50 bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V

1. Những động từ theo sau là “to V”

Có 2 trường hợp:

a. [Công thức: S + V + to V]

Afford: đủ khả năng Appear: xuất hiện Fail: thất bại Arrange: sắp xếp
Bear: chịu đựng Begin: bắt đầu Choose: lựa chọn Promise: hứa
Decide: quyết định Expect: mong đợi Wish: ước Refuse: từ chối
Learn: học hỏi Hesitate: do dự Intend: dự định Prepare: chuẩn bị
Manage: thành công Neglect: thờ ơ Propose: đề xuất Offer: đề nghị
Pretend: giả vờ Seem: dường như Swear: thề Want: muốn

b. [Công thức: S + V + O + to V]

Advise: khuyên Ask: hỏi Encourage: động viên Forbid/ ban: cấm
Permit: cho phép Remind: nhắc nhở Allow: cho phép Expect: mong đợi
Invite: mời Need: cần Order: ra lệnh Persuade: thuyết phục
Request: yêu cầu Want: muốn Wish: ước Instruct: hướng dẫn
Mean: nghĩa là Force: ép buộc Teach: dạy Tempt: xúi giục
warn: báo trước urge: thúc giục tell: bảo recommend: khuyên
require: đòi hỏi implore: yêu cầu hire: thuê direct: hướng dẫn, chỉ huy
desire: ao ước, them thuồng dare: dám convince: thuyết phục compel:cưỡng bách, bắt buộc
choose: lựa chọn charge: giao nhiệm vụ challenge: thách thức cause: gây ra
beg: van xin appoint: bổ nhiệm

2. Những động từ theo sau là “V-ing”

Anticipate: Tham gia Avoid: Tránh Delay: Trì hoãn Postpone: Trì hoãn
Quit: Bỏ Admit: chấp nhận Discuss: thảo luận Mention: đề cập
Suggest: gợi ý Urge: thúc giục Keep: giữ Urge: thúc giục
Continue: tiếp tục Involve : bao gồm Enjoy: thích Practice: thực hành
Dislike: ko thích Mind: quan tâm Tolerate: cho phép Love: yêu
Hate: ghét Resent: gửi lại Understand: hiểu Resist: chống cự
Recall: nhắc Consider: cân nhắc Deny: từ chối Imagine: tưởng tượng

Ngoài ra, những cụm từ sau cũng theo sau là V-ing:

– It’s no use/It’s no good…

– There’s no point (in)…

– It’s (not) worth…

– Have difficult (in)…

– It’s a waste of time/money…

– Spend/waste time/money…

– Be/get used to…


– Be/get accustomed to…

– Do/Would you mind…?

– Be busy doing something…

– What about…? How about…?

3. Những động từ theo sau gồm cả “to V” và “V-ing”:

Advise, attempt, commence, begin, allow, cease, continue, dread, forget, hate, intend, leave, like, love, mean, permit, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, study, try, can’t bear, recommend, need, want, require.

Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)

Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì


– Stop smoking: dừng hút thuốc.

– Stop to smoke: dừng lại để hút thuốc

Remember/ forget/ regret to V: nhớ/ quên/ tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại – tương lai)

Remember/ forget/ regret V-ing: nhớ/ quên/ tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ)


– Remember to send this letter (Hãy nhớ gửi bức thư này).

– Don’t forget to buy flowers (Đừng quên mua hoa nhé).

– I regret to inform you that the train was cancelled (Tôi rất tiếc phải báo tin – cho anh rằng chuyến tàu đã bị hủy).

– I paid her $2. I still remember that. I still remember paying her $2. (Tôi nhớ đã trả cô ấy 2 đô la rồi).

– She will never forget meeting the Queen. (Cô ấy không bao giờ quên lần gặp nữ hoàng).

– He regrets leaving school early. It is the biggest mistake in his life. (Anh ấy hối tiếc vì đã bỏ học quá sớm).

Try to V: cố gắng làm gì

Try V-ing: thử làm gì


– I try to pass the exam. (Tôi cố gắng vượt qua kỳ thi).

– You should try unlocking the door with this key. (Bạn nên thử mở cửa với chiếc khóa này).

Like V-ing: Thích làm gì vì nó thú vị, hay, cuốn hút, làm để thường thức.

Like to do: làm việc đó vì nó là tốt và cần thiết


– I like watching TV.

– I want to have this job. I like to learn English.

Prefer V-ing to V-ing: thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì

Prefer + to V + rather than (V): thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì


– I prefer driving to traveling by train.

– I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.

Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.

Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.


– He doesn’t mean to prevent you from doing that. (Anh ấy không có ý ngăn cản bạn làm việc đó.)

– This sign means not going into. (Biển báo này có ý nghĩa là không được đi vào trong.)

Need to V: cần làm gì

Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done)


– I need to go to school today.

– Your hair needs cutting. (= your hair needs to be cut)

Used to V: đã từng/thường làm gì trong quá khứ (bây giờ không làm nữa)

Be/Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)


– I used to get up early when I was young. (Tôi thường dậy sớm khi còn trẻ)

– I’m used to getting up early. (Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm rồi)

Advise/allow/permit/recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/cho phép/ đề nghị ai làm gì.

Advise/allow/permit/recommend + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép, đề nghị làm gì.


– He advised me to apply at once.

– He advised applying at once.

– They don’t allow us to park here.

– They don’t allow parking here.

See/ hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 1 phần của hành động.

See /hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chứng kiến toàn bộ hành động.


– I see him passing my house everyday.

– She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.

– We saw him leave the house.

– I heard him make arrangements for his journey.

4. Mẹo để biết chọn V-ing hay To V

Chọn V-ing hay To V

– Dùng V-ing với hành động kéo dài, To V với hành động ngắn

Ví dụ:

I began teaching English 19 years ago .

She began to feel worried and anxious .

– Khi những động từ này ở bất kì thì tiếp diễn nào, ta không thể dùng ‘V-ing’

Ví dụ:

I’m beginning to learn French

I was starting to leave home for school

– Với những động từ chỉ suy nghĩ, hiểu biết ta phải dùng ‘to-V’

Các động từ như: think, understand, remember, forget, realize, recognize, appreciate, comprehend, know, …

Ví dụ:

I begin to understand him

I start to forget all about this event

– Với những từ chỉ tình cảm, cảm xúc ta không dùng ‘ V-ing’

Những từ chỉ tình cảm, cảm xúc: love, hate, miss, admire, respect, adore,…

Với những từ chỉ cảm giác ta không dùng ‘ V-ing’

Những từ chỉ cảm giác: feel, hear, see, smell, taste…

– Sau động từ khiếm khuyết (MODAL VERBS) + động từ nguyên mẫu

Can & Cannot, Could & Could not, May & May not, Might & Might not, Must & Must not, Shall & Shall not, Should & Should not , Will & Will not, Would & Would not

– Nếu động từ thứ 2 diễn ra sau động từ thứ 1; thì động từ thứ 2 là “TO VERB”

– Nếu động từ thứ 2 diễn ra trước động từ thứ 1; thì động từ thứ 2 là “V-ING”

Xác định động từ theo sau là V-ing và To V không quá khó khăn, tuy nhiên cần hiểu rõ bản chất và ghi nhớ kỹ các từ, cụm từ cũng như biết các mẹo để lựa chọn sử dụng V-ing hay To V.

II. Bài tập Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và to V

Ex 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. I can’t imagine Peter _____ (go) by bike.

2. He agreed _____ (buy) a new car.

3. The question is easy _____ (answer).

4. The man asked me how _____ (get) to the airport.

5. I look forward to _____ (see) you at the weekend.

6. Are you thinking of _____ (visit) London?

7. We decided _____ (run) through the forest.

8. The teacher expected Sarah _____ (study) hard.

9. She doesn’t mind _____ (work) the night shift.

10. I learned _____ (ride) the bike at the age of 5.

Đáp án:

1 – going

2 – to buy

3 – to answer

4 – to get

5 – seeing

6 – visiting

7 – to run

8 – to study

9 – working

10 – to ride

Ex 2. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund

1. When i’m tired. I enjoy ________ TV. It’s relaxing. (watch)

2. It was a nice day, so we decided ________ for a walk. (go)

3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ________ for a walk? (go)

4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ________. (wait)

5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford __________ out very often. (go)

6. I wish that dog would stop ________. It’s driving me mad. (bark)

7. Our neighbour threatened __________ the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call)

8. We were hungry, so i suggested _______ dinner early. (have)

9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ____________ the rain. (miss)

10. I’m still looking for a job, but i hope __________ something soon. (find)

Đáp án:

1 – watching

2 – to go

3 – going

4 – waiting

5 – to go

6 – barking

7 – to call

8 – having

9 – missing

10 – to find

Ex 3. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. She is good at (dance) ………………. .

2. He is crazy about (sing) ………………. .

3. I don’t like (play) ………………. . cards.

4. They are afraid of (swim) ………………. in the sea.

5. You should give up (smoke) ……………….

Đáp án:

1. Dancing 2. Singing 3. Playing 4. Swimming 5. Smoking

Ex 4. Multiple choice

1. I dream about …. (build) a big house.

A. To build

B. Build

C. Building

2. I learned …… (ride) the bike at the age of 5

A. To ride

B. Riding

C. Ride

3. She doesn’t mind …. (work) the night shift.

A. Working

B. To work

C. Work

4. The man asked me how …. (get) to the airport.

A. To get

B. Getting

C. Get

5. I can’t imagine Peter …. (go) by bike.

A. To go

B. going

C. Went

6. He agreed …. (buy) a new car.

A. To buy

B. Buying

C. Buy

7. The question is easy …. (answer).

A. To answer

B. Answer

C. Answering

8. I look forward to …. (see) you at the weekend.

A. See

B. Seeing

C. no see

9. The teacher expected …. Sarah (study) hard.

A. To study

B. Studying

C. Study

10. I enjoy … (write) picture postcards.

A. Writing

B. To write

C. Write

Đáp án:

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A

Ex 5. Rewrite the sentences:

1. I like making crafts especially bracelet.

-> I enjoy………………………………………………….

2. Minh doesn’t like making models because it is very boring.

-> Minh detests …………………………………

3. My brother likes making pottery because it is a creative activity.

-> My brother is hooked………………………………

4. Ngoc hates sitting at the computer for too long.

-> Ngoc dislikes …………………………………

5. We enjoy doing gardening because it is very relaxing.

-> We are keen ……………………………………

Đáp án:

1. I enjoy making crafts especially bracelet

2. Minh detests making models because it is very boring

3. My brother is hooked on making pottery because it is a creative activity

4. Ngoc dislikes sitting at the computer for too long.

5. We are keen on doing gardening because it is very relaxing.

Ex 6. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.

1. We decided _____ (buy) a new car.

2. They’ve got some work _____ (do).

3. Peter gave up _____ (smoke) .

4. He’d like _____ (fly) an aeroplane.

5. I enjoy _____ (write) picture postcards.

6. Do you know what _____ (do) if there’s a fire in the shop?

7. Avoid _____ (make) silly mistakes.

8. My parents wanted me _____ (be) home at 11 o’clock.

9. I dream about _____ (build) a big house.

10. I’m hoping _____ (see) Lisa.

Đáp án:

1. to buy

2. to do

3. smoking

4. to fly

5. writing

6. to do

7. making

8. to be

9. building

10. to see

Ex 7. Give the correct form.

1. The children prefer ( watch) TV to ( read) books.

2. The boys like ( play) games but hate ( do) lessons.

3. Would you like ( go) now or shall we wait till the end?

4. I can’t find my favorite book. You ( see) it?

5. We used ( dream) of a television set when we (be) small.

6. Would you mind ( show ) me how ( send) an email?

7. He always think about (go) swimming.

8. She dislikes (do) a lot of housework.

9. My children enjoy ( read) books.

10. She looked forward to (see) you.

Đáp án:

1. watching – reading

2. playing – doing

3. to go

4. have …seen

5. to dream – were

6. showing – to send

7. going

8. doing

9. reading

10. seeing

Ex 8. Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc

1. They are used to (prepare) new lessons.

2. By ( work) day and night , he succeeded in ( finish) the job in time.

3. His doctor advised him ( give) up ( smoke).

4. Please stop (talk). We will stop (eat) lunch in ten minutes.

5. Stop ( argue) and start( work).

6. I like ( think) carefully about things before ( make) decision.

7. Ask him ( come) in. Don`t keep him ( stand) at the door.

8. Did you succeed in ( solve) the problem?

9. Don’t forget ( lock) the door before (go) to bed.

10. Don’t try ( persuade) me . Nothing can make me ( change) my mind.

Đáp án:

1. preparing

2. working – finishing

3. to give up – smoking

4. talking – to eat

5. arguing – to work

6. to think – making

7. to come – standing

8. solving

9. to lock – going

10. to persuade

Ex 9. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc sau đây thành dạng To V hoặc V-ing.

1. Nam suggested ________ (talk) the children to school yesterday.

2. They decided _________ (play) tennis with us last night.

3. Mary helped me ________ (repair) this fan and _______ (clean) the house.

4. We offer ________ (make) a plan.

5. We required them ________ (be) on time.

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him _______ (go) here alone.

7. Before ________ (go) to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

8. Minh is interested in ________ (listen) to music before _____ (go) to bed.

9. This robber admitted ______ (steal) the red mobile phone last week.

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ________ (repair) her car.

11. It took me 2 hours _______ (buy) the clothes and shoes.

12. Do you have any money ________ (pay) for the hat?

13. Would you like ________ (visit) my grandparents in Paris?

14. Don’t waste her time ___________(complain) about her salary.

15. That questions need ___________ (reply).

16. Viet is used to ________ (cry) when he faces his difficulties.

17. It’s time they stopped ______ (work) here.

18. Will she remember _______ (collect) his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

19. Jim forgot ________ (send) this message last night.

20. Hung stopped ______ (eat) meat yesterday.

Đáp án:

1 – talking

2 – to play

3 – repair – clean

4 – to make

5 – to be

6 – to go

7 – going

8 – listening – going

9 – stealing

10 – repairing;

11 – to buy

12 – to pay

13 – to visit

14 – complaining

15 – replying

16 – crying

17 – working

18 – to collect

19 – sending

20 – to eat

Ex 10. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu dưới (nếu có).

1. Yesterday, Minh didn’t want to coming to the theater with them because he had already seen the film.

2. My brother used to running a lot but he doesn’t do it usually now.

3. They’re going to have a small party celebrating their house at 7 p.m tomorrow.

4. Wind tried to avoiding answering her questions last night.

5. Khanh don’t forget post that letter that his mother gave him this evening

Đáp án:

1. to coming ➔ to come (want + to Vinf)

2. running ➔ run (use + to Vinf)

3. celebrating ➔ to celebrate (have + to Vinf)

4. to avoiding ➔ to avoid (try + to Vinf)

5. post ➔ to post (forget + to Vinf)

Ex 11. Complete the sentences using the correct form (ing-form or to-infinitive of the verb in brackets)

1. Reliable friends are always there for you. They never fail ___________ (help) you.

2. Why don’t you stop ___________ (work) and take a rest?

3. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise ___________ (study) harder next time.

4. If you want a quiet holiday, you should avoid ___________ (go) to the coast in summer.

5. When we told him a plan, he agreed ___________ (join) our team.

6. John missed ___________ (have) dinner with his old school mates.

7. This is a very badly organized project. I will never consider ___________ (take) part in it.

8. I can’t stand my boss. I have decided ___________ (look) for another job.

9. He only wants privacy. He can’t understand people ___________ (ask) him personal questions.

10. Do you ever regret ___________ (not study) at university, Peter?

11. The horses struggled ___________ (pull) the wagon out of the mud.

12. Anita demanded ___________ (know) why she had been fired.

Đáp án:

1. Reliable friends are always there for you. They never fail ______to help_____ (help) you.

2. Why don’t you stop _____working______ (work) and take a rest?

3. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise _____to study______ (study) harder next time.

4. If you want a quiet holiday, you should avoid _____going______ (go) to the coast in summer.

5. When we told him a plan, he agreed _____to join______ (join) our team.

6. John missed _____having______ (have) dinner with his old school mates.

7. This is a very badly organized project. I will never consider _____taking______ (take) part in it.

8. I can’t stand my boss. I have decided _____to look______ (look) for another job.

9. He only wants privacy. He can’t understand people _____asking______ (ask) him personal questions.

10. Do you ever regret _____not studying______ (not study) at university, Peter?

11. The horses struggled ____to pull_______ (pull) the wagon out of the mud.

12. Anita demanded _____to know______ (know) why she had been fired.

Ex 12. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive:

1) She delayed _____ (get) out of her bed.

2) He demanded _____ (speak) to the director.

3) I offered _____ (help) you with your homework.

4) I miss _____ (go) to the Ky Co beach.

5) We postponed _____ (do) my project.

6) I’d hate _____ (arrive) too early.

7) She admitted _____ (steal) her mother’s money.

8) I chose _____ (work) near my flat.

9) She waited _____ (buy) a kilo of oranges.

10) I really appreciate _____ (be) on summer holiday.

11) I couldn’t help _____ (laugh) because of her funny stories.

12) It seems _____ (be) sunny and cloudy.

13) I considered _____ (move) to Korea.

14) They practised _____ (speak) French with her foreign friends.

15) Finally I managed _____ (finish) the work.

16) I really can’t stand _____ (wait) for the railway.

17) Unfortunately, we can’t afford _____ (buy) a new motorbike this year.

18) She risked _____ (be) late for the meeting.

19) I’d love _____ (come) with you.

20) I prepared _____ (go) on Tet holiday.

Đáp án:

1) She delayed ___getting__ (get) out of her bed.

2) He demanded __to speak___ (speak) to the director.

3) I offered __to help___ (help) you with your homework.

4) I miss __going___ (go) to the Ky Co beach.

5) We postponed __doing___ (do) my project.

6) I’d hate ___to arrive__ (arrive) too early.

7) She admitted _stealing____ (steal) her mother’s money.

8) I chose __to work___ (work) near my flat.

9) She waited ___to buy__ (buy) a kilo of oranges.

10) I really appreciate ___being__ (be) on summer holiday.

11) I couldn’t help __laughing___ (laugh) because of her funny stories.

12) It seems __to be___ (be) sunny and cloudy.

13) I considered __moving___ (move) to Korea.

14) They practised ___speaking__ (speak) French with her foreign friends.

15) Finally I managed __to finish___ (finish) the work.

16) I really can’t stand ___waiting__ (wait) for the railway.

17) Unfortunately, we can’t afford __to buy___ (buy) a new motorbike this year.

18) She risked __being___ (be) late for the meeting.

19) I’d love ___to come__ (come) with you.

20) I prepared ___to go__ (go) on Tet holiday.

Ex 13. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. I’m sure I gave him back the money. I remember __________________ it back to him. (give)

2. She eventually managed __________________ her bike. (repair)

3. Would you like __________________ a cup of coffee? (drink)

4. There’s no point in __________________ the matter. He has already made his decision. (discuss)

5. I prefer __________________ to skiing. (snowboard)

6. Do you mind __________________ Anita to the doctor? (bring)

7. It is difficult __________________ him. (understand)

8. We had difficulties __________________ your house. (find)

9. They decided __________________ Tennis in the afternoon. (play)

10. We expect him __________________ us on Sunday. (join)

Đáp án:

1. I’m sure I gave him back the money. I remember _________giving_________ it back to him. (give)

2. She eventually managed _________to repair_________ her bike. (repair)

3. Would you like _________to drink_________ a cup of coffee? (drink)

4. There’s no point in _________discussing_________ the matter. He has already made his decision (discuss)

5. I prefer ________snowboarding__________ to skiing. (snowboard)

6. Do you mind ________ bringing__________ Anita to the doctor? (bring)

7. It is difficult ________to understand__________ him. (understand)

8. We had difficulties _______finding___________ your house. (find)

9. They decided _________to play_________ Tennis in the afternoon. (play)

10. We expect him ______to join____________ us on Sunday. (join)

Ex 14. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. There’s no sense in __________ him. He’s not at home. (visit)

2. Elephants are known ____________ a fantastic memory. (have)

3. I let her ____________ on with her work. (get)

4. Lincole had no idea of how _______________ into the house. (get)

5. I’d rather ______________ at home than go to work. (be)

6. I crossed the road without __________ . (look)

7. We advised her _______________ a year abroad. (not spend)

8. I always dreamed of ______________ in a small house by the seaside. (live)

9. He made his friends _____________ for two hours. (wait)

10. She learned ______________ the old people with respect. (treat)

Đáp án:

1. There’s no sense in ______visiting_____ him. He’s not at home. (visit)

2. Elephants are known _______to have______ a fantastic memory. (have)

3. I let her ________get______ on with her work. (get)

4. Lincole had no idea of how ________to get________ into the house. (get)

5. I’d rather _________be_______ at home than go to work. (be)

6. I crossed the road without _____looking_______ . (look)

7. We advised her _________not to spend_______ a year abroad. (not spend)

8. I always dreamed of _________ living_______ in a small house by the seaside. (live)

9. He made his friends ______ wait_________ for two hours. (wait)

10. She learned _________to treat_______ the old people with respect. (treat)

Ex 15. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form

1. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don’t remember ___________________ (say) that.

2. The water here is not very good. I’d avoid ___________________ (drink) it if I were you.

3. I pretended ___________________ (be) interested in the conversation.

4. I got up and looked out of the window ___________________ (see) what the weather was like.

5. I have a friend who claims ___________________ (be) able to speak 5 languages.

6. I like ___________________ (think) carefully about things before ___________________ (make) a decision.

7. Steve used ___________________ (be) a footballer. He had to stop ___________________ (play) because of an injury.

8. How do you ___________________ (make) this machine work ? – I’m not sure. Try ___________________ (press) the button and see what happens !

9. What do you advise me ___________________ ? (do)

10. They intend ___________________ a new house next year. (buy)

Đáp án:

1. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don’t remember _______saying _______ (say) that.

2. The water here is not very good. I’d avoid ___________drinking________ (drink) it if I were you.

3. I pretended ________to be___________ (be) interested in the conversation.

4. I got up and looked out of the window ________to see___________ (see) what the weather was

5. I have a friend who claims _____to be_____ (be) able to speak 5 languages.

6. I like ______to think______ (think) carefully about things before ______making______ (make) a decision.

7. Steve used _____to be______ (be) a footballer. He had to stop _______playing____ (play) because of an injury.

8. How do you _______make__ (make) this machine work ? – I’m not sure. Try ____pressing____ (press) the button and see what happens !

9. What do you advise me ___to do____ ? (do)

10. They intend ____to buy_____ a new house next year. (buy)

Ex 16. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form

1. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________ (smoke).

2. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.

3. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.

4. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.

5. He’d better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work) harder.

6. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and __________________ (play) the saxophone.

7. You’d better __________________ (start) __________________ (dig) the garden.

8. I expected someone __________________ (pick) up these papers.

9. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal __________________ (not attack) Rome.

10. It was interesting __________________ (watch) our cat __________________ (play).

Đáp án:

1. She promised _______not to object_____ (not object) to his _______smoking______ (smoke).

2. They continued _______to eat/ eating_______ (eat) after the interruption.

3. I am not in the habit of ______smoking ______ (smoke) in the car.

4. Ann reminded me ______ to finish_____ (finish) my work on time.

5. He’d better ______get_____ (get) used to _________working______ (work) harder.

6. I am capable of _____standing______ (stand) on my head and ______playing_____ (play) the saxophone.

7. You’d better ______start________ (start) _____digging______ (dig) the garden.

8. I expected someone _______to pick________ (pick) up these papers.

9. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal ________not attacking R_____ (not attack) Rome.

10. It was interesting _________to watch_________ (watch) our cat _______playing______ (play).

Ex 17. Gerund or Infinitive (with or without TO). Fill in the correct form !

1. When I’m tired I enjoy _________ (WATCH) television.

2. I don’t regret _________ (SAY) what I did.

3. I don’t want to risk _________ (MISS) the train because of you.

4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind _________ (WAIT).

5. I hope _________ (FIND) a new job soon.

6. I can’t remember _________ (LEND) you any money.

7. She didn’t mention _________ (HAVE) met me the other day.

8. Why does she keep _________ (ASK) me the same questions?

9. Can you make that dog stop _________ (BARK)? It drives me mad.

10. It was a beautiful day, so Mary and I decided _________ (GO) for a walk.

Đáp án

1. When I’m tired I enjoy _____WATCHING____ (WATCH) television.

2. I don’t regret ____ SAYING_____ (SAY) what I did.

3. I don’t want to risk ____MISSING_____ (MISS) the train because of you.

4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ____WAITING _____ (WAIT).

5. I hope ____TO FIND_____ (FIND) a new job soon.

6. I can’t remember _____LENDING____ (LEND) you any money.

7. She didn’t mention _____HAVING____ (HAVE) met me the other day.

8. Why does she keep _____ASKING____ (ASK) me the same questions?

9. Can you make that dog stop _____BARKING____ (BARK)? It drives me mad.

10. It was a beautiful day, so Mary and I decided ____TO GO_____ (GO) for a walk.

Ex 18. Complete the sentence with To V or V_ing.

1. They told me that my old car isn’t worth ________ (REPAIR).

2. My mother’s birthday was yesterday and I forgot ________ her (CALL).

3. I don’t feel like ________ to the concert tonight (GO).

4. I wouldn’t be so angry if he had apologized for ________ my notebook (TAKE).

5. At first she refused, but then , after a while, I persuaded her ________ me a look into her diary. (GIVE)

6. These suitcases are heavy . Would you mind ________ them (CARRY).

7. When we were children our mother used ________ stories to us (READ).

8. She spoke so quickly that I had difficulty ________ her. (UNDERSTAND)

9. It was a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed ________ to his friends (TALK).

10. We thought we were going to arrive late, but somehow we managed ________ there in time (GET).

Đáp án

1. They told me that my old car isn’t worth ____REPAIRING____ (REPAIR).

2. My mother’s birthday was yesterday and I forgot ____TO CALL____ her (CALL).

3. I don’t feel like ____GOING____ to the concert tonight (GO).

4. I wouldn’t be so angry if he had apologized for ____TAKING____ my notebook (TAKE).

5. At first she refused, but then , after a while, I persuaded her ____TO GIVE____ me a look into her diary. (GIVE)

6. These suitcases are heavy . Would you mind ____CARRYING____ them (CARRY).

7. When we were children our mother used ____TO READ____ stories to us (READ).

8. She spoke so quickly that I had difficulty ____UNDERSTANDING____ her. (UNDERSTAND)

9. It was a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed ____TALKING____ to his friends (TALK).

10. We thought we were going to arrive late, but somehow we managed ____TO GET____ there in time (GET).

Ex 19. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. He wasn’t used ________________ on the right side of the road. (drive)

2. Would you rather ________________ to a restaurant or eat at home. (go)

3. There was a fence people from ___________ on the grass. (walk)

4. He refused ________________ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

5. I agreed ________________ him if he is in trouble. (help)

6. I’m too old ________________ my habits now. (change)

7. I let her ________________ on with her work. (get)

8. Please stop ________________ . You’re making me nervous. (whisper)

9. He was silly enough ________________ into the pond without ________________ first.
(dive, look)

10. I enjoy ________________ alone. I never feel lonely. (be)

Đáp án

1. He wasn’t used _______TO DRIVING________ on the right side of the road. (drive)

2. Would you rather _________GO_______ to a restaurant or eat at home. (go)

3. There was a fence people from ___WALKING___ on the grass. (walk)

4. He refused _______TO TELL_________ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

5. I agreed ________TO HELP________ him if he is in trouble. (help)

6. I’m too old _________TO CHANGE_______ my habits now. (change)

7. I let her _________GET_______ on with her work. (get)

8. Please stop __________WHISPERING______ . You’re making me nervous. (whisper)

9. He was silly enough ______TO DIVE_____ into the pond without _____LOOKING___ first.
(dive, look)

10. I enjoy _______BEING____ alone. I never feel lonely. (be)

Ex 20. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets – Gerund or Infinitive

1. He is interested in _________basketball. (PLAY)

2. When he grows up he wants________ a teacher. (BE)

3. I am used to _______ up late. (STAY)

4. He advised me ______ a doctor. (SEE)

5. The teacher doesn’t allow _____ in our school. (SMOKE)

6. The man was caught ______ (STEAL)

7. Would you mind _______ for a few minutes (WAIT)

8. They decided _____ an urgent meeting next week. (HOLD)

9. Why do you keep on ______ me angry ? (MAKE)

10. He insisted on ______ with us (COME)

Đáp án

1. He is interested in _____playing____basketball. (PLAY)

2. When he grows up he wants____to be____ a teacher. (BE)

3. I am used to ____staying___ up late. (STAY)

4. He advised me __to see____ a doctor. (SEE)

5. The teacher doesn’t allow ___to smoke__ in our school. (SMOKE)

6. The man was caught ___stealing___ (STEAL)

7. Would you mind ___waiting____ for a few minutes (WAIT)

8. They decided ___to hold__ an urgent meeting next week. (HOLD)

9. Why do you keep on ___making___ me angry ? (MAKE)

10. He insisted on ___coming___ with us (COME)

Ex 21. Fill in the correct form of the verb – Gerund or infinitive (with or without “TO)

1. I wouldn’t be so angry if he had apologized for _______ my notebook (TAKE).

2. These suitcases are heavy. Would you mind _________ them (CARRY).

3. When we were children, our mother used _______ stories to us (READ).

4. She spoke so quickly that I had difficulty ________ her. (UNDERSTAND)

5. It was a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed ________ to his friends (TALK).

Đáp án

1. I wouldn’t be so angry if he had apologized for ___taking____ my notebook (TAKE).

2. These suitcases are heavy. Would you mind ____carrying_____ them (CARRY).

3. When we were children, our mother used ___to read____ stories to us (READ).

4. She spoke so quickly that I had difficulty ___understanding_____ her. (UNDERSTAND)

5. It was a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed ____talking____ to his friends (TALK).

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