50 bài tập Would like có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Would like có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Would like và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Would like có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Would like

Sử dụng như một lời đề nghị hoặc mời ai đó

Cấu trúc

Would you like + N/to infinitive…?

Ví dụ:

– Would you like to have dinner with us on Sunday?

– Would you like some rice?

– Would you like a cup of tea?

– Would you like to go to a picnic?

Would you like to go to the park this weekend?

– I would like a chocolate bar, please.

Cách trả lời

Chấp nhận lời mời/đề nghị:

– Yes, I would

– Yes, please


– Yes, I’d love to.

Từ chối lời mời/đề nghị:

– No, thank you

– I am sorry, I can’t….

– I would love to…,but…

Ví dụ:

– Would you like some rice? – Yes, please.

– Would you like a cup of tea? – No, thank you.

– Would you like to go to a picnic this weekend? – I would love to go a picnic but I have to go to the movie with my boyfriend.

Hỏi về ước muốn của ai đó một cách lịch sự

Cấu trúc: What + would + S + like?

Để đặt câu hỏi, ta chỉ cần thay thê chủ ngữ bằng một trong các đại từ: you, they, he, she, hoặc tên người.

Ví dụ:

– What would you like?

– What would Mike like?

– What would they like?

Cách trả lời

Trả lời theo cấu trúc: S + like + N/to infinitive…

Ví dụ:

– What would you like, sir? – I’d like a pizza.

– What would they like? – They’d like to go to Korea.

– What would you like to be in the future? -I’d like to be a doctor.

– What would Bill like? – He’d like to go to see the movie after work.

– What would you like, Tom? – I’d like cappuccino, please.

II. Bài tập Would like

Bài 1. Điền would hoặc do vào chỗ trống

1. _____ you like a glass of water?

2. _____ you like living in Australia?

3. _____ you like more sugar for your coffee?

4. _____ you like practicing English?

5. _____ you like some more food?

6. _____ you like some water?

7. _____ you like to go to the movies this evening?

8. _____ you like to go to the movies? (generally speaking)

9. _____ you like your job?

10. _____ you like dancing?

Đáp án:

1. Would

2. Do

3. Would

4. Do

5. Would

6. Would

7. Would

8. Do

9. Do

10. Do

Bài 2. Đặt câu với các tình huống sau, sử dụng cấu trúc would like

1. You want to invite your crush to go to the prom with you.

2. You are hungry and your mom asks you what to have for dinner.

3. You see a nice dress and tell the salesperson about that dress.

4. You want to ask whether your father wants to have lunch with you or not.

5. You want to offer your lover a cup of tea.

6. The waitress brings you the wrong order and you want to change it.

7. You feel tired and have to decline the invitation from your friends.

Đáp án:

1. Would you like to go to the prom with me?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

3. I would like to purchase this dress.

4. Father, would you like to have lunch with me?

5. Honey, would you like a cup of tea?

6. Excuse me, I’d like a cup of coffee, this is the wrong order.

7. I’m sorry, but I’d like to rest for now.

Bài 3: Điền would hoặc do vào chỗ trống

1. _____ you like a glass of water?

2. _____ you like living in Australia?

3. _____ you like more sugar for your coffee?

4. _____ you like practicing English?

5. _____ you like some more food?

6. _____ you like some water?

7. _____ you like to go to the movies this evening?

8. _____ you like to go to the movies? (generally speaking)

9. _____ you like your job?

10. _____ you like dancing?

Đáp án:

1. Would

2. Do

3. Would

4. Do

5. Would

6. Would

7. Would

8. Do

9. Do

10. Do

Bài 4: Đặt câu sử dụng Would You Like với các tình huống sau

1. You want to invite your crush to go to the prom with you.

2. You are hungry and your mom asks you what to have for dinner.

3. You see a nice dress and tell the salesperson about that dress.

4. You want to ask whether your father wants to have lunch with you or not.

5. You want to offer your lover a cup of tea.

6. The waitress brings you the wrong order and you want to change it.

7. You feel tired and have to decline the invitation from your friends.

Đáp án:

1. Would you like to go to the prom with me?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

3. I would like to purchase this dress.

4. Father, would you like to have lunch with me?

5. Honey, would you like a cup of tea?

6. Excuse me, I’d like a cup of coffee, this is the wrong order.

7. I’m sorry, but I’d like to rest for now.

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng cho những câu dưới đây

1. Would you like something ____?

A. to eat

B. eating

C. have drunk

D. drinking

2. Where would you like ____ to?

A. travel

B. to travel

C. traveling

D. are travel

3. I would like ____ for breakfast.

A. some milk

B. a orange

C. some apple

D. a apple

4. Would you like some lemonade? – ______

A. Yes, thanks.

B. No, I’d love to.

C. Yes, please.

D. No, please.

5. I would like ____ a nap.

A. having

B. to go

C. take

D. to take

Đáp án

1. A

Would like + to V → chọn A: Bạn có muốn thứ gì đó để ăn không?

2. B

Would like + to V → chọn B: Bạn muốn đi du lịch ở đâu?

3. A

“Apple “ và “orange” bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm nên đi với “an” → loại B, D

“Apple” là danh từ đếm được nên khi đi với some phải ở dạng số nhiều → loại C

4. C

Tạm dịch: Vâng, làm ơn.

5. D

Would like + to V → loại A, C

Cụm từ take a nap: chợp mắt, có một giấc ngủ ngắn

Bài 6 Đặt câu sử dụng Would You Like với các tình huống sau

1.You want to invite your friend to go to the park with you.

2. You want to ask if your friend wants to have lunch with your family.

3.You want to offer your friend a cup of coffee.

4.You want to ask whether your customer wants pudding for dessert or not.

5.You want to invite your crush to go to the prom with you.

Đáp án

1. Would you like to go to the park with me?

2. Would you like to have lunch with my family?

3. Would you like a cup of coffee?

4. Would you like pudding for dessert?

5. Would you like to go to the prom with me?

Xem thêm các dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập Cấu trúc Not Until và Only When có đáp án

Bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather có đáp án

Bài tập Tính từ ghép có đáp án

Bài tập Đại từ bất định có đáp án

Bài tập Cấu trúc Not Only…But Also có đáp án

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