50 bài tập tiếng Anh về thì tương lai gần có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập tiếng Anh về thì tương lai gần có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập tiếng Anh về thì tương lai gần và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập tiếng Anh về thì tương lai gần có đáp án

I. Công thức thì tương lai gần

1. Thể khẳng định:

S + is/ am/ are + going to + V(nguyên thể)

Trong đó: S (subject): Chủ ngữ

is/ am/ are: là 3 dạng của “to be”

V(nguyên thể): Động từ ở dạng nguyên thể

Chú ý:

– S = I + am = I’m

– S = He/ She/ It + is = He’s/ She’s/ It’s

– S = We/ You/ They + are = We’re/ You’re/ They’re

Ví dụ:

– I am going see a film at the cinema tonight.(Tôi sẽ đi xem phim tại rạp chiếu phim tối nay.)

– She is going to buy a new car next week. (Cô ấy sẽ mua một chiếc xe mới vào tuần tới.)

– We are going to Paris next month. (Chúng tôi sẽ đi tới Paris vào tháng tới.)

2. Thể phủ định:

S + is/ am/ are + not + going to + V(nguyên thể)


Câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm “not” vào ngay sau động từ “to be”.

Chú ý:

– am not: không có dạng viết tắt

– is not = isn’t

– are not = aren’t

Ví dụ:

– I am not going to attend the class tomorrow because I’m very tired.(Tôi sẽ không tham dự lớp học ngày mai vì tôi rất mệt.)

– She isn’t going to sell her house because she has had enough money now. (Cô ấy sẽ không bán ngôi nhà của cô ấy bởi vì cô ấy đã có đủ tiền rồi.)

– They aren’t going to cancel the meeting because the electricity is on again. (Họ sẽ không hủy bỏ cuộc họp bởi đã có điện trở lại.)

3. Thể nghi vấn:

Is/ Am/ Are + S + going to + V(nguyên thể)?

Trả lời: Yes, S + is/am/ are.

No, S + is/am/are.

Câu hỏi ta chỉ việc đảo động từ “to be” lên trước chủ ngữ.

Ví dụ:

– Are you going to fly to America this weekend? (Bạn sẽ bay tới Mỹ vào cuối tuần này à?)

Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.

– Is he going to stay at his grandparents’ house tonight? (Cậu ấy sẽ ở lại nhà ông bà cậu ấy tối nay phải không?)

Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.

Chú ý:

– Động từ “GO” khi chia thì tương lai gần ta sử dụng cấu trúc:

S + is/ am/ are + going

Chứ ta không sử dụng: S + is/ am/ are + going to + go

Ví dụ:

– I am going to the party tonight. (Tôi sẽ tới bữa tiệc tối hôm nay.)

Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

Để xác định được thì tương lai gần, cần dựa vào ngữ cảnh và các bằng chứng ở hiện tại

Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai gần bao gồm các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai giống như dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn, nhưng nó có thêm những căn cứ hay những dẫn chứng cụ thể.

– in + thời gian: trong … nữa (in 2 minutes: trong 2 phút nữa)

– tomorrow: ngày mai

– Next day: ngày hôm tới

– Next week/ next month/ next year: Tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới

Ví dụ:

Tomorrow I am going to visit my parents in New York. I have just bought the ticket. (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi thăm bố mẹ tôi ở New York. Tôi vừa mới mua vé rồi.)

Ta thấy “Ngày mai” là thời gian trong tương lai. “Tôi vừa mới mua vé” là dẫn chứng cụ thể cho việc sẽ “đi thăm bố mẹ ở New York”.

II. Bài tập Be going to có đáp án

Exercise 1. Hãy viết các câu sau ở thì tương lai gần. “be going to+V”

1. My father/go on/ diet.

2. He/ not/ drink so much beer.

3. What/ you/ do/ tonight?

4. you/have/haircut?

5. Lan/ tidy/ her bed room.

6. she/ copy/ the chapter.

7. he/ criticise/ you.

8. I/ defend/ my point of view.

9. they/ discuss/ the problem.

10. he/ reach/ his goal.

11. the robber/ rob/ another bank.

12. we/ explore/ a new territory.

13. they/ rescue/ the girl.

Đáp án:

1 – My father is going to go on diet.

2 – He is not going to drink so much beer.

3 – What are you going to do tonight?

4 – Are you going to have haircut?

5 – Lan is going to tidy her bed room.

6 – She is going to copy the chapter.

7 – He is going to criticise you.

8 – I am going to defend my point of view.

9 – They are going to discuss the problem.

10 – He is going to reach his goal.

11 – The robber is going to rob another bank.

12 – We are going to explore a new territory.

13 – They are going to rescue the girl.

Exercise 2. Chia động từ ở thì Tương lai đơn hoặc tương lai gần.

1. “I am not going to play soccer this afternoon.”

2. “What ______ you_____________ (do)?”

3. Look at those clouds. It __________________________ (rain)

4. I feel terrible. I think I ______________________(be) sick.

5. “Tom had an accident last night.” “Oh! I see I_____________ (visit) him”

6. I think Li Li ________________ (like) the present we bought for her.

7. We ___________________ visit our grand parents this evening.

8. “Nam phoned you while you were out.” “OK. I ________________(call) him back.”

9. I am tidy the room. I _________________________ (hold) my birthday tonight.

10. I ____________________ (see) the movie Dream City this evening.

11. “Don’t play soccer here again.” “I’m sorry. I _______________ (do) that again.

Đáp án:

2 – are you going to do; 3 – is going to rain; 4 – am going to be sick;

5 – will visit; 6 – will like; 7 – are going to; 8 – will call;

9 – am going to hold; 10 – am going to see; 11 – won’t do;

Exercise 3. Hoàn thành bài tập trắc nghiệm

1. It (rain).

A. Is going to rain

B. Are going to

C. Rain

D. Raining

2. They (eat) stew.

A. Are going to eat

B. Will eat

C. Shall eat

D. Are eating

3. I (wear) blue shoes tonight.

A. Will wear

B. Shall wear

C. Am going to wear

4. We (not / help) you.

A. Do not help

B. Are not going to help

C. Will help

D. Help

Đáp án:

1 – A; 2 – A; 3 – C; 4 – B;

Exercise 4. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I (have)___________ a good time tonight.

A. is going to have

B. are going to have

C. am going to have

2. Janet (help)___________ me.

A. is going to help

B. are going to help

C. am going to help

3. (he/ drive)__________ the car?

A. is he going to drive

B. am he going to drive

C. are he going to drive

4. We (stay)__________ at home tonight.

A. are going to stay

B. am going to stay

C. is going to stay

5. (you/ play)__________ tennis with Jenny?

A. am you going to play

B. is you going to play

C. are you going to play

6. We (watch)________ a film tonight.

A. am going to watch

B. is going to watch

C. are going to watch

7. (you/ look)_____________ for a job?

A. are you going to look

B. is you going to look

C. am you going to look

8. (he/ eat out)__________ tonight?

A. is he going to eat out

B. am he going to eat out

C. are he going to eat out

9. She (buy)_____________ a lot of things for the party.

A. is going to buy

B. are going to buy

C. am going to buy

10. They (not/ walk)__________ to the railway station.

A. are not going to walk

B. am not going to walk

C. is not going to walk

Đáp án:

1 – C; 2 – A; 3 – A; 4 – A; 5 – C;

6 – C; 7 – A; 8 – A; 9 – A; 10 – A;

Exercise 5. Viết lại các câu hỏi sau với be going to

1. Where / we / eat tonight.

2. What / he / do tomorrow.

3. What / I / eat for lunch.

4. Who / carry the shopping for me.

5. What time / you / phone me.

6. When / you / give me a present.

7. How much longer / it / take.

8. Where / Paul / sleep.

9. Why / people / go there.

10. How much wine / they / drink.

Đáp án:

1 – Where are we going to eat tonight?

2 – What is he going to do tomorrow?

3 – What am I going to eat for lunch?

4 – Who are going to carry shopping for me?

5 – What time are you going to phone me?

6 – When are you going to give me present?

7 – How much longer is it going to take?

8 – Where is Paul going to sleep?

9 – Why are people going to go there?

10 – How much wine are they going to drink?

Exercise 6. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I think the exam will be very difficult and you are not studying at all.

A. you are not going to fail the exam

B. you are not passing the exam

C. you are not going to pass the exam

2. Get down off that table. It doesn’t look very stable at all.

A. you are going to stand on the table

B. you are going fall off the table

C. you are going to fall off the table

3. The lion is chasing the deer and the deer has an injured leg.

A. the deer is going to escape

B. the lion is going to catch the deer

C. the deer is going to catch the lion

4. It is raining very hard and Liam is walking in the street without an umbrella.

A. Liam is going to get very wet

B. it is going to rain

C. Liam is going to forget his umbrella

5. The wind is blowing very hard and one of the big trees in the garden is making strange creaking noises.

A. it is going to rain

B. the tree is going to creak

C. the tree is going to fall down

6. The room is full of dust and John is holding his nose and making a strange expression with his face.

A. John is going to clean the room

B. John is going sneeze

C. John is going to sneeze

7. The Chicago Bulls are winning the basketball match against the Los Angeles Lakers by 98 points to 81. There are only 90 seconds left.

A. the LA Lakers going to lose the match

B. the Chicago Bulls will winning the match

C. the Chicago Bulls are going to win the match

8. It is raining and the sky is very dark. The temperature is falling very quickly and there are gritting lorries out in the town.

A. there is going to be bad weather

B. it is going to snow

C. it is going to cold

9. Molly is an emotional type. She is watching a very sad film and the heroine has just died. Molly is reaching for her tissues.

A. Molly is going to cry

B. Molly is going to telephone her friend

C. Molly is going to watch a film

10. The fishing boat has a hole in its side and the waves are getting higher and higher.

A. The fishing boat is going to sink

B. The fishing boat going to sink

C. The fishing boat is going to the home port

Đáp án:

1 – C; 2 – C; 3 – B; 4 – A; 5 – C;

6 – C; 7 – C; 8 – B; 9 – A; 10 – A;

Exercise 7. Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

1. She ______________ (have) a birthday party.

2. Tom ______________ (pass) his exams.

3. I ______________ (make) sausages for lunch.

4. They ______________ (go) to England.

5. My sister ______________ (do) her English homework.

6. It ______________ (fall) down.

7. We ______________ (visit) our relatives.

8. The children ______________ (surf) the web.

Đáp án:

1. She ____is going to have__________ (have) a birthday party.

2. Tom ___is going to pass___________ (pass) his exams.

3. I ___am going to make___________ (make) sausages for lunch.

4. They ___are going to go___________ (go) to England.

5. My sister ___is going to do___________ (do) her English homework.

6. It ____is going to fall__________ (fall) down.

7. We ___are going to visit___________ (visit) our relatives.

8. The children ____are going to surf__________ (surf) the web.

Exercise 8. Viết các câu hỏi bên dưới sử dụng các động từ trong ngoặc và “going to”

1. What are your New Years’ resolutions? (you | work more)


2. Doctor, is it serious? (he | die)


3. Why are you taking your gloves? (it | be cold)


4. You stopped the project. (you | continue in future)


5. Your parents are over sixty years old. (they | retire)


6. Eve is a bit overweight. (she | start any diet)


7. Look at the snow on the roof. (it | fall down)


8. You’ve decided to be number one in our country. (how | you | reach that)


9. The dog looks quite dangerous. (it | bite me)


10. Why do you want to take a day off? (what | you | do)


Đáp án:

1. Are you going to work more?

2. Is he going to die?

3. Is it going to be cold?

4. Are you going to continue in future?

5. Are they going to retire?

6. Is she going to start any diet?

7. Is it going to fall down?

8. How are you going to reach that?

9. Is it going to bite me?

10. What are you going to do?

Exercise 9. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. She (come) to her grandfather’s house in the countryside next week.

2. We (go) camping this weekend.

3. I (have) my hair cut tomorrow because it’s too long.

4. She (buy) a new house next month because she has had enough money.

5. Our grandparents (visit) our house tomorrow. They have just informed us.

6. My father (play) tennis in 15 minutes because he has just worn sport clothes.

7. My mother (go) out because she is making up her face.

8. They (sell) their old house because they has just bought a new one

Đáp án:

1 – is going to come

2 – are going camping

3 – am going to have

4 – is going to buy

5 – are going to visit

6 – are going to play

7 – is going out

8 – are going to sell

Exercise 10. Look at the verbs in the box below and complete the text











1. Emma ____________ her English exam next week.

2. It is very hot today. I ____________ in the lake.

3. We ____________ our grandparents this weekend. We haven’t seen them for a long time.

4. John and his brother ____________ their bikes.

5. I ____________ the table. It’s time for lunch.

6. David ____________ his homework after school.

7. It’s Paul’s birthday next week. His friend ____________ him a present.

8. His sister ____________ the violin at the concert.

9. The baby ____________ happy with all the visits

10. You and I ____________ lunch in the cafe next weekend.

Đáp án:

1. Emma _____is going to take_______ her English exam next week.

2. It is very hot today. I _______am going to swim_____ in the lake.

3. We ____are going to visit________ our grandparents this weekend. We haven’t seen them for a long time.

4. John and his brother _______are going to ride_____ their bikes.

5. I _____am going to set_______ the table. It’s time for lunch.

6. David ____is going to do________ his homework after school.

7. It’s Paul’s birthday next week. His friend _____is going to buy_______ him a present.

8. His sister ___is going to play_________ the violin at the concert.

9. The baby ____are going to be________ happy with all the visits

10. You and I _____are going to have_______ lunch in the cafe next weekend.

Exercise 11. Choose the correct option

1. The next train leaves/ is leaving at 9 p.m

2. Look at these dark clouds. It is going to rain/ will rain.

3. I am going to do/ do my homework this afternoon.

4. The meeting starts/ is going to start at ten o’clock.

5. I am so excited about my holiday. I am visiting/ am going to visit the Eiffel Tower.

6. He is going/ goes to the doctor on Tuesday morning.

7. What are you going to see/ will you see on TV tonight?

Đáp án:

1. The next train leaves at 9 p.m

2. Look at these dark clouds. It is going to rain.

3. I am going to do my homework this afternoon.

4. The meeting starts at ten o’clock.

5. I am so excited about my holiday. I am going to visit the Eiffel Tower.

6. He is going to the doctor on Tuesday morning.

7. What are you going to see on TV tonight?

Exercise 12. Chia động từ thích hợp vào câu

1. She (fly) …………. by plane tomorrow.

2. Hi, what time ( the train/pull out) …………. this morning?

3. ( you/travel) …………. to Hanoi tomorrow?

4. I (go) …………. to the cinema tonight.

5. We usually (have) …………. breakfast at 7pm

6. They (go) …………. out this weekend.

7. What time (they/star) …………. work?

8. The library (open) …………. at 8am and (close) …………. at 9pm

9. The parents (have) …………. a meeting on Monday

10. We (get) …………. married next month.

Đáp án

1. is going to fly

2. is the train going to pull out

3. Are you traveling

4. am going to go

5. have

6. are going to go

7. are they staring

8. opens – closes

9. are going to have

10. are going to get

Exercise 13. Hoàn thành câu theo những từ gợi ý

1. Where / they / eat / tomorrow.

2. What / she / do tonight.

3. What / you / eat for lunch.

4. What time / she / phone him.

5. When / he / give me a present.

Đáp án

1. Where are they going to eat tomorrow?

2. What is she going to do tonight?

3. What are you going to eat for lunch?

4. What time is she going to phone him?

5. When is he going to give me a present?

Exercise 14. Chia động từ thích hợp để hoàn thiện câu

1. …………. it with you. (we / not / discuss)

2. …………. a new houser? (they / buy)

3. …………. Lan to my wedding. (I / invite)

4. …………. for her rude behavior. (she / not / apologize)

5. …………. a bus to the city center. (he / catch)

6. …………. a driving license? (you / get)

7. …………. hot on Monday. (it / be)

8. …………. his mind. (he / not / change)

9. …………. him the truth? (she / tell)

10. …………. here for long. (I / not / stay)

Đáp án

1. We are not going to discuss

2. Are they going to buy

3. I am going to invite

4. She is not going to apologize

5. He is going to catch

6. Are you going to get

7. It is going to be

8. He is not going to change

9. Is she going to tell

10. I am not going to stay

Exercise 15. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Linh: Huy borrowed your car.

Lan: WHAT? …………. him. I need it!

a. I’m killing b. I’ll kill c. I kill

2. Linh: Are you free for lunch tomorrow?

Lan: Sorry! …………. tennis with Thu.

a. I’ll play b. I play c. I’m playing

3. Linh: Have you decided what to do about your broken washing machine?

Lan: Yes. …………. tomorrow.

a. I’m going to have it fixed b. I’ll have it fixed c. I have it fixed

4. Linh: Have you ever been to Ha Noi?

Lan: No, but …………. next year with my parents.

a. I’m going b. I go c. I’ll go

5. Linh: What time does the History class start tomorrow?

Lan: …………. at two-thirty.

a. It will start b. It starts c. It is going to start

6. Linh: What time should we go to the airport?

Lan: The plane …………. in half an hour. I think we should leave now.

a. lands b. will land

7. Linh: There’s no milk in the fridge.

Lan: Really? …………. some tomorrow.

a. I’m getting b. I’m going to get c. I’ll get

8. Linh: It’s starting to rain.

Lan: Don’t worry. …………. you my umbrella.

a. I lend b. I’m lending c. I’ll lend

9. Linh: How many books did you buy?

Lan: I don’t know. …………. them.

a. I’m going to count b. I’ll count c. I count

10. Linh: Has Sue made up her mind about university yet?

Lan: Yes. I spoke to her last night. …………. to London.

a. She will go b. She goes c. She’s going to go

Đáp án

1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – A, 4 C, 6 – B, 6 – C, 7 – A, 8 – B, 9 – A, 10 – B

Exercise 16. Viết lại câu sao cho đúng

1. What are your Xmas’ resolutions? (you/ work more)


2. Doctor, is it serious? (She/ die)


3. Why is he taking your gloves? (it/ be cold)


4. She stopped the project. (She/ continue in future)


5. Your parents are over 58 years old. (they/ retire)


6. Eve is a bit overweight. (he/ start any diet)


7. Look at the snow on the roof. (it/ fall down)


8. They’ve decided to be number one in our country. (how/ they/ reach that)


9. The dog looks quite dangerous. (it/ bite me)


10. Why do you want to take a day off? (what/ you/ do)


Đáp án

1. Are you going to work more?

2. Is he going to die?

3. Is it going to be cold?

4. Are you going to continue in the future?

5. Are they going to retire?

6. Is he going to start any diet?

7. Is it going to fall down?

8. How are they going to reach that?

9. Is it going to bite me?

10. What are they going to do?

Exercise 17. Chia động từ thích hợp vào câu

1. She (come) ………. to her parent’s house in the countryside next month.

2. They (go) …….. camping this weekend.

3. I (have) ………… my hair cut tomorrow because it’s too long.

4. He (buy) ……… a new car next month because he has enough money.

5. Our grandparents (visit) …….. my house tomorrow. They have just informed us.

Đáp án

1. is going to come

2. are going camping

3. am going to have

4. is going to buy

5. are going to visit

Exercise 18. Chia động từ với thì tương lai gần

1. I don’t know what is going on. Maybe I ……………(go) to check it.

2. He has planned everything for the picnic this weekend. He ……………(buy) some snacks to eat for lunch.

3. The weather is not good. It ……………(snow).

4. What …………… (you/ become) when you grow up?

5. He …………… (bring) it for her, I think so.

Đáp án

1. will go

2. is going to buy

3. is going to snow

4. are you going to become

5. will bring

Exercise 19. Hoàn thiện câu với các từ gợi ý

1. He/ not/ want/ eat/ candy/ I/ think/ consume vegetables.

2. She/ bring/ coat/ weather/ be/ cold.

3. father/ know/ my bike/ break/ fix/ this afternoon.

4. friends/ stay/ here/ until/ finish/ project.

5. She/ take care/ her/ well/ Don’t worry.

Đáp án

1. He doesn’t want to eat candy, I think she will consume vegetables.

2. She should bring her coat because the weather is going to be cold.

3. His father knows that his bike has broken, so he is going to fix it this afternoon.

4. My friends will stay here until they finish their project.

5. She will take care of her well. Don’t worry!

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn nâng cao có đáp án

Bài tập trắc nghiệm câu tường thuật có đáp án

Bài tập Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn có đáp án

Bài tập thì quá khứ hoàn thành Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết tại Giải Bài Tập. Mời các bạn cùng xem các nội dung giải trí học tập và các kiến thức thú vị khác tại đây.

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