shirt and blue jeans.

6. They (be)____were___ never tired in the morning.

7. He (like)____liked___ apples and bananas.

8. The children sometimes (go)___went____ to the playground.

9. Sandra usually (take)____took___ the bus to school.

10. Derrick always (have)____had___ lunch at a restaurant.

11. The boys often (play)___played____ computer games.

12. Our cat hardly ever (catch)___caught____ a mouse.

13. Paul (walk) ___walked____ his dog every day.

14. Our daughter often (get)___got____ up too late.

15. My mother (bake)____baked___ a cake every Saturday.

Ex 20. Put the words in correct order and make positive sentences, negative sentences and questions

1. went/ last Saturday/ Mr. Flores/ late/ to bed/


2. apply/ Did/ after school/ for the job/ your sister/ at the Italian restaurant/


3. addition/ taught/ yesterday/ Our maths/


4. parasailing/ Mark and Paul/ last summer/ tried/


5. yesterday afternoon/ tidied/ My elder sister/ her room/


6. showed/ me/ a few ago/ Jeffray/ his secret chest


7. you/ What time/ yesterday/ start/ did/ doing/ homework/


8. won/ last week/ 3 – 2/ Our football team/ the match


Đáp án

1. Mr. Flores went to bed late last Saturday.

2. Did your sister apply for the job at the Italian restaurant?

3. Our teacher taught addition yesterday.

4. Mark and Paul tried parasailing last summer

5. My elder sister tidied her room yesterday afternoon.

6. Jeffrey showed me his secret chest a few week ago.

7. What time did you start doing homework yesterday?

8. Our football team won the match 3 – 2 last week.

Ex 21. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the past simple form

On Friday, the chidren …………. (1. talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they …………. (2. go) to the country with their two dogs and …………. (3. play) together. Ben and Dave …………. (4. have) some kites. Some time later the dogs …………. (5. be) not there. So they …………. (6. call) them and …………. (7. look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children …………. (8. find) them and …………. (9. take) them back. Charlie …………. (10. be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick …………. (11. go) to the bikes and …………. (12. fetch) the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they …………. (13. play) football. Nick and Dave …………. (14. win). In the evening they …………. (15. ride) home.

Đáp án

On Friday, the chidren ……talked……. (1. talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they ……went……. (2. go) to the country with their two dogs and ……played……. (3. play) together. Ben and Dave ……had……. (4. have) some kites. Some time later the dogs ……were……. (5. be) not there. So they ……called……. (6. call) them and ……looked……. (7. look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children ……found……. (8. find) them and ……took……. (9. take) them back. Charlie ……was……. (10. be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick ……went……. (11. go) to the bikes and ……fetched……. (12. fetch) the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they ……played……. (13. play) football. Nick and Dave ……won……. (14. win). In the evening they ……rode……. (15. ride) home.

Ex 22. Give the word in the past simple tense.

1. Linh ___________her maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2. Tuan ___________to Taiwan by plane? (to go)

3. We ___________a farm three weeks ago. (to visit)

4. Tuan and Tu ___________their brother. (not/to help)

5. The children ___________at home last Sunday. (not/to be)

6. When ___________you ___________this wonderful dress? (to design)

7. My father ___________into the truck. (not/to crash)

8. Tuan ___________the basket of his bicycle. (to take off)

9. ___________you ___________your uncle last weekend? (to phone)

10. She ___________milk at class. (not/to drink)

Đáp án

1. Linh _______did____her maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2. Did Tuan _____go______to Taiwan by plane? (to go)

3. We ___________a farm three weeks ago. (to visit)

4. Tuan and Tu _______didn’t help____their brother. (not/to help)

5. The children ______weren’t_____at home last Sunday. (not/to be)

6. When ______did_____you ____design_______this wonderful dress? (to design)

7. My father _____didn’t crash______into the truck. (not/to crash)

8. Tuan ______took off_____the basket of his bicycle. (to take off)

9. _____Dod______you ______phone_____your uncle last weekend? (to phone)

10. She ____didn’t drink_______milk at class. (not/to drink)

Ex 23. Complete the text with the simple form of the past tense!

Last night I (GO) ______ to my favourite restaurant in Jackson Street. I (LEAVE) ______ the restaurant at about 10 o’clock. It (BE) ______ a very warm evening and I (DECIDE) ______ to take a walk along the beach.

Suddenly I (HEAR) ______ a noise. I (TURN) _____ around and (SEE) ______ three teenage boys. One boy (COME) ______ up to me and (ASK) ______ me what time it (BE) ______. When I (LOOK) ______ down at my watch, he (HIT) ______ me and I (FALL) to the ground. Another boy (TAKE) ______ my wallet. I (SHOUT) ______ for help but nobody (HEAR) ______ me. Then they (RUN) ______ away.

Đáp án

Last night I (GO) ___went___ to my favourite restaurant in Jackson Street. I (LEAVE) ___left___ the restaurant at about 10 o’clock. It (BE) __was____ a very warm evening and I (DECIDE) __decided____ to take a walk along the beach.

Suddenly I (HEAR) ___heard___ a noise. I (TURN) ___turned__ around and (SEE) __saw____ three teenage boys. One boy (COME) ___came___ up to me and (ASK) ___asked___ me what time it (BE) __was____ . When I (LOOK) ___looked___ down at my watch, he (HIT) __hit____ me and I (FALL) ____fell__ to the ground . Another boy (TAKE) __took____ my wallet. I (SHOUT) __shouted____ for help but nobody (HEAR) __heard____ me. Then they (RUN) ___ran___ away.

Ex 24. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1.Then we (leave)________ the cafe and (say) _______ good bye.

2. We (decide)__________ to have a cup of tea.

3. I (turn)_______ around and (see)_______ Judy.

4. My brother (get)_________ a new job a week ago (get).

5. Columbus (discover)_______ America over 500 years ago (discover)

6. She (be not)_______ interested in the book because she (do not)_________ understand it (be ,not understand)

7. (you, be)________ at school yesterday? (you be)

8. We (live)_______ in a house near the sea last summer (live)

9. She (can play) _______ the piano very well when she (be) ______ young

10. She (leave) ______ the office very early last night (leave).

Đáp án

1.Then we (leave)____left____ the cafe and (say) __said_____ good bye.

2. We (decide)_____decided______ to have a cup of tea.

3. I (turn)____turned____ around and (see)___saw____ Judy.

4. My brother (get)____got_____ a new job a week ago (get).

5. Columbus (discover)___discovered____ America over 500 years ago (discover)

6. She (be not)___was not____ interested in the book because she (do not)____did not_____ understand it (be ,not understand)

7. (you, be)____Were you____ at school yesterday? (you be)

8. We (live)___lived____ in a house near the sea last summer (live)

9. She (can play) ___could play____ the piano very well when she (be) ___was___ young

10. She (leave) ___left___ the office very early last night (leave).

Ex 25. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. When we were in Canada, we _______ skiing almost every day. (GO)

2. About four years ago I ________ to become a restaurant manager. (DECIDE)

3. When I was younger I _________ pizza almost every day (EAT)

4. Daniel _______ you yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t around (CALL)

5. Jimmy and I ________ from the house to the taxi because it was raining heavily yesterday. (RUN)

6. Why _________ (you, not tell) her that I had been here before ?

7. The inspector ________ (think) hard about the murder when he suddenly _________ (realise) that he was following the wrong track.

8. _________ (You, see) the new George Clooney film at nine p.m. yesterday ?

9. When _______ (they, buy) your house ?

10. The war _______ (start) in 1939.

Đáp án

1. When we were in Canada, we ___WENT____ skiing almost every day. (GO)

2. About four years ago I ____DECIDED____ to become a restaurant manager. (DECIDE)

3. When I was younger I _____ATE____ pizza almost every day (EAT)

4. Daniel ___CALLED ____ you yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t around (CALL)

5. Jimmy and I ____RAN_____ from the house to the taxi because it was raining heavily yesterday. (RUN)

6. Why ____DIDN’T YOU TELL_____ (you, not tell) her that I had been here before ?

7. The inspector ____THOUGHT____ (think) hard about the murder when he suddenly ____REALISED_____ (realise) that he was following the wrong track.

8. _____DID YOU SEE____ (You, see) the new George Clooney film at nine p.m. yesterday ?

9. When ___did they buy____ (they, buy) your house ?

10. The war ___started____ (start) in 1939.

Ex 26. Make the past simple, positive, negative or question

1) I (not/ drink) _______ any yoghurt last night.

2) Lan and Phuc (get on) _______ the bus in the centre of the city.

3) What time (Phong/ get up) __________ yesterday? – He (get up)_____ at 7 o’clock.

4) Where (you/ get off) _________ the train?

5) I (not/ change) _________ trains at Hanoi.

Đáp án

1) I (not/ drink) ___didn’t drink___ any yoghurt last night.

2) Lan and Phuc (get on) ____got on___ the bus in the centre of the city.

3) What time (Phong/ get up) _____did Phong get up _____ yesterday? – He (get up)__got up___ at 7 o’clock.

4) Where (you/ get off) ___did you get off______ the train?

5) I (not/ change) ___didn’t change______ trains at Hanoi.

Ex 27. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. He ______ (FIND) some money when he ______(CLEAN) the cupboards.

2. He ______ (SEE) the accident when he ________(DRIVE) home from work.

3. While Jimmy ______ (TELL) a joke his teacher_______(WALK) in.

4. The Smiths ___FLEW___ (FLY) to Italy yesterday.

5. They ______ (LIVE) in Portugal when the earthquake ________ (HAPPEN)

Đáp án

1. He ___FOUND___ (FIND) some money when he ______(CLEAN) the cupboards.

2. He ___SAW___ (SEE) the accident when he ____DROVE ____(DRIVE) home from work.

3. While Jimmy ___WAS TELLING___ (TELL) a joke his teacher____ WALKED ____(WALK) in.

4. The Smiths ___FLEW___ (FLY) to Italy yesterday.

5. They ___WERE LIVING___ (LIVE) in Portugal when the earthquake ____HAPPENED____ (HAPPEN)

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