50 bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather có đáp án

Với 50 bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather có đáp án

I. Lý thuyết cách làm Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather

1. Prefer:

– Thường bạn có thể dùng “Prefer to (do)” hoặc “Prefer – Ving” để diễn tả bạn thích điều gì đó hơn.

Ex: I don’t like cities. I prefer to live in the country (hoặc I prefer living in the country.)

(Tôi không thích thành phố. Tôi thích sống ở nông thôn hơn)

– Ngoài ra ‘Prefer’ còn có cấu trúc sau:

+ Prefer sth to sth


I prefer this dress to the one you were wearing yesterday.

(Anh thích bộ quần áo này hơn chiếc bộ em đã mặc ngày hôm qua.)

+ Prefer doing sth to doing sth = prefer to do sth rather than (do) sth


I prefer flying to travelling by train.

(Tôi thích đi máy bay hơn là đi bằng xe lửa.)

Anh prefers to live in Haiphong city rather than (live) in Ha Noi .

(Anh thích sống ở thành phố Haiphong hơn là sống ở Ha Noi)


2. Would prefer:

“Would prefer” để nói tới điều ta muốn làm trong một tình huống cụ thể nào đó (không phải chung chung):

– “Would prefer sth (+ or+sth)” (thích cái gì ‘hơn cái gì’)


“Would you prefer tea or coffee?” – “Coffee, please.”

(Anh muốn uống trà hay cà phê vậy?” ” Cà phê.

– “Would prefer to do”:


“Shall we go by train?” – “Well, I’d prefer to go by car.”=> không nói ‘going’.

(Chúng ta đi xe lửa nhé? Ồ tôi thích đi xe hơi hơn.)

I’d prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.

(Tối nay tôi thích ở nhà hơn là đi xem phim.)

3. Would rather:

– Would rather ‘do’ sth = would prefer ‘to do’ st.


“Shall we go by train?”- “Well, I’d prefer to go by car.”

(Chúng ta đi xe lửa nhé?”- “Ồ, tôi thích đi xe hơi hơn.” (hoặc “Well, I’d rather go by car.”)


Câu phủ định là: would rather not ‘do’ sth.


I’m tired. I’d rather not go out this evening, if you don’t mind.

(Tôi cảm thấy mệt. Tôi không muốn đi chơi tối nay, nếu anh không giận.)

“Do you want to go out this evening?” “I’d rather not.

(“Bạn muốn đi chơi tối nay không?” “Tôi không muốn.”)

– Ngoài ra ‘Would rather’ còn có cấu trúc sau:

+ Would rather do something than (do) something


I’d rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

(Tối nay tôi thích ở nhà hơn là đi xem phim.)

+ Would rather you ‘did’ st: Dùng khi bạn muốn người khác làm một điều gì đó.


“Shall I stay here?” “I’d rather you came with us.”

(“Tôi ở lại đây nhé?” “Tôi muốn anh đi với chúng tôi hơn.”)

“Shall I tell them the news?” “No, I’d rather they didn’t know.”

(“Tôi nói cho họ biết tin nhé?” “Không tôi muốn họ không biết.”)

“Shall I tell them or would you rather they didn’t know?”

(“Tôi sẽ nói với họ nhé hay là anh không muốn cho họ biết?”)


– Trong cấu trúc này chúng ta dùng thì Quá khứ (came, did v.v…) nhưng ý nghĩa lại là hiện tại hoặc tương lai, chứ không phải quá khứ.

Hãy so sánh:

I’d rather cook the dinner now. (Tôi muốn nấu bữa tối ngay bây giờ.)


I’d rather you cooked the dinner now.=> không nói ‘I’d rather you cook’.

(Anh muốn em nấu bữa tối ngay lúc này.)

+ Dạng phủ định là “would rather you didn’t…”


I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.

(Tôi không muốn anh nói với ai những gì tôi đã nói.)

“Do you mind if I smoke?” “I’d rather you didn’t.”

(“Anh có phiền không nếu tôi hút thuốc?” “Tôi mong anh đừng hút.”)

II. Bài tập Cấu trúc Prefer, Would Prefer, Would Rather

Ex 1. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1) He ‘d like to go to Canada whereas his wife __________________ go to Mexico.

A. would prefer

B. would prefer to

C. would rather to

2) Her husband __________________ rent a house.

A. would prefer

B. would rather

C. would rather to

3) Mrs Martin __________________ to stay in a hotel.

A. prefer

B. would rather

C. would prefer

4) My sister would like to have fun on Bondi Beach but I would __________ to go on a cruise.

A. prefer to

B. rather to

C. prefer

5) My wife would like to rent a house in New York but I would __________________ camp in the desert.

A. rather to


C. rather

6) My wife would like to visit a museum, but I would __________________ to go to Ayers Rock

A. like

B. rather

C. prefer

7) I would __________________ become a scuba diver.

A. rather to

B. rather

C. prefer

8) I would __________________ not to become a computer programmer.

A. prefer

B. prefer to

C. rather

9) I would __________________ buy this cake because I prefer the taste.

A. rather to

B. rather

C. prefer

10) I would __________________ not rent a house in the Outback.

A. rather

B. prefer

C. rather to

11) I prefer coffee ______ tea.

A. than

B. to

C. from

12) I don’t fancy the theatre again. I’d rather ________ to the cinema.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

13) Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer ________ in the mountains.

A. walk

B. walking

14) I’d rather speak to him in person __________ things over the phone.

A. to discuss

B. to discussing

C. than discuss

15) I prefer trains _______ cars.

A. than

B. to

C. from

16) I’m not a big fan of cars; I prefer _________ by train.

A. travel

B. travelling

17) If I had a choice I think I’d rather ___________

A. live in Paris than in London

B. live in Paris to London

C. to live in Paris than London

18) They’d rather have lunch inside, but I’d prefer ________ outside in the garden.

A. eat

C. to eat

A. eating

Đáp án:

1) would prefer to

2) would rather

3) would prefer

4) prefer

5) rather

6) prefer

7) rather

8) prefer

9) rather

10) rather

11) to

12) go

13) walking

14) than discuss

15) to

16) traveling

17) to live in Paris than London

18) to eat

Ex 2.

1, I usually have tea, but today I’d prefer___ coffee, please

A. have

B. having

C. to have

2, I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer ___ on a sandy beac

A. lying

B. lie

C. to lie

3, John ___ voleyball to football.

A. prefer

B. prefers

C. to prefer

D. prefering

4, I ___ watching TV to ___ to the radio.

A. prefer / listen

B. prefer / listening

C. prefer / listens

D. prefers / listening

5, They prefer _____

A. cake making to biscuit

B. biscuit to make a cake

C. making a cake to biscuit

D. make biscuit to cake

6, “Which one is wrong?”

A. Jane and Judy don’t prefer talking to sleeping.

B. Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping.

C. Do Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?

D. Does Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?

7, Would you prefer _____ a comedy film rather than a horror movie?

A. watched

B. watching

C. to watching

D. to watch

8, She would prefer _____ rather than lose her money.

A. dying

B. dies

C. die

D. to die

9, I would prefer cinema _____ theater.

A. by

B. from

C. to

D. rather than

10, Sally would prefer to drive there _____ go by plane.

A. then

B. to

C. rather then

D. rather than

Đáp án:

1, C 2, A 3, B 4, B 5, C
6, D 7, D 8, D 9, C 10, D

Ex 3. Choose the correct option.

1. She …………………. eat a salad than a hamburger.

would rather prefer

2. They ……………….. dogs. They don’t like cats.

would rather prefer

3. I …………………. stay home today.

would rather prefer

4. We ………………….. watching basketball.

would rather prefer

5. Usually people ……………………. warm weather.

would rather prefer

Đáp án:

1. would rather

2. prefer

3. would rather

4. prefer

5. prefer

Ex 4. Choose the correct option.

1. I…………………..buy the blue shirt.

2. Why do you…………………..going out with Tom?

3. I…………………..have the meeting at 6 pm.

4. Normally, we…………………..going to the beach.

5. I…………………..watch the football game.

Đáp án:

1. would rather

2. prefer

3. would rather

4. prefer

5. would rather

Ex 5. Rewrite using would rather

1. I would like you to go home now.


2. I would prefer to go in December rather than in May.


3. I prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.


4. I prefer to walk rather than drive.


5. I want you to stay in a hostel rather than in a hotel.


6. I would like you to find a job.


7. He would face the enemy rather than surrender.


8. They would like to build a new house instead of repairing the old one.


9. We would like you to go bed now.


10. We would like you to do the work yourself.


Đáp án:

1. I would rather you went home now.

2. I would rather go in December than in May.

3. I would rather start early than leave everything to the last minute.

4. I would rather walk than drive.

5. I would rather you stayed in a hostel than in a hotel.

6. I would rather you found a job.

7. He would rather face the enemy than surrender.

8. They would rather build a new house than repair the old one.

9. We would rather you went to bed now.

10. We would rather you did the work yourself.

Ex 6.

1. He would rather (play) video games than (study) for the exam.

2. Mary would rather her brother (not join) the military.

3. The children prefer (play) in the park to (stay) indoors.

4. The boss would rather the employees (finish) the report today.

5. We would rather (go) to the beach last weekend.

6. She would prefer (live) in a small town instead of a big city.

7. We would prefer (have) the meeting in the morning.

8. He would rather (stay up) late last night.

9. I prefer (watch) movies to (read) books.

10. The teacher would rather the students (pay) more attention in the last lesson.

Đáp án

1. play – study

2. didn’t join

3. playing – staying

4. finish/finished/have finished/had finished

5. have gone

6. to live

7. to have

8. have stayed up

9. watching – reading

10. had paid

Ex 7. Điền vào chỗ trống.

1. I prefer milk…tea.

2. I…to go out for a while…stay at home alone.

3. She…to have a long vacation with her family after the business trip.

4. She…become an art director.

5. I…not to do my homework.

6. My dad would like to go to Korea but my mother would…to visit China.

7. I love watching movie but I prefer…in the cinema.

Đáp án

1. to

2. would prefer/than

3. would prefer

4. would rather

5. would prefer

6. prefer

7. to watch/watching

Ex 8. Điền vào chỗ trống prefer/would prefer

1. She … drinking a cup of coffee.

2. We … going abroad on a long vacation.

3. Why do you … to attend a concert rather than watch it live?

4. I … to work part-time rather than work full-time.

5. I like both Harry Potter and Peaky Blinders. But I … Harry Potter.

Đáp án

1. prefers

2. prefer

3. prefer/ would prefer

4. prefer/ would prefer

5. prefer

Ex 9. Make sentences

1. My sister/ prefer/ Twitter/ Facebook.

2. I/ prefer/ travel/ my family.

3. They/ would prefer/ us/ perform/ stage.

4. She/ would prefer/ study/ herself/ rather than/ work/friends.

5. I/ be/ big fan/ cakes/ I/ prefer /eat/ bread.

6. I/ would prefer/ take exercise/ morning/ afternoon.

7. I/ prefer/ donate/ charity/ rather than/ do/ volunteering work.

8. I/ would rather/ you/ clean/ bathroom/ after/ use.

9. I/ prefer/ be/ psychologist/ become/ lawyer.

10. I/ would prefer/ watch movie/ movie theater/ once/month.

Đáp án

1. My sister prefers Twitter to Facebook.

2. I prefer traveling with my family.

3. They would prefer us to perform on the stage.

4. She would prefer to study on her own rather than work with friends.

5. I am a big fan of cakes but I prefer eating bread.

6. I would prefer take exercise in the morning rather than afternoon.

7. I prefer to donate to charity rather than do volunteering work.

8. I would rather you to clean the bathroom after using.

9. I prefer being a psychologist to becoming a lawyer.

10. I would prefer to watch movies in the movie theater once a month.

Ex 10. Hoàn thành câu với từ cho trước và sử dụng từ 2-5 từ.

1. She likes magazines more than newspapers. (Prefers)

She …………………………………………. newspapers.

2. Hero would rather play badminton than do his household chores. (Prefer)

Hero would ……………………………. than do his household chores.

3. Jack’s parents would rather him didn’t use money too much like that. (Not)

Jack’s parents prefer him …………………………………. money too much like that.

4. Max thinks that staying at home is better than going to clubs. (To)

Max prefers staying ………………………………………………………… to clubs.

5. I’d rather you didn’t disturb me while I’m working. (If)

I’d prefer ……………………………………………. disturb me while I’m working.

Đáp án

1. She prefers magazines to newspapers.

2. Hero would prefer to play badminton rather than do his household chores.

3. Jack’s parents prefer him not to use money too much like that.

4. Max prefers staying at home to going to clubs.

5. I’d prefer it if you didn’t disturb me while I’m working.

Ex 11. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây với các gợi ý có sẵn

be an engineer

study Chinese

not go out

stay home

lie on the beach

not tell you

go to an opera

go out with their friends … stay home with their parents

1. I went to the movies last night. I prefer opera to movies. I would rather ______________.

2. I studied French when I was in high school only because my parents wanted me to. I would rather ______________.

3. Jack’s parents want him to become a doctor, but he’d rather ______________.

4. I know you want to know, but I’d rather ______________. I told Marge that I’d keep it a secret.

5. Sometimes teenagers would rather ______________ than ______________.

6. I would rather ______________ right after dinner at the restaurant last night, but my friends insisted on going to the cinema.

7. Tonight, I’d really rather ______________. I want to get a good night’s sleep for the first time all week

8. I don’t want to do anything energetic. I’d rather______________.

Đáp án

1. I went to the movies last night. I prefer opera to movies. I would rather have gone to an opera.

2. I studied French when I was in high school only because my parents wanted me to. I would rather have studied Chinese.

3. Jack’s parents want him to become a doctor, but he’d rather be an engineer.

4. I know you want to know, but I’d rather not tell you. I told Marge that I’d keep it a secret.

5. Sometimes teenagers would rather go out with their friends than stay home with their parents.

6. I would rather have not gone out right after dinner at the restaurant last night, but my friends insisted on going to the cinema.

7. Tonight, I’d really rather stay home. I want to get a good night’s sleep for the first time all week

8. I don’t want to do anything energetic. I’d rather lie/ be lying on the beach.

Ex 12. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. John would rather ______________ free tomorrow.

A. is

B. was

C. be

D. will be

2. I would rather he ______________ her to his birthday party last Sunday.

A. have invited

B. had invited

C. invited

D. would invite

3. I’d rather you ______________ me now.

A. had paid

B. is paying

C. paid

D. pay

4. Peter would rather ______________ on a mattress than on the floor.

A. to sleep

B. sleeping

C. sleep

D. have slept

5. Did you go to the concert last night? ~ Yes, but I’d rather ______________ to the concert.

A. not go

B. haven’t gone

C. not have gone

D. not had gone

Đáp án

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. C

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